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12x16 - Never Ever: Part 2

Posted: 06/02/22 07:25
by bunniefuu
(Thunder rumbles, rain pours,
students chatter)

(Car rumbles to a stop)

Are you still thinking
about volta?

(Sighs heavily)
I was rushing.

He must have been sleeping
in the driveway.

I'm sick about it.

Can you ever
forgive me?

I'm gonna take
the day off school,

Come to work with you.

Imogen, I don't want you
to worry about me.

In fact, I refuse.

I do worry about you,

Always have
and always will.

Gps voice:
calculating route...

Destination: eight kilometres.
Turn left.

I know my brain hasn't been
cooperating with me lately-

But you're fine,
aren't you?

(Rain patters)


I should go.

Promise you'll call me
when you get to work?

can you tell me
why half the stage

Is still tape on the floor?

Flags aren't all up.
Risers are m.i.a.

You know,
not to put the pressure on...

But you're putting
the pressure on?

I need it done for tech,

Dress rehearsals,

Are you gonna get outta class
to finish it?

Eli, I have a lot
on my plate.

you committed to this.

You practically begged me
to do it.

Now, if you can't
take care of it-

I can take care of it!

If you need help,

I can handle it.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

uh, mr. A, can I get excused
from class?

Is everything okay?

Musical emergency.
She has to finish the sets.

I'm the director.

Oh, congratulations.

Not gonna happen
on a quiz day.

Take your seats.

You're available at lunch,

she has band practice.

nu-uh! Not this week,
she doesn't.

'Kay, look, I'd focus on
finishing the capulet house...

I swear, it was him.

The same weird flasher we saw
is her dad.

No way.

Oh my god, it is him.

are you listening to me?

Like father,
like daughter.


Sir, she's insane!

What's going on here?

imogen's losing it.

She just whacked my girlfriend
with a book.

It's not funny!

sorry, baby.

well, it looks like you
get outta the quiz

After all, imogen.


hey! I still have two tickets
to my game

With your name on it.

I'll let you know.

You're going to that guy's
hockey game?

Yeah. Why?
Do you care?

No, no. It's cool.

Just curious why...

You've taken him
to our place, that's all.

Uh, what do you mean,
"our place"?

It's a public garden.

Are you upset
about something?

Why would I be upset?

Uh, jake, I've hung out
with you long enough

To know when something's
bothering you.

If you don't wanna hang out
with me, tell me.

Don't lie about homework,

Then jump on the first jock
you meet.

uh, wow. Okay.

Um, a few things: one,

Dallas is actually a nice guy
and we have stuff in common.

Oh, isn't that nice.

And two, you have no right
to be mad.

You and I aren't dating.

Yeah, I know that,
I'm just surprised.

I mean...
A jock broke your heart.

Now you're finding another one
to hang out with.

Are you really going
to an ice hounds game?

You know what?
Yeah. Now I am!

P.s.: You're acting like
a jealous jerk.

(Bell rings,
jake sighs heavily)

what were you thinking?!

I was just trying to knock
some math into her?

Hitting a student with
a textbook isn't you.

What's going on?

Stress, sir.

It's a huge issue
with teens nowadays.

Well, there are other ways
to cope with stress

Than v*olence.

I'm gonna have to schedule
an appointment

With a counselor
to discuss this.

Can it wait until after
I'm done building the sets?

But I'm gotta call your dad.

Wait! I mean, I'd prefer
if you called my mom.

My dad's really busy today.

Well, uh...

She is not listed
as one of your guardians.

It must be an oversight.

Here. - - .

Natalie granger.

long distance runners,

Practice after school tonight.

Here you go.

Look at you,
upstaging the big musical!

How much did you raise?

Doesn't matter.
It's dirty money.

Yesterday, adam said
I was using my cause

To spite the play.

He's just jealous you're raising
more money than he is.

No, he's right.

My intentions started
as pure,

But when I saw
the musical posters,

I was motivated by hate.

And it wasn't about
the families anymore.

It was about making eli
and his musical suffer.

What're you gonna do?

Start by taking down
this display.

Thanks for coming,

So how many days
did I get?

Natalie granger:
you're not getting suspended.

I talked to mr. Simpson

About what you're going

With volta.

Hmm. So you're spying
on us now?

Your father and I talked.

Imogen, I'm so sorry
for your loss.

Since when do you
and dad talk?

Natalie granger:
we've always kept
in contact.

More so now -
to meet with doctors,

Check on his progress.


Natalie granger:
a few months ago,

Your father was diagnosed
with early onset dementia.

It starts with small

Lost items, forgetfulness.

A month ago,
he was at a moderate stage,

But things have progressed
more quickly

Than we expected.

I'm with him every day.
It's not that bad.

He gets dressed,
he goes to work.

He remembers a lot.

Most instances,
he'll be fine.

But at any moment
he could disconnect,

Become irritable,

Hmm. So this why
you left dad?

No. We had no way of knowing
this would happen.

So what's gonna
happen to him?

Natalie granger:
he'll have to retire early,

Get a full-time caretaker...

Eventually move
into a home.

He doesn't need a home.
He has me.

You have school,

Next year
you'll be in college.

See, this where you
and I differ.

Just because you
abandoned dad,

Doesn't mean I will.

(Crowd yells encouragements,
skates rasp on ice)

Skate! Skate! Go!

(Puck clunks against
the post)

Yeah! And not only
was jake acting

Like a jealous moron,

But I gave him numerous
chances to ask me out,

Or, I don't know,
tell me how he feels.

Instead, he just sat there
like a...

Steaming pile
of sustainable fertilizer.

all right.

Who's winning?

What're you doing here?

I love hockey.

You do not love hockey.
You're here to spy on me.


Well, I'm a jealous jerk,
aren't i?

Oh yeah, and I'm a slutty
puck bunny.

You know,
after the game,

I'm just gonna go hook up
with the entire team

And then I'm gonna wash
all their jock straps!

You said it,
not me.

Um, I'm gonna go get
an herbal tea.

You two make me anxious.
(Whistle blows)

Mare, I'm coming.

katie, wait.

okay, ladies and gentlemen,
it's that time of the evening.



if you're with that special

Grab a hold of them
and give them a great big kiss.

I like you...

And I didn't know
how to tell you before,

But if you like dallas-

I don't like dallas.

Then why are you here?

Well, you never asked me out!

I was waiting for you
to be ready.

Last time you kissed me
you cried.

I'm not sad anymore.

♪ And I'll give my love
to make you want me ♪

(Spectators cheer)

♪ And I'll give my love
to set you free ♪

♪ Set you free ♪

(Whistle blows)

Louie moreno:

dad, I've been calling you.

Louie moreno:
I was at a dissertation,
I just got home.

I talked to mom.

She told me everything.

Do you need me
to come home?

Louie moreno:
no, no. I'm just on the porch
correcting papers.

Stay there, okay?

Wait for me to get home.

I'll make dinner.

Louie moreno:
oh, that sounds nice.

Have you seen
volta's leash?

I'm gonna go take him
for a walk.

Dad, volta's dead.


Yeah. I know.

(Phone beeps off)

uh, why aren't both
houses up yet?

You know, I should never have
trusted you with this!

I knew it was way too much
for you to handle.

Imogen, i-i didn't...

What happened?

I quit.

(Bell rings)

Um, hey,
save me a seat?


Hey, I charted our data.
It looks pretty good.

Here's the write up.
A-plus material.

Nice. I thought you were great
at the game yesterday -

A true leader on the ice.

Thanks. We lost.

Oh, sorry.

Um, hey, uh...

I'm gonna get awkwardly
honest with you.

What's up?

Jake and I are kinda

Um, I've liked him
for a while,

But I was scared
that he didn't like me back.

And after seeing me
with you,

He realized
he had feelings for me.

So you were using me.

What? No. No. Never.
I just...

Really didn't wanna
get my heart broken,

So I hung out with you
instead of jake.

Um, but who am I kidding?

I mean, you probably have
a million girls

Chasing after you, right?

You know it.

Mrs. Cohen:
okay, assignments
on my desk, now.

Hey, I still wanna start
that golf team with you.

You bet.


it's okay.

All right, six tickets.
Enjoy the show.

Don't forget
to bring tissues!


(Display collapses)


Are you okay?

just getting my comeuppance

For putting this up
in the first place.

(Laughs) my hero.

You rescued me
from my own disaster.

You were right, adam.

I was being a hypocrite.
I'm sorry.

I know you have something
against eli and this musical,

But I have a feeling
you're a tiny bit curious.

I have been wondering
how eli staged

My favourite scene.

Let me guess:
act one, scene five.

When romeo and juliet
first meet -

How did you know?!

You seem like
the romantic type?


I don't know.
Come see it with me?

Let me know.

Louie moreno:
do you have any twos?

go fish.

What's that smell?

cod pie, for lunch.

Remind me,
why are we playing cards?

Since I read that it helps
with dementia symptoms.

I'm on to you.

You can't take sick days
to take care of me.

(Knock at the door)

Go fish, will ya!

You're wearing
an apron.

I have fish pie
in the oven.

So you just found out
your father isn't well

And you're baking pie?

I knew his memory
was getting worse,

I didn't want it
to be true.

Totes denial.

Now that I know,
I can help,

And fish is good
for the brain.

So are you here

'Cause eli's mad
that I quit the play?

I don't care about
the play!

I'm worried about you.

Why aren't you at school?

I've been thinking,

And I might get my diploma
from home.

Talk to simpson
about one of those

Correspondence programs.

Imogen, you can't do this
to yourself.

Then what's
the alternative?

I go on my merry way
and leave my dad

With some stranger
in a white nurse's jacket?

They're so creepy.

My great aunt
had dementia.

It only gets harder.

It's too much for you
to handle.

I'm not leaving him alone,
I am not my mother.

It's gross that you're
starting to sound like her.

Besides, you don't know
what it's like

To be this close
with a parent.

I mean, weren't you
raised by nannies?

Look, I just want you
to do what's best

For you and your father,

Before someone has to make
a hard decision for you.

Farewell, fiona.

♪ I know you tried
so hard ♪

♪ But we are
only what we are ♪

♪ I knew ♪

♪ You don't want me to go ♪

Bless us o lord
for these thy gifts,

Which we are about
to receive.

Jenna and becky:

He has really
challenged me here.

Eli? Adam? Perino?


But for a good reason.

I'm learning,
becoming a better person.

I'm glad you and adam
worked things out.

He also sorta asked me out.


I know, right?

I mean... I didn't think
he was my type,

Especially since he's working
on the musical with eli, but...

He's like, the nicest guy,
and he's funny.

Adam is pretty funny.

What will your conservative
parents think?

I'm allowed to date,

Besides, it's just friendly
right now.

We'll see where it goes.

Whaddya know about him?

Uh, I played poker
with him once.

He doesn't gamble,
does he?

it was just for fun.

Thank goodness!
You almost stopped my heart.

Wait a minute,

You panicked over
a potential gambling problem,

But the fact that he's trans
is totally fine?

He's transient?
Like, homeless?

(Sighs) becky...

Adam's a female
to male transgender.

No. He's a she?

(Sigh of disbelief)

Mmm... We shouldn't be
doing this.

Why is that?

We have work to do.

I spotted the first tomato,
ripe for the picking.

shotgun first bite.

Oh my god.

(pot smashes) dammit!

Who would do this?

dad, we're out of milk
and eggs.

I'm gonna step out
to the corner store

And get some groceries.
Do you wanna come?

Louie moreno:
no, I'll stay here
marking papers.


I'm upstairs marking papers,

Please don't interrupt.

(Shaky breath)



Fish pie didn't work.

Oh, honey...

He thought I was you

How do we stop it
from getting worse?

There are little things
we can do,

But we can't cure it.

All we can do is
be there for him.

(Tearing up)
mom, I'm so scared.

It's okay.

I'm here for you.

He k*lled volta
and he didn't remember it.



hey! Hey!
Admit what you did!

whoa, whoa, whoa!
Simmer, dragon tattoo.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You act like
you're such a big man,

But you're a coward.

You can't even man up
to your own actions.

I know what you're trying to
do, and it's not gonna work,

Because I don't care
what you think.

Well, you're not gonna
get away with this.

What do you have on me?

If you come into my house

And disrespect me
in front of my team?

You're gonna get
disrespected back.

I respected you,
I was just honest.

You know what?
You and your stupid team

Are the worst thing that ever
happened to this school.

I'm sorry to hear that,

I was just starting
to feel at home.

yeah, yeah, no worries.
I got you, man!


come on, let's go!
Who are we waiting for?

So sweet!

(Bus engine purrs,
door slides shut)

(Low hum of chatter)

I come in peace.

I understand
if you hate me -

Both of you.

what you're going

We can't imagine.

Sometimes we say things
we don't mean.

Yeah, we've all done it.

You okay?

Turns out my mom's
not so evil.

She hired a caretaker
for my dad,

And I might even live with her
every second week.

Another ultimatum?


That was my dad's request.

He said: one day
he might not be so present.

And it's important to him

That me and my mom have
a good relationship.

And eli,
I wanna apologize

For promising
the sagrada familia of sets

And delivering nada.

Did I ruin everything?

To the contrary.
You're brilliant.

(Curtain crashes down)

(Laughs in disbelief)

You like?

I love! How? When?

I convinced shop class to help,

And the teacher let it count
for marks.

you deserve a producer credit.

She deserves a producer credit!

They did a perfect job.

well, thanks to your
detailed plans.

I just needed a little help.

The stage it set.
Tickets are on sale.

The cast is alive
and well...

(Knocks on wood)

Nothing can go wrong.

I wanna cry right now,

But... I don't know have
any tears left.

♪ I get a little bit
bigger than that ♪

♪ I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was ♪