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01x06 - Trapped Part B

Posted: 05/29/22 17:37
by bunniefuu
You're Ok. We're Ok.

She needs to shift
so you can get your body back.

I know, Brax. Don't scare her.

I know you don't want to be
locked up anymore.

I promise it's not forever.

Just focus and
you'll be able to shift back.

I had no idea.

She's amazing.

She's you.

We can switch back now.

Her to her and me to me,
so make it be.

That was beautiful.
Thank you.

Maybe you can still shift?
Now that you know how.

I can't. I can't reach her.

Let's get some sleep.

Do you think you'll try again?

No. That's not the answer.

You'll get there.
When it's time.


I'm not even trying to catch you
and yet here you are.

Off campus, after curfew...
Why am I not surprised.

- I can explain.
- It's my fault.

You realize
there are things on my schedule

other than acting
as truant officer.

So... no demerits?

No demerits.

Just go to your rooms.
And stay there.

Thanks, yes, right away.

What do you have there?

Um... Nothing.
Just something I found?

I can guess from where.

Stay out of trouble
for the next twenty-four hours.

At least until
this Council meeting is over.

I had no idea
how good it would feel

to be free
of the suppression spell.

To feel the magic.

But now I'm... normal again.


'Night, Jessa.

Jonathon LeBron!
Jonathon LeBron!


The Intertoad is supposed
to announce visitors

when they enter the staircase.

Clearly it's defective.

What can I do for you?

Carmen Balari would like you
at today's Council meeting.

Of course
I have many other obligations

without involving myself
in politics.

We appreciate that.

But we really could use
your expertise.

I take it this is about
the new door to Faerie.

Some Councilors are worried.

They know you've studied
the ancient works,

I'm hoping
you can reassure them...?

Happy to be of service.

- Welcome to Stratford.
- This way, please.

- Nice to see you Carmen.
- Jonathon.


I've missed my boys.

What are you doing here?

I didn't see you at school.

I'm taking the day off.

Wait! I'm sorry!

I've never heard you apologize.

That's fair.

You working with Elda...

That really hurt.

But I shouldn't have reacted
like I did.

I should've asked how you felt.

I felt invisible.

That's on me.
I'm your friend.

For what it's worth,

I shouldn't have helped Elda,
it was stupid and mean.

I'm not like her.

So we're Ok.

This isn't just about yesterday.

When Mischa showed up,
I was so happy for you.

You got your mom back,
and a brand new sister

and I thought
we would celebrate it together,

like we usually do.
But we didn't.

And I realized...
you didn't need me.

You've always been there for me.

Mmh. Kind of my point.

Terra, I... I really am sorry.

You should get to school.

Isn't it time for Santra's test?

Your mom's
just letting you skip?

She's at the Council meeting.

They want her advice on security.

I guess this thing with Faerie

is some kind of sign
about the Dragon King?

Well, I guess I should go.

See you soon?

Yeah, probably.

Ok everyone,

please put all your notes
and study material away.

She didn't say anything to you
about missing class?

Uh uh.

Nice to have you back.

Can I go find Jessa?

No. She'll have to make up
the test another time.

Are you kidding me?
She should get an F.

Let's all worry
about our own work.

You've got this.

This issue
is larger than Stratford.

If the Faerie Realm
is indeed reviving,

it affects all Supernaturals.

Which is why we're here
in person to investigate.


the door has no longer
made itself available.

Not even to our Fae members.
They've all tried.

Then perhaps
you can explain to me

how unauthorized students
were able to conjure it?

I wish I knew.

But I'm not willing
to risk the safety

of children
to investigate the question.

If it was ever really here.

Of course it was here.
We all saw it.

Isn't the return of
the Faerie Realm good news?

Unless it means the Dragon King
is reviving, too.

Why would it mean that?

This is your area of expertise.

Thank you Yufon.

Our esteemed friend
is not wrong.

Early texts suggest that when
lost doors begin to appear,

the last to open will be
the tomb of the Dragon King.

The prophecy is very clear,

"The Dragon King
cannot rise without help."

As long as all the Dragon-marked

remain confined in the Cloisters,

you have nothing to fear.

What about the rumors
we've been hearing

that some Dragon-marked

have escaped from the Cloisters?

We need eyes and ears in every
Supernatural Enclave.

To be safe.

I'll be happy
to set up a task force

to help the Enforcers track down

any loose Dragon-marked.

Let's not get carried away.

I don't think that's necessary.

Jonathon... Yufon may be right.


This town counts on you
to keep them safe.

If that means a local task force

to hunt Dragon-marked...

Shouldn't you at least
consider it?

Let's call a vote.
All in favor?


Let's take a lunch

and address this
when we get back.

Very well. minutes please.

Can we talk about this?

You don't have to stay.
I got this.

I need food.

- So... lunch?
- Sounds good.

I'm glad you're feeling better.

You know, you can stop.
I know things are weird.

I know why you didn't come
visit me.

I meant to.

Ok, explain it to me then.

What happened to you
in Faerie...

I don't know. I'm still trying
to figure it out, too.

It's Ok. We've missed you.

Everything else
in this school is magic,

but we still have to do tests
just like in human school.

What's going on?

Does this have anything to do
with your Shifting power?

It's all I can think about.

I don't envy Jessa. I don't.
I like who I am.

But if I were more like her,
I could access my power.

You know what makes Jessa
so strong?

She's fearless.

She isn't afraid
to take what she wants.

What's the quote?

“Well behaved women
rarely make history.”

You missed the test!

Mom wants the Council
to hunt down Dragon-marked!


What were you thinking?

Do you know
how suspicious you looked,

trying to veto the task force
before you even discussed it?

You are the Council leader!
Yufon has it out for you!

By sh**ting down her idea,

you look like
you have something to hide!

I do have something to hide!

No kidding!
So be smart about it!

Come on in, you two.

This affects them, they
might as well hear about it.

Your Mother wants me

to endorse a special task force
to find Dragon-marked.

- So it's true?
- How could you?

It is strategic.

I said discuss it,
not endorse it.

Head up the damn task force
if you have to

and then sabotage it.

I could lose my standing
as Council leader!

How would I protect everyone then?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe the same way

I protected Mischa
all these years

without any “standing”?

You just don't want
to give up anything,

while I gave up everything.

- What is she talking about?
- I don't know.

- Mamá?
- What did you give up?

Hiding in the human World meant
I could never let my Wolf run.

If I shifted,
if I used any magic,

we might be tracked..

At first I kept her close.

I felt alone out there.
I wanted her comfort.

We lasted almost a year.

But I knew it wasn't fair
to keep her caged.

It was cruel.

So. I set her free.

You gave up your Wolf.

It was the worst thing
I have ever experienced.

And I would do it again.

Sometimes you have to do
what feels like the wrong thing

because, in the long run,
it is the right thing.

Are you going to be Ok?

What she did for us...

I had no idea.

- She gave up everything for us.
- Not everything.

Jessa, plenty of humans

do amazing things
without powers.

Powers aren't
what make you special.

"Sometimes you have to do
what feels like the wrong thing,"

"because you know
it's the right thing."


- Jessa?
- Think fast!

Thought we were supposed
to keep a low profile.

So, I just have to put it back
before she notices it's gone.

Dad? You wanted to see me?

Yes. You're grounded.

- No dance.
- You can't do that!

Want to tell me how Jessa LeBron

got a hold of this?

- It could have k*lled them.
- But not me?

You're worried about it
hurting the LeBron Twins,

but it's Ok
if I play around with it.

Because who cares
what happens to me.

- That's not what I meant.
- Yes, it is.

Jessa's the golden child.

Did you expel her
for having the Talisman?

You don't understand
what's at stake here.

She gets
every opportunity possible,

and I just have to accept
living in her shadow!

You'll understand someday.

Don't even try.

Did you not notice my forward troll
guarding that space?

Guess not.

Excited about the dance?

Absolutely not.

I don't want to go to school,

let alone a stupid school dance.


Forget the game for a minute.
What's bugging you?

I know things have been hard
since Mischa came to town.

But I thought you two
worked through it.

I don't know, mom.

Maybe I'm just not supposed
to have friends.

Sometimes you grow out
of the ones you grew up with.

Maybe it's time
to make new friends.

Aren't you supposed to tell me
that things will work out,

I just have to have faith
or whatever?

Friendships change, my love.

The world is not always nice.

Do what you wanna do.

Don't let other people drain you.

This is too risky.

We're in the middle of the quad.

Everyone's asleep.
You worry too much!

You remember what happened
last time right?

According to what I heard
at the Council meeting,

no one's been able to conjure
the door to Faerie again.

You make the call.

It's Ok.
Let's hear Jessa's plan.

You mean Mischa's plan.

I'm just along for the ride this time.

Ok let's hear Mischa's plan.

We know the hub
offers up different doors

according to who's asking.

So the fact that the door
Kristov took that kid through

has been there every time
Jessa and I look for it...

That must mean
we're meant to find it.

Then, why wouldn't it open?

I have a theory about that, too.

And that's why we asked
for all your help.

Well, that and the new guards

and new security charms.
And maybe invisible lasers?

I got the guards.

They might have warded
against me,

but I haven't given
my persuasion glands

a real workout recently.

I've got the forcefield.
Almost too easy to overload.

I guess that leaves
invisible lasers for me.

This isn't the hub.

You're guarding the wrong place.

We're guarding the wrong place.

All clear.

Ok, now for the laser beams.

Left hand, out.

Step forward on your right foot.

Left knee up.

I feel like we're playing
high stakes Twister.

You have Twister?

Let Jae concentrate
on the lasers.

Invisible lasers
are straight up bullshit.

- Hahahahaa
- Come on...!


No. That shouldn't be here.

I can hear it.

Jae... Don't...

You don't want that.

You stay with the twins.
I've got Jae.

Jae? You Ok?

You're not going anywhere.

Get out of my way.

Is everything all right here?

I was just out for a walk...
What's going on?

We were just...
practicing combat.

Is that right, Jae?

I wanna go back.

I think Jae's in trouble.

I should've said something,

but I thought
they'd just get over it.

It keeps getting worse
and I don't know what to do...

I just want things
to go back to normal.

I'm sorry, Max.

But, I think...
this might be the new normal.

Should we make sure Jae's Ok?

Max will take care of them.

We won't have
another chance at this.

You know they'll beef up
security again after tonight.

Maybe real lasers next time.

If we ever want to find that boy,

now's the time.

Ok. You said you had something

that would get the door open
this time?

We have you.

What do you mean?

I couldn't break it down
that day in the woods.

I even tried burning through it.

What makes you think
I can do it now?

Just try the handle.

Go ahead, Brax.

- What...? How?
- Nice!

Because it's built to keep
the Dragon-marked contained.

It only opens
if you're not Dragon-marked.

- You told him?
- I had to!

And I wanted to.

Brax is my best friend.

I swear,
your secret is safe with me.

I would never do anything
to hurt Jessa. Or you.

Are you kidding? This is great,

now I don't have to come up
with some excuse

for why Brax could open
the door and we can't!

- Ready?
- Ready.


What if it's like Faerie?

We can't just not go, Brax.

But what if the door disappears?

Then we deal with that.

What just...


Are you alright? What was that?

Security system, I guess.

“No magical disguises
beyond this point.“

Think it fits my style?
I hear tattoos are in.

Maybe we should get outta here
before something else happens.

We've come this far.

Let's see what else is
in this corridor of nightmares.

We already got our Marks back,
what else could happen?

That's him.