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12x11 - Waterfalls: Part 1

Posted: 06/02/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
we need to sell papers,

Please tell me
that one of you has a pitch

I can put on the front page.

You know what last week's
top-selling paper was?

Greg's piece on
the high-rise fire...

Red eye,
extra shot.

Thanks, newsie.

could i, maybe, stay?

Yeah, why not.

somebody say something.

Please, we don't have
all morning, people.

What have you got?

I know you won't
disappoint me.

Emergency room wait times.

I have got an exclusive
with the family of the man

Who died waiting
to be admitted.

Thank you, asher.
We've got our lead.

Anyone else?

Well, food banks
are dangerously-

If that's all,

Then I've got another
meeting to get to.

Thanks, team.

Walk before you can run.

Can you email me
today's fact-checking?

Of course.

What would I do
without you?

(Keys clack)

(Keys clack)


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it! ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

the red river rebellion

Led to the creation
of which province?


enh! Wrong.


yes! Point connor!

Okay, what province...

All right,
what was the last province

To join the confederation?

(Hugging grunt)

Mom, what happened
to you working late?

They let me off early.

How are the bright sparks?

Ready to win regionals?

kc runs a tight ship,
mrs. Guthrie.

We're going to ace
this thing.

you guys work so hard.

Who needs a snack break?

I could use I break.

We've already got snacks,

And we should really focus.

so, bianca,
tell me what's new.

Are you seeing anyone
at degrassi?

yes. Well, no.
Not at degrassi.

Drew dropped out.

still no response.

I sent that email
over fourteen hours ago.

he's probably busy.

He is asher shostak
after all.

the thought of asher shostak -
the asher shostak -

Reading my pitches?

It's nerve-wracking.

Oh, asher,
I love you!

Teach me everything
you know.

Oh, asher,

You are the greatest journalist
of all time.

Let me have your babies.

Okay, okay.
I know.

I have asher mention-itis.

But my co-op
with the interpreter

Won't last forever.

I just want to make
the most of it.

Okay, say asher reads
your pitches,

Then what?

Well, best case scenario?
I get to write an article.

worst case scenario:
he never talks to you again.

Or worst, worst case

He thinks my pitches
are terrible,

That I have zero potential
as a journalist,

And my entire career
comes to a crashing halt

Before it's even begun.

You know, I have his number
for emergencies,

Maybe I should call him.

Clare, deep breaths.
I was joking.

Yeah, eli's right;
nothing bad is gonna happen.

You're right.

After the "stuff clare says"

I need to show asher
I'm serious.

I can be calm.

(Phone rings)

Oh my god,
it's him!

Hi, asher.
How are you?

Yes. I understand.

I'll be there.

He wants to meet me
at a restaurant

For lunch.

Is that normal?

A meeting in a public place
where I can't make a scene...

Can only mean one thing:

I'm getting fired.


(Bell rings)

except for the part where jules
and romeo k*ll themselves!

I'm sorry,
but I love myself way too much

To die for someone else.

Am I right, maya?


who's "jersey boy?"

Oh, it's just a song.

You and campbell saunders?!


Hey, campbell asked me out,

But we haven't gone on
a date or anything.

Well, what're you waiting for?
It's campbell saunders,

Super cute hockey prodigy!

Would you be okay with it?

♪ I found a new love; ♪

♪ Musical theatre is my man ♪

♪ So you'd better go get cam
as fast as you caaaan! ♪

Emailing you my pitches was
completely inappropriate,

But please don't fire me.

This co-op is
the most important thing

That's ever happened
to me.

Have a seat, clare.
Have a seat.

You like ethiopian?

if you're gonna fire me,

Just do it already.

You always this neurotic?

Pretty much.

As your mentor,

It's my job
to cultivate your skills.

Pitching is
a great place to start.

You want me to pitch?
Here? Now?

Now is your chance.

Convince me you've got
a great story.


Well, I've been researching
organic farming and-

A story that hits readers
close to home.

Lrt transit.

While city councilors argue

Over the benefit of having
a lightrail on-

Name a writer
with a point of view.


Who is clare edwards?

Pitch me a story

That I can't come up with

My school is putting on
this musical,

But there's a twist...



Sorry my mom tried to make you
her new bff last night.

Oh, no sweat.
Lisa's cool.

We're going for
mani pedis later.

I'm just kidding!


No, please,
take her off my back.

She asks so many questions
all the time.

I can't handle it.

At least she's interested.

My auntie?

She's always running off
with some guy

She met at the casino.

Maybe that's it.

Mr. Townsend:
good afternoon,
trivia buffs!

Today, let's brush up
on geography.

Mr. Townsend comes
into little miss steaks

Every wednesday
for darts.

You think he's single?

What is the capitol city
of romania?

sir, are you single?

Mr. Townsend:
the capitol, ms. Desousa?


Is that somewhere you'd like
to take your girlfriend?

If I had a girlfriend,

I'd take her somewhere romantic,
like hawaii.

Next question.

What country has
the longest coastline?

Love comes in many forms

And it's about time
we see that reflected

In the stories we tell.

Why do readers care?

Why is it newsworthy?

Well, the news is filled
with stories about teens:

Bullying, hate crimes.

But there are teens

Who are also trying
to make a difference.

I think my generation's
gonna change the world,

And maybe that's naive,

That's not naive,

That's your point of view.

Wow. I came here convinced
I was getting fired

And now I'm eating
ethiopian food

With w*r correspondent
asher shostak.

We haven't even got
to the best part yet.


We're gonna write
your article.

(Laugh of disbelief)

Our little secret.


how's my gorgeous big sister?

Wow, you are good
with those shears.

Is there anything
you aren't good at?

What do you want?

Um, could you drive me
to the mall later?

It's important.

Do you have a date?

With who?
Is it that zig guy?

I can take the bus.

Oh, come on...
Who is it?

I promise I won't tell
mom and dad.

Campbell saunders.

Maya, no.
No way.

Hockey guys are bad news.

(Shears snip)

That is, like,
so typical of you,

To make an assumption
about someone

That you don't even know.

Trust me,
this is for your own good.

You'll thank me later.

You know,
just because drew dumped you,

It doesn't mean
every jock's a jerk.

(Sighs) he's sweet,
I swear.

If you met him,
you'd see.

Okay, fine.

I'll drive.


I'm chaperoning.

(Sighs, horrified)

okay. We have to act

During the interview.

No touching.

Not like you're
my boyfriend.

so you go for a lunch date
with your boss

And now I'm not allowed
to touch you?

Should I be jealous?

What? No!
Of course not.

Good. Because if anyone
got between us

I'd have to k*ll them.

Easy, dexter.

I've only got eyes for you
and you know it.

hope I'm not interrupting.


This is eli goldsworthy,
the director.

Thanks for agreeing
to the interview

On such short notice.

Yeah, no problem.

Can you do me a huge one
and run out for a coffee?

So, eli, how long have you
been doing this?

Red eye,
extra shot.

Tristan and tori:
♪ so come again tonight ♪

♪ Let the stars fill the sky ♪

♪ What your heart feels
is everything ♪

Tristan: ♪ let me live ♪
tori: ♪ let me live ♪

♪ Let me love ♪

♪ You can love ♪

♪ Let me try ♪

(Cheering and applause)

I'm sorry
it took so long;

One of the espresso machines
was broken.

Thank you.

I gotta get back
to the office.

both of you.

Oh, and look for the article
in tomorrow's paper.

Look, you didn't miss

His questions were terrible.

I don't even want him
to write the article.

Hey. Thanks to your
brilliant pitch,

This article is going
to look great

In my nyu portfolio.

I guess that's true.

And I totally get why
you're obsessed with him.

Asher had some insightful

I think I might
marry him, too.

But I had
insightful questions.

Did you tell him
about becky baker?


Well, what about
how you taught dave to act

Like he was in love
with a guy?


Asher needs to know
all those facts.

The article is gonna be
incomplete without them.

I have to go tell him.

For the sake
of the article?

For the sake of journalism!

asher! Wait.

I'm not gonna become
a better journalist

By fetching coffee.

What are you trying
to say, clare?

Be on point.

I want to write
the article.

I'm not sure
you're ready.

I'm the editor
of my school newspaper

And I've been observing you
for weeks now,

And I'm the only one
who can tell this story

From my point of view.

I like your moxie,

Okay. Sure.

Here are my notes.

I'll need it by six.

As in two hours
from now?

Unless you can't
handle it.

No! I... I can.

You won't regret this,
I promise.

(Door slams,
car starts up)

so what did you think
of the movie?

it was good, I guess.

Kinda liked
the best friend character.

Oh, the womanizer?!

Did you relate to him?

just ignore her, cam.

No. I just...
He was, well, um...

I liked how he realized
he was wasting his life,

But it was too late
to change.


So, cam...
Are you a virgin?


Cam, you don't have
to answer that.


Oh my god!
Is that drew kissing bianca?!



Sorry about katie.

She just got over
a tough break-up.

Well, at least
she's looking out for you.

Reminds me of my brother.

Do you have change?

I mean, we might as well,
while we're here.

Oh yeah.

So... Is your brother
as annoying as katie?


Uh, yeah,
pretty much.

(Shutter snaps)

One time,
when I was, like, five,

Katie wanted to have
a tea party.

So she mixed up every liquid
in the fridge,

Forced me to drink it,

And I puked all over
our stuffed animals.

(Shutter snaps)

Aw... Gross!

So what about you?

I'm sure you have some
good brother stories.

We used to play street hockey,
me and justin,

And no matter how much
I begged him to sh**t,

He always forced me
to play goalie

And he would fired shot
after shot at my face,

And man, did it hurt.


(Shutter snaps)

I really miss him.

Well, I guess the hockey guys
are like your brothers now,


Uh, I guess...

Can I tell you
a secret though?

Tonight's the most fun
I've had

Since I've been at degrassi.

I have a secret too.

I don't like hockey.


Me neither.

Uh, katie's probably
getting worried.

We should-
we should go find her.

(Clears his throat)


My handsome cowboy.

Sorry I dragged you
all the way here for a tie.

You wanna stay
for a drink?

I have a couple of minutes.

Quality time with my son;

How can I turn
that down?

Sweet. Here.

Hey, mr. Townsend!

Mom, this is mr. T.,
Our quiz advisor.

oh, hi. Nice to meet you.

Mr. Townsend:
nice to meet you too.

Kc's one of my brightest stars.


Oh, sh**t,
table four needs a refill,

But I'll be right back!

(Awkward chuckle)

♪ You be the wind
and direct me ♪

♪ When I lose a sail ♪

♪ You be the resonance ♪

♪ Pulsing through every nerve
that fails my knees ♪


♪ You be john lennon ♪

♪ And ill be the world
that he sees... ♪

My name's gonna be in
the toronto interpreter.

And you didn't even
have to commit a crime.

Do you know how many people
read that newspaper?


yeah. Plus online?
Tens of thousands.

And then there's asher.

He's like the steven spielberg
of journalism.

His opinion could make
or break my entire career

As a journalist.

I have to reread it.

No. No,
you need to read it.

All the words are starting
to blur together.

Come on.

Out loud,

"Eli goldsworthy,

The musical's brilliant

Just brilliant?

What about handsome?

"The musical's
brilliant director

Set out to boldly create a story
that reflects-"

Oh my god.

I split the infinitive.

How could I be
so stupid?!

it's not that stupid.

I don't even know
what that means!

(Buttons beep)


Hi, asher,
it's clare.

Please call me back
when you get this.

What if he doesn't
get my message?

I have to go see him
in person.

he'll get your message.

It's just a small
grammatical error.

No big deal.

no. No, no.
This is a huge deal.

I only have one chance
to make a first impression

And I promised
that it'd be perfect.

(Door closes)

well, that was fun.

I'll see you
at the regionals?


Okay. All right.

Nice meeting you.
Bye bye.

Kc, what were you

Setting me up
with your teacher?

I just...

You need someone else
to talk to.


I've been so busy
trying to be both parents

That I have become
one of those helicopter moms.

No. You just do
so much for me, mom,

You should be happy too.

Well, I just wish
you would've talked to me first

So I could've worn
a nicer outfit!

Did you like him?!

He's your teacher!

And shouldn't you be focused
on more important things

During quiz practice

Than setting up
your poor old mom?

I'll make you a deal.

I'll focus on trivia,
and if my team wins regionals,

You and mr. T
go on a date.

I'll go on a date
on one condition:

I get to choose the guy,
and no more matchmaking!

No more matchmaking.

Shake on it.

thank god you're still here.
About my article...

I got your message.

I've already rewritten
that sentence.

Was there a problem?

The lead-in was clunky;
the language is flowery;

The article's bogged down
with detail,

And it's better now,

But it still needs
a lot of work.

I failed you.

(Teary exhale)
I'm sorry.

Maybe I'm just not
cut out for this.

I didn't mean
to sound harsh, clare.

It's your first time.
It's not all bad.

You don't have to say that.

I'm not just saying that.

You have potential.

Look, if you want,
we can finish this together.

We can stay as late
as we need to.

I will stay,
as long as it takes.

it was this epic moment.

We locked eyes,
we leaned in.

And then?

And then nothing.


What? No kiss?
What about the kiss?

I don't know.

What happened?
Does my breath stink?

Ew! I don't think so.

(Sighs) what if he doesn't
like me, tor?

What do I do?

I've never liked anybody
this much before.

He asked you out,
didn't he?

Yeah. But I had
to make the plans.

And then katie
tagged along.

Which was mortifying!

Well, no wonder
he didn't kiss you!

Boys like to be
in charge,

Especially hockey players.

They're like alpha male,
manly men.

So I made cam feel

Well, next time,

All you have to do
is let him take the lead.

Well, how do I make sure
there is a next time?

Okay, we need
a better word there.


No, no! Strive!

see, newsie?
You are good at this.

"Degrassi students strive
to change the world.

It starts in the hallways
of their school."

It is so much better.

Thank you.

I feel so silly
about crying before.

(Laughs) it's okay.
I get it.

I was a coffee gopher
once, too.


We all have to pay
our dues.

I just want this so bad.

There's nothing wrong
with knowing what you want.

If I've learned anything

It's that I've still got
a lot to learn.

Well, I'm happy to teach

When the student is as eager
as you are.

I am - very, very eager.



♪ When the homeless star
starts vanishing ♪

(Gasps in disbelief)