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11x05 - The Legend of Boo-Kini Bottom

Posted: 06/01/22 06:35
by bunniefuu
- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob


- I wanted to be

mermaid man this year.

- Trick or treat.

I love Halloween.


It's scary, but...

Oh. Hello.

- Hello!

- Hello, Sir Patrick.

How do you like my decorations?

- Those are too cute

for Halloween, Spongebob.

- Oh, Patrick, Halloween is cute.

Sharing candy, holding hands, singing songs.

It's a bright and cheery time of year.

- I thought it was about

getting your pants scared off.

Hey, where's your costume?

- Close your eyes.

Okay. Open 'em.


- Oh, that's not scary either, Spongebob.

Wait, I'll show you what's scary is.

- Let's go to this house.

There is no candy here...

- What? - Only onions!

Now move along.


- No candy.

That is so scary.

Right, Spongebob?


Spongebob, why are you hiding in there?

You'll miss all the scary stuff.

- I don't want to see the scary stuff, Patrick.

Okay? I admit it.

I love trick-or-treating,

but I am too afraid to go out on Halloween!

- Spongebob, don't you know the old saying?

"The only thing you have to fear is..."



Stop staring at me like that! No!

See? It's all in your head, Spongebob.

You just have to remember one simple trick,

scary equals funny.

- Scary equals funny.

Hm. Never looked at it that way before.


All right. I'll go out.

- Spongebob?

- Here I am.

Just looking for cavities.

Nope. None here.

Oh, let's go out and get scared.


- Sure you can handle this, Spongebob?

- Oh, I'll be fine, Patrick. Really.

But can we hold hands, just in case you get scared?

- Deal.


- Welcome to my lab,

Spongebob and Patrick.

I am the evil Dr. Franken-Cheeks.

- Oh, hi, Sandy.

I didn't recognize you.

- Uh, yeah, great costume.

- Oh, thanks, guys.

Now, feast your fingers

on my jars of horror!

Stick your hand in the jar

and guess what's inside...

If you dare!

- Oy.

Ew. Oh.

Ew, it feels like worm guts.

- Wrong!

It's just noodles.

Oh, I'm savvy to this game, Sandy.

So these brains are probably a slimy head of lettuce,

or maybe some boiled broccoli.

- Wrong! It's...

Patrick? Get out of there.

- Don't stop, Spongebob. That's the spot.

- Patrick, you really got me.

- Ew!

How impolite of me!

I forgot to introduce you

to my little friend!

That's the most realistic fake monster I ever saw.

- Who are you calling fake?

- Fee,

fie, fo, fum,

I smell the fear

of a scared Spongebob!


- I love it!

Oh, thank you, Sandy. That was so much fun.

Patrick, you were right.

Scary equals funny.


- Come in and see the horrors

of the Chum Bucket.

Ha, ha, ha, ha! I'm Plankton!

Ha, ha, ha, I'm evil!

- Scary.

- What are you two laughing about?

There's nothing funny about the food abuse

that goes on at the Chum Bucket!

You should be terrified!

- Oh, sorry, Mister Krabs,

but our new philosophy is

"scary equals funny."

- Yeah, and funny divided by two idiots

equals stupid.

- I don't get it. When I was a kid,

Halloween meant continuous hours

of screaming your head off!

These kids today...

Come to the Chum Bucket,

and witness the horrors of the Krusty Krab!

You may never eat a Krabby Patty again!

- Ready for more funny, Sir Clanks-a-lot?

- I'm driving!


- Whoa!

- Welcome to the Chum Bucket.

I'm Karen the cat.

- Do the scary part.

Ooh, scary!

- Scary? That's nothing.


The horrors of the Krusty Krab.

Look down.

Oh. - Ooh.

No dawdling! Step right up!

The evil Mister Krabs

and his band of jolly, mindless fools

stalk Bikini Bottom by night

for delicious victims

then drag their lifeless bodies

back to the kitchen,

and grind them

into grinders!

Oh, Plankton, you are a panic.

- And guess what? You're eating it!

Krabby Patties are people!

They're people patties!

You're eating people patties!

- Yeah!

Come on!

- Ah! Music to me ears.

Halloween night, and everyone is

getting their bloomers scared off!

This holiday is the worst!

Wait a moment.

That kid isn't screaming with fear.

- Huh. What do you want?

- Scare and release!

I love this job.

Who dares to laugh

at All Hallows' Eve?

I'm going to find out.

Gee, who would've thought

I'd be laughing myself silly tonight?

- You!

You dare to laugh

on Halloween?

- Um... I guess so?

- What's the matter with you?

Aren't you afraid of scary things?

- Well, I was, until I found out that

scary equals funny.

- "Scary equals funny"?

- I love this guy!

- I don't get it.

How could anyone

confuse scary with funny?

Hm. No wonder you're not scared.

These decorations are laughable!

I'm sorry, kid.

I had no idea how fright-deprived you were.

Not to worry.

You're in bad hands!

I'll show you something to scream about

aboard me ship!

You interested?

- Sure. Can I bring a guest?

- Does a bear fish sleep in the kelp forest?

- Where are we going, Spongebob?

- We are going to comedy heaven, Patrick.

This is going to be so funny!

- This music doesn't sound funny, Spongebob.

- Stop that clanking.

- Sorry.

- Yar!

- Oh! Hey!

- All bilge rats on deck!

We have company,

and we want to show them a good time!

- That tickled.

- Hang on to your bloomers, Spongebob.

It's going to be a bumpy fright.


- Grr...

How can he still be laughing?

I've never been so humiliated.

I got to do something here.

- Boy, Patrick, I wish all our friends

could be here. They'd love this place!

- Friends! He's got friends.

That's it! I know how to scare this guy.

- Happy Halloween!

W...what? Where?

- Trick or treat!

- Hey!

- Spongebob!


Help me!

- That almost looks like Sandy.

- Spongebob! - Patrick.

- Help us!

- That almost looked like

Mister Krabs and Squidward

and Gary and Plankton.


Oh, Patrick, this is hysterical.

Why aren't you laughing?

Patrick? What's wrong with you?

- Help me, Spongebob.

My body's butt itches!

- Patrick? Is this really happening?

Hey, this isn't funny.

- I was wrong, Spongebob.

Sometimes, scary equals scary.

- Yup. I got the same answer.

Scary equals "Ahh!"

- Success!

I knew that would get him!

That's the scariest thing I ever saw in my life!

- Me too. But we gotta go back.

- Go back? Are you nuts?

- Show a little backbone.

We gotta save our friends.

- Oh, you're right. But I'm still scared.

Will you hold my hand?

- Deal.

- Ooh.

- You know, I gotta say,

pretty impressed with your whole evil presentation here.

Nice work.

I could use a guy like you to walk through walls.

We take over the world, and we split it, - .

How's that grabbin' you?

Yes, master...

- I guess with friends like Spongebob,

you don't need anemones, huh, g*ng?

- You can't talk about Spongebob like that!

- Oh, yeah? If Spongebob's so great,

where is he? Huh?

- And, now, I'm going to roast your souls

over a devil pit.

Just like Grandma used to.

- Fire is so hot!

- My puppet?

You let my friends go,

buddy boy!

- You were trying to scare me?

Now that is funny.

You couldn't frighten me

in a million eternities, kid.

- I think he could, master.

You've never seen what's inside his brain!

- His brain? Ha! What's scary about that?

- I was in there once.

It's too terrifying, even for ghosts!

- I'll decide if it's scary or not!

- Wa... Whoa!

- Ah! Ah! Ah! Don't...don't!

That didn't scare me one bit.

I...I bet you don't have a scary thought

in your entire brain!

- Oh, scary... Hm...

You know, what always scares me out of the room

is when my mom takes out my naked baby pictures.

I wuv you this much!

I'm actually scared!

So much horror!


- Ooh.

- Oh! I got my butt back!

- I don't know what's inside that brain of yours,

but I sure hope I never see it.

Thanks, Spongebob.

- But did we learn anything?

- Sure. We learned not to be afraid

to never be scared of being afraid again.

- My employee saved us!

Party at the Krusty Krab!

For a reasonable fee.

What happened?

Whew. Must have been a nightmare.

- Hey, guys!

Free candy!