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12x08 - Say It Ain't So: Part 2

Posted: 06/02/22 07:19
by bunniefuu
(Sighs heavily)

Please tell me insomnia
isn't a symptom

Of early pregnancy.

(Sighs dejectedly)

But you don't know
for sure yet, right?

A woman knows, jenna.
I can just feel it.

Yeah, but you haven't
taken a test.

I can't!
Not for like four more days.

not a home test,

But what about going
to a clinic after school

For a blood test?

I have to meet lea from m.i.t.
And give her my decision.

What are you gonna say?


I have no idea.

Mrs. Bhandari:

(Nervous exhale)

(Confused gasp)

You said you wanted
a new one.


For your party,

In honour of your acceptance
to m.i.t.

(Gasps nervously)

You guys really don't have
to make such a big fuss.

Of course I do!
I've invited the family.

You can invite some friends.

We'll all get fancy
and celebrate your brilliance!

(weak laugh)

I will never make it
through the day

If I don't know
for sure.

Okay, I'll just go
to the clinic at lunch.

One way or another,

Today my life changes

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Go ahead,
take a bite.

Seriously, seriously,
you won't regret it.



Imagine tomatoes,
cucumbers, grapes,

All grown on the roof,

Farmed by students,
for students to eat!


This is - wow!

We also have plans
for a stage,

A meditation garden,
flower planters...

Degrassi needs this
green roof.

and with the school board grant,

It'll be more
or less free.


I love it!

Jake and katie:

these plans are so professional!

Did you get someone
to help you draw them up?

no, no, no.
All me.

My dad owns this
construction company.

I've been around it
my whole life, so...


And I trust your dad'll be
a part of the project, right?

Oh, uh...

Of course,
of course.

I mean,
we already talked to him.

He'll be there.

oh, okay. Well, great!

Um... Get to work!

(laughs excitedly)

Mr. Townsend:
right. That's the reading list.

I still have to chase down
a few textbooks, but...

Playing catch-up
for grade english

Won't be easy.

You are a brave woman.

(Sighs heavily)

(Books thump loudly)


(Sets books down heavily)

You really don't have
to help me.

I want to...
With everything.

That's really sweet of you,

But I haven't even gotten
my head around

How I'm gonna do all of this
extra school work

While being pregnant.

You still gonna go
to m.i.t.?

You said
you'd be supportive.

Look, are you ready
to leave,

Miss grad and prom,

Clare and jenna,

And then spend
the last few months

Buried in books?

I guess I hadn't really
thought of that.

But what about
my parents?

If I give up on m.i.t.
To have a baby,

They would disown me!

Look, I talked
to my parents,

And they're not
happy about it,

But they want you to know
that you always have a place

At the turner house.

You told your parents?!

They saw me
freaking out.

I had to talk
to someone.

I'm trying to do
the right thing here.

And that's having a baby
in your parents' basement?!

What choice do we have?!

I know this is hard, okay?
But I have a plan.

You graduate early;
we have the baby;

You defer for a year,
I graduate,

And then we all go

To m.i.t.?

Yeah, I mean,
I'll stay home

And take care of
the little cute bhandurner,

Or whatever.

It could be perfect.


wow, I feel so underdressed.


Oh, uh, game day.

We have to wear
this stuff.

yeah, I saw some of
the other guys wearing it.


it must be kinda cool having
your own well-dressed g*ng

At school.

You okay?

(Nervous exhale)

Pre-game jitters,
I guess.

ha! Clovers.

You sure could have used
some luck at your last game.

I thought you were supposed
to be a superstar?

Shut it, mo!

Cam'll probably score
goals tonight.

Just mind your own business,

(Sighs heavily)

Thanks for coming
with me.

You're doing
the right thing here.


This test will make
my decision for me.

If I'm pregnant,
I'll stay here with dave.

And if not...
M.i.t. Here I come.

That is not
the right thing.

No matter what
this test says,

You can't stay
for a boy.

It's not just
for a boy.

Maybe I'm not ready
to leave.

One of the greatest schools
in the world

Wants you to help them
eradicate breast cancer!

What if the test
is positive?

Dave wants to keep
the baby.

What do you want?

I mean...
You have options,


All done.

When do I get
the results?

We'll call you
when they're back from the lab.

What do I do?

Figure out
what's in your heart.

(Campbell gasps and grunts)

(Breathing hard)

Come on, campbell,
it's game day.

(Breathing hard)

Are you stalking me?

(Breathing heavily)

No, I'm lost,
I swear.

Oh, like yesterday?

You know what?
I'm gonna go tell simpson

That the hockey team
has a pervert stalker.

We'll see how the nhl
likes those.

No, please, please,
please don't! Please!

Look, I'm sorry
about yesterday.

I was trying to impress
the guys and...

now they think
I'm a huge loser.

They're not wrong.

How am I supposed to survive
a whole season here?

I have no friends;
my hockey team hates me;

My family is thousands
of miles away and...

I'm crying
in the girls' bathroom!

Okay, relax.

Aren't you supposed to be
like the team hot shot?

yeah, I guess.

Well, then the other dudes
are probably just jealous.

And that's why
they make fun of me?

They make fun of you
because you let them.

Ignore them.

In two years,
you're gonna be in the nhl

And they're gonna be
mall security guards.

Then we can all go
huck garbage at them.

Okay, now get outta here

Before someone else
thinks you're a perv.

And kid?

High school sucks.

Spend time here
with people who don't.

(Wood clatters)

so what's first?

you start the frame.

I'll re-route the plumbing
for the sprinklers.

Great! Um, hey,

What if simpson comes up
and sees your dad isn't here?

We'll say he went
for coffee.

And if he keeps
checking on us

And your dad's
never here?

I don't want
my dad's help.

I wanna build this green roof

And prove to him
that I know what I'm doing.

Well, do you know
what you're doing?

For the last time,

(Water spurts)

Oh! Jake!

don't worry! I got this!


I'm ecstatic you'll be
joining us at m.i.t.

Just sign this
letter of intent

And we're all set.

Actually, I'd like to defer
for a year.

(Chuckles) I'm afraid
that's not possible.

But people defer
all the time.

Regular admission.

This is a special scholarship
for my lab.

which will still exist
in a year?

You're a perfect fit

Because your research
and interest and intellect

Match the needs
for our project now.

In a year...

Science will have moved on.


I think you're on
the right track.

At m.i.t.,
You'll have access

To whatever compounds
you'll need -

A breathalyzer,
test subjects.

You won't have to do this
on a budget.

If you really don't want it,

I have to move on
to the next candidate.

Let me know
as soon as possible.

not a word to my wife.

I can't believe
you're still gonna go through

With this party.

You haven't told
your parents?

Not yet.

What if I didn't have
the baby?

You mean...

Alli, I could never-

I can't defer m.i.t.
I asked.

So, we'll get you into
another school.

I guess.

Mrs. Bhandari:
guests will be arriving soon!

let's go get dressed!


Good luck.

I don't know where
the main shut-off valve is!

Give me a sec!
I can fix this!

Oh! Come on!


uh, jake?


Jake! Jake!

Can you call your dad now?!

Fine, fine!

(Phone keys beep)

No answer.
Should we call simpson?

And admit we lied?
He'll shut us down!

Then what?

March down to my dad's reno
and drag him back here?!

If you don't go get him,
the roof's gonna collapse

And it's pretty hard
to build a roof garden

Without a roof!

Okay, okay.

(nervous exhale)

Mrs. Bhandari:
take my breath away.

You are both brains
and beauty.

I thought these might
look nice.

What's wrong?

It's just so much.

You are a strong
young woman.

You can do this.

(Exhales shakily)

But I'm only sixteen.

I'll be so far away
from you.

I mean, what if we never
get to talk?

I wore this sari
to my engagement party.

Soon after came marriage,

You and sav,
this house,

But I was once good
at science too, you know?

You were?

Mmm, chemistry.

I've forgetton it all now,
of course.

Never got a chance
to use it.

But you,

M.i.t. Wants you!
You can change the world!

Will you be disappointed
if I don't?

It's your choice, allia.
It's your life.

If you do something else

Or stay at home with a family
like I did,

I'll still be
so proud of you.

But you can't blame
a mother

For wanting her daughter
to have every opportunity!

(Tearful inhale)

(Door bell chimes)

Oh, the guests are here.


You should welcome them
with a toast.

(Hockey players chatter)

♪ To hear your name... ♪

hey, rook, back here.

Bo's gonna tell us how easy
the girls were in sweden.

Hockey players:

♪ He's just a child
of wild, wild horses ♪

♪ So who's to blame? ♪

♪ You search your heart
and you search your soul ♪

♪ And the feeling's still... ♪

life sure is full of twists,

And there is no map.

But if you're lucky enough
along the way,

You meet some amazing
tour guides:

Mom and dad,

Clare and jenna,


I've gotten lost
along the way,

Made some seriously
wrong turns and...

(chuckle softly)

Now my path has taken
an unexpected direction...

To m.i.t.!

(Relieved gasp)


And I'll miss you all
very, very much.


so you decided to build
an an entire rooftop structure

On your own, huh?

You didn't think
to call a plumber?

(Tool box bangs down)

What about an engineer
to check that roof?

I'm pretty sure that thing
can't support a garden.

I get it,
I get it!

I get it!
I'm too dumb

For your stupid company.

Can we move on?

Whoa! Too dumb?

Yeah, well, that's why
you wanted me

Off the reno, right?

(Sighing) jake,
if anything,

You're too smart,

I wasn't trying to keep you
off the project,

I'm trying to keep you
in school.

You're seventeen!

I don't wanna see you

In the construction business

From here to eternity.

Yeah, but, dad,
I wanna be.

I mean...
I love it

And I was trying to prove
that to you with all this,


All right, look,
how about a compromise, okay?

I will help you build a garden
somewhere here at the school

And we can test out
some of these enviro ideas

Without risking any over-runs
on an actual job.

If what?

If you apply
to university.


Hey, look,
you don't have to go, okay?

Just don't close
any doors yet.

You know,
martin's construction's

Always gonna be here.

Martin and martin

Martin and son.

Come here.


Let's get to work.

I brought you
some more barfi.


So that's just it?

You're going.

you can't do this

Just because your parents
want you to!

I want me to.

Sure, and what if
you're pregnant?

You're staying then,

I had a pregnancy test
at a clinic

And I'm still waiting
for the results,

But no matter what,

I've decided that I can't
have a baby right now.


We're too young!

It's my life
and my body

And we can't just throw away
our futures!

It's me you're throwing away
here, right?

(Sad gasp)


I mean, you wanna get
so far away from me

That you're willing
to have an abortion to do it!


Like how selfish
can you be?!

Dave! Shh!

I just can't imagine my life
here without you,

But obviously you can imagine
your life without me

Or else you wouldn't have made
these decisions on your own!


Enjoy your stupid party.

(Cell phone rings)

Dave, wait!

(Cell phone rings)

Your phone.
It's the clinic.

(Cell phone rings)

Hold my hand?

(Answering beep)


this is allia bhandari.

Hockey players:

feels good to finally win,
eh, boys?

Hockey players:

hey, as if, bro.

The last two slices
go to our goal-scorers -

Me and little cam.

Hockey players:
way to go, cam.


Uh, what are you havin'?

(Sighs, annoyed)

Come on,
let me help.

Fine. Cream soda.

excuse me?

Can I get one cream soda

Look, I'm sorry about
what happened this morning.

This morning?
Oh, right,

When I tried to help you

And you yelled at me
in front of the entire caf!

I know.
I was an idiot.

I was nervous.

I took it out on you.


Can you ever
forgive me?

I guess.

(Relieved sigh)

Looks like you beat
your nerves anyway.

You scored, right?

Yeah, finally.

guess those, uh,

Lucky four leaf clover
boxers worked.

No, I think it's cool.
I have clovers too.

Needed luck
for my cello exam tonight.

I passed. Yay!

(Nervous chuckle)

I better get back
to the fam,

But thank you
for the drink.

Hey, um...

Do you maybe wanna hang out

Like after school?

Yeah, sure.

I'd like that,

Mr. Townsend: (over p.a.)
Should anyone find
a pair of spectacles,

They belong to mr. Townsend.

Thank you.

I got your text.

Yeah, I'm...

I'm sorry about yesterday.
I sorta lost my mind.

Yeah, I'm sorry too.

So I'm definitely going
to m.i.t. Next year.

I signed the papers
and everything.

It's official.

Well, alli, that's...
That's really good.

That's really good
for you.

I want you to know
that I do support you.

I mean, we can get through
anything, right?

Um, well,
the next few months

Are gonna be really busy
with my extra classes,

My research,

Your play...

We'll figure it out.

Um, the clinic called.
I'm not pregnant.

(Huge relieved exhale)

Oh, thank godness!

Oh my god!

No more big decisions,
no more freaking out.

We can go back
to being a normal couple.

And you're not happy.

I am.

But I nearly jeopardized
my entire future

By having sex with you.

I really hope we find time
to hang out,

But from now on...

My priorities
are my schoolwork

And my research.

(School bell rings)

I gotta get to class.

I love you, alli.

I know.

♪ In the corner of my mind ♪

♪ In the corner of my heart ♪

♪ That's where you've been ♪