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03x01 - Seed

Posted: 10/16/12 13:43
by bunniefuu


They stop the cars in the middle of a road, and get out. Rick looks out for walkers.

Rick: Fifteen, you’re on point.

Rick goes to the car where Maggie, Hershel, Daryl and T-Dog are looking at a map.

T-Dog: We’ve got no place left to go.

Maggie: When this herd meets up with this one, we’ll be cut off, we’ll never make it south.

Daryl: What do you say, it’s about 150 head?

Glenn: That was last week, could be twice that now.

Hershel: This river could have delayed them. If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through this.

T-Dog: Yeah, but if this group joins with that one, they could spill out this way.

Maggie: So we’re blocked.

Rick: Only thing to do is double back at 27th and swing towards Greenville.

T-Dog: We picked through that already, it’s like we spent the winter going in circles.

Rick: Yeah, I know. I know. At Newnan we’ll push west. Haven’t been through the area. We can’t keep going house to house. He looks at Lori in the car We need to find some place to hold up for a few weeks.

T-Dog: Alright. Is it cool if we get to the creek before we head out? It won’t take long. We gotta fill up on water, we can boil it later.

Everyone goes back into the cars, except Rick and Hershel.

Rick: Knock yourself out.

Hershel: She can’t take much more of this moving about.

Rick: Well, what else can we do, let her give birth on the run?

Hershel puts his hand on Rick’s shoulder.

Hershel: You see a way around that?

Hershel leaves.

Daryl: Hey, while the others wash their panties, let’s go hunt. That owl didn’t exactly hit the spot.

Rick and Daryl leave the others to go hunting. They see a prison, surrounded by walkers.

Daryl: That’s a shame.

Rick looks at it and at the walkers.

Around the prison

Rick cuts the wire around the prison with pliers. Glenn and Maggie k*ll a walker.

Rick: Watch the backside!

Lori: Got it.

Everyone crosses the wire, they are now in an alley surrounding the prison.

Rick: (To T-Dog) Hurry! Hurry!

Glenn and Daryl close the wire up. They run, the walkers approach but are stopped by the wire. Daryl opens a door. The alley stops here. There is a courtyard filled with walkers, and then the prison. Rick looks at it.

Rick: It’s perfect. If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We’ll take the field by tonight.

Hershel: So how do we shut the gate?

Glenn: I’ll do it. You guys cover me.

Maggie: No, it’s a su1c1de run.

Glenn: I’m the fastest.

Rick: No. You, Maggie and Beth draw as many as you can over there (he points a direction) , pop them through the fence. Daryl, go back to the other tower. Carol, you’ve become a pretty good shot, take your time, we don’t have a lot of a*mo to waste. Hershel, you and Carl, take this tower.

Carl: Alright.

Everybody gets in position.

Rick: I’ll run for the gate.

Glenn, T-Dog, Maggie and Beth draw the walkers by screaming, and k*ll them by stabbing them in the head through the fence.

Glenn, T-Dog, Maggie, Beth: Come on! Hey, come here! Come on! Hey, come here! Come on! Hey come on! Come on! Come on! Hey come on, get over here, come on!

Lori opens the door for Rick. He runs towards the prison, sh**ting walkers who get in his way.

Glenn: Come on! Come on!

Daryl, Carol, Carl and Hershel k*ll the walkers who get close to Rick. Carol almost sh**t Rick by mistake.

Carol: Sorry.

Beth: Hey, come on, over here! Hey! Hey, hey, hey, come on, over here!

The walkers are drawn to Rick, but he manages to shut the gate. Then, he goes in the tower and closes the door, followed by all the walkers.

Carol: He did it!

Daryl: Light it up!

Hershel and Carl keep sh**ting some walkers. So does T-Dog. Rick is at the top of the tower, and he kills walkers too, and laughs. Maggie and Beth sh**t some through the fence. Lori, Carol and Daryl k*ll some too. Rick kills the last one and smiles. They all meet up next to the yard.

Carol: Fantastic!

Daryl: Nice sh**ting.

Carol: Yeah. (to Lori) You okay?

Lori: I haven’t felt this good in weeks.

They go in the courtyard.

Carol: Oh! Oh, oh! We haven’t had this much space since we left the farm! (she laughs) Ah…

Glenn puts down a walker. T-Dog laughs.

T-Dog: Wooooo!

In the yard, around a fire, at night

Everyone except Daryl, Rick and Carol is sitting around a fire. Glenn eats something.

Glenn: Mmmm… Just like mom used to make.

Maggie smiles. Lori eats and looks at Rick who’s on watch next to the fence.

T-Dog: Tomorrow, we’ll put all the bodies together. We want to keep them away from that water. Now, if we can dig a canal under the fence, we’ll uh have plenty of fresh water.

Hershel: The soil is good, we could plant some seed, grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soybeans. (He looks at Rick) That’s his third time around. If there was any part of it compromised, he’d have found it by now.

Beth: (to Lori) This will be a good place to have the baby. Safe.

On an overturned car, nearby

Daryl, is standing on an overturned vehicle. He helps Carol to climb. She gives him food.

Carol: That’s not much. But if I don’t bring you something, you won’t eat at all.

Daryl: Guess little Shane over there’s got quite the appetite.

Carol: (she laughs) Don’t be mean. Rick’s gotten us a lot further than I thought he would, I’ll give him that. Shane could never have done that.

Carol stretches her neck, Daryl eats a fruit.

Daryl: What’s wrong?

Carol: It’s that r*fle, the kickback. I’m just not used to it. (she massages her neck)

Daryl: Hold on.

He puts his g*n on the car, licks his finger, and massages Carol’s shoulder, she laughs. Daryl’s a little embarrassed.

Daryl: Better get back.

Carol: It’s pretty romantic. (she pretends to kiss him) Want to screw around?

Daryl: Pff… (they laugh) I’ll go down first.

Carol: Even better.

Daryl: Stop.

In the yard, around a fire, at night

Hershel: Bethy, sing “Paddy Reilly” for me. I haven’t heard that I think, since your mother was alive.

Maggie: Daddy, not that one, please.

Hershel: How about uh… “Parting Glass”?

Beth: No one wants to hear.

Carl looks at her, and Maggie smiles.

Glenn: Why not?

Beth: Okay.

Of all the money

e'er I had

I spent it in good company

And all the harm

e'er I've ever done

alas it was to none but me

and all I've done

for want of wit

to memory now I can't recall

so fill to me

the parting glass

good night and joy be with you all

Maggie joins her in singing.

Maggie and Beth: oh, all the comrades

that e'er I had

were sorry for my going away

and all the sweethearts that e'er I had (Rick arrives, Carl gives him something to eat, he proposes some to Lori, she takes some reluctantly.)

would wish me

one more day to stay

But since it falls unto my lot

that I should rise

and you should not

I'll gently rise

and I'll softly call

good night and joy

be with you all

good night and joy

be with you all

Hershel: Beautiful.

Glenn puts his hand on Maggie’s leg, smiling.

Rick: Better all turn in. I’ll take watch over there, we’ve got a big day tomorrow.

Glenn: What do you mean?

Rick: Look, I know we’re all exhausted. This was a great win. But we gotta push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards or prisoners, looks like this place fell pretty early. Could mean the supplies may be intact. They have an infirmary, a commissary.

Daryl: An armory?

Rick: That would be outside the prison itself, but not too far away. Warden’s offices would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine, this place could be a gold mine!

Hershel: We’re dangerously low on a*mo. We’ll run out before we make a dent.

Rick: That’s why we gotta go in there. Hand to hand. After all we’ve been through, we can handle it, I know it. These assholes don’t stand a chance.

Rick goes, followed by Lori.

A little further

Lori: Psst! (Rick turns around) I appreciate everything you’re doing, we all do. But it’s been a death march, and we’re exhausted, can we just enjoy this for a few days?

Rick: The baby will be here in a few days, it’s no time for a picnic.

Lori: No, but it’s time to get the house in order.

Rick: What do you think I’m doing?

Lori: Your absolute best.

Rick: Don’t patronize me! (he goes, but she follows him)

Lori: I’m not! I’m just saying… the baby is about to be here, and we need to talk about…

Rick: About what?

Lori: Things. We’ve been avoiding…

Rick: You know what? You want to talk, talk to Hershel. I’m doing stuff, Lori. Things, isn’t that enough? I’m still here.

Lori: You’re right. I’m sorry.

Rick leaves, Lori has got tears in her eyes.

In an abandoned shop

Michonne enters an abandoned shop, a walker hears her and turns around. Michonne kicks him, and slices his head off with her katana. She then does the same to two other walkers. She takes what’s useful, and leaves.

Courtyard of the prison

Hershel: Ready?

Rick opens the door that leads to the courtyard. T-Dog enters and stabs a walker, Daryl, Rick, Maggie and Glenn enter as well. They all start stabbing walkers in the head. They all scream as they move towards the prison. In the meantime, Hershel, Carl, Carol, Lori and Beth try to draw the walkers to the fence in order to s*ab them through the wire.

Hershel, Carl, Carol, Lori and Beth: Come on! Hey, come on! Hey! Hey, over here! Come on! Hey come here!

The others keep k*lling walkers until the first courtyard is empty.

Rick: Almost there.

They walk and they see another courtyard filled with walkers. They hide behind a wall. Two walkers come out of a vehicle, they’re dressed as guards, so they have helmets on. Two others come out from behind the wall, Maggie kicks one. Lori tries to see where the others are.

Lori: I can’t see them. (To Carol) Can you see them?

Carol: Back there.

They keep trying to k*ll the guards but it’s not easy with their helmets on. Daryl kills a walker. Rick walks towards the courtyard filled with walkers in order to close it. He pushes a guard on the floor.

Rick: Daryl!

Daryl helps him k*ll the walkers on their way, and they manage to close the door of the courtyard. Maggie kills one of the guards by stabbing him in the neck. Glenn and T-Dog look impressed.

Maggie: Seen that?

Glenn and T-Dog k*ll another guard the same way Maggie did. So does Daryl. Rick kicks a guard, takes off his helmet, and he takes off his skin as well, and stabs him in the head. Maggie kills another one, the courtyard where they are is now filled with bodies.

Rick: Stop.

Glenn: Looks secure.

Daryl: Nothing will lead to that courtyard over there. (He shows a body) And that’s a civilian.

T-Dog: So the interior could be over run by walkers from outside the prison.

Glenn: Well, if there’s walls, then, what are we gonna do? We can’t rebuild this whole place.

Rick: We can’t risk a blind spot. We have to push in.

They all walk towards a door leading to the prison. Daryl opens the door.
Cell block

They wind up in an empty cell block and start looking out for walkers. Rick goes upstairs, he sees a dead guard, and takes his keys. He opens the door leading to all the cells, and they come in. Maggie sees a dead prisoner in one of the cells. Daryl goes upstairs, Rick joins him. They hear noises, turn around, and see walkers in the cells. They k*ll the walkers, and throw them downstairs. T-Dog carries a body outside. The others arrive, and take a look at the place.

Rick: What do you think?

Glenn: Home sweet home.

Rick: For the time being.

Lori: It’s secure?

Rick: (smiling) This cell block is.

Hershel: What about the rest of the prison?

Rick: In the morning, we’ll find the cafeteria, and the infirmary.

Beth: We’ll sleep in the cells?

Rick: I found the keys on some guards. Daryl has a set too.

Daryl: I ain’t sleeping in no cage. I’ll take the perch.

They all go look for cells to settle in.

Carol: (To Lori) Come on.

Lori: (To Rick) Thank you.

Rick leaves without answering.

Hershel and Beth’s cell

Beth and Carl go in a cell and look around.

Beth: Pretty gross.

Carl: Yeah, remember the storage units?

Beth lies down on a bed.

Beth: It’s actually… it’s actually comfortable! Check it out!

Hershel arrives.

Hershel: (To Carl) You found your cell yet?

Carl: Uh, yeah, I was just making sure Beth was safe. See you tomorrow!

Beth: See ya!

Carl leaves, Hershel and Beth smile.

Maggie and Glenn’s cell

Maggie and Glenn go in a cell and look around before putting their bags down.

Maggie: I’m so exhausted, I don’t even care.

They smile and sit down on a bed.

Glenn: Let me see you.

Glenn looks at Maggie’s arms, and at her back and touches them softly.

Maggie: What you doing?

Glenn: Checking for scratches.

Lori and Carol’s cell

Carol and Lori enter a cell upstairs, and put their bags on the floor

Upstairs in the cell block

Daryl lies down on the floor next to the stairs.

Downstairs in the cell block

Rick looks at the place and stretches.

Maggie and Glenn’s cell

Glenn is still checking Maggie’s back for scratches. She’s smiling.

Glenn: You’re okay.

He kisses gently her shoulder and her neck, she smiles and they hold each other.

Lori and Carol’s cell

They look at the cell, at each other, and Carol laughs.

Downstairs in the cell block

Rick sits down on the floor and rests.

Abandoned little town filled with walkers

Michonne looks around, then enters a place called the Deer Cooler.

Inside the Deer Cooler

Two walkers without arms are chained up to a table, Michonne opens another door. She’s about to take her sword when she sees Andrea lying on the floor.

Michonne: What you doing out here?

Andrea: I needed some light.

Michonne helps Andrea to sit, an gives her meds and water.

Michonne: Take this.

Andrea: How is it out there?

Michonne: Same. It’s quiet.

Andrea: You’re lying.

Michonne: We should go in a few days.

Michonne looks worried.

Andrea: They’re coming, you should go.

Michonne: No.

Andrea: I’ll hold you back! Go! I can take care of myself! I saved your ass all winter didn’t I?

Andrea coughs, and refuses the water that Michonne is offering.

Andrea: I won’t have you dying for me! Good soldier won’t leave your post. Screw you.

Michonne: We’ll go in a few days.

Andrea: If we stay, I’ll die here.

Outside the Deer Cooler

Michonne, holding the two chained up walkers, opens the door and goes outside, followed by Andrea.

Cell block

Daryl, T-Dog, Hershel and Rick put on a table all the useful things they found.

Daryl: Not bad.

Rick: Flashbangs, CS Triple-Chasers. Not sure how they’d work on walkers, but we’ll take them.

Daryl picks up a helmet, there’s walker’s skin in it.

Daryl: I ain’t wearing this shit.

T-Dog picks up gloves in the same condition.

T-Dog: We could boil them.

Daryl: Ain’t enough firewood in a whole forest, no! Besides, we’ve made it this far without them right?

Carol arrives.

Carol: Hershel?

Rick: Everything alright?

Carol: Yeah, nothing to worry about.

Hershel follows Carol into her cell.

Lori and Carol’s cell

Lori: It’s the baby, I think I lost it.

Hershel: You haven’t felt it move?

Lori: Nothing. And no Braxton-Hicks. At first, I thought it was exhaustion and malnutrition.

Hershel: You’re anemic?

Lori nods.

Lori: If we’re all infected, then so is the baby. So what if it’s stillborn? What if it’s dead inside me right now, what if it rips me apart?

Hershel: Stop. Don’t let your fear take control of you.

Lori: Okay. Let’s say it lives, and I die during childbirth.

Hershel: That’s not going to happen.

Lori: Why not? How many women died in childbirth before modern medicine? If I come back, what if I attack it? Or you, Rick, Carl… If I do, if there is any chance, you put me down immediately, you don’t hesitate! (she starts crying) Me, the baby, if we’re walkers, you don’t hesitate, and you don’t try to save us! Okay?(Hershel nods, Lori cries.) It might have been better if…

Hershel: If what?

Lori: If I’d never made it off the farm.

Hershel: You’re exhausted, frightened.

Lori: Yeah, that’s true. My son can’t stand me. And my husband, after what I put him through.

Hershel: We’ve all been carrying that weight. All winter.

Lori: I tried to talk to him. He…

Hershel: He’ll come around.

Lori: He hates me. He’s too good a man to say it, but… I know. I put him and Shane at odds, I put that knife in his hands!

Hershel: You know who doesn’t give a shit about that? This baby. Now let’s make sure everything’s alright.

Cell block

T-Dog, Daryl, Carl, Rick, Hershel, Glenn and Maggie are preparing and arming themselves. Lori watches them. Carl tries a helmet on, but Rick takes it off.

Rick: You won’t need that, I need you to stay put.

Carl: You’re kidding!

Rick: We don’t know what’s in there. If something goes wrong, you could be the last man standing. I need you to handle things here.

Carl: Sure.

Rick: Great, let’s go.

They leave, Carl shuts the door.

Corridors in the prison

The group advances very carefully in the corridors, there are dead bodies on the floor. Glenn traces arrows so they can find their way back. Maggie jumps with fright when she runs into Glenn by accident. Suddenly, they see a lot of walkers as they turn. They all go back running, followed by the walkers.

Rick: Go back, go back! Go back, move! This way!

Glenn: Come on, come on!

Daryl: Come on, this way!

Maggie and Glenn are ambushed, as walkers have arrived just in front of them, they can’t go either way.

Glenn: Come on, in here!

They go in a room to escape the walkers, who can’t open the door. The others are trying to find a way to get out.

Rick: Where’s Glenn and Maggie?

Hershel: We have to go back!

Daryl: But which way?

They open a door nearby very carefully and start searching for Glenn and Maggie.

Hershel: Maggie? Glenn?

Glenn and Maggie get out of the room when the walker are gone.

Glenn: Rick?

Maggie: Dad? Dad?

Hershel: Mag? Mag?

Hershel walks, and there is a walker sitting on the floor, it seems dead. But Hershel walks near it, and the walker grabs his leg and bites him. Hershel screams, Rick arrives and sh**t the walker. Maggie and Glenn arrive.

Maggie: No! No, daddy! No!

The walkers, attracted by the noise, start coming, on both sides. Rick and Glenn take Hershel and start running while supporting Hershel.

Rick: Daryl!

T-Dog: Run!

Rick: We’re blocked!

T-Dog: Get back, get back!

Hershel: God! Oh, god! Oh, god!

Rick: Go, go!

They see a door, and manage to open it.

Room in the prison

Daryl: Get in, get in!

Hershel: Oh, god! Oh god!

Rick and Glenn lie Hershel down on the floor.

Rick: Shut the door!

Daryl and T-Dog close the door with difficulty. As Hershel continues to scream, Rick tries to save him. He puts his belt on Hershel’s leg to stop the bleeding, T-Dog tries to keep the door closed.

Rick: Hold him down! Alright. Only one way to keep him alive!

Rick takes an axe, and starts to cut off Hershel’s leg, while Maggie and Glenn hold him down. Hershel passes out from the pain. Rick is disgusted by the sight of the leg, but he continues. And he manages to cut off Hershel’s leg.

Rick: Oh… He’s bleeding out.

Suddenly, Daryl sees four men stand up behind the wall.

Daryl: Duck.

Rick ducks; Daryl stands up and point his flashlight and his crossbow at the men. They’re prisoners.

Axel: Holy shit.