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10x07 - Plankton Retires/Trident Trouble

Posted: 05/31/22 07:21
by bunniefuu
- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob


- We interrupt this program

to bring you a Bikini Bottom News Flash.

Whoa, big fella.

- Mr. Plankton, we've received word

that you're plotting to infiltrate the Krusty Krab

and steal the Krabby Patty secret formula.

Is that true?

- Actually, yes, that is true.

I've got it all worked out.

First I break into the safe and...ehh.

Wait, is this live?

- Yes.

- Don't broadcast my secret plans!

They're secret!

I will destroy all of you!

Secret formula, ho!

- I reckon that classified taste mixture

will be in my hands directly.

The fool!

He left the safe open.

Open for business, baby!


I'm off to make a delivery.

- Ha, that fool.

And the Krabby Patty is made of...


- Ew! Ew!

- Gotcha!



- Pull!




- Alley-oop!

- Whee!

Come to daddy, Patty!

- Gotcha.

- Eeh.

Oh, Karen, he covered me in urchins,

fed me to a seahorse, and stung me to death.

I fly through the air, he flies through the air.

I hide in a stomach, he hides in a stomach.

I have had enough!

- Oh, I think someone needs their ba-ba.

There, isn't that better?

- No, Karen!

That's just not gonna work anymore!

Don't you see? We're done here.

- He said for the billionth time.

You know, Sheldon, if I had a dime

for every time you...

- Mister Krabs, did you see that?

Plankton is retiring.

- I'll believes it when I sees it.

Hey, ha ha!

All hands on deck, Spongebob!

Aye-aye, Mr...whoa!

- Aw, you want to say good-bye to Plankton,

you old softy you.

- That'll be the day.

I don't trust Plankton as far as I throw him.

That's why we're gonna shadow that little twit

and find out what he's up to.

a charmingly boring..."

- Snap your trap, boy-o. You'll blow our cover.

- A new life in a new town.

- I still don't see Plankton doing anything wrong.

Maybe he really is retiring.

- Believes it when I sees it.

- Quick, boy, he's getting away.

- Yes? - I'd like a room, please.

Very good, sir.

- How long will you be staying with us?


And so begins my retirement.

- You see you, lad. Plankton is up to no good.

I bet those are all the fixings for another evil lab.

- Mister Krabs, I'm gonna be sick.



- You see, he's got an evil belt to match those evil shoes.

- Yes!

My plan is almost complete.

- His plan! Did you hear that, Spongebob?

He said plan!

- Uh, please, don't shake me, Mister Krabs.

- Oh, my pretty.

You'll be my best friend from now on.

Retirement is mine.



- Ooh, this is it, boy-o.

He's got an evil laser death apparatus contraption

ready to spring on all of us.

- Ooh.

Now that I sees it, I believes it.

- Hurray! I knew you'd get it, Mister Krabs.

- Krabs!

What are you doing in my hotel room?

Good luck on your retirement, Plankton.

I won't give you any more trouble.

- Oh, I know you won't, Krabs,

because I'm at the Krusty Krab right now

stealing that formula.

- Oh-oh, sure. Whatever you say, old-timer.

How would you be doing that when you're all the way over here

in Dullsville, hmm?

Because I'm a decoy look-alike robot!


So what'd I miss?


- That's right, Karen.

By the time those two knuckleheads figure it out,

I'll be knee-deep in secret formula.

Yes, I'll wear my galoshes. Gotta go.

In your face, Krabs.


Krabs? SpongeBoob?

Why aren't you in Dullsville?

- We never left, Sheldon.

The Mister Krabs and SpongeBoob who followed the robot you

to Dullsville were also robots.


Hate! Hate!

Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!

- So the way I see it, Mister Krabs and Plankton

are just using us as pawns in their dumb secret formula w*r.

- Agreed.

- Yeah, I mean, who cares if that guy

steals the secret formula anyway?

Grow up, that's what I say.

- Agreed.

- So you're the real Krabs and Spongebob.

Gimme that!



Krusty Krab, may I take your order?

No, Mister Krabs is unable to come to the phone right now.

He's trapped in a dust cloud brawl.

Yeah, he'll have to call you back.

Gee, I hope our robot look-alikes are okay.

Bless their heart-like pneumatic pumps.



We are the Greek chorus.

We narrate this epic tale

of stupidity.

Behold Neptune,

god of the sea,

with his mighty trident,

a w*apon so powerful

nothing is beyond its user's reach.

Behold the Kraken.

Gross monster.

Behold Neptune triumphant.

What an awesome dude.

Behold this idiot and beware,

for trident trouble comes.

- Sorry. - Eh.


Food! Food! Food!

Food! Food!

- Food! Food!

- Hey, I was still reading that!

- Forget the stupid comic.

We've got a situation here.

We don't have any Krabby Patties,

and these animals are trying to eat us instead.

Hey, who's responsible for this?

- Get to flipping those patties fast, boy-o!

Before we all become the lunch special.

- I'm on it, Mister Krabs.

Oh, the toppings haven't been prepped.

I wish this lettuce and tomato would just cut themselves up.

- Let's do this!

- Yeah, cut me up good, girlfriend.

I guess I did cut up the toppings after all.

- Krabby Patties!


- patties?

How am I gonna flip patties?

Huh, has my spatula always had three heads?


And it is not a spatula.

- Get them patties out here fast, Spongebob!

- Well, I wish these Krabby Patties

would just serve themselves so I could keep cooking.

- Hey!

- Yay!

- Yeah!

- Whoa, my spatula never did that before.

Krabby Patty! Krabby Patty!

Krabby Patty! Krabby Patty!

I don't know how you're doing this, boy-o,

but keep it up.

Folks will pay every cent they have

to watch Krabby Patties dance.

Look at how cute they are.

- Hey. - Oh!

- Whoo! - Whoo-whee!

- We're running out of them dancing patties.

Faster, boy-o! Faster!

Dance! Come on, dance!

I'm trying, Mister Krabs. I'm trying.

Come on, you, work!

The sponge has angered the trident.

Trouble comes.

- No!

This is gonna cost me money!

- Mister Krabs, I wish you wouldn't worry about money

at a time like this.

Right you are, boy-o.

Here, take this. Here you go.

I can't stop!

- There you go. What's happening to me!

- What is going on around here?

- Hey, what's this?


My spatula is magic.

Magic, magic, magic.

- This is awesome.

I will use this magic spatula to help everyone.

- I'll have two, please.

I'll help you, baby!


- What's wrong, grass? Why won't you grow?

Talk to me.

- We'll do more than just talk to yous.

Let's see how you like getting mowed.

- There is no problem I cannot solve,

for I am Spongebob, Emperor of the Sea.

Hey, get outta here, you pesky jellyfish!

Whoa, slow your roll.

Only Neptune, true ruler of the sea,

can control the trident.

- So I say, "Look, Zeus,

"either you come up with more money

or Neptune walks."

- There he is, ma.

That's the man who hit me.

- Don't cry, baby.

Mother will handle this.

- Let us battle!

Take that!

This is dry-clean only, you monster!

- Ooh. Huh?

"Property of Spongebob"?

- Hey, Spongebob.

You look so sparkly today.

- Of course I do, for I am Spongebob,

Emperor of the Sea.

No! My ice cream!

Ohh, why is the world so full of pain?

- Fear not, bestest of friends.

You shall have all the ice cream you could ever eat.

No, you'll only make it worse.

Best day ever!

- No, worst day ever.

Oh, my back.


- I can fix this.

- Hooray!

- Boo!

- I think I know a way to make you both happy.

You really don't.

How do you not get that by now?

- An ice cream geyser!

Brain freeze!

I can't eat it all.

Ah, I've never been more disappointed in myself.

- Ooh, I like choc...

- Oh, the creamy, delicious horror.

- Save us, Spongebob!

Save us!

No wait.

Okay, now save us!

- Stop, ice cream! Stop! Stop!

- Oh, I just made it worse.

Patrick, I've ruined everything.

- Oh, Spongebob, I wouldn't say that.

- Our baby!

- I'll never mow you again!

- Take me money! - Ow!

Okay, Spongebob, you ruined everything.

- No sponge should have this much power.

We told you so.

- Not helping.

- Well, maybe I can help.

I believe I have something of yours.

- My spatula!

Then what's this?

- That is my trident!

- Well, take your trident. I don't want it anymore.

Whoa! Stop! That wasn't me.

Too long away from its true master,

the trident has run wild.

- What a jerk.

- Sorry. Pardon me.

It stuck!

Make it stop!

- You have been one naughty trident.

- Oh, I can't stay mad at you.

- Now let's see if we can fix all of this.

- Give me back me money.

- Mow us good!

- You know, Spongebob, your spatula is just as powerful

as my trident.

- Really?

- Ha! Not even close!

But it's still pretty great.

- Thanks for bailing me out, Neptune.

If there's any way I can ever help you,

just let me know.

- Well, there is one way.

There they are!

- Let's get 'em!