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11x04 - Man Ray Returns/Larry the Floor Manager

Posted: 06/01/22 06:34
by bunniefuu
- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob


- This is Junior Crime Breaker Spongebob,

reporting to Junior Crime Breaker Patrick.

There are no signs of crime

in front of my house. Any criminal activity by you?


Uh...I've got a visual

on a old lady tying her shoes.

She's doing the granny knot.

- Oh, I'll give you a granny knot!

All clear!

No crime here.

Patrick, emergency meeting

at Squidward's house...ASAP!

Oh, please, Squidward,

don't move away! You can't leave

the neighborhood! Aw, we were just starting

to get close.

I swear,

I'll haunt your nightmares if you move away!

- I'm not moving away, you brainless bottom feeders!

I'm just taking a week's vacation

away from you morons.

Thank you.

Let me help you carry this. - No...wait, no!

Oh...your unmentionables.

- I won't mention this bra.

- It's not a bra! It's a pectoral girdle.

I don't care about my clothes.

I just wanna get away from you two.

And while I'm away... huh...

While I am gone,

there will be a paying guest renting my place.

Don't bother him!

- This is Junior Crime Breaker Spongebob

to Junior Crime Breaker Patrick.

I've got a visual on a cab.

Can you get a make on who the passenger is?


I can't see anything

through these unmentionables.

announcer: Who's this tacky tourist

turning up in a taxi?

Why, it's none other than that mortal enemy

of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy,

the evil Man Ray!

- Hey, dude, keep it down.

I'm not doing any evil this week.

I'm on vacation!

announcer: Really?

- Yes, really.

- Aw, he went inside!

Patrick, wouldn't it be great to have another friend

who can join our Junior Crime Breakers?

Ooh, I gotta get a look at him!

We can blast him out. - No, no!

Squidward said not to bother the man.

So, we gotta be sneaky.


He must've gone upstairs.

- Well, how do we get up there?

- "Eye" have just the thing!

Oh, it's getting chilly.



Now, I know Squidward said

not to bother his guest,

but there's nothing wrong

with a welcome-to-the-neighborhood pie.

May I help you?

I was just finishing up in the bathroom.

- Hello. Welcome to the neighborhood!

- Don't mind us. - Wha...

- Is this sand?

- Hamper sand... from my hamper.

- Yeah, stranger,

we got a nice little town here...

thanks to the Junior Crime Breakers.

And we're always looking for new members.

You look pretty fit. - Spongebob.

He's not putting out any snacks for us.

- Oh, sorry! How rude of me.


All I have is this pie.

- Don't mind if I do.

- Eh...if you'll excuse me, I'll finish up in the bathroom.

He's all outta snacks! Let's go.

- But, Patrick, we haven't asked him to join

the Junior Crime Breakers yet.

Hello? We were wondering if

you'd like to...

Evil villain Man Ray.

- Now, what were you saying?


- Mermaid Man! It's Man Ray!

He's right inside Squidward'

Too late. Man Ray must've gotten to them.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy ice pops!

They finally made them!

Wait a minute, Patrick.

We're both wrong! It says right here in issue .

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are just taking

their cryonic nap. But when they wake up in a week,

they'll be weak for a week!

Patrick, do you know what this means?

- I'll have to wait a week for my Mermaid Man ice pop?

- Yes and no. It means that

you and I will have to be Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy,

and stop Man Ray's vacation of...


By the power of Neptune,

Mermaid Pants and Barnacle Star unite!

Patrick, is that...

I couldn't wait a week!


- Good thing I'm so stealthy,

huh, Mermaid Pants?

The stealth!


I've got to call the cops.

What am I doing?

Villains don't call the police!

I didn't think to bring

any evil super-weapons on vacation!

I'm unarmed!

- Who'da thunk that Squidward would be stockpiling

such a huge arsenal of evil super-weapons?

So stale, yet so deadly.

I got my w*apon!

- Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy?

I knew you guys were old,

but I had no idea you mutated. - Surrender, Man Ray!

- I'm on holiday.

- Yeah, an evil holiday!

- Prepare to be framed!

announcer: Vase vaporized!

- Here's a dessert that's sure to hurt!

announcer: Figurines fractured!

No, no, no, no,


- All right, Man Ray.

I will snare you in my "clara-net"!


I can't think of anything!

announcer: Table toppled!

- I just wanted a vacation!

- Evil never takes a vacation!

Did you just make that up?

Because that sounds pretty good.

Do you mind if I use it sometime?

- Help yourself, Man Ray.

- Yeah, help yourself to pain!

Why did I ever bother

trying to be normal?

I am Man Ray!

Feel my evil wrath!

Hold on. I should get this.

Hello? - Hello, Man Ray?

The weather changed my plans. I'm coming home.

Not to worry, though.

You'll get a full refund on the rent,

so long as there's no damage to my place.


That idiot octopus doesn't know

I gave him a phony check!

You were right about me after all, dopey duo.

Evil never takes a vacation!

- Ooh! Definitely sounds

a lot cooler when he says it.

Ah, here's my Scuber.

- Maybe one day Man Ray will reform

and join the Junior Crime Breakers.

- Man, he really trashed this place.

- Okay, Barnacle Star! Let's be super good

and glue all of Squidward's stuff

back together! - Well, how do we do that?

- Oh, Patrick, it's right here

in issue .

We have super saliva!

- Hello?

- Oh, looks like my guest left already.

Home sweet...


- Just go! - Oh, no.

- Yes, I will have a quad Patty,

with a sprinkling of Himalayan salt,

smoked paprika, and micro greens.

- Gimme a quad... - Hold on.

I'm not finished with my order.

Aw, come on!

- I would like my patties be-cheesed,

but not just any cheese will do.

Have you any aged "how-uda"?

And yes,

it is pronounced "how-uda,"

not "goo-da."

Just eat the regular Krabby Patty

and stop wasting everybody's time!

- Mister Krabs!

You know we don't treat our customers like that.

It says right here, in the Krusty Krab manual.

"The customer is always right,

when they have money."

Such wise and beautiful words.

Thanks for reminding me, Spongebob.

- I'm here to serve, Mister Krabs.

Ketchup waster!

Sorry, Spongebob.

I didn't mean it. No more outbursts.

I'll be nice Mister Krabs, I promise.

Your napkin.


Mister Krabs!

You gotta calm down!

I'll m*rder-lize him!

- Relax, little crab guy.

Get your muscled mitts off me!

Get off!


That's right. Give in to the healing power

of my pecs. - I feel so secure.

All better?

- What? You let him go?

We're all dead!

The grill's still on!

- I don't know what's wrong with me.

The Krusty Krab's just been so busy.

I never seem to get a break.

- Sounds like someone needs a vacation.

- I...I could use some me time.

- And don't worry. Squidward and I can take care

of the Krusty Krab while you're gone.

- Order up!

I'm sorry,

but I can't leave you guys in charge.

I need a strong man to run this place...

someone who's a rock

and can really handle the load, you know?

But who has that kind of strength, hmm?

- Psst, psst!

- That's it! Larry,

how would you like to manage the Krusty Krab

while I'm on vacation?

- Larry's got his own gym to run.

- Come on, Larry. It'll be fun.

- Larry loves fun! I'm in.

- All right!

- Oh, hey, Larry. How you liking your new job?

- Larry likes it just fine.

But do the customers always eat like this?

- Oh, no. They normally eat like this!

- Those poor people.

Someone needs to whip them into shape.

- What'll you have? - Uh...

I'll have a double Krabby Patty, Krabby fries,

and, uh...whoa!

What else?

a Krabby soda...

a Krabby...

My leg!


Can I help you?

- Yeah, I'll take a Krabby salad,

dressing on the side, and more minutes

on this rad treadmill.

Here's your change.

- Here's your order, sir.

And don't forget

your side salad!

- Yeah! Push it, push it!

- Push it, push it!

Okay, okay.

I'll push it.

- Push it, push it! - Yeah, push it!

- Yes! You made it!

Now, claim your Krabby Patty!


Aww, too pooped

for a Krabby Patty.

- Ah, forget Krabby Patties.

Those things are over. - But Larry,

Krabby Patties are why people come here.

- Ooh, not anymore. Now we only serve salads

and protein power shakes!

- Ooh, power shake! I wanna taste.

- You like? - No, Larry.

No. - But it gets you jacked!

- I don't wanna be jacked.

I just want my Krabby Patties back.

- Everybody wants to get jacked. - Yeah, jacked!

- Look, Larry, I really think

we should go back to serving Krabby Patties.

People love the...

- Larry? - Jacked.

- Spongebob!

Squidward! Let's move it, boys.

Get those power shakes out and those heart rates up!



- Horrible sustenance.

- Let's get outta here!

- Pardon my reach.

Go on without me!

No, wait, don't.

- Squidward, I know Larry means well,

but he's messing up the Krusty Krab!

This used to be a shrine to the delicious Krabby Patty.

Now it's just a stinky gym.

- Feel...the...burn!

- Squidward, go tell Larry he's fired.

- Are you crazy? He is way too big for that.

We need to come at this another way...

a smart, dignified way!

I know... We'll sabotage the place.

- And I know just where to start:

the power shakes. - I'm on it!

Wait, wait...what about me?

Butter! Lard!


And now, fry it all up into a greasy,

heart-stopping surprise!

Here you go.

- I'm loving this oily concoction.

It really makes Larry's muscles pop!

Thanks, Spongebob.

Okay, that failed. What now?

- We'll sabotage the weight machines.

Then these muscle heads will have to find a new place

to work out! - Gotcha.

- Wait, you idiot! Get me out of here.

Awesome workout, bro!

- Oh, I don't know what to do.

I guess this place belongs to the gym guys now.

- Don't leave me, Spongebob!

Wait, what am I saying?

- Help us!


- What are you all doing out here?

You should just go home.

- We can't go home.

There's no Krabby Patties at home.

I need my Krabby Patties, man!

You gotta help me!

- Help us! - Help, help!

- Krabby Patties...that's it!

Those gym guys have forgotten the simple, greasy pleasure

of munching on a Krabby Patty, and we need to remind them.

- Spongebob, you're ruining Larry's pump sesh.

- Larry, you're ruining the Krusty Krab!

- Get 'em, men!

- Fire!

Get over here!

Gimme, gimme!

- Give him a single!

Give him a double with cheese!

- Yeah!


- Give into the flavor, Larry!


- He's too fast. We need a distraction.

Here, use this.

- No, you gotta keep your elbow...

Greasy, fatty,

sticky, and gummy! It's delicious!

Larry's been a fool.

I've spent all my time working on my muscles

when I could've been working on these delicious sandwiches.


what's wrong with me?

- Now those are some sad pecs.

- Aw, don't be sad, Larry. You were just trying

to help people get into shape.

- Eh...looks like your gym has some new customers.

- Somebody, let me out of this thing already!

Home sweet home.

- Order up!

Everything's just how I left it.