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12x07 - Say It Ain't So: Part 1

Posted: 06/02/22 07:19
by bunniefuu
(Rock music plays)

♪ She's got house plants ♪

(Music through headphones)
♪ to keep her company ♪

♪ Bought her a goldfish ♪

♪ She named it after me ♪

♪ We look at old photographs ♪

♪ Of lovers come and gone... ♪


Shouldn't wear these
while you work alone.

You never know
what crazy dude

Might sneak up on you.

Well, I don't think this

Is exactly teaching me
my lesson.

(Passionate kisses)

Okay, stop,
we can't.

Come on.

Rehearsal finished early.
No one's around.

Well, simpson gave me
after-hours access

To work on my research,
not make out with you.

It's been like five days
since the last time we...

Did it?


we have minutes.


(Passionate kisses)

Uh, dave?!

No, look!

What should I do?

um, vamoose!

aren't you gonna get in trouble?

yeah, but I'll get
in more trouble

If I'm caught here with you,
so go!

alli, I'm so sorry!

(Fire extinguisher spurts)

just go!

(Sighs heavily)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

please, please, please,
do not shut down my experiment!

I am so, so sorry
about the damages,

But my aunt,

She died
from breast cancer,

And I am like one
or two

Transitional metal compounds
away from perfecting

A breast cancer detecting

I'm just-
you don't understand

How important
this research is!

I don't understand it
at all,

And although
I'm not exactly happy

About the scorched table,

I'm not gonna shut
you down.

You're not?

When I didn't get it,

I sent your proposal

To an old student of mine
at m.i.t.

And she is very impressed.

(Excited exhale)
uh, she is?


In fact,
she's in town recruiting

And she'd like
to meet with you.

Um, but I don't graduate
for another year so...


You have already earned
a couple credits

From your science camp

And another from the grade
gifted program.

You just need a class
or two

And an independent
study project and-

And I could graduate
a year early.

And work for a team
of scientists

Pursuing similar research
at m.i.t.

(Stunned laugh)


"Imagine you can travel
back in time.

When in history
would you stop and why?"

This is the essay question

That decides whether or not
I get into university?!

All these university

Are gonna make
your heads explode.

Which is why I am not applying.

Whoa! New 'do.

Yeah, I wanted something
that said,

"Bastard guys,
stay the hell away."


Your mouth is saying that
pretty clearly too.

Yeah, thanks, mo.

Um, did I seriously
hear you say

You're not applying
to university?

Yeah, yeah, I'm staying home
to work for my dad.

Martin and martin construction
sounds cool, right?

Uh, you wanna stay here?

I am getting as far away
as possible.

Only applying to hawaii
and california.

Oh, you're right.

It's way better
to choose your school

Based on how far you can run
from your problems.

Well, at least I'm not
throwing away my future.

well, that's rich,
coming from a girl

That threw away
the student council presidency

For petty revenge.

geesh, would you two
just make out already?!

my future's fine.

I've been researching
environmentally friendly design.

While you guys freak out
over essays,

I'll be changing the world.

cam! You can sit with us.

Oh, um...

hey, rookie!

This way.

As if you're gonna sit
with those girls.

What are you, gay?


Sitting with girls is gay?


But questions like that are.


We're gonna watch the girls'
dance practice after school.

Two words: span dex.
You in?

What, me?

I... I can't.

I have to skype

With my girlfriend back home,

Cool. Gotta keep
the ladies happy.

But isn't jamie
a dude's name?


(Nervous exhale)

I cannot believe
this is real.

I can't believe it's you,
not me.

I mean,
you love high school.

Me, not so much.

(Nervous exhale)

I feel like
I'm gonna be sick.

Why am I so nervous?

Maybe because you haven't
told dave yet?


(Nervous laugh)

Tell me what?

I'm gonna go.


I have to present
my experiment to someone

From the massachusetts
institute of technology

This afternoon because...

They might want me
to go there...

Kinda next year.


Are you serious?

It's m.i.t.

The chances of me getting in
are practically nothing so...

I like those odds.

(Confused exhale)

I'd miss you like crazy,

But, I mean,

We can get through anything
together, right?



You're the best!

♪ I've been waitin'
for a while now ♪

♪ To hear your name ♪

♪ A name that ignites
the lights so bright ♪

The ice hounds are down
two to one.

Saunders is back
on the power play.

He intercepts the puck
to centre ice,

Looks to feed dallas
on his wing,

But he takes it himself,

Comes in,
splits the defense.

He's in on a breakaway
all alone against kostal.

Fakes the shot,
brings it to his back hand,

Top shelf!

And the crowd goes wild!

Saun-ders! Saun-ders!

Campbell and dallas:

saun-ders! Saun-ders!

So, uh, is the net
named jamie?

(Snorts softly)

You don't really have
a girlfriend back home,

Do you?

So you just...
Didn't wanna hang with us.

You know
we don't bite.

No, um...

You guys just kinda
make fun of me.

'Cause we like you.

Why don't you come
hang with us

At the mall tomorrow,

Pick up some chicks.

Well, that's the night
before a game.

You need to relax!

Look, I know I wear
the big c,

But you're supposed
to be the star.

The boys need to see
the real you.

No excuses, rook,
you're coming.

Yeah, okay.

what about a solar-based
water-heating system?

For a women's shoe store?
They have like one sink.

Every little bit helps!

These are pretty lofty ideas,

Especially since we have zero
experience with green design.

Yeah, but, dad...

I've been researching.

I'll be here all day
if I have to.

Martin and martin construction
needs to go green!

Whoa! It's still just
martin's construction, okay?

This martin.
You can't be here all day,

You have classes,

Yeah, but you said so
yourself -

The most important learning
happens on the job.

Yeah, after you've
finished school.

hey, dad!

jake, it's settled.

I'm doin' this one on my own.
Are we clear?

Yeah, loud and clear,

This... Goes in here.


geez, pal,

When did you become such
a little tree-hugger, huh?

and then I expose
the sensor compound

To the cancer compound
found in breath,

And measure the reaction.

See, I believe I'm on a path
to discovering a compound

That can measure
for traces of breast cancer

Found in a person's breath

As accurately as police
measure for alcohol.

(impressed exhale)

may I ask a couple questions?

Um, sure.

How do you have access

To the cancerous
breath compound

Necessary to run
your tests?

through a lot of research,

I learned how to make it

And I manufacture it
right here in the lab.

and the sensor compounds?

I'm working through
a series of compounds

Using transition metals.

You can't possibly be
making those here.


My science teacher,
mrs. Cohen,

Orders them for me.

So I save up
and buy small amounts

Of two at a time.

It's impressive.


I haven't exactly achieved
the accuracy I'm hoping for,

But I think I'm close.

I just need to save up
for the next batch.

She's more ambitious
than you said.

She reminds me of you
when you went here, actually.

(Lea clears her throat,
bell rings)

One more question.

and then she offered me
a full scholarship to m.i.t. -

As one of only two undergrads
in her lab -

To beat breast cancer!

Mrs. Bhandari:
m.i.t.? The m.i.t.?

Mr. Bhandari:
as a research student,
not a research subject, right?

She was clear on this?


Mr. Bhandari:

uh, easy.
I haven't exactly accepted yet.

Why not?!

I don't know.

I thought maybe
we should talk about it.

I'll be so far away
so soon.

That's why steve jobs
gave us facetime!

I gotta call my brother.

"My son is a doctor."

Well, my daughter
is curing cancer!

After all those
boy-crazy years

And running away,

You have become
such a beautiful young woman.

I'll go call sav.
He'll be so proud!


Guess you're going then.

I guess so!

(Cell phone alarm beeps)

Wait, today is wednesday,

All day.

Then why am I only taking
monday's birth control pill now?

Oh, uh...

Okay, just take three
and be careful from now on.

But it's no biggie.

Uh, yes, biggie.

I missed two pills
this cycle

In which time
dave and i...

don't freak out.

Mr. Bhandari:
yes, freak out!
This is huge news!

Which you must come
tell your uncle!

He thinks
I'm punking him!


okay, what's the emergency?

I missed two pills
between here and here

And dave and I had sex here

While I could have
been ovulating.

I'm really getting
to know you.

Which means I could
be pregnant!


You used a condom though,

We... Did not.

I mean,
I was on the pill.

We both had clean
s.t.i. Tests.

I don't know,

We just got caught up
in the moment.


someone call m.i.t.

And let them know
how stupid I am.

Tell me I'm freaking out
over nothing.

What I think is,

After school you should go
take a pregnancy test.

Then you'll know for sure.

You're right.

You're right,
but I can't wait that long.

(Exhales nervously)

This is perfect for you.

So fill out the forms
and you'll be fine.


French literature.

(Pop can clanks)

You dropped something.


Recycling bin's
right here.


So put the can
where it belongs.

What, like...

Like this?
(Pop can clanks on floor)

Who cares where the cans go?

You some kinda crazy tree-hugger
or something?

Hey, pick it up now!

Come on!

Chill out, buddy!

(Grunting and grappling)


Ms. Oh:
hey, guys!

Guys, guys, stop!
Hey, stop!


You wanna get close
and personal?

Do it in detention!

in three minutes

I can get back to being
excited for m.i.t.


Mom?! Oh!

What are you doing home?

I could ask you
the same thing.

That's not mine.

I forgot something
for class

And then I came home
and found it.

It must be jenna's.

oh, jenna.

She'll be on
the business end

Of a stern talking-to
after school.

Is that really necessary?

I mean,
she's practically an adult.

Not according to
the parental consent forms

I sign on her behalf.

But is it really
that big a deal?

It's a pregnancy test!
It's an enormous deal!

Only seventeen

And jenna has already
given up one baby!

Is she trying
to ruin her life?!

(Distraught sigh)

Hockey player :
it looks like you have one.

Let's see, let's see.

(Guys groan)

Hockey players:
told you. So, so close.

all right, rook,
you're up.

Um, okay.

Over that table,
into that lady's purse,

Off her back.

No way.

Hockey players:
oh! You see that?

whoa! All right, rook!

I played ball back home

Until they made me pick
between it and hockey.

Well, I gotta say,

We're all really glad
you picked hockey.


All right,
next order of business:

Why don't you have
a girlfriend?

I dunno.

I guess I've just always been
too busy with hockey.

What's the point
of being so good

If you're not gonna use it?

Use it?
What, like, how?

"Future nhl-er
campbell saunders."

You're gonna be
a millionaire.

Ladies love millionaires.

You should be going out
with a different girl

Every weekend.

You know what?

Test out those powers
right now.

On that girl.

(hums happily)

Mrs. Bhandari:
I am very disappointed in you,

We knew you had a baby
when you came here,

But we were not aware

That you were trying
to make another!

I- I'm not!

I don't even have
a boyfriend.

okay, mom,
I think she's had enough.

Enough what?

We took her in.

We took responsibility
for you

And you still behave
like a floozy?!

okay, mom!

Go easy on her.

What if I came home pregnant?

oh, allia,

We don't have to worry
about that.

We both know you'd never make
such a huge mistake!

There will be some
new rules!

You will have no boys over.

You will have a curfew
of : p.m.

Fail to follow
these rules

And you will have to find
a new place to live!

thank you.

(School bell rings)

(Sleepy grunt)


What's a girl like you
doing in detention?

uh, I have a boyfriend.


You wish.

oh no, trust me,
I do not.

But as far as jerks go,

You're ever-so-slightly
less jerky

Than that jerk.

thanks for noticing.

Hey, I thought
you weren't going.

(Sighs) I had a whole plan,
but now - poof! - It's gone

Because I can't
convince my dad

I know what I'm doing.

Why don't you show him?

The school board
set aside money

For environmental initiatives

And no one knows
how to spend it.

Yeah, I don't think my dad
will be that impressed

By me building some shed
for the dumpsters.


So let's go look for something
bigger than that.


I've been cleaning classrooms
for two weeks

And you've gotta learn
to trust your "girlfriend."

(Teacher snores)

Okay, let's do this.

(clears throat)


(Clears throat)

I um...

Are you lost?


In your eyes.


You're hitting on me?


(nervous chuckle)

I'm gonna be in the nhl
in a couple of years,

Probably gonna be like
a millionaire, so...


So you wanna
purchase me?


Do you- do you wanna
get outta here,

Uh, go get some...


Hockey players:
(snort and laugh)

(Water splashes)

Hockey players:
(laugh hysterically)

(Sound of car pulling away)

Okay, my mom's gone.

I am so sorry!
I panicked!

I owe you my life!

And I have like
five more minutes

Until dave gets here,

are you gonna tell him?

not until I know for sure.

I can't take this

Until days
after conception?

That's like
five more days!

Guess you'll
just have to wait?

No, I can't!
I'm freaking out!

I just-
I need to convince myself

That I'm not pregnant!

Tell me what it feels like
so I know I'm not feeling it.

When you're pregnant?


Uh, I felt kinda sick.

I've felt sick.

Uh, my boobs were tender.

Tender where?

You're trying
to convince yourself.

(Distraught sigh)

What am I gonna do?

I thought we could get
a bird's-eye view

Of the school grounds,

Find some place for a garden
or greenhouse.

Jake: oh!
Katie: geez!

(Clears throat) uh...
So what do you think?

what about up here?

A sustainable rooftop garden

With organic produce
and flowers.

We could build a stage
that runs on solar power,

Maybe, maybe a rain basin.

This will prove to my dad

That I know exactly
what I'm talking about.




Wait, this is
my favourite part.

(Frustrated laugh)

Are we really gonna watch
this whole movie?

I'm not feeling
that well.

yeah, no kidding.

Tell that to the bag of chips
you just dummied.

I was just hungry,

Why so moody?

(Agonized exhale)


You can tell.
(Stressed exhale)

If you're worried about this
whole fast-tracking thing...

I'm worried that...

I'm pregnant.


No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

All signs point to yes.

I mean, you said I didn't
need to use a condom!

I know.
This is all my fault!

But we can handle it,

We can get through
anything together.

You said-!


I don't know!

I don't know.

Well, I guess this means
you're not going to m.i.t.

(Throws up,

(Exhales shakily)