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01x09 - Sins of the Father Part A

Posted: 05/29/22 17:40
by bunniefuu
It looks like everything

from last night's dance
is cleaned up.

Just the pyramid wreckage left.

I heard that most
of the Cloister collapsed.

Those Dragon-marked kids

are lucky they survived down there.

Kristov probably had no use for them.

Too young. No powers yet.

- How are Jessa and Mischa?
- Still Dragon-Marked.

We shouldn't have let you go
to the dance.

We should have been there
to protect you.

Mamá. Nobody could have known
what would happen.

I was there
and I still can't believe it!

I honestly thought Headmaster Kristov
was going to k*ll us.

But then he said
"take us unharmed."

He said we're “the key.”
What do you think that means?

I have no idea.
But thanks to him,

our worst nightmare's come true.

Everyone knows about your marks.

I never liked Kristov,

but I never imagined he'd be
on the side of the Dragon King!

If Jessa hadn't turned into a Dragon,

he would've won.

We need to summon the Wolf Pack.

We'll be back in a few minutes.

You really never knew
you had that Dragon inside you?

All this time?

What if it's because of... him?

You mean the Dragon King?

A lot of people got hurt.
I wasn't in control. At all.

But you know you saved us, right?

Yeah, I did.

Get ready
with the grappling Talons.

Lighting up the lines now.

Such a waste. Quickly, now!
Before we lose any more power!

Got it! Coming your way.

- Whoa.
- Steady!

Another rupture!


Gently now. Not too fast.

I'm going to be fine.
Just give me a minute.

Let's get you to the infirmary.

That cut
should've healed by now.

I need to take a closer look.

Wait here.

- Terra. How's your mom?
- She's drained of power.

They're saying
it could take her weeks,

to get back to full strength.

She did a very brave thing.

That's just... mom.

Why not come stay with us,

until she's well enough
to go home?

Are you sure?

Jonathon told me

how Fern was always there
for Jessa when I couldn't be.

Let me return the favor.


Have a seat.

I'd really like to figure out
why you're so low on magic.

Maybe living all those years
in the human world?

Not sure.

Others are experiencing
a surge today.

Hold still.

Have you spent a lot of time
near silver?

Yes! I did. A lot, in fact.

Ah, that must be it then.

That went up fast.

Not sure I approve
of Stratford's priorities.

I see Olin.

What are you doing here?

You being here right now
is not a good idea.

- People are really scared.
- “People” are scared?

What about you?
Are you afraid of me, Max?

I'm afraid for you.
For both of you.

Maybe go home
until things calm down?

Come on! It's time to come in!

Oh, no. Nope. Nuh-huh.

but we're not going in there.

We have to stay out here
with our Pack.

All Dragon-marked
belong in the compound!

Lion Pride agrees!

The LeBron Twins belong
with the rest of their kind.

Lock them up! Lock them up!

Lock them up!

They'll have to go
through me first.

My daughters
are no threat to you.

They fought Kristov.

He's the one
who destroyed our Cloister

and took the Dragon-marked.

Kristov is the threat!

By law, Wolf, all Dragon-marked
go to a Cloister at birth.

If your daughters had been
safely placed in one,

none of this destruction
would have happened.

You used your power
to hide your daughters' Marks.

Your selfishness is disgusting.

A disagreement about the law?

It sounds to me
like a Council matter.

you could argue it there.

Rather than
on a school playground?

You make a fair point,
Ms. Khubari. Thank you.

- Santra, please.
- Santra,

as Council Leader,

I'd like to appoint you
new Head of School.

Since you're...
more neutral than most of us.

It would be my honor.
And, as my first act,

know that Jessa and Mischa

are welcome
to remain at the Academy.

Under strict supervision
of course.

How dare Yufon
talk to dad like that!

She should be minus a face!

I can't decide if Santra did
a cool thing

or made everything worse.

I'm going to go with worse.

This sucks.

I'm the first-ever
dual Shifter in history

and all anyone sees
is this stupid Dragon-mark.

Jessa, it's dad. Open up!

- Dad! What are you doing here?
- Bad news.

It looks like Enforcers

are coming
to sort everything out.


Are they like
Supernatural police?

Not exactly.
More like a SWAT team.

Even as Council Leader,
I can't stop them.

- Switchblades!
- Silver switchblades!

But... students
aren't allowed to own silver.

Yes, I know.

Please, be on your guard.

So, militarized Enforcers
are coming

with special
weapons and tactics, huh?

Lucky we have
our new pocketknives.

Jonathon LeBron,

in light of your crimes,
a vote has been taken.

I have been elected Council Leader,

while you are hereby confined
to house arrest

until the World Council
can decide your fate.

You've put Stratford's
political standing

and very existence at risk!

Our existence
was already at risk.

And our standing won't matter

one bit if Kristov succeeds
in raising the Dragon King!

Save it for your defense.

Jessa, Mischa,
you weren't at breakfast.

I have some news.

There's no way to sugar-coat it,

your father is no longer Council Leader.

He's under house arrest.

- What? How?
- They can't do that!

There was a vote. He lost.

The price, I guess, of keeping
you both out of a Cloister.

This can't be happening.

These armbands are spelled
to cover your marks.

The glow draws unnecessary
attention and... animosity.

Yeah, that's why our parents
had us spelled

to hide them in the first place.

And why my dad's
in so much trouble now.

As Head of School,
I have a responsibility.

Hopefully, they will help
calm things a bit.

Keep your heads down
and you should be fine.

I'm not keeping my head down

when everything's falling apart!

We need to clear dad's name!

It's Kristov
who should be under arrest.

I have an idea about that.

Raising that Cloister
took big energy.

Kristov had to be getting it
from somewhere.

Have you noticed
how everyone's been feeling

extra juiced up
since he disappeared?

I bet he's been taking more
than the legal Tithe.

A little bit from
a lot of students would add up.

So now we need to prove it.

Coast is clear. Go, go, go!

Terra made me this lens
so we can see the power lines.

She doesn't want to leave Fern.

Fantastic. Let's get to work.

Dad kept saying

that our Dragon-marks
would get us in trouble.

I didn't realize that they
could get him in trouble.

A lifetime of fear and prejudice

isn't going to vanish overnight.

You're worried about Max, aren't you?

I know he really hurt you...

This isn't about me right now.
He's your brother.

There are still some old prejudices

against Dragon Shifters, too.

That's why
there are so few of us.

Max always stood up for me,

before I could stand up for myself.

I get that.

You think
that's why he freaked out

over my Dragon-mark?

I mean,

after a lifetime of explaining
that the Dragon mark

is the sign of the Curse,
not the Dragon itself,

I can see how he's
having trouble shifting gears.

You accepted Jessa's Mark right away.

You may not have noticed,

but I tend to be more easygoing
than my big bro.

See there?

The weird Tithe line comes
right out of Kristov's study.

And goes right into the Pyramid!

A Cloister is supposed to be
an independent system.

Taking power from or giving
power to the Dragon-Marked

is strictly against the law.

You did it!

Kristov has been
embezzling power

from the Cloister.
This proves it!

I have no interest
in anything you have to say.

But Kristov is the threat
my dad says he is!

I have proof!

He was stealing power
from the Cloister!

Kristov is dead.
Thanks to your Dragonfire.

No. That's not what happened.

Take your hand off the door.

Or I'll have you thrown
into the Compound right now.

Jessa! What's wrong?

The Council
wouldn't listen to me

and let me clear dad's name,

and they're saying
I k*lled Kristov!

With Dragonfire!

What? That's not what happened!

I see what's going on here.

Yufon's consolidating
her new power.

And using you two as scapegoats.

I bet she doesn't even believe
Kristov is dead.

For all we know,
she started the rumor.

Yufon can't let
the LeBron name be cleared.

Dad would be reinstated
and she'd be out.

Well that's exactly
what needs to happen!

We're going to figure out
what Kristov was up to

- and make them listen!
- Now you're talking.

Because of her promotion,

I'll be subbing
for Ms. Khubari today.

She wanted me to review

the Dragon w*r chapter with you,

but it seems
you need to know more

about the Curse
of the Dragon-marked.

“Dragon Marks upon the skin,..."

"Cloisters keep them safe within."

"The Dragon King has cursed them all..."

"When he rises, we will fall.”

Who can tell me about this rhyme?


As the Dragon King was dying,
he cursed the victors,

saying their descendants will
wear his Mark for generations

and follow him when he rises.

Which is stupid
because he's dead.

Oh, and the Cloisters keep us safe.

And them, too.

Ok. Anyone else?

Yes, Winston.

Will Jessa be going
to a Cloister?

Or to prison?

She french-fried the Headmaster
into ash.

This is an Academy,
not a gossip mill.

Who here believes
this ridiculous rumor?

Well, I was there,
as were most of you,

and I know what I saw.
Kristov isn't dead.

He escaped through a portal

with most of our
Cloister's Dragon-marked!

Mr. McQuarrie, how could you be
so insensitive!

We need real answers

if we're going to keep
that Prophecy from coming true.

Any ideas?

The Riddle Tree!

The Tree is so old,

she was a sapling in the Faerie Realm
before the Dragon w*r.

She answers questions,
when she's in the mood.

Ooh, I want to meet a Tree.

Those LeBron twins
ruined our best dance ever!

After all your perfect planning
and decorating, too!

You know, Jessa, a crystal box
would be a good look for you.

You'd look like
a New-In-Box action figure.

Not worth it.
We'll grab another table.

I know
you can't see it right now,

but you're going to be okay.

I hate the way everything's changed!

It sucks! I want my life
to go back to normal.

I'll pretend “normal” to you means

after I arrived and got my powers,

but before our Dragon Marks
burned through?

Jess, you need to see
what hasn't changed.

Your friends.

Pack! Pack! Pack!

Pack! Pack! Pack!

Cake! Cake! Cake!

Mischa, this is the Riddle Tree.

Tree, this is my sister Mischa.

Doesn't she have a name?

She does,
but only Jae can pronounce it.


I don't think she can pronounce
my name either.

Let's ask our question.

Hang on.
We need to warm up first.

You know, a little small talk.

Will Jessa and Braxton
live happily ever after?

Uh oh.

“One fire consumes.
Two fires go out.”

Let me see that!

I think she's laughing!

Yeah, I'm asking our question.
What does Kristov want with us?

“Look to the points across
on a rose by another name.”

Huh? That's not...
What is Kristov up to?

It's the same.

“Look to the points across
on a rose by another name."

I guess we have our answer.

You're not welcome here.

How about we put you in
with your own kind right now?

Winston! Mezzy! Eric!

The Academy does not tolerate
bullying of any kind!

Go to your rooms!

- Thank you, Mr. McQuarrie.
- Yeah. Thanks!

I don't want to hear it.

The boys had it right.
You two don't belong here.

It's no use. Come on.
His mind's already made up.

I don't know, who to be angrier at,

those creeps who threatened you,

or Mr. McQuarrie for being so closed-minded.

He's a teacher!

Well, we already know
old beliefs run deep.

Those assholes
were hoping to make

Mischa and Jessa fight back.

Which would've meant
instant expulsion

straight to the Compound.

Well, it didn't happen.

Come on, Brax,
you're good at riddles,

what does this mean?

Well, “a rose by another name”
must mean a Compass rose.

Oh! Then

“look to the points across”
could be instructions

“Look to the East and West.”

I think you're right
about the Compass,

but it might be referring to
an ancient spell ritual.

Old rituals often use things
like the points of the Compass.

I like Max's idea.

If we go East and West,

we might find clues
about Kristov's plan.

Or find clues that lead to more
clues that hint at his plan?

Well, we should get started then.

Here. The easternmost edge of Stratford.

Just normal woods.

I haven't made a Witch Compass
since I was five.

I'd forgotten
how well they work.

We could scout ahead.
Up for a quick flight?

You go. I'll walk with Terra.

I'm going to give you two a moment.

What's going on?
You know I'll understand.

I kept her locked up
for so long.

How about we practice
your Dragonfire while we walk?

Get to know her.

Now you. Don't over think it.

That's pretty adorable.


Remember, Jess,
you can trust your Dragon.

You may not know her well yet,
but she knows you.

We're here!

This is the exact
west-most point.

It's just... woods.

We have to go back
and ask her again.

“What is given for a gift?"

"It has no substance,"

"but missing it can cost a friendship.”


I'm pretty sure
the answer is “thanks”.

She's thanking me for opening
the door to Faerie.

You're welcome.

What did you mean by
“look to the points across”?

“What will answer
all your questions

when approached
from other directions?”


The Tree!
Let's try the other side.

What does “look
to the East and West” mean?

Same thing. Come on!

Maybe she means
the “other directions”

from East and West!

What does Kristov want
with North and South?

“These two have never met,

but the world won't turn
without them.”

That answer's
“North and South.”

The North and South Poles!

Terra was right!
It must be a Compass ritual!

There's writing
on the other side, too.

“Found at the edge of the world,

you can't unlock a door without it.”

“Key”! Holy crap!
Kristov said we were the key.

So he knew about this.

This one says,

“What grows but has never lived,

what lasts eons
but is easily broken?”

But this one says,

“What is shattered
must be mended,

what is mended
must be shattered.”

The answer to the first one
is definitely crystals.

But I don't know
about the other one.

I think these all refer
to the Dragon King Prophecy.

I've never heard
of this compass ritual,

but in a thousand years
some details

are bound to get forgotten.

And this is how Kristov plans
to raise the Dragon King.

And he needs us to do it!

We need to tell
mom and dad about this!

Now the Council
will have to believe

Kristov's the real threat!