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01x14 - Fractured Part B

Posted: 05/29/22 17:43
by bunniefuu
Them! Them!

The Wolf Shifters are the key
to everything!

I've got this one!

Oh, the Legendary Louis!

- It's Louis!
- It's actually real!

Hear me, Stratford.

The Lebron twins
are under my protection!

If you attempt to harm them,

if you take any action

to support Kristov's doomed plot

to raise the Dragon King,

I will destroy you!



You always did know how to make
an entrance!

It's part of my charm.

Jae, you're back.

You look terrible.

I'm Ok.

- Come home with us!
- I'd love to.

But first, Jae needs a Healer.

And so do I.

look who decided to pop in!

- Louis?
- Louis!

The one and only.

He showed up just in time

to stop us
being att*cked by a mob.

- What?
- A mob?

I got you.

He's been holding my shoulder
in a death grip ever since he arrived.

Leaning on me like a crutch,

but I'm sure
it didn't look that way.

Louis was always good
at deception.

Not deception, perception.

I must always be perceived
as powerful.

Especially when I am not.

You're recovering physically,

but this relapse
is discouraging.

Come see me if you want to talk.

I will.

Relapse? From what?

- I went back to Faerie.
- What?

I thought it would
be different this time,

that I would be different.

But it wasn't.

I wasn't.

If the Eldest hadn't yanked me
out of there,

I wouldn't have survived.

We're so glad you're safe.

- Yeah.
- You're safe here.

Is that where you found Louis?

He was in New York,
looking for you.

For us? Why?

He wants your help
to destroy the Dragon King.

He what?

We knew the Suppression Spell
you put on Jessa

and Mischa drained your magic.

But we thought you would recover!

Oh yes, that definitely wiped me out.

But that was sixteen years ago.

I've recovered and lost my magic

dozens of times since then.

Most magic users know

they have to always hold
some magic in reserve,

in case they need it
in an emergency.

Too bad you didn't
follow your own advice.

What happened to your magic?

I needed it in an emergency.

You can destroy the Dragon King?

No. I cannot.

But the North South Twins can!

- What?
- Absolutely not!

So you know about this
compass ritual to raise the King?

If we're North and South,

then what or who is supposed
to be East and West?

You don't have to worry
about them.

I've spent years researching
and planning,

and I've created a spell

that will change the auras
of the North-South Twins.

So your two auras
appear to be four auras:

North, South, East and West.

If the Tomb opens
and the Dragon King rises

without all four
points of the compass,

he'll be weak.

Weak enough that
Jessa and I can k*ll him?

No, it's too dangerous.

It will be dangerous.

Which is why
you have to be prepared.

We're ready.

You definitely are not.

I hadn't planned on trying this
until you two were older.

Fully fledged. But you're
stronger than we knew.

You broke through your spells,

and Kristov moved up
the time line,

so here we are.

You want him taken down...
Let us do it.

You can't. It has to be
the Dragon-marked Twins.

Look, Kristov is behind bars,

and the Four are no longer
hunting you.

Nice work, by the way.

The escaped Dragon-marked
are still out there,

but they're no threat
without a leader.

There's plenty of time
for me to recover my strength

and for the Warrior Witch, here,

to train you for the task.

We can start training tomorrow.

I'll think about it.

What's there to think about?

If we can k*ll the Dragon King,

we can save the World.

I said I'd think about it.

Seems as though your trial
didn't play out

quite the way you anticipated.

How could I have anticipated Louis?

I thought he'd died years ago.

You know I studied his career,

his magic
is the stuff of legends!

Did you come here

just to fan girl
over the “Legendary Louis”?

Or did you want something
from me?

I wanted to talk to you about
your daughter, Elda.

She has a lot of power to manage

at a very confusing time.

And you think
a fatherly pep talk

will get her on the right track?

I'd be happy to arrange it.

Wanna tell me
what we're doing out here?

We're going to start training.

I said I'd think about it.

I know you did.

You're worried
about your Dragon.

And you know why.

You've had your Wolf for years,

I've only had mine a few weeks.

So, maybe you can quit worrying
about your Dragon,

and focus on helping me

learn to be as good
a Wolf Shifter as you are?

You think you can be
as good a Wolf Shifter as me?

I don't think.
I know.

Ok, here's the challenge.

We run our Wolves
until we're exhausted.

First one who runs out of magic
and has to shift back loses.

- Deal?
- Deal!

Try and keep up!

When we control the human World,

you will be free
to swim for miles,

diving fathoms deep and playing

with the dolphins and whales

in the white capped ocean waves.

But what about Louis?

He'll fillet anyone
who helps you!

have always been cowards.

Opal, my murderous little Mermaid,

I know I can count on you.

No way.
Whatever you're planning,

leave me out of it!

What a waste of time!

Are they dead?

Knock it off, fish boy.

We're not dead.

Too bad. You know,
you should probably leave

before Kristov comes back.

That really was Kristov!

You saw him too!

We didn't see Kristov here!

And, even if we did...

we didn't!

Kristov's escaped!

No, he hasn't.

We just saw him in the woods,
near the pond!

Impossible! We just saw him.

Safely locked up in his holding
cell, where he belongs.

How is Kristov getting
in and out of his cell

without being seen?

No one's going to believe us
unless we have proof.

We need to set a trap!

Are you ready for this?


I was born to play this part!

See you on stage.


Mischa! How's it going?

There was so much going on.

I almost forgot
to give you this!

Ah! From New York?

Look everybody, it's Broadway!

I wish
I could see it in person...

Forget it, Dante.
Trolls are like Harpies,

we can't leave the Boundary.
Because we look weird.

You never know, Shan.

You heard Kristov's broadcast.

Maybe things will change!

Hi. Mom and I wanted to see
how you're doing.

Thanks, Zadi, I'm fine.

Why wouldn't I be?

Your father
has been asking about you.

Wouldn't you like to visit him
before he's transferred?

I don't really have
anything to say to him.

All right. It's your choice.

Yufon, wait!
I would like to see him.

Before he goes to prison.

I think that's best.

I'll set it up.

Why did you do that?

Ok. Daddy Dearest wants to talk?

Let's see what he has to say.

Elda! My darling child!

Darling child? Really?

You barely noticed me
growing up.

Nothing I did was ever
good enough for you!

Oh, Elda.

I underestimated you.

You always did.

You thought I was worthless
because I wasn't Dragon-marked,

because I wasn't a twin.

You have your own powers,
your own destiny.

And now that you have made
such powerful new friends,

we can help each other.

I have enough power
to rule the world without you.

Or your precious Dragon King.

- Kristov!
- In the flesh.

But you're supposed to be
in prison.

I mean you're supposed
to be in a holding cell,

and then you're going to prison.

- Right?
- I'm not going

to Supernatural Prison.

I'm going to the tomb
of the Dragon King!

And you can come with me!

I can?


After we raise the Dragon King,

we will reveal ourselves
to the humans.

What a wonderful world it
will be for everyone!

I could go to New York...

see the sights...

maybe even be on Broadway?

Yes. Yes and yes!

And all you have to do
is help me

capture the Wolf Shifter Twins.

My help?

To capture Jessa and Mischa?

Jessa and Mischa!

- You okay?
- Kristov got away.

Not all of him.

What do you think?

Will it help figure out

what kind of spell
Kristov is using

to get in and out of his cell?

Maybe create a counter-spell
so he stays locked up?

There are some powerful spells

that can be done
with a bit of blood.

But it's gonna take research.

I'll get started on research.

You go help
with combat training.

Not that I'm complaining,

I love a good workout,

but I thought we were
going to work on shifting?

Fighting in Wolf form?

We are and we will.

But before you fight as Wolves,
you need to focus on teamwork.

Anticipate each other's moves.

Startle them, throw them off

Terra, what the hell?

You used full power?

Mom said
to throw you off balance.

How can she be so sweet
to the Dragon-marked,

when she's so angry
with everyone else?

It's weird, right?

But at least someone's
being kind to them.

She's being really generous
with her magic.

That doesn't seem like
very big magic?

It wouldn't be,

except the compound is
supposed to suppress all magic

so where is Elda getting
all that extra juice?

And how is she able
to control it?

- Feeling better?
- Not really.

An honest answer.

That's a good start.

Found something!
It's a Magic Revelation Spell,

that uses blood.

It seems pretty simple,

I just need a few ingredients
and a spell pot to cook it in.

Did you see this pamphlet?

I can believe she...

Has anyone ever told you

how delicious
a Sorcerer's blood can be?

Mischa, stop holding back.

Max is strong,
you won't hurt him.

We found the spell!

It's prepped and ready to go.

Now it just needs
sometime in the sun to cook.

And while Terra's spell
is cooking,

take a look at this!

We found it under
the "History of Escape Magic."

"Five hundred years ago,...

a pair of Dragon-marked twin girls...

...used magic to escape
from their Cloister."

There was a set
of Dragon-marked twins

before Jessa and Mischa?

Did you know about them?

Yes, of course.

In fact, I've been
searching for them for years.


I wanted their help
to raise the Dragon King.

What? I thought Dragon-marked
twins were evil.

They're no more inherently
evil than you are.

They are Dragon-marked twins,

the same as you.

And, they would have been older
and stronger.

My plan would have

a much better chance
of succeeding with them.

And I wouldn't have had
to endanger children to do it.

We are not children!

And we are sick of you
treating us like we were!

I understand
I've insulted you both.

I apologize.

You know,
when Kristov's followers

realize we're being protected

by a powerless Sorcerer,

they're going to come after us.

Let them. We're ready!

Our Wolves are definitely ready!

But my Dragon isn't.

It's Ok, we still have time.

I don't think we do.

Someone's gonna
discover Louis's secret.

And if Kristov
stirs up another mob...

Our Wolves might not be
strong enough to stop them.

We need to use every w*apon.

Every advantage we can find.

It's time
to get to know my Dragon.

- Wow!
- Finally.

She's incredible!

Go, Jessa!

It's ready!

It's a False Appearance spell!

Someone's using magic to
pretend to be Kristov!


Santra's working with Kristov!

She's been using magic
to impersonate him.

But why?

To make people think
Kristov is so powerful

no cell could hold him!

It's a good
recruitment strategy.

People want to follow
leaders who are powerful,


The Enforcers are coming today
to take Kristov

to the Supernatural Prison!

If Santra
wants to help him escape,

she's gotta do it today!

Find Jessa!

Tell her Free Range Kristov
isn't Kristov, it's Santra!

On it!

Looks like it's Dragon o'clock!

Get Louis, I want him dead!

Keep her down. Wear her out.

I need her exhausted.

I need her to shift.

I'm going to rip that Dragon
out of you!

Jessa, it's a separation spell!

Whatever you do, do not shift!

We know your secret, Kristov!

You've been working with Santra!

Santra Khubari has been
impersonating Kristov,

doing his dirty work,

recruiting students
to serve the Dragon King!

You think you figured it out?

Foolish child.
Kristov was never in custody!

It was always me,

pretending to be Kristov.

But why let yourself
be locked up?

And how did you get
in and out of the cell?

And where the hell
is the real Kristov?

Kristov is with his Army
of Dragon-Marked,

preparing for the ritual.

Now it's time for the Wolf Twins

to do your part.

You must fulfill your destiny,

and raise the Dragon King!

Come with me now,

or I'll slit your boyfriend's throat

and you can watch him die.