04x19 - Pictures of You

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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04x19 - Pictures of You

Post by bunniefuu »

[Mystic Falls’ Cemetery]

(Bonnie goes to Jeremy’s grave)

Bonnie: Hey, Jeremy. You know, I was... I was thinking about the last thing I said to you. "We did it." Totally lame last thing to say to someone. That wasn't a goodbye, Jeremy. You… You were supposed to come back with us

Jeremy: Bonnie

(She turns herself. Jeremy’s here)

Bonnie: Jeremy

Jeremy: Wake up

Bonnie: How are you here?

Jeremy: Bonnie, wake up

Bonnie: I don't understand

Jeremy: Open your eyes. Bonnie, open your eyes!

[Bonnie’s House]

(Bonnie wakes up. The couch is on fire)

Bonnie: Oh my god!

[Salvatore’s House]

(Stefan and Damon are in the living room)

Damon: So what has it been, 8, 9 days?

Stefan: About 8 or 9 days. I don't know. I lost count

Damon: We lost count of the consecutive days in which Elena Gilbert has not k*lled anyone. I'd say that's progress, brother

Stefan: So, what are we gonna do, just throw the football around for another 150 years till Elena gets her humanity back? Because I'm cool with that

Damon: She doesn't want the cure. She's gonna start k*lling people if she knows we're still trying to get it for her

Stefan: All right. We could always, uh, make her want it

Damon: Yeah. How are you gonna make an emotionless vampire want anything?

Stefan: Get her to flip her humanity switch

Damon: So, what are we gonna do? Pull a Lexi; bombard her with emotions till one of them sticks?

Stefan: Yeah, and if that doesn't work, Then we go to plan "B"… Lock her up and keep her sidelined until you and I figure out a plan "C."

Damon: And what happens when she gets slammed with every emotion she's repressed since Jeremy died?

Stefan: Well, then you, my friend, will be right by her side ready to help her through it

Damon: Right, because you don't want to keep reliving history. And when this is all over, you're just gonna get out of her life

Stefan: Bingo

Damon: All right. How do you want to do this?

[Klaus’ Mansion]

(Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus are sitting at a table)

Rebekah: Elijah, being human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family and fill my days with meaning, knowing that each one matters

Klaus: Well, that was poetic

Elijah: Well, if you can provide us with a more compelling reason for wanting the cure, Klaus, please

Klaus: Silas can appear as anyone. He got inside my thoughts, convinced me I was dying. He will torment me until I give him the cure

Rebekah: And in doing so, he will break down the wall to the other side

Klaus: So it doesn't trap him there when he dies. He wants to reunite with his lost soul mate. You, of all lovesick fools, should applaud his devotion

Rebekah: He will open the floodgates for every supernatural being that has ever died

Klaus: Including our dear brothers Kol and Finn. We'll have our family back

Rebekah: Please! You hated Kol. And you kept Finn in a box for most of his life

Klaus: Elijah, please

Elijah: Your personal discomfort might not be sufficient reason for putting the entire world in jeopardy, Klaus. I think our sister deserves a shot at happiness

Klaus: Tell me you're joking. Tell me you're not fating me to an eternity of t*rture

Elijah: I've made my decision

(Klaus looks at Rebekah)

Klaus: When you're sick and dying and you beg for my blood, I will laugh in your face and compel you to forget me

(He leaves)

Rebekah: Where's the cure?

Elijah: Rebekah, it's no secret that you are impulsive, emotional, and at times morally questionable. Prove to me this isn't just another one of your whims, that you know precisely what you are giving up here

Rebekah: Fine. Anything

Elijah: I want you to live a day as a human. This day. No vampire privileges… no strength, no compulsion, no nothing. If you succeed and still believe this is what you want... the cure is yours

[A shopping street]

(Elena and Rebekah are walking)

Elena: You're gonna fail. You should be locking yourself inside all day, not shopping for prom

Rebekah: Name me a more human experience than senior prom

Elena: Death

Rebekah: Why should I listen to you? You don't even have your humanity

Elena: You realize you won't even be able to compel yourself a date, right?

Rebekah: Yes, and last time I checked, you're living in my house because I'm the only one that can tolerate you, so you don't have to be so rude

Elena: Then I'm going to come with you. Yeah. I'll keep an eye on you and make sure that you pass Elijah's test. As soon as you down the cure, it'll be gone for good. And no one will be able to use it on me

[A boutique]

(Bonnie and Caroline are shopping for a dress)

Caroline: What kind of dreams?

Bonnie: Usually I'm at his grave, and... all of a sudden, he appears to me

Caroline: Well, you never got to say good-bye, Bon. You're grieving. That's normal

Bonnie: When I woke up, the couch was on fire. I don't know if it's because I was emotional in my dream or if Shane was right. Without his help, I'll lose control of my magic

Caroline: No. It's because you need a night off from mourning. And I'm gonna make sure that you have it

Bonnie: Um, you look super-hot, by the way

Caroline: Do you think?

Bonnie: Oh yeah

Caroline: Yeah?

Bonnie: Yeah. Matt and I are gonna have the sexiest date there

Caroline: You know what? I love friend prom. And it's exactly what prom should be… friends and memories. Yes, it sucks that my boyfriend can't be here, but the three of us are gonna have the night of our lives

(Elena and Rebekah enter)

Elena: Hey, Bonnie. Heard you got your mind wiped. That sucks. Pretty dress, Caroline

Caroline: I know. You helped me pick it out months ago when we were friends, before you tried to k*ll me

Elena: I thought it looked familiar

(Caroline looks at the saleswoman)

Caroline: Can you press this for me? I'll pick it up later. Bonnie

[Rebekah’s House]

(A limo parks in front of the house. Elena gets out and Stefan comes out of the limo)

Elena: I don't need a babysitter

Stefan: Really? Because the last time I saw you, you snapped a waitress' spine

Elena: It got you to stop your search for the cure, didn't it?

Damon: Yup. We're just here to make sure you hold up your end of the deal. Don't eat the prom queen

(He shows her a corsage)

Damon: May I?

Elena: No

Damon: Wow. Would you look at that? Beautiful dress

Elena: Thank you. I stole it

[Klaus’ Mansion]

(Klaus is by the fireplace)

Caroline: Klaus! Klaus!

(She rejoins him)

Caroline: Hello. Did you not hear me?

Klaus: Of course I heard you, Caroline. I think the whole of Mystic Falls heard you. I'm in no mood for company

Caroline: Well, I'm sorry that you're having personal issues, but I have a real crisis on my hands. Elena stole my prom dress. I went to pick it up, and the tailor said that somebody else already did. And when I asked who, she said she couldn't remember. Hello? The vervain is out of the town water supply. She was compelled. It’s not funny

Klaus: I know, I know

Caroline: Then, stop laughing. Look, I know that prom isn't important to you, but it's important to me

Klaus: Surely finding another dress is well within your substantial vampire capabilities

Caroline: But I don't want just another dress. I want to look hot, like princess Grace of Monaco hot. So... Could you please go back into your creepy trophy case of family collectibles and dig me out something of royal caliber?

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

(Damon, Elena and Stefan arrive at the prom. There are pictures everywhere)

Damon: Where's the disco ball?

Stefan: Caroline's been working on this for a while. It's a, uh, photo yearbook of the senior class. Isn't that photo from first day of freshman year?

(She looks at a picture)

Elena: My mom took that when she dropped us off at school. I'm gonna get a seizure if I keep staring at these screens

(Everyone is dancing. Matt and Bonnie enter)

Matt: Why do I feel like we're at a practice run of Caroline's wedding?

Bonnie: Because I think we are

(Elena is alone and is about to drink from a flask but Damon stops her)

Damon: You are underage

Elena: You're overage, and honestly, it's kind of creepy

Damon: Oh, come on. What bad-ass senior is complete without a prom date that's slightly too old for high school?

Elena: Please don't refer to yourself as my date

Damon: Oh, I'm sorry. Your boyfriend. Something I said?

Elena: I'm not doing this

Damon: You're not gonna deny that I'm your boyfriend, now, are you?

Elena: What are you doing? Trying to stir some feelings in me? Ironic, since you, my sire, are the one who had me turn them off

Damon: Yeah, well, hindsight is almost a bigger bitch than you

Elena: You're nothing to me, Damon

Damon: Really? Then why tell me you're in love with me? Why tell me it's the most real thing you've ever felt in your life?

Elena: I told you I loved you because I was sired to you, And now that I'm not, I know that none of it was real, But if you still think that it was, I mean, maybe you're the one who needs help with your emotions, not me

(She runs into Matt and Bonnie)

Elena: Uh-oh. Friend patrol

Bonnie: Hey. I know we haven't really talked since... everything, but I just… I want to say that I miss you

Matt: Me, too, and we want to help you

Elena: What are you gonna do… get me a job at the grill?

Matt: I don't want you to look back and realize you missed out on the best part of senior year

Elena: Spare me, Matt. If you had the choice, you would have turned your emotions off the second that Vicki died

Bonnie: Hey, you shut it off because all you could feel were the horrible things happening to you. You still have friends who love you

Elena: I thought you were going to bring Jeremy back, but it turned out you were just a brainwashed crazy person so technically, you're a walking reminder, of all the horrible things that have happened to me

(She leaves them)

Bonnie: I need some air

Matt: Bonnie, wait

Bonnie: Caroline's right. Elena's gone

(Bonnie goes outside. Jeremy appears)

Bonnie: Is this real?

Jeremy: Does it matter? May I have this dance?

(They dance)

(Stefan catches Elena and dances with her)

Elena: Let go of me or I will bite you

Stefan: Oh, come on. I'm the one that hates to dance, remember?

Elena: Yeah, and now I finally see why

(Rebekah rejoins Matt)

Rebekah: So are you and Bonnie, like, a thing?

Matt: We're not a thing. We're friends. So who are you here with?

Rebekah: No one. Go on. I know what you're thinking… Why didn't I just compel myself a date?

Matt: You know, actually I was thinking, I wonder if Bonnie wants ice

Rebekah: Oh. Could I ask you a question?

Matt: Why? Apparently you already seem to know everything I'm thinking, so...

Rebekah: Do you think that I would make a good human?

Matt: I think that "good" is a hard word to live up to. I've never seen you do anything remotely good, so... honestly, no, I don't. I’m sorry

(Stefan and Elena are still dancing)

Stefan: So you're just here to help Rebekah get the cure, right, on what happens to be the most sentimental night in high school

Elena: You think this is my cry for help? I'd be happy to show you what a real cry for help sounds like

Stefan: So this... us… you feel nothing?

Elena: I feel nothing

Stefan: I don't believe you

Elena: I don't care

Stefan: So you don't remember what it used to feel like when we would dance? When my hand would touch your waist?

Elena: Nope

Stefan: How about this... When our fingers would touch?

Elena: Nothing

Stefan: And this? Does your heart really refuse to remember?

Elena: What heart?

(She leaves)

(Caroline arrives. Elena rejoins her)

Elena: So how do I look?

Caroline: Are you kidding me? You look like a backstabbing bi…

(Stefan rejoins them)

Caroline: The dress is beautiful, and it brings out your eyes

Elena: Thanks. I thought I'd do it a favor

Stefan: Caroline, why don't you come dance with me?

(They go on the dance floor and dance)

Caroline: I know you said to k*ll her with kindness, but can't I just k*ll her?

Stefan: I see you found a dress

Caroline: It's from Klaus. Don't ask

Stefan: You know you have him wrapped around your little finger, right?

Caroline: If I had Klaus wrapped around my finger, then I would be here with Tyler right now. Are you making any progress with the dress thief?

Stefan: I don't know. I think it's affecting me a lot more than it's affecting her

Caroline: What do you mean?

Stefan: Every time I tell myself that I'm moving on, there's this part of me that just can't seem to shake her

Caroline: That's normal, Stefan. You guys were in love. That doesn't go away just because you declare that you're moving on

Stefan: Then how does anyone ever seem to move on?

Caroline: I don't know. I think that someday, you'll meet someone new and you'll fall madly in love. and you'll have moved on without even realizing it

(April is with Rebekah)

April: I can't just make you prom queen. It is based on votes. And you have approximately none so far

Rebekah: And you can't just help out a friend?

April: No, I can't. And you can't make me. I drink vervain tea now

Rebekah: I was not going to compel you

(Elena intervenes and strangles April)

Elena: You can't be compelled, but you can be k*lled. Rebekah wins prom queen. Got it?

Rebekah: What the bloody hell are you doing?

Elena: What you were about to do

Rebekah: I was not going to thr*aten her

Elena: Remember that time you tortured me until I told you how to find the cure? You ruined my relationship with Stefan and then you trapped us with a werewolf?

Rebekah: Yeah. So?

Elena: So you're not a good person. You're not gonna win this cure by being yourself. So just stand there and refrain from talking, ok?

(Bonnie and Jeremy are dancing outside)

Bonnie: You and me. We're at senior prom

Jeremy: Do you miss me, Bonnie?

Bonnie: Of course I do

Jeremy: Do you want this to be real?

Bonnie: Yes

Jeremy: Then it can be. Bonnie... Your magic can bring me back for good. You have the power to do the spell now

Bonnie: Oh, my god. You're Silas. Get away from me

Jeremy/Silas: You need me, Bonnie

Bonnie: I don't need you. I don't want anything to do with you

Jeremy/Silas: You have no idea how dangerous you are. If I don't help you, you'll k*ll yourself

Bonnie: You're trying to get in my head.

Jeremy/Silas: I'm just asking for your help in return for mine

Bonnie: Leave me alone

Jeremy/Silas: Wake up on fire recently?

Bonnie: Did you do that to me?

Jeremy/Silas: Please, Bonnie, let me help before you hurt somebody or yourself

Bonnie: You don't care about me. You only care about bringing down the wall to the other side, and I won't do it

Jeremy/Silas: Don't you want to see Jeremy again?

Bonnie: Not like this

[Klaus’ Mansion]

(Elijah is with Klaus. Elijah is holding the white oak stake)

Klaus: Where did you get that?

Elijah: Our baby sister. Once she's human... it'll make no difference to her whatsoever. Take it

Klaus: Why would you give me this?

Elijah: We are immortal apart from the stake. Now that it's yours, you have nothing to fear

Klaus: Silas will continue to torment me

Elijah: You've survived endless torments throughout the centuries. You'll shake this. And if you can't, you outrun him

Klaus: Yes, it's that simple. Without the cure, what makes you think I'll spare your beloved Katerina? Or have you figured out, you're simply another spider in her web?

Elijah: You will spare her because I am asking you to spare her. As your family, as your only living brother, I would ask that you provide me with this opportunity to feel, to care, to love

Klaus: I gave you that opportunity, and you sided against me. So if I run, it will be to chase her. And as your only living brother, I will make it my cause that you never know a moment of happiness

Elijah: It is such a hollow little life that you lead, Niklaus

(He leaves)
[Mystic Falls High School]

(Rebekah is sitting alone. Matt rejoins her)

Matt: You haven't seen bonnie, have you?

Rebekah: She's probably in the bathroom. Every other girl is. And if you haven't noticed, I am sitting here all on my own. So, please, will you put me out of my misery and dance with me?

Matt: I don't think so

Rebekah: Matt, please. This is a girl's worst nightmare. Please. I thought about what you said... about being good and you're right. It won't be easy, but it's worth trying

Matt: I don't understand why my opinion is so important to you

Rebekah: Because you're everything that I want to be. You're loyal, honest, kind. People root for you to succeed. Elena even died for you

Matt: I'm a bus boy, Rebekah. It's not like i'm out saving the world

Rebekah: But you're human. You're so beautifully human

(Caroline is rejoined by Damon)

Caroline: Aren't you on "Save Elena" Duty?

Damon: I'm taking a little breather

Caroline: This prom sucks. This is our last dance together, and it's awful. This is not how I wanted to remember this night

(He gives her the flask)

Caroline: Thank you. Well, if anyone asks, I'll be at the after-party

(Bonnie rejoins Damon)

Bonnie: We have a problem

(Bonnie and Damon are with Stefan and Matt)

Bonnie: It's like Jeremy was there. I could talk to him, feel him

Stefan: Bonnie, that's what Silas does. You can't let him get to you again

Damon: Yeah, because you all crazy and brainwashed. It's not a good look

(Elena is listening. Rebekah rejoins her)

Rebekah: What am I missing?

Elena: Silas is appearing to Bonnie Silas is appearing to Bonnie which means he still wants her to do the spell

Rebekah: So? The nice thing about having no feelings is you don't fear your enemies on the other side

Elena: I'm not worried about my enemies. It's people like Alaric... and Jeremy. Salvatore brothers are annoying enough as it is. Can you imagine if my brother came back to the living? He'd spend every waking hour trying to get my humanity back

(April goes on stage)

April: Hey. Ok, the ballots have been tallied, Which means it's time to announce this year's prom king and queen

Stefan: Look, one of us should take her home

Damon: What? No. She's safer here in public around all these people. There's no way Silas can make everyone see the same thing all at once

Matt: Ok, in the meantime, how do we look out for a guy that can appear as anyone?

April: All right. Your prom king and queen are... Matt Donovan and Bonnie Bennett

Rebekah: Bonnie bloody Bennett. Of course

Elena: Everyone's so worried about Silas, but there's an obvious solution to all of this. He needs Bonnie. He can't do the spell without her. So if you can't k*ll Silas, k*ll his witch

Rebekah: I can't k*ll anyone. I'm supposed to be human

Elena: Maybe you can't, but I can

[Lockwood’s Mansion]

(Caroline is prepping the after party. Tyler is here)

Caroline: Tyler

Tyler: I don't think you've ever looked more beautiful

Caroline: Oh, my god. Tyler. Oh, you can't be here. Klaus…

Tyler: Can't get in. Matt owns this place now. He had to invite me inside

Caroline: If Klaus finds out...

Tyler: He won’t. You didn't really think I was gonna miss prom, did you? Here. These are for you. Caroline Forbes, may I please have this dance?

(They dance)

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Damon is outside and looking at the pictures. Stefan rejoins him)

Stefan: You looking for Silas or you waxing nostalgic about misspent youth?

Damon: What happened to you being over it?

Stefan: What do you mean?

Damon: Well, I mean, for a guy who's ready to move on, you seemed pretty convincing as a boyfriend out on the dance floor

Stefan: I mean, isn't that what we're doing? Reminding Elena of what she's lost?

Damon: Like her feelings for you?

Stefan: Yeah. Yeah, maybe. I mean, I don't mean to be a d*ck, Damon, but Elena and I have a history. Memories, laughs, ups and downs. It was a real relationship. I mean, what you have is just a one-night stand that was probably the result of the sire bond. Your mind is a very dark and riveting place, Damon

Damon: Uh! Silas. Where's my brother, you psychic freak?

Stefan: He's in the woods, where I convinced him I was you. He's probably in a bit of pain now, too. The witch is mine. Stay away from her

(Matt and Bonnie are posing for pictures. Matt goes off the stage and Rebekah rejoins him)

Rebekah: You need to get your queen off the stage

Matt: I can't really do that right now

Rebekah: You didn't hear it from me, but Elena's up to something

(Bonnie is off the stage. Elena rejoins her)

Elena: Congratulations, Bonnie

Bonnie: What do you want?

Elena: For you to stop being a problem

(She’s about to attack her but Bonnie uses her powers on her. Matt enters)

Matt: Bonnie

Bonnie: Something's happening to me

Matt: OK, just relax

Bonnie: No, I got to get out of here

(She gets out and April enters)

April: What's going on?

Elena: Remember when I told you to make Rebekah prom queen?

(She att*cks her)

Matt: No!

Elena: You should have listened

(She leaves)

(Matt is outside with April)

Matt: April, April, come on. Please wake up. April, come on!

(Rebekah rejoins them)

Rebekah: Matt, why did you call... oh, my God

Matt: Rebekah, can you feed her your blood?

Rebekah: Can't we just call 911 or something?

Matt: She's dying. Please help her

Rebekah: I can't. If I heal her with my vampire blood, Elijah won't give me the cure and I won't get to be human

Matt: How is this even a choice right now? You want to be human? Prove it. Be good. Do the right thing and save her life

[The Woods]

(Damon is looking for Stefan)

Damon: Stefan

Stefan: Yeah. I'm over here. Agh!

Damon: Let me guess. An extremely handsome man came up to you claiming to be me

Stefan: Yeah

Damon: Yeah

(Bonnie is on the parking lot. Silas, appearing as Jeremy, rejoins her)

Jeremy/Silas: Bonnie, wait

Bonnie: Get away from me, Silas

Jeremy/Silas: We can help each other

Bonnie: This is what you do. You wait until I lose control and then you want to swoop in and save me

Jeremy/Silas: You really think you have a choice? If you don't let me help you, your expression will consume you from the inside out

Bonnie: Get away from me

Jeremy/Silas: You didn't try to do that, did you? Your magic is taking on a life of its own. You need help controlling it. Listen to me, Bonnie. Breathe

Bonnie: I'll die before I let you control me again

Jeremy/Silas: Bonnie, listen to me! Control, Bonnie! Control

Bonnie: Get out of my head!

(He disappears and Elena att*cks her but Bonnie uses her powers on her. Elena is suffering and Stefan and Damon intervene)

Stefan: Bonnie, stop. Bonnie

Elena: Damon, help me

Stefan: Bonnie… You’re k*lling her

Bonnie: I know what I'm doing

Stefan: That's the magic talking. This is your best friend.

Damon: Damn it, Bonnie

Elena : Bonnie... Please. Please

Stefan: You ok?

Bonnie :No, I'm not ok. I almost died. The shell of my best friend almost k*lled me. None of this is ok

(She leaves)

Damon: I got you

(He helps Elena on her feet. Stefan injects her vervain)

Stefan: Ok. Hey. Plan "B”

(April is conscious now)

Matt: Thank you for saving her

Rebekah: Elena was right. I should have just stayed home

Matt: No one has to know what you did. I won't tell anyone

Rebekah: You'd really do that for me?

Matt: I would. And maybe I was a little harsh earlier. You wouldn't make the worst human

Rebekah: Are you offering me a job as a bus boy? You know, I'd look cute in an apron

Matt: We'll see. I should probably get April home

(He helps April on her feet)

Matt: Try to stand up

(They leave. Klaus rejoins Rebekah)

Klaus: Dear sweet April Young. Now, there's a girl with a future

Rebekah: She was dying, and I acted with human decency. You can't get more human than that

Klaus: Actually, you can. You can stand idly by as poor April takes her final breath. You can ask, "Why does this always happen to innocent people?" "Where do the spirits go?" "Was there anything I could have done?" That is what it means to be human, sister. You give humanity too much credit

Rebekah: Are you gonna tell Elijah?

Klaus: No. No. You are

[Rebekah’s House]

(Rebekah arrives. Elijah is waiting for her)

Elijah: You're home. And how did our Cinderella fare?

Rebekah: I won't lie. There were complications

[Mystic Falls High School]

Klaus: You'll tell him that you cheated, that you failed, that you don't deserve the cure

[Rebekah’s House]

Rebekah: But I passed your test with flying colors

Elijah: If this is what you truly want... It's yours

[Mystic Falls High School]

Rebekah: Why is it so hard for you to let me be happy?

Klaus: Because your happiness comes at the expense of my sanity. Because I refuse to entertain yet another one of your whims. Because you are bored and you're looking for a reason to matter. Thankfully I don't have to waste any more breath fighting you on the subject

Rebekah: What does that mean? Nik, what does that mean?

[Rebekah’s House]

(Elijah gives the cure to Rebekah)

Rebekah: I guess it's time that I turned into a pumpkin. Thank you Elijah

(Shea leaves. His phone rings. It’s Rebekah)

Elijah: Rebekah?

Rebekah: Elijah, I think Nik's up to something

Elijah: Where did you go?

Rebekah: I'm still at the prom. Look, don't do anything with the cure until I see you. Something's not right. Elijah? Hello? Elijah, do not take your eyes off that cure

Elijah: I think it might be a little late for that

[Lockwood’s Mansion]

(Caroline and Tyler are dancing)

Tyler: I have to go soon. People will be here for the party, and if anyone sees me...

Caroline: I know. I know. Thank you for the best prom ever

(He leaves. And Klaus is outside)

Klaus: Was it worth it to see her smile, to make her dream night come true? Was it worth it? In the shared interest of giving Caroline the night of her dreams... I'm going to allow you 5 seconds before I rip your heart of your chest. 5, 4, 3...

(Tyler leaves)

[Salvatore’s House]

(Stefan and Damon lay Elena in the cell)

Damon: She might not feel much, but she's gonna feel that in the morning

Stefan: So what's the plan?

Damon: When Bonnie was whaling on her tonight, I could see it in her eyes. Elena thought she was gonna die. She was scared

Stefan: Fear

Damon: Last time I checked, one of those pesky human emotions

Stefan: So plan C... make her life a living hell

Damon: You care to talk about our other problem? You know, the one that can be anyone anywhere at anytime

Stefan: Silas still needs Bonnie. And if tonight is any indication, she's no pushover. She's not gonna let him manipulate her, not anymore

Damon: I wouldn't underestimate his talents. He fooled the hell out of both of us. What did he say to you anyway?

Stefan: He led me out in the woods, claiming he saw Silas, and then he staked me. How did he get to you?

Damon: Talked about his hair. I figured it had to be you

Stefan: funny

Damon: You coming?

Stefan: Yeah

[Klaus’ Mansion]

(Klaus arrives home and finds a letter and opens it)

Katherine: Klaus, I hear Elijah has refused you the cure, and in return, you have refused me my freedom. Shame on you both. But while you boys sort out your problems, I have one last thing to offer you. I've caught wind that there is a witch in New Orleans named Jane-Anne Deveraux plotting a move against you. Hunt her down. What she has to say will rattle you so deeply to your core that chasing little old me will be the least of your concerns. It's been a fun five centuries, Klaus, but I've worn down too many good heels running from you. Love and hate, Katerina’’

[The Caves]

(Bonnie enters, looking for Silas and he’s there)

Bonnie: Silas? I know it's you. My locator spell worked without using any of your possessions

Silas: Yes. You're finally acknowledging how powerful you are

Bonnie: You're not Jeremy anymore. Is this the real you? Then tell me why you're hiding

Silas: Call it Qetsiyah's revenge. When she learned that I didn't love her, she used her magic to ensure no woman could ever love me. It should come as no surprise that now I simply want to die

Bonnie: And I want you to

Silas: Even if it means bringing back every dead supernatural being?

Bonnie: Show me your face

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