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12x10 - Closer to Free: Part 2

Posted: 06/02/22 07:21
by bunniefuu

Okay, please tell me
it's april fool's.

You have science,
why can't I have christianity?

because adopting a new religion
is a very big deal!

Well, I was searching
for something

And this could be it.

So becoming christian

Has nothing to do
with saint luke?

I'm sure he won't mind.

jenna, I'm so excited
you wanna get baptized!


Who said anything
about getting baptized?

You told me you wanna
become christian.

Baptism's the first step.

I talked to my dad
and if you want,

He could do it at tomorrow's
evening service.

Like the day after today?

Uh, if you need more time
to think it over...

I don't.


I brought you my pocket bible
so you can study up.

There's a test?

No, silly.

I just figured
you'd like to know

What you're getting
yourself into.

right. Because it'd be crazy
to jump into something

Without knowing
what you're getting into.

Right, becky?





♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ let me love ♪

♪ you can love ♪

♪ let me try ♪

all right, guys,
let's take five.


Did my heart love
until now!

You don't like shakespeare?

The whole school
is tweeting what I say.

I was obsessing over it
at work

And asher caught me,

And now he thinks

I'm some stupid
high school girl!

I don't even say
any of these things!

"One day, you'll be
serving me coffee."

Okay, i...

I said that one,
but it lacks context.

"Are you really gonna
come to my sanctum

And disturb me
with that?"

I was mad;

Someone sat
at my study table

And started humming

"The big bang theory"
theme song.

just ignore this stuff.

What if it blows up?

What if I become
a huge joke

And it ruins my rep
with asher?

Or it could just
blow over.

(Relieved sigh)
you're right.

I will be zen.


Don't tweet that.

(Bell rings)

(Students chatter)

that's great news!

So anytime today?

All right,
I'll get back to you.

I have a job interview.

I'll see you later.

Oh, I have a job interview.

Well, you could barely handle
a health assignment.

Good luck
finding a roommate.


Who'd wanna live
with that witch?


I thought audra said
you couldn't get a job.

Uh, I'm done letting her
run my life.

I wanna feel good again!

And you think hawking
cell phones is the answer?

Mr. Townsend:
mr. Torres,
a confab after class.

(Sighs heavily)

I know school isn't.


drew, come on,
you can't skip again.

You're gonna get in trouble.

I'm already in trouble.

I've been doing some research
on shakespeare's identity,

And some people think
he was actually a she.

Oh no,
am I boring you?

Oh, I was just looking
for your brother.

Yeah, he texted me
to say he was late, thing.


Hey, did you mention
my baptism to him yet?

Not yet, why?

Just curious
what he thought.

I hate to ask you this,

But are you sure
you're becoming christian

For the right reasons?

I know I can be pushy

But it doesn't mean
you have-

Relax, becky.

I'm not getting baptized
for you!

Oh, phew!

'Cause I'd be your friend
no matter what.

hey, ladies, what'd I miss?

Just a minor becky freakout.

(Luke and becky laugh)

I thought jenna was getting
baptized for me!

Wait, hold up.
You're getting baptized?

So what do you think?

Well, i, uh,
I think it's...

Uh, it's...divine.

(Luke laughs uncomfortably)

how's that transcript coming,

Five minutes maybe.

(Keys clack)

(Computer beeps)

Do you really love
working for me?

What? No!
I mean, well...


but I didn't-

#Stuffclaresays is trending
in toronto right now.

That can't be easy.

Oh god.

No. You know what?

Journalists face scrutiny
all the time.

I can handle it.

I don't think
the deputy mayor asked,

"Did I flick a switch
and erase you from my memory?"

I-i am so sorry,
I'll fix it right now.

No. You'll go home.

Come back when
you're ready to work.

Hey! Okay, I'm ready.

Ask me anything.

Can you...
Put this shirt on?

Um, okay.

Is this-is this part
of the interview?

You know, I do look good
in a uniform.

uh, here at coastlight,
we don't do formal interviews.

Uh, we do test shifts.

Oh, I suck at tests!

Don't worry,
you'll ace this one.

Now, show me
your salesperson savvy.

You know what?

We'll work on
your display skills.

Oh, no way!

This phone does like

My mom promised me one
if I got my grades up.

Well, if we hire you,
you can buy one.

No mommy required.

It's like five hundred bucks.

with salary and commission,
you'll be making mad coin.

Like, uh, a full-time
first year salesperson

Can make up to fifteen
in commission.

Fifteen hundred?

Thousand -
on top of salary.

But you probably need
a high school diploma, right?

no! Just mad people skills.


Okay, um, here we go.

Show me your stuff,
hero boy.

Hello, welcome to coastlight,
what can I do for you?

you don't need to set
a place for me,

I'm going out.

Don't forget your curfew.

I'll be home in time,
just meeting some friends.

For a party?

It's more of a gathering.

She's not going to a party,

She's getting baptized.



It's just a small ceremony,
no big deal.

Mrs. Bhandari:
it's a very big deal.

What inspired
this sudden devotion?

yes, jenna, tell us what
or who inspired you.

Well, lately,

I've felt like everyone knows
where they're going,

Except me.

And then I met this guy.

A boy.

He told me that god
has a plan for everyone,

And if that's true,

I wanna know what his plan
is for me.

That sounds really stupid
when I say it out loud.

Mrs. Bhandari:
I think it sounds beautiful.


subhanahu wa-ta'ala,

Has helped me through
many difficult days.

I hope your commitment
can help you too.

I'm proud of you,

Because I'm lost?

Because you're trying
to get found.

(Choir hums)

Those who walk with the lord
never walk alone.

Jenna marie middleton,

Do you confess
you have turned from sin

And placed your faith
in jesus christ

As your saviour and lord?


I do.

Then please step forward
to be baptized.

(Choir singing)

(Water splashes)

♪ when we reach
the shining river... ♪

Mr. Baker:
I baptize you
in the name of the father,

And the son,

And of the holy spirit.

(Sighs happily)

♪ yes, we'll gather
at the river ♪


do I look different?
Because I feel different.

you look heavenly.

I'm serious, alli.

Honestly, you look like
you just got back

From a tropical vacay.

I feel refreshed,

Like all the baggage
I've been carrying

Has been washed away.

Well, I wonder
what saint luke thinks.

I can't wait
to find out.


Missed you last night.

Yeah, sorry I couldn't
make your baptism,

I had hockey practice.

Don't sweat it,
becky had my back.

You two are becoming close.

We are, but she's not
the only baker

I wanna get close to.

I told you
I didn't want a relationship.

Because I wasn't christian!


It's because...

I don't wanna be
tied down.

Oh, so the "I'm christian,
you're not" thing

Was just a line.

I was trying
to let you down easy.

You told me god
has a plan for me!

Ah! How could I be
so stupid?!

No, jenna, I didn't-

I got baptized for you!

No, I never asked you
to do that!

Just stop talking!

That means scram,
bible boy!

(Bell rings)

(Frustrated sigh)

(Cell phone keys click)

Mr. Townsend:
ladies and gentlemen,
before we start,

Clare has asked that everyone
put away their cell phones.

awww! Come on! Seriously?

Mr. Townsend,
fellow students,

Let's talk about
the people of india.

People not bound
by common language or religion.

People who have overcome
great oppression.

Meet amanpreet.

he is only eleven.

Mr. Townsend:
ms. Edwards, what are you doing?

the political struggle

Of the indian underclass.

What happened to illustrating

How and why a country joined
the commonwealth?

yeah, well,
we wanted to do that,

But then clare told us
we couldn't.

I was trying to do
something special.

But you and adam were just
too busy tweeting to help out.

Only because you were
too full of yourself

To actually listen
to us!

Excuse me for having
loftier ambitions

Than some pedestrian
high school assignment!

Mr. Townsend: pedestrian?
Kc: stuff clare says!

at least you didn't blame it
on my aspergers.

I apologized for that!

No, you didn't.



We can-we can continue
with-without him.

Mr. Townsend:
ms. Edwards, mr. Torres,

Please take your seats.

We'll move on
to the next presentation.


We could put itching powder
in luke's jock strap.

We could cap his knee;
I know a guy.

Actually, I don't,
but I could find one.

He can't play hockey
if he's got a busted up knee.

Alli, stop.

Luke isn't my problem.

He's not?

No, I am.

I keep letting guys
mess up my life.

Uh, hello!

Pregnancy scares,
boiler room, sti's.

I've done pretty stupid stuff
for boys too.

Ever get baptized
for one?

Uh... No.

I got baptized,

Pretended to be
becky's friend,

All 'cause luke made me feel
special for five minutes.

(Toilet flushes)

(Stall door thuds)

(Water runs)

So you lied about everything?

(Bathroom door slams)

I didn't lie...

Just left out a few details?

Do you know
how many friends I've lost

Because my brother's
a player?

Well, you don't have
to lose me!

We still have singing,

You are not a christian!

I was baptized.
You were there.

Being christian isn't about
one night.

It's about trying to follow
jesus' example;

Trying to be a good person
every day!

And you,
jenna middleton,

Are not a good person!

♪ Maybe you're lost ♪

♪ Maybe you're lost ♪

♪ And you need someone
to bring you home ♪


Is that... Hey,
what are you doing home?

Are you okay?

yeah, I'm fine, mom.


Well, then tell me
you've been struck down

With the avian flu,

'Cause that's the only reason
you should be skipping school.

It's because I'm done
with school.

Uh, you're what?!

I got the job
at the mall.

I start today.


Drew, I thought
we decided that-

No, you decided!

I start
as junior salesperson.

If I do well,

I can make manager
in a year or two.

You're not dropping out
of school

For some job at the mall!

Think about your future!

My future?


I'm failing
all of my classes!

At this rate,

I won't graduate
until I'm fifty!

You exaggerate.

I feel like crap
every day!

It'll get better!

You keep saying that,
but it doesn't!

Okay, I'm seventeen,
this is my decision.

I've gotta go,

Or I'll be late
for my first shift.

If you live in this house,
you go to school.

Case closed.

(Stomps upstairs)

(Door slams)

♪ When the supermarket song
left you crying ♪

♪ In the vegetable aisle ♪

♪ You need a search party
for your smile ♪

You have to be
freakin' kidding me!

Did you flick a switch
and erase me from your memory?

Did you ever love me at all?

If only it were
that simple.

(Theatrical sobbing)

Adam: (on video)
well, excuse me for having
loftier ambitions

Than just some pedestrian
high school assignment!

Do I really sound
that ridiculous all the time?

No, not all the time.

I spoke to townsend
after class;

He's gonna give us
another chance

To present our project.

I'm really, really sorry.

Especially about
the asperger's comment.

You just need to think
before you speak, clare.

Will you forgive me
if I take myself less seriously?

Yeah, but then we'll have
nothing to tweet about.

Thank goodness!


Can we watch
the video again?

Adam: (on video)
well, excuse me for having
loftier ambitions

Than just some pedestrian
high school assignment!


What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

I love working for asher.

(Laughs and sighs)

(Pencil clatters)

Are you there,

It's me, jenna.

Can you please give luke
some disfiguring disease?

I don't care
about that jerk.

Then why are you praying?

Ever since I gave up ty,
I've felt lost and confused.

And you thought luke
would show you the way?

I need someone to.

I'm sick of feeling
this way.

Well, you have me.

Until the end of the year.

I need someone or something
more permanent than that.

Like god.


When I got baptized,
it was mostly for luke.

But the truth is,
I wanted it to be true.


I'm sensing a but.

luke lied about
a lot of things.

What if he lied
about god too?

Well, I think that's where
you've gotta have faith.

I know I've let you down,

But I think we can
make this work.

I have conditions.

Of course.

You pay half
of everything.

No problem.

And you tell that
girlfriend of yours

No kissy-kissy
when I'm at home.


Anything else?

Breakfast in bed
every morning.

Easy there,
princess fiona.

(Both laugh)

Welcome to casa coyne.

Make yourself at home.

(Drew whistles appreciatively)

Not that at home!

Shoes off the couch.

Excuse me.


Mr. Baker:
can I help you, jenna?


Oh, mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker:
yeah. Who were you expecting?

I should go,
you're probably busy

With like, god's work,
and stuff.

Well, no, no, no, no.
Sit, please.

and he probably has more
important stuff to deal with

Than some messed up
high schooler.


do you collect things?

Yeah. Guitar picks
from concerts.

Have you ever lost one?

Tim mcgraw's.

I spent days
looking for it.

Now didn't that pick

Become the most important one
in your collection?


Yeah, well,
that's how god feels

When one of his own
gets lost.

I must be very important
to him.

(Both laugh)

This plan god has for me,

Any chance I could get
an advance copy?

I'm afraid not.


But in my experience
he usually sends us a sign

To let us know
we're on the right track.

(Door opens)

Oh, uh, I better prepare
for service.

I hope you'll stay.

(Hymn plays on organ)

I'm pretty sure we don't have
a co-op shift booked for today.

I was hoping to make up
for the one I missed.

You mean the one
I sent you home from.

I was pretty hard on you.

But I deserved it!

You said people
would judge you

On everything you put out,

And you were right.

But despite my actions,

I want you to know
that I am dedicated

To this internship.

I love working here.

I know,
I read your twitter feed.

(Half laughs)

Don't worry,

I love working
with you too.

Mr. Baker:
and so jesus reminds us

That those who seek

And those who give it,

Are blessed.

Are there any members
of the congregation

Who have anything
they'd like to share

Before we finish?

I do.

Hi. (Clears throat)

I'm jenna,

I'm new here.

Um, I joined
because of a guy -

Crazy, I know.

But he promised god
had a plan for me,

And I thought he was the key
to that plan.

It turns out
the guy played me.

Story of my life.

But I'm over it,

Because now I know
it wasn't the guy I wanted,

It was god.

And it took a special person
for me to realize that,

A person I totally betrayed.

I'm sorry, becky,

I wish I hadn't
screwed it all up.

Oh my god,
I just said "screwed" in church.


And "oh my god."

(Uncomfortable laugh)

Uh, I hope it's true christians
are a forgiving bunch.

(Congregation laughs)

Thank you, jenna.

Anyone else?

Well then, go in peace
to love and serve the lord.


♪ I'm looking for
a soft place to land ♪

♪ The forest floor ♪

♪ The palms of your hands ♪

♪ I'm looking for
a soft place to land ♪

(Sighs heavily)

Becky, I never-

It's okay, jenna,
I forgive you.

How could I not?

Just promise me
one thing.


Stay away
from my brother.


(Both laugh)