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12x20 - Scream: Part 2

Posted: 06/02/22 07:28
by bunniefuu
I don't know
what you want me to say.

Ms. Oh:
the allegations eli has made
on your behalf

Are very serious.

are you okay, honey?

I'm fine.

'Kay, whatever eli said,
he's mistaken.

Can this be over?

Clare, I called
the interpreter.

They confirmed you haven't
worked there in weeks,

But the forms you handed in
say otherwise.

I forged them, okay?

My co-op didn't work out,

And I didn't want anyone
to know.



Ms. Oh:
they said they dismissed you

When you became obsessed
with your mentor.

But that's not true,
is it?

Sure is.

School girl crush,
I guess.

Case closed.
Can I go?

Eli said
it went the other way.

He said your mentor
kissed you.

How could you keep this
a secret?!

I didn't!

I went to asher's boss,
but he'd already blamed me...

And she believed him.

Oh my gosh.

Mom, it's fine.

It's over.

Ms. Oh:
if he really assaulted you,

We have to go
to the police.

With what proof?

He has evidence against me -
texts, tweets, phone calls.

It's my word against his.

He will win.
I can't go through that again!

We can't let him
get away with this.

When can we talk
to them?

Don't I get a say
in this?

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Eli and maya jam loudly)

(drowned out by jam session)
have you guys seen...

Have you guys seen...
Hey! Hey!

Have you guys seen

Uh, no. Why?

No one knows
where he is!

Wow! Way to go, tris!

Way to go?!

Are we having the same
conversation here?

didn't he tell you?

I think he went to meet
that guy.

What guy?

His secret admirer.

He got a note and a flower
and everything.

Are you kidding me?!

Here I am,
freaking out,

And he's off risking
the play's opening night

To mack on some guy
he barely knows?

Ugh! Come on.
We gotta find him.

well, hold on a second.

Maybe he's getting
his first kiss.

We should probably give him
some space.

There's no time
for space!

Come on!

Come on!

I thought you'd skip this
to start picketing the play.

I'm not going
to protest.

I've been thinking about
what you said-

Sorry. One sec.

Um, has anyone seen
tristan today?

Uh, the lead in the play?

worth a shot.

what were you saying?

Uh, just that
I wanted you to know

I would never intentionally
hurt anyone and-

He probably came
to his senses!

Excuse me?

Realized how wrong the play was
and bailed.

I mean,
good on him.

Why do I have the feeling
that you people

Have something to do
with tristan going awol?

He probably just got
stage fright.

Well, can you blame him?

I mean,
with all the h*m*

You guys have been spewing
since you got here,

I'd be afraid to get up
there, too!

I forgot our fossil.
I'll be back.

Swear to me
you had nothing to do

With tristan going missing.


Swear to god!

What is the big deal?

They'll have to cancel
the play!

Isn't that what you wanted
all along?

(Guilty, haughty huff)

(Door opens)

here you go.

we'll talk more about this
after school.


hey. How was it?

Go to hell!

You needed help.

I needed ms. Oh
to call me out for lying?

It couldn't be
a secret anymore.

It won't be!

They want me to go
to the police,

With no evidence,
to get humiliated again.

The only way
I won't look foolish

When I'm questioned

Is if I plant something
on asher, tonight.

So I am asking
one last time...

Are you in?

I'm sorry.
I don't think it's right.

Then go work
on your stupid play.

I said go!

clare? Hey. Are you okay?

Not remotely, no.

Is there anything
I can do?

That son of a bitch!

Okay, how can I help?

I have an idea,

But you can't tell jake.

Okay, I won't.
I promise.

The interpreter staff
will be at the toronto

Journalism awards tonight -

An event I should rightfully
be attending -

But the office
will be empty.

So we sneak in and...

And plant some files
on his computer.


I just need you
to get us past security,

And then play look-out.


And the files?

I downloaded some software

That spoofs the "modified on"
and "created on" dates,

So it'll seem like the files
were created weeks ago.

No. I meant
what are they?

I'm gonna take some photos...
Of me -

Sexy ones.

Uh, won't that
make you look

A little more obsessed
with him?

It doesn't matter.
I'm seventeen.

He shouldn't have photos of me
on his computer,

And according to the law,

A little bit of nudity
means child pornography.

Cut and dry.
He goes to jail.

You'd really do that?

I've tried everything.

I've called every girl
he's ever worked with

And no one will admit
he did anything bad.

I have no one
to corroborate my story.

This is the only way.

By manufacturing evidence?

what about the truth?

The truth is that
asher is guilty...

And I just need some help
convincing people.

If you're willing
to take those pictures...

I'm in.

tristan's gonna be convincing
in that death scene,

Because when I find him,
I'm gonna k*ll him.

I'll try his cell again.

go easy on him tor.
He's never been in love before.

he's also never been the lead
in a musical.

This was our thing!

(Ringtone music plays,
guys laugh)

man, you lost!

isn't that his ringtone?

the west drive theme song!

oh, you should see
his face.

Put like twenty pounds
of makeup on.

You trying
to smell me?

Where did you
get that phone?

You guys hear a phone?


Can you help?

Help you pester
my teammates?

Tristan's missing -
he's gonna miss the play -

And this guy has his phone!

(scoffs) okay...

Okay, whoa.
Back up here.

Gimme the phone.



Where'd you get this?

I found it
in the hallway.

Yeah? Do you believe
this guy?

No, I don't.

me neither.

Baker, if you know
where my brother is,

You'd better 'fess up

Before your mouth ends up

On the other side
of your head.

(Slams into locker)

♪ Regrets collect
like old friends ♪

♪ Here to relive
your darkest moments ♪

♪ I can see no way ♪

♪ I can see no way ♪

♪ And all of the ghouls
come out to play ♪

♪ And every demon
wants his pound of flesh ♪

♪ But I like to keep
some things to myself ♪

♪ I like to keep
my issues drawn ♪

♪ But it's always darkest
before the dawn ♪

♪ Shake it up,
shake it up ♪

♪ Shake it up,
shake it up ♪

♪ Oh-whoa-oh! ♪

♪ Shake it up,
shake it up ♪

♪ Shake it up,
shake it up ♪

♪ Oh-whoa-oh! ♪

♪ And it's hard to dance
with a devil on your back ♪

(Tinny sound of music
playing through ear buds)

(Music from the musical
starts playing)


(Singing along)
♪ mm-mm... ♪

♪ Let the darkness
fill my mind ♪

♪ I have to do something ♪

(Musical music swells)

People are arriving,
what's your plan?


I've sent clare a dozen texts
and nothing.

I don't think
she's coming to the play.

Clare?! Wake up!

We go on in minutes
and we have no jules!

Well, do you wanna
play him?

No! What about you?
You act.

but I can't sing!

We should've had
an understudy.

Yeah, I didn't think
we'd need one.

Where the hell's tristan?!

I think we have
to shut down.


I'll do it!

Someone else smell
a terrible idea?

I know the songs.

I can pick up basic versions
of the dances.

You need a juliet
and I can play her!

but can you play him?

The play isn't missing
a juliet.

It's missing a jules.

You want me
to promote h*m*?

I want you
to promote tolerance.

I'd rather cancel the play

Than go back to juliet.

Tolerance isn't really
her speed.

Okay, fine,
I'll do it.

If tristan doesn't show up,

I'll be jules!

Okay, great!
Get warmed up,

And I'll run you
through the staging.


Everyone worked hard
on this play.

If tristan's missing
because of something I did,

It's my christian duty
to make things right.

I have to do something.

♪ 'Cause I think of him
all night ♪

♪ I have to do something ♪

At least she can sing.

♪ sometimes wrong
can feel so right... ♪

♪ If love can be so blind ♪

♪ Let the darkness
fill my mind ♪

♪ I have to do something ♪

♪ So come, gentle night ♪

♪ Let the stars fill the sky ♪

(Tristan's voice joins in)
♪ what your heart feels
is everything ♪

♪ Let me live ♪

♪ Let me love... ♪

♪ Let me try... ♪

(Door handle jostles)


I thought I came here
to meet my secret admirer

And some guys
locked the door.

They almost made you
miss the play!

No. I did this
to myself.

Answering that love note

As if someone
actually loved me.

Okay, but can we go?

so I can have my first kiss
with dave

And lie to the audience

And pretend like I have
any idea what love is?

Ugh! Tristan,
you do too know what love is.

There are four people
in this room

Who love you!

You know I love you,

And if you're worried
about your first kiss

Being with dave,


Now can we please get
to the stage?

(Opening song starts playing)


♪ two households,
both alike in dignity ♪

♪ In fair verona, ♪

♪ Where we lay our scene... ♪

Oh...i can't believe
we're doing this

Without tristan.

You ready?

I was born ready,
except I was born a girl.

Now you know
how I feel.

never fear,
the star is here!

thank god!
Get dressed, now!

♪ a pair of star-crossed lovers
take their life ♪


let's do this!



I just can't stop thinking
about something asher said.

Everything we release
into the world

Represents us forever.


So that means,
even if this works,

There is still gonna be
topless photos of me out there;

That I did this.

This isn't me.


(Approaching footsteps)

Dave as romeo:
tybalt, prepare to meet
the same fate as mercutio!

please don't call security.

why shouldn't i?

I got fired
because asher kissed me

And I complained
about it!


That's why
I interviewed you.

I was trying to find
someone else that he harassed.

But there's no one.

So maybe I led him on...
Maybe it's my fault.

I just wanted this
so bad.

Being a journalist
at the interpreter

Has been my dream

Since I was a little girl.

Maybe you should just go.

come on.

♪ You are the sun,
the moon in the night ♪

♪ You are my everything... ♪

♪ This isn't right,
please hurry ♪

Dave and tristan:
♪ it won't take another summer,
another spring, another fall ♪

♪ not a moment longer ♪

Dave and tristan:
♪ now I have you... ♪

♪ come, we must go ♪

♪ Don't need anything
at all... ♪

(Audience applauds)

ix-nay on the iss-kay!

Your mother's
coming this way!


Would you have done it?


As jules,
not juliet?

I'm still confused
about all of it,

But I didn't wanna be

For ruining the play.

Why don't you join
the chorus

For the final song?

You're already in costume.

Look at me,
I'm a mess.

Well, at least
we're not in jail.

You don't really believe

That this is your fault,

I don't know.

I let myself be alone
with him.

I let him kiss me.

I didn't tell anyone
until it was too late.

You can't blame yourself.

You can't let him win.

But I already let him win.

He pushed me to the edge,
and I almost fell off.

But you didn't.

No... I didn't.

I guess I have a second chance
to do this the right way.

I have to go
to the police.

Wow. Pretty brave.

It's the right thing
to do.

(Elevator dings)


we're leaving,
we promise.

(Jennifer sighs)

What is it?

We should talk.


Montagues & capulets:
♪ their death, our pain ♪

♪ Blood shed in vain ♪

♪ two families
divided by belief ♪

♪ divided by shame ♪

♪ Divided in grief ♪

Montagues & capulets:
♪ heaven help a world
where love is a crime ♪

♪ A plague on both our houses ♪

♪ For all time! ♪

♪ All time! ♪

♪ For all time! ♪

(rousing applause and cheers)

woo! Yeah! We did it, boy!

we totally did.

wasn't that amazing?

Listen to them cheering.
That's for you.

It's for all of us.

Thanks for making me
go out there, tor.

Can you believe we still have
seven more performances?!

I know!
Isn't it the best?

you guys gotta get ready
for curtain call.

Nice job,
by the way.

No, that's the best.

Hold me up.
Hold me up.

I can't feel my legs!


You're leaving?
What about your bow?

I need to get home.

I already have to lie
to my parents

About what I was
doing tonight

And then pray for forgiveness

For the lying -
not the play.

But I do have
to thank you.

For what?

All I've wanted
since I got to degrassi

Was to do this musical.

You gave that to me.

(Audience applauds
and cheers)

(Cheers get louder)

(Cheering and applause)

you guys were outstanding!

(Cheering and applause)

It looks so good!

(Cheering and applause)

Sounds like
they liked it.

So you didn't see it then.

There was something else
I had to do.

I went to the interpreter

And I almost put
naked photos of myself

On asher's computer.

Excuse me?

I didn't.

But I ran into jennifer,
that reporter that I talked to.

Turns out
when she was an intern,

Asher assaulted her, too.

She's going to talk
to the police?

We both are.

And I'm so sorry
that I missed opening night,

But I will come
to every other performance.

What is that line
from the play?

"The more I give to thee,
the more I have..."

We should probably stop
thinking of ourselves

As romeo and juliet.

Things didn't really work out
for those guys.


Now, about those
naked pictures...



I guess I'll have to settle
for the real thing, then.

I love you.

Forever and always.

♪ It's always darkest
before the dawn ♪

♪ Shake it up,
shake it up ♪

♪ Shake it up,
shake it up ♪

♪ Oh-whoa-oh! ♪

♪ Shake it up,
shake it up ♪

♪ Shake it up,
shake it up ♪

♪ Oh-whoa-oh! ♪