01x10 - Sins of the Father Part B

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Supernatural Academy". Aired: January 20,2022 - present.*
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Animated show based on a book series by author Jaymin Eve, following two twin sisters separated at birth and now reunite at the Supernatural Academy, joining forces to save the world.
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01x10 - Sins of the Father Part B

Post by bunniefuu »

Sorry for the Grab spell,
but you cannot go home!

And... please don't yell at me.

- Why can't we go home?
- The Enforcers are there!

The Four!

You make that number sound
really bad.

The Four are the
most powerful Enforcer squad.

They're all identical,
like twins times two!

And they're here for us!

You can't go back to the dorms.
It's too dangerous.

Santra can't protect you
from the Enforcers.

Neither can our dad.

We need to get out of here.

Hold up a sec.

We need a plan.

The Four are the best
magic trackers in the world.

These hide the glow,
but they don't conceal

the magic signature
our marks are putting out.

Good news about that.

All that wasted energy
from the broken power lines

settled on Stratford
like a fog of magic.

The Four are flying blind.

But when that clears,

they'll be after us
like bloodhounds?

Wolf Alpha,
you are charged with sedition,

the sentence is death.

For protecting our children?

No. For hiding the prophesied

North and South
Wolf-Shifter Twins.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Your actions have ensured

the Dragon King
will rise once more.

The Twins
are the Key to his tomb.

- That's not possible!
- No!

They would never help him.

They believe what
they tell us to be true.

Your ignorance of the Prophecy
is noted.

This will speak to your intent.

Shifter, where is your Wolf?

I don't know.

It's solid! When Mom and I
came though it before,

it was more like a curtain.

The Enforcers
must have fortified it.

The only way to get through
would be to get authorization.

How's this for authorization?

It's bad.
The whole town is on lockdown.

Nobody goes in or out!

How do we get out now?

Maybe Terra can conjure up

one of those doors like Kristov did?

Well, I have been reading up
on the Door spell

ever since you told us about it.

Such a nerd.
I always loved that about you.

it's a Sorcerer-level spell.

And it takes a lot of power.

The more impossible
something is,

the more she wants to do it.

In the meantime
we need a place to hide.

- Like right now.
- The bell tower.

Kristov surrounded it with wards

to protect his study from magical surveillance.

The belfry should be inside the shielding.

No way, you can ride the Tithe lines

to get up there
without being noticed.

Let's get Jae.

Yes, there's a way in.

But you're going to have
to work for it.

We're going to have to climb.

I don't know about this...

Ivy won't let you fall.


Thank you.

Jae. What are you doing out
at this hour?

Go back to your room, Jae.

And some advice,

you're hanging with the wrong crowd.

You really need to find better friends.

I've checked all the wards.

You should be shielded
from The Four's tracking magic.

Kristov really overdid it on security,

but I guess he had a reason
to be paranoid.

I'll bet he never thought
he'd be helping us out!

There's more here.

Sorry, Jessa. No cake.
It doesn't travel well.

I had no idea how much having

a stupid Dragon-mark
would change everything.

For everyone!

If it weren't for all of you,

Jessa and I would already
be locked up in Crystal Coffins.

Thank you.

Yeah. We...

I don't say it enough.


Ok, Pack, we have a goal...

open a Free-standing door

so Jessa and I
can escape certain doom.

Now, we need a plan.

You sound just like Jessa!

So, in video games,

characters can do things to
level up and get more powers.

Is there a way you can
“level-up” to Sorcerer?

At least for this one spell?

I mean,
I don't actually know how,

but there's someone I can ask.

If there's a way to do it,
Vance will know.

He's a great magic coach.

And your Mom's ex!

Are you sure
she'd be Ok with it?

I don't know,

but it's my best option
and I can't ask mom right now.

We'll need to steal you
a lot of power.

It worked for Kristov,
it should work for you, right?

If I can figure out how to tap
into the Municipal power grid.

But even if Terra
can call up a door.

Where can you go to be safe?

What about Romania?

Our parents
will look out for you.


Think about it, Braxton.

Think about how I reacted

when I found out about
Mischa's mark.

And who taught me that?

There's no way our parents

would break the law
to hide the girls.

Sorry, but Bucharest is out.

Any Enclave is out. Right?

Where do we go
if nowhere is safe?

We can hide in the human world!
We can go back to New York!

When you hid there before,
you didn't have your powers.

If you use any magic at all,
The Four will find you.

Then we'll have to do it
without magic.

Like mom did.

It sounds terrible.
But it might work.

I've never been there.

How would I conjure a door
I've never seen?

What if I drew it for you?

You think you could?
I'd need every detail.

Watch me. I just need
my paper and pencils.

Consider it done.

All there.

- What the...?
- Hell!

I had no idea
Elda was such a powerful witch.

Maybe Kristov
was stealing her power, too?

Ugh. Worst. Dad. Ever.

Wait a sec.

Really old leaves!
From the Riddle Tree!

The writing is faded,
but some are still legible.

“North and South
reflect a single moon.”

These are all about us!

He's known all about us
for years.

The Dragon-marked
Wolf Shifter Twins must be found

while they're still within
the boundary of this enclave.

They're just kids!

You should be looking for Kristov!

The Four don't know we're here!
So that's good, right?

Everyone's going to be
looking for us now,

so, not good.

If anyone knows the whereabouts

of The North-South Twins,
you must come forward!

North and South! They most know
about that Prophecy, too.

If we're North and South,
then what's East and West?

If anyone aids them in their
continued escape from Justice,

you will suffer the consequences!

Blah, blah, blah...
Oh! There you are, beautiful!

Your former Academy Headmaster
destroyed your Cloister

and is intent
on raising the Dragon King.

If anyone knows the
whereabouts of the Headmaster,

you must come forward!

What are you all looking at?

I don't know where my dad is!

If your Headmaster
fulfills the Prophecy,

the Dragon King
will rise and all is lost!

The Dragon King is dead!

Jessa would never help Kristov!
Not in a million years!

Not everyone is against us.

We will find the Twins!
Dead or Alive!

Wait, what?

Dead or alive? Seriously!

Like a crystal coffin
isn't enough!


How can you be so calm?

The Four
just threatened everyone

who's ever helped us.

I know. I just need you
to stop so I can think.

What if The Four punish
everyone after we leave?

Brax and Terra and Jae and Max.
Mom and Dad.

I'm sorry,
but you panicking doesn't help.

Nice! You've got
some Alpha in you after all!

And point taken.

Can't stay.

I think I found a way
past grid security.


I know. Don't worry.

We're all being extra,
extra careful.

Nanaimo Bar?

I feel better already.

Rosemary is for remembrance.

Thanks! Come in.

It's so good to see you.
I mean, outside the library.

Thank you so much for coming.

It's months since we've played,

but I don't think
that's why you asked me over.

I really need to do
this one new spell,

but it's Sorcerer-level.

Whoa! That's a big ask.

I know. But I only need
to do it the one time.

Can you help me?

It's... important.

You understand what this means?

Any spell
that alters your ability

can permanently damage it.

Always, always know your limits

and never ever
burn yourself out for others.

You feel me?

That's what mom said.

But then she burned herself out
protecting other people.

Well, it's easier
to give good advice

than to follow it, right?

When you make
a choice like that,

make sure it's worth it.

I know the difference

between helping a friend
and being used.

Really, Yufon?
An official summons?

Well, I have an official request.

You need to tell your daughters

to come out of hiding
and surrender!

Are you kidding?

Even if I knew where they were,
and I don't, I couldn't.

They're my kids!

You heard the part
about “dead or alive”, right?

And don't you prefer “alive”?

Didn't you see
those crystal coffins?

Do you want that for your son?

I do what's right and lawful.

Sometimes those
aren't the same things!

Laurel is for success.

Hair is for power.

When Kristov called up the door,

he didn't do
any of this old school

toil and trouble stuff.

First, Jessa,
you're a lousy whisperer.

Second, this spell
isn't the door spell,

it's the Level-Up spell
so I can do the door spell.

Is it really called
the “Level-Up spell”?

No, but I like yours better.

“The Dragon-Marked Wolf Shifter
North-South Twins!”

Jessa's such
an attention seeker.

It's exhausting!

I hope the Enforcers
find her and her sister soon,

or all of Stratford
could be in trouble.

“Dead or alive!”

Well, I know which one I'd choose.

Elda, shut up.

Do you even hear yourself
right now?

Your father is the one
who started all this trouble.

Maybe you should hide.

The Four could be coming for you next!

It's true.
They already have Braxton.


The Wolf Shifter Twins
are your friends.

You know where they're hiding.

Particularly North.

After all...

Dragon knows Dragon.

Say where they are.


Suffer a broken wing!
Or even lose one altogether.

If we use Silver,
it'll never grow back.


You have no right!

Our mother's on the World Council!

Release this student and get out.

I am Head of School
and you are in my jurisdiction.

Leave the Academy premises
at once!

Your position and protection
will soon mean nothing.

Thank you.

It's like we had no strength
and they had all of it.

And if Santra hadn't stepped in
when she did...

They could've cut
Brax's wing off!

Or k*lled Max!

I'd love to teach those
monsters a lesson.

We're putting you all
in too much danger.

We need to turn ourselves in.


We're not quitting!
You're getting your door!

Ok, then.

Let's get this done
before anyone else gets hurt.

This is the door home.

I can draw you a floor plan
of the building,

and a map of the neighborhood, too.

I don't need any of that.

I can feel your connection
to this door.

On your signal.

My hand slipped.


Try again!

Oh no!

No! No...

No, no, no, no. No!


We blew out the grid.

And the wards.
Everything's down.

Without the wards...

The Four could find us
any minute!

We're sitting ducks.

This is... not good.

We're so screwed.

I guess
we turn ourselves in now.

But, the spell was working.
Until, you know, no power.

Well, that's something, right?

If it was working,

all we need
is another power source.

You don't understand.

We blew
the entire Municipal grid!

There is no other power source.

I know that look.
Jae, what is it?

There's one,
very teeny tiny possibility.

We tap directly into a Ley Line.

Actually we'd need
an intersection of Ley Lines.

The Riddle Tree!

Two Ley Lines
cross right under her!

That's how she's survived
this long.

No. It's a terrible idea.

Ley Lines are unmetered,

You could fry yourselves!

Unless the Tree
agrees to help us. Me.

She likes you.

Let's hope so.

Then we're back on.

Meet you there.


Ugh. I need both hands
and can't see the Ley Lines.

I got you.

Sweet! You should
Sorcer-ize more often.

Say when...

Where the hell
are Jessa and Mischa?

I don't like this.
Brax, follow me.

- Ready?
- Do it!

Holy shit, we did it!

You did it?

Yay, me!

Oh, no!


That's my Door!

No, you don't!
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