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12x12 - Waterfalls: Part 2

Posted: 06/02/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
sound of door opening)

(Louder knocking,
sound of door opening)

The door was unlocked!

It's : in the morning.
What're you doing here?

I bought as many papers
as they had.

Have you seen it yet?

The article?
No, not yet.

Good, because I want
our first time

To be together.

(Nervously) it's really not
that big of a deal.

This is a huge deal!

This article,

Written by my beautiful
and brilliant girlfriend,

Is gonna get me
into nyu!

Oh, um,
did you ever fix

That split infinini-thing
in time?

Yeah, asher ended up

A lot of the article

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's fine.

oh no.

Did asher write terrible things
about the musical?

No! No, no, no.
(Nervous inhale)

The article is amazing!

So let's just open up
the paper already!

(English accent)
m'lady, you do the honours.

(Normal voice)
drum roll, please.


(Pages rustle)

Where is it?

Well, what happened?

I thought you said
the article was amazing.


Something more pressing
probably came up.

I mean, it happens.

This article was supposed
to get me into nyu.

Don't worry.

I'll get to the bottom of it.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


I was thinking,
we need a redo.

A redo?

Yeah, a chance to get to know
each other without katie.

Uh, what do you wanna do?

This time, you pick.

Um, well, we could uh...
I don't know.

Come on,
there has to be something.

What's your dream date?

Well, I've heard the guys
talk about a garden

Or something?

Uh, maybe we could-

I'd love that!

Uh, well, I should join
the team, but...

See you after school?

hey! How's whisperhug's
next big hit comin'?

It's, um, not.

I'm sorry,
I've been...distracted.

You and the hockey guy.

Didn't think you were
"that" type.

What's that supposed
to mean?

He means you're not
a puck bunny.

Well, obviously.

Cam's not interested
in that type.


A guy like cam will be making
millions in the nhl

In a few years.

A bazillion girls would jump
at the chance to date him,

But cam chose you.

well, he hasn't chosen me yet.

(School bell rings)

if I tell you something,

Can you promise
to keep it a secret?

Cross my heart,
hope to die.

Asher kissed me

(Loudly) what?!
You kissed your boss?!


on the lips?!

I didn't kiss him.
He kissed me!

We were working late

And getting along
really well,

And then all of a sudden...

Wait, you didn't like it,
did you?

What? No!

It was wrong;
I ran out.


But now everything
is a mess.

My article was supposed to be
in the paper this morning

And now it's not...

And eli wants to know why.

You didn't tell eli?

I can't.
He would k*ll asher!

This is all my fault.

Maybe if I didn't react
so immaturely.

Clare, he's your boss!

What he did
was sexual harassment!

We have to tell ms. Oh.


This co-op position
is too important to me

To screw it up!

I'm gonna have
to talk to him,

Make things right.

emergency team meeting.

We have to win regionals

I plan to k*ll it.

Good, 'cause uh...

My mom promised
she'd go on a date if -

Scratch that! -
When we win.


Way to go, mr. T.

she got all embarrassed

About me setting her up
with a teacher

And told me to lay off
the matchmaking

And focus on school,

How could she not fall
for that accent?

I know!

He's so charming,
and smart, and funny.

Maybe you should date him.

I know if my mom
gave him a chance,

She'd see
what a great guy he is.

Well... She's coming
to the competition

Tomorrow, right?

No, I can't.
I promised I'd stay out of it.

Mr. Townsend:
(clears throat)

Good morning,
bright sparklers.

Kc, may I have a word?


I finished fact-checking
the article.


about last night-


No, um...

I really admire you...

But it's wrong

And you're my boss
and I didn't-

I understand.

You do?

I'm so sorry.

I don't know
what got into me.

I've been under
a lot of stress lately.

My wife is asking
for a divorce.

My parents got divorced
last year

And it was hard
and complicated.

All of a sudden,
I was dating my stepbrother...

But that's a long story.

The point is...

We're all happier
than ever now.

We made it through.

You are very mature
for your age.

I hope you don't
hate me.

I don't hate you,

But I need to know,

Why didn't you run
my article?

I didn't get a chance
to tell you.

I wanted to give it
the best possible real estate,

Which is why
we're running it

On friday's
"what's on" section.

sorry to interrupt,

I need you to go
to that press conference

At city hall this afternoon.

Sure thing, boss.

You didn't say anything
to anyone

About last night,
did you?

No, no,
of course not.

I won't.


You know, uh,
you wanna tag along

To this press conference?

It's a great opportunity

For a budding
young journalist.

I would love to.

Let's go.

how's the pasta salad?

It's good.

Um, you know you didn't have
to do all this though, right?

Oh, I just got it
from the cafeteria.

It's important
to load up on carbs

Before a big game.

So, who are you playing

I thought you didn't
like hockey?

Did I say that?

I meant I've never been
exposed to hockey.

We played soccer
at my house.

Uh, well, we don't have
to talk about hockey.

Tell me about
your band.

Don't be silly.

Hockey's a big part
of your life now

And I wanna know
all about it.

So is it true
you might go to the nhl?

Uh, that's what they say.

What team do you want
to play for?

(Sighs) uh...

I guess whoever
drafts me.


(Maya coughs
and spits her drink)

Oh, I'm so sorry,

I'm gonna clean that.

don't worry about it.

Um, no, no, no.
I actually-

I have another shirt
in my locker.

Um, I should go get it now
or I might miss the bus.

Right, the team needs
their star player!

Yeah, um...

Thank you for this,


Uh, good luck tonight.

uh... (Clears throat)

break a leg!

Mr. Townsend:
(talks in muffled tones)

I'm sorry about last night.

Trying to set you up
with my mom was uh...


It's all right, kc.

I'm flattered.

I just- I wanted to help
her out, you know?

She does so much for me.

Well, she sounds like
a really strong woman.

She is.
She's the best.

And what about your dad?
Is he in the picture?

He, uh, split
a long time ago,

But we're better off
without him.

So your mom is single?
(Nervous exhale)

Yes! She's, uh, totally
percent single.

Now, are we ready to kick
some bardell butt tomorrow?

Well, I made a promise
to my mom

And I don't break promises,
mr. T.

Well, I pity the fool
that tries to beat my quiz team!

(Tries to imitate mr. T)
"I pity the fool."

Oh, that's all you got?
No, you gotta get into it.

(Imitating mr. T)
I pity the fool!

(imitating mr. Townsend)
I pity the fool!

Mr. Townsend:
there we go.

the look on his face!
(Car door slams shuts)

I thought the mayor was gonna
burst a blood vessel!

How did you learn
how to do that?

Earn someone's trust
and then - wham! -

Hit them with a grenade?

I've had a few years

Forget high school,
forget university,

I wanna fast forward
to this,

Every day of my life.



You remind me of myself
when I was your age.

You know this feeling
that you have right now?

Remember it.
Never lose it.


There's something
I need to show you.

An email came through
during the press conference.

(gasps) oh my goodness!

that's me!

I can't believe
this is real.

I've been waiting for this
my whole life!

What are you doing?

Come on, clare.

Stop, please.

Clare, no one needs
to know.

(Seat belt clatters)
no! No! I'm...

okay, wait.

(desperate rustling)
I wanna leave.

(Locks click)

okay, we need to talk
about this, okay?

No, I really wanna leave!

I want to talk about this.
Clare, you're overreacting!


If you care about
your career,

You'll keep
your mouth shut!

(Car starts and peels away,
door bangs shut as it goes)


(Light knocking)

hey, there's my bright spark.

hey, you're coming to regionals
after school, right?

I wouldn't miss it
for the world.

(Smoochy kiss)


Just promise
you won't do that

In front of
my friends again?


Okay, sorry, forgot.

I will be on
my best behaviour.

I'll be the cool,

Angelina jolie mom.

(Kc laughs)

But would angelina jolie wear
that outfit for brad pitt?

What's wrong
with this outfit?


It's just that mr. Townsend's
gonna be there

And he basically told me
that he's in love with you.

Kc, what did you say
to him?


I swear.

But then he started quizzing me
about you and...

I might have told him
that you're single.

(Cringing sigh)
oh boy!

Oh, come on!

Admit it,
you like him,

And we had a deal.

Don't get ahead
of yourself.

You still have a trivia
competition to win.

Oh, I plan to win.

Oh, I need to change!

I need to get to school.

(tearful) I fought
for that co-op position!

we'll talk to ms. Oh,
get you a new placement.

but it's not fair!
I didn't do anything wrong!

I know, sweetie.

You know what?

I'm not gonna let asher
ruin co-op for me.

Forget ms. Oh,
forget a new co-op placement.

Are you sure?

I mean, you don't have
to go through this alone.

I won't let him
get away with this.

(Quiet clicking
of cell phone keys)

(Quiet message beep)

(Quiet message beep)

(Quiet clicking
of cell phone keys)

(Quiet message beep)

(laugh quietly)

Madame jean-aux:
tori, tristan,

Partagez-vous avec
la reste de classe?

Please share what
is so interesting

With the rest of class.

No, miss, wait!

Madame jean-aux:
tori, apres moi, en francais!

"Hey, puck bunny?
How was your date?"

(gasp and titter)

bonjour, lapin du puck?

Comment ca va
votre rendez-vous?

Pas pire, tori.

(chuckle happily)

Madame jean-aux:
"ah, is your hockey cutie
a good kisser?


Est-ce que ton ami de hockey
un bon kisser?

Madame jean-aux:
est-ce que ton ami de hockey
embarasse bien, maya.


Est-ce que ton ami de hockey
embrasse bien?

Tres bien!

Tristan, apres moi!

"I missed his lips
and nibbled his ear."


"Guess those millions
are down the drain."


are you aware of how serious
these accusations are?

yes, I'm aware.

I'm in a very difficult
position here.

I'm disappointed that
it had to come to this.

It seems your infatuation
with asher

Has crossed the line.

My infatuation?!

Asher filed a report
with hr yesterday

About your very
inappropriate behaviour.

We have record
of text messages,

Phone calls,
a twitter feed,

All substantiating
his claims.

He's lying!

Did you say
"I love asher shostak"?

Oh my god, I can't believe
this is happening.

Did you say it?

Yes! But not like-

I'm sorry, clare,

But we're gonna have
to let you go.

But you've got it
all wrong!

He harassed me!

(Tearful) please, as a woman,
you have to understand!

My hands are tied.

I just wanna be
a journalist.

If you're worried
about failing your course,

I'll sign your co-op papers

And we can put this
behind us.

I swear I am telling
the truth!

I'll walk you to your desk
to collect your things.

(Shocked gasps)

(School bell rings)

Campbell, wait!

I'm sorry everyone
had to hear

About our weird kiss
or nibble

Or whatever that was.


So that's it?

You just don't like me

Maybe you never liked me
at all.

Maybe the hockey guys dared you
to go out with me.

Is that it?

Please, cam,

I've never had
a boyfriend before

Or kissed a guy,

Not even spin
the bottle.

I don't know
what I'm doing!

It's not about that!

Then what?!

I thought you liked me.

Yeah, I thought
you liked me too.

I don't understand.

I thought that...

I thought that
you didn't care

About all that stuff,

Like my stupid
hockey career.

I thought I'd found
the one person at this school

Who liked me for me.

Turns out you're just like
every other girl.

No, I don't care
about that stuff,

I swear!

I like you,
the guy in the photo booth.

I just wanted you
to like me too.

I gotta go.

(Overlapping voices)

(Happy laughter)

Mr. Townsend:
dinner's on me.
I hope everyone likes nachos.



(Cell phone rings)
looks like lisa found
true love after all.

so is mr. Townsend like
your new dad now?

They haven't even gone
on a date yet.

what if they get married,
and make babies?

Little british kc's
running around;

That would be cute.

easy there.

kc, can I talk to you
for a second?

yeah, sure.

I knew it.

I saw you
and mr. T talking.

Did he ask you out?

No, it's not that.

Hey, come on,
we had a deal.

I held up my end
of the bargain

And now you have to go
on a date with someone.

I think mr. Perino's


We need to talk
about kevin.


Kevin, your dad.
He just called.

He's getting out
of jail early

And he wants to see you.

Staffer and asher:

You ruined everything!

I looked up to you!

I wanted to be
just like you!

And you took
advantage of me

Like some dumb,
naive little girl.

I'm sorry things
didn't work out

At "the interpreter"
for you.

Good luck, clare.


You sexually harassed me!

Asher shostak
sexually harassed me

And "the interpreter" will stop
at nothing to protect him!

He preys on young girls!

Don't be alone
in a room with him!

Don't touch me!

I'm leaving.

(Door bangs shut)

(Maya plays the cello)

(Playing stops)

(Light knocking)


Your sister let me in.

(Sighs loudly)
okay, look.

I thought about
what you said the other day,

And I was nervous too.

I've never had a girlfriend
before and i...

(Exhales nervously)

I really wanted to...

I just,
I didn't know...

♪ So didn't you find love ♪

♪ Or salvation ♪

♪ In what they do ♪

we can go to the police,
talk to dave's dad.

if I go to the police,

They'll make me feel like
an idiot all over again!

you don't know that.

I have no proof!

It's my word against his

And he's asher
friggin' shostak!

I'm just some dumb,
obsessed girl.

I should have listened
to you, alli.

I should have gone to ms. Oh
after that first kiss.

What about eli?

(Pained gasp)
this would k*ll him.

Or he'd k*ll asher.

I wish.

I've never seen eli
this happy before.

I can't burden him.

If you need anything,
I'm here.

aw, besties!

is everything okay?

Both: (overlapping)
yeah, we're just talking

"The notebook."

Alli leaving.

yeah, that combo is too much.
I gotta go!

(Strained laugh)

You know my birthday's
not for a couple of weeks,


Yeah, this is better
than your birthday.

(Exhales happily)

I forgot this came out today.

how does it feel?

I sacrificed a lot
to get this.

And now you'll never
forget it.

♪ How long can we ignore ♪

♪ Build a little more ♪

Oh no.

You hate the frame choice,

I'm sorry.
There weren't that many options

On such short notice.

You know,
I can take it back.

No. No.

I love you.

♪ Ooh ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

It's... It's really,
really nice.

Thank you.

No problem.

♪ Ooh ooh-ooh-ooh ♪