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12x09 - Closer to Free: Part 1

Posted: 06/02/22 07:20
by bunniefuu
(Guitar playing)

♪ You take my hand
for the first time ♪

♪ It's like a perfect rhyme ♪

♪ I'm falling headfirst ♪

♪ But I can't wait ♪

♪ I've never felt this great ♪

♪ But jake doesn't hear me
'cause I'm not a tomato ♪

♪ Alli and clare
where the heck did they go? ♪

♪ My friends are too busy ♪

♪ And I'm feeling lonely ♪

♪ But I think you're great ♪

♪ And my name is becky ♪

♪ Now the new girl
she's singin' with me ♪

♪ We're singing together ♪

♪ in perfect... ♪

♪ Harmony! ♪

Hi, I'm becky baker.

But you already know that

Because I just sang it
to you.


You are so good
at singing.

Except good musicians
usually have an audience.

You read my mind!

I'm having some people
over tomorrow,

And they love music.

You should come play.

Like a jam session?


Do you invite strangers
to your house often?

I'm coming on
a little strong,

Aren't i?

Sorry, it's just hard
to make friends here.

(Sighs) well,
I know what that's like.

I was the new girl once.

Does that mean
you'll come?

I'll let you know?

You know what they say:

When god closes a door,
he opens a window.

(Bell rings)


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

What do you know
about becky baker?

All I can gather
from facerange is,

From florida
and loves musicals.

ah... I don't know.
She's perky.

And she gave dave
this weird pamphlet thing.

She invited me
to her house

For a jam session.

Well, maybe she wants
to give you a pamphlet?

Oh god...
Come with me?

I would love to,

But this whole
fast-tracking thing

Equals zero fun.

What about jake?

He's busy
with his garden,

And clare has her
once-in-a-lifetime internship

And eli.

Mrs. Bhandari:
school, girls!

Still not dressed,

Maybe my mom can
be your date.

Can she hate me more?

I'm sorry about that.

So what do you
and this becky girl

Have in common?


She even emailed me a song
to learn for later.

Well, that sounds like
a match made in heaven.

Becky baker,
here I come.

(Pained grunt)


You can't play

Of course I can.

Did you see that

I'm sorry, son.

No physical activity

Until that noggin's
back to normal.

Mom's orders.

What am I supposed to do?

No, that would
be cruel.

Here's a health assignment.


Did you hit
your head too?

That time of the month.

Or at least that's what
I told armstrong

So I could look for
a new roommate online.

But then he stuck me
with this assignment.

What's the smallest
contractile unit

Of the skeletal muscle?

Don't know.

Me neither.

And there are more questions
just like that one.


So twenty each?

Um, I'm suddenly

Okay, I'm no mathematician,
but I do know muscles.

okay. Easy, thor.

Okay, you take
the bottom half,

I'll take the top?

That's my kind of girl.

Act gross
and I tell bianca.


if you can't get it right,
I'll do it myself.

Just send me the files!

whaddaya got for me?

i, uh, I just finished

Your interview with the mayor.

That guy sure does talk.

Yeah, he doesn't say much,
though, does he?

Also, here's the list

Of all the outdoor pools
on the east side

For the outdoor workers
union piece.

What's this?

Oh, no,
that's nothing!

Oh, a clare edwards

It's just a stupid
geography assigment.

I'm supposed to meet my group
after I'm done here.

Your name's on it,

You know, clare,
if you wanna be a journalist,

Your byline
is your lifeline.

You take a stand,

People will use
your entire back catalogue

To discredit you.

There's no reason
every piece of work

Shouldn't be your best.

Well, how can I
make it better?

Well, for starters,
your introduction is limp.

You try and grab
the audience

And hold their attention.

Second, you're supposed
to build this

Around a narrative;
storytelling's key.

jenna, I'm so happy you came!

Um, did you get the songs
I emailed you?

uh, yeah. Hope you don't mind,

But I reworked
some of the chords

To suit my range.

I can't wait to hear them.

You can set up here.

whoa! Full house.

well, I promised you
an audience!

Everyone, this is jenna.

Looks like I'm the only one
who brought my guitar!

Hope you guys
like music.

who doesn't?!

Ever since becky
and her family joined us,

There's been so much
more of it around.


How do you know
each other?

We go to the same church.

Becky's dad
is the new minister.

So this is some sort
of youth group?

Christian youth group.
Becky didn't mention it?

Um, didn't i?

I don't know about
you guys,

But I'd love to hear
jenna sing!

Please, jenna.

(Jenna plays guitar)

♪ I want to walk with you ♪

♪ Dear friend of mine ♪

"k*ller bees: second stinging
d" tonight?

It's supposed to be
so bad it's good.

I wish,

But I have to finish this
stupid health assignment.


This concussion
is ruining my life.

I can't do anything fun.

That's not true.

(clears her throat)

You're supposed to relaxing
after school, drew.

Um... That was relaxing.

And you, miss bianca,

Should be working on
your university applications.

For the application fee.

Thank you,
mrs. Torres.

You're gonna get this back,
every penny.

School's important -
for both of you.

Then why is it I can't do
the one class I'm not failing?

Because the doctor said
that another injury

Could lead
to permanent damage.

Audra's just looking out
for you, drew.

How? By making me feel stupid
and smothered?


Let's focus on
your assignment.

For every muscle
you remember,

You can have one of these.

You have another headache?

Okay, maybe you should
just relax.

For real this time.

What about my health

Don't worry,

It'll be finished
when you wake up.

I picked up samosas
at the store.

Thought they would inspire
some great ideas

For our presentation.

I think we should just open up
with a map of india,

Showing how each
territory joined,

And when.

Asher says we need
to dig deep,

Find the narrative
in the work.

Who's asher?

Well, the assignment says
we're supposed to, quote,

"Pick a commonwealth country,
illustrate how they joined,

And discuss whether
their membership

Was positive or negative."
End quote.

And we'll do that...

Through a multi-sensory

That transports
our audience to india.

It's a grade eleven
geography assignment.

Let's just get the "a"
and get out.

But asher says,
every piece of work

Needs to be your best work.

wow. This asher guy sounds
like a real piece of work.

You know what?

Clearly, you guys
don't share my vision.

You can go.
I'll do the project myself.

♪ walk with me ♪

♪ I feel my spirit rise ♪


um, everyone,
snacks are in the kitchen.

And I'll meet you there.

Wasn't that fun?

Um, you're leaving.

You're mad?

You lied to me!

I didn't lie.
Lying's a sin.

I just left out
a few details.

Did you invite me over

Because you think
I need saving

Or something?

No. I was just trying
to help.

You said you needed
a friend!

Oh, so I'm like
your charity case?

No! Jenna, I'm sorry.
You're misunderstanding me!

you're misunderstanding me.

I'm not christian,

I don't even know
if I believe in god.

I'll let my self out.


(Bell rings)

then she was like, oh,
p.s. This is my church group.

The nerve!

well, I guess you and becky
won't be besties forevsies!

not a chance in hell.

Well, can't say
I didn't warn you.

Well, you didn't tell me
she was christian!

Wait. The problem is that
she lied, right?

Not that she's christian.

attention, class.

The subject for your mid-term
creative project is...

(Imitates a drum roll)

The elizabethan era,

Spanish armadas,

Groups of three.
Go go go go!

wanna partner up?

no, no, no.
Boyfriends get first priority.

Plus, I already said
yes to connor.

Well, that's okay.

I'll just partner up
with a random...



relax. Act natural.

Would you like to join
my group?

I mean, yes!

I started to say sure,
but I was thinking yes.

I'm luke.

So who's our third?!

Uh, my sister.
I think you know her.

All right,
come on.

You've gotta be
kidding me.

Did you finish
your questions, thor?

Did you finish yours?

Yes, I did.

Let's swap fast
before armstrong sees.

Crap. Crap, crap,
crap, crap, crap.

Is this a concussion thing,

Where you repeat the same word
over and over again?

No. No.

I did my assignment
last night, or...

Bianca did it,

Well, vite!
It's due by the end of class.

I could have swore
I put it in my bag.

Or maybe I left it
on the kitchen counter.

Oh, drew,
think, think.

Again with the repetition.

Just back off, okay?

It's not my fault.
It's my stupid brain!

You know, at some point,
you're gonna have to stop

Blaming your concussion
and get your life in order,

Especially when people
are counting on you.

Where are you going?!


Marking rubrics
are on my desk!

I got it.

So how are you
and your brother

In the same grade?

Luke's only eleven months

And he's great,

But it's not the same
as having a real girl friend.

Seriously, becky,

Why do you wanna be
friends with me?

You hardly know me.

I can get to know you.


I had a baby last year

And I gave him up
for adoption.

So does the christian girl
still wanna be friends now?

Didn't think so.

That must have been
so hard.

It was.

Wait, why aren't you
being more judgey?

God doesn't care
about your past

And neither do i.

So you'll be
in our group?

Please, please, please,
with a cherry on top?

Well, when you put it
that way.



Wasn't your co-op over
for the day an hour ago?

I just thought I'd stay

And get some work done
on my group project

Before heading
back to school.

Where's your group?

They didn't share
our enthusiasm

For insightful storytelling.

(laughs) too bad.
India's a fascinating adventure.

Have you been?

While I've got you,
maybe I can ask you

About another
thrilling adventure

Into the online world?

Oh, a story on email scams?


How does one get something
trending on twitter?


Well, I can show you.

I prefer to be
a luddite,

Remaining as "offline"
as possible.

But my editor
prefers otherwise.

okay. Well, this is me.

There are a few ways
to get stuff trending.

First, you need to add
a hashtag to your tweets.

It's helpful
if it's catchy.

like this?


Is that about you?

Uh... No. Uh, no.
It couldn't be.

aren't they addressed to you?

"Why settle for that

When we can do
so much better?"


Are you sure you wouldn't prefer
to remain a luddite?

It's very principled.

(Phone beeps)

I will for now.

I gotta be uptown
in twenty.

hey, mall walker!

This is like
your fifth lap.

Shouldn't you be at school?

Uh, no, I skipped.

Don't exactly feel like
I belong there these days.

I spent seven hundred dollars
on this phone

Because you said that I could
video chat with my niece,

And it doesn't work.

Do you have the right app?

Where do I get
the right app?

Maybe the phone's
not the problem.

Either you get me
a manager,

Or you take this
piece of junk

And give me
my money back.

Well, there's a whole lotta
commission down the drain.

ma'am, if you return this,

You'll never be able
to video chat with your niece.

And if she looks anything
like you,

I'm sure she's a cutie.

Uh, may I see your phone?

(Phone beeps)

Ah, there.

To talk to your niece,

You just press the picture
of the video camera

Right here.

And then type her
number in.


That is easy!
Thank you.

No problem.


that was amazing!

I moved an app.

You were her hero!
Plus you saved my commission.

Is there any chance
you're looking for a job?

I wasn't thinking
about it.

start thinking.

You've got people smarts,

And a smile that makes
the ladies melt.


You should fill out
an application online.

Why did you post those things
to twitter?

It was a joke.

It wasn't funny.

Adam thought it was.

He was just egging
you on.

You realize what you posted
was public.

Anyone can read it.

That was the point.

You were acting
so full of yourself.

But my mentor saw it.

Do you understand
how embarrassing that was?

I love working
with asher,

And I don't wanna lose
this co-op

Just because
you have aspergers.

Because I have aspergers?

Do you hear yourself?

Don't overreact.

Just please...
Delete the tweets.

"Delete the tweets."

Stop it,
I'm begging you.

"Stop it.
I'm begging you." Tweet.

Anything else
you'd like to say?

got it.

Elizabethan era sports,
like shuttlecock.

Watch your mouth!

What, that's like badminton,
you sicko.

how about the globe theatre

And how it reflected
the times?

Studying class and culture
through the theatre?

Mr. Baker:
sounds like an inspired idea.

oh, hey, dad.
This is jenna.

Mr. Baker:
oh, nice to meet you.

I'm off to evening service.

Please don't burn the house down
while I'm out.

whoa! Check it,

Lower class people
only paid a penny

And they put it
in a box.

That's where the term
box office comes from.

thanks, factoid.

(Phone rings)



Oh my goodness,
one sec.

Jenna, I'm so sorry.
This is my bff from florida

And we haven't talked
in weeks!

This could be a long one.

I don't mind.

I'll see her out.

Did you win the cheer
grand championships?

Kelly: yeah!
(Becky squeals)

She's a little
sparkplug, huh?


She reminds me of me.

Well, old me.

What happened to
sparkplug jenna?


Let's just say...
I kinda lost my way.

How is becky so positive
all the time?

Both of you?


We believe god
has a path for us,

And if we follow it,

Everything will be okay.

You really think that?

Oh, I know it.

It's like...
I feel more confident

Knowing he's watching out
for me.

I know he's always
got my back,

So I'm never alone.

Must be nice
to have a path,

Someone always watching
your back.

It's just... (Sighs)

How do you believe in something
you can't see?

It's easy.
You just... Feel it.

I have no previous experience.

Lie. Everyone's had
a fast food job.

Just say you "excel

In fast-paced
retail environments."

You're so good at this.

that better be homework.

uh, no,
I'm applying for a job.

You have a job:
recovering from a concussion.

It's only a couple of hours
after school.

Plus it's fun.

You're sick right now.

You need tutoring
and brain exercise,

Not a job.

You gotta get
your grades up!

Not if I didn't have school.

So you're gonna drop out?


Mom, I need this.

You need to get better.


I'm sick of her treating me
like such a baby.

Then stop acting
like one.

(Bell rings)

then he said...

God has a path for all of us,
and we kissed.

j.m. Is back in the game!

Can I get a what what?

'Kay, you've been hanging
around dave too much.


So do you think
it's true;

That we all have a path
because of god?

I believe we're the masters
of our own destiny.

I have this good feeling
in my tummy,

Like I can turn
my life around

And find my place again.

Is this good feeling
for god or for luke?

Both? Maybe a little bit
more luke;

He has this kissable face!

well, speaking of the divine...



So we should talk about
last night.

Uh, yeah,
I agree.

last night was...

Was really something,
I know.

But will becky be upset?

No. I think it
was a mistake.


Look, you're sweet,
and crazy cute, but...

You tempt me.

Tempt you?


Like sexually?

Yeah. It's not part
of god's path.

Luke, no one's
having sex here.

You already have,
which means that we could.

Maybe it'd be different
if you were christian...


(Gasp of disbelief)

♪ Save me... ♪