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01x15 - Fateful Part A

Posted: 05/29/22 17:44
by bunniefuu
Please, Santra...

Don't do this.

Do what?

Raise the Dragon King?

Or bleed
your sweet little vampire?

I thought you cared about us!

Everything I've done
was to get to this day.

Been a long time coming.

Don't shift!

Jessa, it's a separation spell!

Would you just shut up!

Is this your “protection”?


Thanks! When did Kristov
get so powerful?

That's not Kristov...

It's Santra!

Max! Mischa!

Are you all right?

Now they want to help you?

I'm the one who wants you
to be free!

This isn't the way to do it!

Let Max go!

Mischa, no...!

Come with me,

and together
we can make a new world.

You have a deal.

What...? You little monster.

Santra's not left-handed.
You're a mirror twin, like me.

- Let me out!
- I can't!



Oh... Nope!

I don't have time for Bears.

- She still has her Dragon!
- I know!

Santra has a twin!
I have to find Mischa!

That was Kristov?

No, Kristov
is still out there somewhere.

Santra's twin disguised herself
and got captured

so we'd dropped our guard
and come back.

And I helped her.


the Kristov who was recruiting
followers was really Santra.

We were all fooled.

She wanted me to come with her.

wherever the real Kristov

has taken the rest
of the Dragon-marked.

They need Jessa too.

Wait...! Mischa!

Mischa, wait!

Let's find Jessa
and figure this out.

Santra and her sister
are the East and West Twins!

The four of us together are
what raises the Dragon King!

So I have to make sure the
four of us are never together.

What are you going to do?

What we should've done
in the first place,

go into the Cloister.

They were a step ahead
this whole time.

Pretending to help us.

And we almost fell
into their trap.

This is when I get
a step ahead of them

They should recover
in a day or so.

I need to inform
the World Council

we don't have Kristov
in custody,

and never did.

The Dragon King won't destroy
just the Supernatural World.

It'll be the Human World, too.

People who have no idea
this is even happening.

Don't try and stop me.

If you're sure.

I'd rather be crystallized

than be responsible
for unleashing

the End of the World.

Not forever.

Just to buy us some time
to find another way.

I couldn't bear
not to see you again.

You have to seal this place up,

hide the casket so Kristov

and the Santra Twins
can't find me.

Then, even if they get Jessa,
the Dragon King can't rise.

I will. I promise.

The Cloisters
use sleeping spells.

I can put you under...
If you want me to.

I want you to.


She was so scared.

And then, gone.

Santra, wait.

I heard what your sister
told Mischa.

We never should've
locked up the Dragon-Marked,

we should have found
a better way.

But nobody cared

until we started
tearing down the Cloisters.

You had your chance.

Now The Dragon King rises,
our kind rule,

and the rest of you serve

or die.

Mischa doesn't want
any part of that.

She'll thank us later.

You are so outnumbered.

My mom says you've been
volunteering here a lot.

School's a drag these days.

At least in here nobody's
giving me that poor Elda look.

What about you?

I know my little brother's
not here.

Mom checked.

But these kids
are somebody's family.

Let me get a few extras, Ok?

You know they're building
a new Cloister, right?

And planning to put all of you
right back in it.

I heard the Council Leader
was arguing against it.

But he's not
Council Leader anymore.

The ones with the power
keep the “peace”

by keeping you locked up.

We don't know how to fight.

I know, magic is forbidden.

But the wards can't stop me.

They can't stop you, either,
if you join me.

It won't be long.
And now you'll be ready.

Yufon! Wait!
Have you seen Mischa?

- Where's Kristov?
- We screwed up,

- he's not really Kristov.
- I saw.

She att*cked your brother.
But he's OK.

I'd say Mischa saved Max's life.

Where are they now?

They headed across the Quad
toward the sinkhole,

looking for you.

But they knew
we were out in the woods.

Oh, Mischa. You idiot.

Come on!

Where are we going?

The Cloister.

When Mischa saw Santra's twin,

she knew time was up to
get ready for the Dragon King.

Unless she did something stupid
to stop the clock.

Stupid like hide underground?

Stupid like turn herself
into rock candy.

Where is she?

Maybe you're wrong?

Maybe they're in the woods
looking for us.


I got you.

I couldn't stop them...

They got Mischa?

They locked me in there
and they took her.

I could see everything,
but I couldn't move...

If you hadn't found me...

It's too awful
to even think about.

So small!

This is what we've been doing
to Dragon-marked.

No wonder
they're ready to turn on us.

Mischa must be losing her mind,
trapped in there...

I couldn't stand it.

She's asleep, she's Ok.

I hope.

Why didn't he tell anyone
how bad off he was?

Have you ever played poker?

His secrets are safe with me.

You need a healing transfusion.

- Do I have your permission?
- Granted.

We need privacy, please.

I didn't like
what I saw out there.

I got the job done.

But you didn't have control.

Until you put in the work
to earn this power,

I need you to stay away
from magic.

Are you kidding?

With you and Louis
barely functioning?

You need me.

I don't need you
winding up dead!

Did you have any idea how risky
that shortcut spell was?

No. I didn't.

But it wouldn't have
changed anything.

Oh good, you found them.
Where's Mischa?

Santra must have taken Mischa
to the Dragon King's tomb.

But they can't unlock it

without all four compass points,

so what's their next move?


Max didn't get a good look
at the door they used,

so that's no help.

Jessa. Stop.

I need to find Mischa!

You need to leave it
to the adults.

We know you're worried
about your sister.

But this is bigger than that.

I'm here to lift
the house arrest spell

on your father,
in light of the emergency.

So you two
are suddenly friends now?

We're all on the same side.

The World Council is convening
an emergency session.

If the Dragon King rises,
we need our fighters prepared.

An army of Ancient Faeries

couldn't stop him the first time.

Enforcers are being activated
to search for Kristov.

He won't be able to hide
anywhere on Earth for long.

When they find him,
they'll find Mischa.

They'll bring her back.

Will they?

Or will they treat her like
a criminal just for existing?

I understand
why you'd think that.

You need to trust us.
We're handling it.

Are they freaking kidding me?

The Headmaster
and the History Teacher

are trying to bring on
the End of the World

and my parents think
I should leave it to them ?


This is the same World Council
that sent The Four after you.

Why would you trust them now?

They could have been
scouring the World for Kristov,

but they were more interested
in sticking us in a Cloister,

where Kristov could have yoinked
us out any time he wanted!

Even if the Enforcers can find Kristov,

who's to say they'll care
about saving Mischa?

Their first duty will be stopping

the rise of the King at any cost.

And she's Dragon-Marked,

which means they don't have to care

what happens to her.

I'm not sitting this out!

If you find them,

Kristov'll have all four twins
together in one place,

which is what he wants.

So I just leave her out there?

Of course not.
I'm just worried for you, too.

Maybe this time we
do let the Council handle it?

what have they done so far?

You and Max brought in Kristov,
Jae's the one who found Faerie,

and right now

I've got more Magic going on
than either Louis or my mother!

I actually have an idea
about that.

You want me to what?

Recharge from the Ley Lines.

It's how Terra got the boost
she needed

to conjure the door to New York.

And the municipal grid
is still burned out,

so you can't tap
into the Tithe lines.

Yes, it's burned out!

Because of amateurs doing magic
way above their skill set.

It's amazing none of you
have been k*lled yet.

Or completely fried your powers.

Do you not even see
the condition she's in?

I can fix her.
My plant magic...

No! Not everything can be fixed.

We did this?

There was a lot at stake,
I know.

And she chose to help.
But it had a cost.

Will she recover?

It might take a long time.

Make it worth it.

You idiot.

Why didn't you wait?

Mischa...? You're there?

You swore you'd bring them both.

We don't serve you, Sorcerer.
We serve the King.

Jessa isn't known
for her cautious nature.

I'd have expected her to chase
after her sister immediately.

And this time I'm ready for her
with more Dragons-bane.

Careful with that,

it's the tool
of our King's enemies.

This stuff's extremely rare.

There's not enough in the world

to bring down the King
when he rises.

Hail the king!

Gladly, but we need
all four Twins to raise him.

Call your sister,
you stubborn little Wolf.

She can't.

Their connection
isn't strong enough.

They spent
too much time separated.

Well, Jessa heard this one
when she was drowning.

A good jolt of fear
should get the message through.


Mom! Dad! Wake up! I found her!

Are you sure
this wasn't just a dream?

I was in her head.

Stronger than any connection
we ever had before.

Trapped in that Crystal...

it's worse than I even imagined.

We can't leave her like that.

You said
you recognized the place?

Some kind of lava pit,
like the inside of a volcano.

The first time
we went in the Hub,

it almost sucked us in.

It must have known us somehow.

Let me talk to Yufon.
Get a strike team together.

But you can't be part of it.

She needs my help!

I know.

But if you step
through that door,

Kristov will have exactly
what he wants.

All four Twins
at the tomb of the Dragon King.

We can't let that happen.

Then you have to go.

She's really scared.

Stronger Supernaturals
than any of us

died to lock him in that tomb.

And you're sending in muscle?

Correction, Enforcers,

and a Wolf Shifter
who can't even shift.

Who needs a Wolf when you have
silver b*ll*ts?

If silver would bring down
the Dragon King,

he'd have been k*lled
by our ancestors.

Well, we have to try.

What we have to do is turn
his own Curse against him.

Stop fighting destiny,

and let your daughters do
the job they were born to do.

You didn't hide them
to protect them.

You hid them
so you could use them.

Destiny's a hell of a thing.

You, and that squad
getting yourselves k*lled

won't turn that river.

Stand aside.

That's the one.

It's been here every time I've come.

Thank you. Now get to safety.

Won't open. Try the ram.

So now they say
they need more time

to put together an attack squad
who can get through the door,

but they still won't let me near it!

She's awake, she's trapped,

she's in our worst nightmare
and they're not doing anything!

So we break into the Hub
and go after her ourselves?

The Enforcers are literally
camped out in there

with more arriving every day.

We won't get past them.

Can Terra conjure that door?


Even if I could get
another turbo boost,

I'd need a drawing of the door,

like the one Mischa made for New York.

Not a chance.

There other ways to travel.

You two always go home
to Bucharest by Hub.

But airplanes go there, too.
You know?

We need to figure out
where that stone door leads.

Where the tomb is in the real World.

I have a different idea.

Doesn't look like Santra changed much
when she took over.

I guess she didn't expect
to be here long.

I've been thinking about Elda.

I know, she's the worst,

but having Kristov for a dad
must suck.

Fair enough. I wouldn't trade.

She got a bigger power boost
than anyone when he left.

He must have been
stealing from her,

her whole life.

And a boost like that
is a lot to handle,

believe me.

I'm starting to see how you
put up with me all these years.

Are you out of your mind?

I know you don't want me to go.

But I can hear her all the time,

in the back of my mind,

If you switch places with her,
that'll be you.

I know! But, at least,
I won't be alone,

I'll have my Wolf,
and I'll have my Dragon.

Kristov's not counting on that.

I've been working so hard
to keep her under control.

But now, I'm gonna let her
do what they said,

French Fry Kristov into ash,

and then
rip those other Twins in half.

Let the Dragon King
wait another thousand years.

Mischa thought
the only way to keep Kristov

from getting all four Twins

was to put herself on ice...

Leave it to Jessa

to think of taking out
the other Twins instead!

Hell yeah.

I hate that you have
to do this, but...

I understand why you have too.

Me to her and her to me,
so make it be.

Are you...?

Still me, Brax.
Nothing happened.

It's the distance.

I can help.

Me to her and her to me,
so make it be.

Did it work? Mischa?

No! What did you do?