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01x05 - Trapped Part A

Posted: 05/29/22 17:37
by bunniefuu
As the European merchants

built more colonies
in North America,

some of our Supernatural
Ancestors joined the migration.

- The Stratford Enclave
- Jessa!

was established in ,

- Jessa!
- and the first Supernatural Academy was

- built here ten years later.
- Jessa! Wake up!

- Jessa!
- I'll save you from the Dragon King!

Let me remind you,

this will be on the test
at the end of the week.

Now, who did the homework
last night

and can tell me
what Human University,

founded years later,

claims to be
the first American college?


- Can you believe Elda?
- It's this power demerit.

She thinks she can get away
with anything

and I can't stop her.

Yes, Mischa?

I think what Jessa
meant to say is

that Elda should keep her eyes
on her own paper.

And the answer is
Harvard University.

This is stupid.

I want my power back.

I'm tired of being tired.

This big of a demerit

could take weeks
to recover from.

- We just have to try, and stay focused.
- Whatever,

I've been power-drained
longer than the rest of you.

Sure sucks not to have
magical powers, huh?

Watch out for the lasers, kids.

Are there really lasers?

Maybe. They've definitely laid
on some heavy security charms.

The Headmaster
had to issue special passes

for the teachers to get in.

Security charms and guards?

That's what I call
an epic stunt.

We're going down
in Academy legend!

Glad you're excited
about your reputation.

But how are we gonna find
where Kristov took that kid,

if we can't get near the Hub?

- I'll think of something.
- I'm going to go see Jae.

Maybe they'll have an idea.
Who's coming?

Let's go for a run before lunch.

Doesn't that take
a lot of energy?

Don't be stupid!

We don't need to send
two more to the Healer.

Let's check on Jae.

- Hi Jae.
- Hi


How you feeling? Borghildn
said you're doing better?

- I'm fine.
- That's great!

So you'll be back in class
with us soon?

I guess. If it matters.

Take all the time you need.
I miss you.

- We all do.
- Or some of you, anyway.

We're all a little out of it.

Jessa fell asleep
in History class.

Sounds harrowing.

Well, it's almost lunchtime,
right? Can't miss that.

See you later.

Lunch is almost over

should we be worried about them?

Do you think they're
worried about us?

You know what would be helpful
to have here?

Cell phones.

We made it!

We ran out of power.
Had to walk back.

I don't know how you can stand
being so Human all the time.


- You lost?
- Just seeing how you're doing.

It's so adorable how sweet,
simple Mischa comes to town

and now you're useless
just like her.

Elda was right.
This is gonna be fun.

What... How dare she?

I'm gonna kick her scaly ass.
As soon as I get some sleep.

Have you ever heard the
expression 'pick your battles?'

Power is like money here, right?

And you're used to having
a lot of it.

But when you only have so much,
you can't go wasting it.

You have to budget.

So no ass-kicking?

Not right now, anyway.

Unless. What about Jonathon?
I mean, Dad.

Couldn't he fix this?

Mischa, that's brilliant.
Dad never says no to me.

No. Absolutely not.

You and your friends earned
those demerits with your behavior.

I know we didn't have
permission to be in the Hub.

But demerits are usually

Maybe if they want
to make a point.

This is making it impossible
to function.

I don't think you understand
what a punishment is.

We're lucky
you didn't get expelled.

I know I screwed up.

But what about Mischa?

You asked me
to look out for her.

She doesn't have
any powers at all.

With me like this,
anybody can mess with her.

I'm not going to interfere
with Academy discipline.

There's too much going on
this week

with the World Council coming.

I can't get into a turf w*r
with Kristov.

World Council?

All the local Councils
report to them.

Why are they coming here?

Can't you two just be teenagers?

Study for a test.
Get ready for a dance.

Go out for magical milkshakes?

I don't care about a dance.

And I don't want
Jessa to protect me.

I want my own powers.

I want you
to get rid of the spell on me.

- Mischa... We can't do that.
- Why not?

She'll get her powers back
in a couple of weeks,

and I'm expected to
just live like this forever?

- How is that fair?
- It's not fair.

None of this is.

But even if it were safe to
remove the suppression spell,

I don't have the power to do it.

We'd need the Sorcerer Louis,

and he seems to have gone on
some sort of extended vacation.

Come on, Mischa.

He's not gonna help.
Let's just go.

Mischa said you had a plan?

Doesn't she always?

I also have our Dad's Talon.

And I'm out. Night everyone.


Max, I get it.

But the punishment we got
was unfair and unsafe.

We need to be able
to protect ourselves.

We can't do that
at percent power

So you're going to use
a stolen Talon

to tap into the Tithe lines,

and you think
we'll get away with it?

We're not stealing anything
that doesn't belong to us.

But, it'll take all of us
to get it done.

Especially without Jae.



Does Terra have enough power

to light up the lines
like last time?

Of course I do.

For about two minutes.

That's where Max,
and Brax come in.

They'll give you a power boost.

Careful, don't burn yourself
on the silver.

Give me your hands.

- Are they Ok?
- If we hurry.

What can I do to help?

Give me an actual boost.

I can't ride the lines without Jae.

And I need to hook in up there.


- Yeah!
- You did it!

We did it!

She's back, folks.

- And better than ever.
- Honestly?


You got our power back.

I can't wait to get out,
for a real run.

That actually sounds fun.

How do you change
into your Wolf?

What does it feel like?

You can't just ask that.
It's private.

What Jessa means is that
shifting is extremely personal.

Especially the first time.

I'm a Dragon Shifter,

and there aren't a lot of us
in the world.

So I was pretty much on my own
to figure it out.

Were you scared?


There was something new inside
of me trying to take over.

I wanted to burst at the seams.

Once I let the Dragon out,
I felt Ok again.

Shifting is easy for me now.

- Keeping him in is harder.
- I never knew that.

We don't talk about this stuff.

My Wolf was always there,
as long as I can remember.

But she was sleeping.

And then, a few years ago,

she woke up.

And she needed to run.

I didn't know what would happen.

But I knew I needed to let go.

She was a door I had to open.

And the first time I did
I thought I was dying.

It could be different for you.
It's different for everyone.

it gets easier with practice.

Brax? Max?

- Wanna run?
- Definitely!

We should check in on Jae.
They were asking about you.

Later. Promise.

Jae? Can I come in?




What... what... What happened?

When you wouldn't answer
your door,

Maximus asked for my help.

You can go to class.
I'll look after Jae.

Your friends
are worried about you.

Do you need the Healer?

She says I'm fine.

It's not the same, is it?

The tree. The sky. Flowers.

Nothing compares to Faerie.

I saw it too.

It was terrible.

I know I almost died

and I know I almost
took Brax down with me. But...

I felt like I belonged there.

It felt like, home.


Let's do this.



With great power. Or whatever.



Come on...
come on... come on...

No, come on!

I love the neckline!

- Hey!
- Just to be clear.

If you or one of your minions,
so much as looks at Mischa,

I will make you regret it.

We're not afraid of you.
Are we?

Your sister
should practice swimming.

Where's your other minion?

Where's Zadi?

No luck yet, huh?

I particularly liked
the yoga pose.

You know what,

I don't even care.
Tell all your friends.

Tell everybody.
I'm never going to be a Wolf.

Hilarious, right?

Look. We're not friends.

But I've been there, Ok?

Seeing everyone else
get their powers and just...


It felt like
it would never happen.

What did you do?

I didn't jump out of trees.

But I tried all
the urban legends.

Hot sauce. Moonbathing.
Sleep deprivation.

That's a thing?

Don't bother, it doesn't work.

There's no trick to it.

You just have to let the animal
come to you.

Turns out mine likes Ed Sheeran.

I had my first Shift
listening to “Shape of You”.

Ok, that's...
Umm, thank you, Zadi.

You tell anyone about this,
I will eat you.

Got it, We're not friends.

Oh, don't be so dramatic.

No one's gonna mess
with your sister.

I saw you with bunny ears
in combat class

when Mischa almost drowned.

You traded bodies with Chanel.

Body swap Talismans are illegal.

And dangerous.

Then hand it over,

and I won't tell your dad
you have it.

Elda, I really don't want trouble.

I just need to make sure
you can't hurt my sister again.

And what if I tell him
you took it?

You won't.

You know he won't expel me.

But what's he gonna do
when he finds out you used it?

Fine. You win. Like always.

But do me a favor and
tell Terra thanks for the help.

See you in History.

What did you do?

Because I know you wouldn't
join with my worst

enemy to hurt my sister.

Jessa, I'm sorry.

But I was upset,
and you were being a jerk.

You cared more about Mischa
getting her hair wet

than me being demerited down
to my skin.

Hey, come back here!

My sister almost got k*lled!

I'm supposed to be your sister too!

So you teamed with Elda
to get back at me for, what,

making you get detention?
That's pathetic.

You didn't even care.
You didn't even notice.

For a best friend,

you sure don't pay
a lot of attention

to anyone but yourself.




- Are you Ok?
- I have to go.

What the hell was that about?

Terra helped Elda and Opal

pull off that bullshit prank
in Combat Class.

The one that
almost got Mischa k*lled.

It's like she's jealous
of Mischa or something.

So stupid.

- What?
- I mean,

you've definitely been focused
on your sister since she got here.

- So you're on her side?
- I'm on your side.

We're all on the same side.

You know you scared the crap
out of Mischa in there, right?

Maybe she should be scared.

What if there's something
inside me

that's actually dangerous?

Anything inside you
is still you.

I trust you.

No matter what?

No matter what.

Even if I was Dragon-marked?

Well that's not possible.
You'd be in a Cloister.

You're serious. Mischa too?

Then that's the real reason
your Mom left.

To hide.

They put a spell on Mischa
that stops her from shifting.

That's why I have to be
the one to protect us.

Even though no one ever
tells me anything.

What if the curse is real?

What if every Dragon-marked really is
doomed to turn against our people?

Nope. Not gonna happen.

Not to you.

You know you can't tell anyone.

I don't think anyone but you
would understand, Brax.

No matter who or what you are...

I'll always be there for you.

Hey, you want to talk about it?

Oh... Hi Max. I don't know.

I know that was intense.

But Supernaturals
are pretty tough.

No one was going to get hurt.


She was out of control, Max.

If that's what shifting
does to you,

you can keep it!

Jessa is a hothead,
so her Wolf has a temper too.

You're different.
Shifting won't change that.

You'll still be you.

Did you suddenly shift into Yoda?

Vampire. Not shifter.

My Mom's a behavioral psychologist.

You pick up a few things.

I'm really into the idea
of a Mermaid dress,

no offense Opal.

I just want to make sure to be
absolutely unique.

I'd hate to ever be
just the same as anyone else.

You did what?

I got Elda's body swap Talisman.

So that Mischa
can access her Wolf.

I don't know which half of that
sounds crazier.

- Well, body swapping is a thing...
- A dangerous thing!

You could wind up with
two arms on the same side!

But we're twins,
so it's less risky.

Probably. I know
I freaked you out before.

But I really do wanna help.

If we trade bodies,

you can feel what it's like
to be one with your Wolf.

I saw what it looks like for you

to be one with your Wolf.

It's too Jekyll and Hyde for me.

I wasn't going to hurt you.

Or Terra... much.

My Wolf likes blood.

Your Wolf probably likes,
I don't no, bird watching.

This is a chance,
for you to meet her!

You're not seriously thinking
of doing this?

I think I have to try.

I have to be
who I'm meant to be.

I'm here if you need me.

How do we do this?

Just look into my eyes,
and I'll do the rest.

Before we do this...

Shifting can be really hard
the first time.

I've been doing it for years,
and my body's used to it,

so you should be Ok.

But I can't promise.

No pain no gain.

Me to her and her to me,
so make it be.

Whoa. It actually worked.

Is this how you feel
all the time!

Is this how you feel
all the time?

It's like being locked in a box.

I can hardly breathe.

Sorry. You get used to it.

Maybe you should change back.

She lived like this,
for sixteen years,

I can stand a few minutes.

First things first.
When you shift, be careful.

- Don't open the wrong door.
- What are you talking about?

You know, that other door inside

we're supposed to keep closed.

- I don't...
- I feel her!

Jessa, I feel my Wolf!

You need space. Run.

She's beautiful.

- Can you shift?
- We knew Mischa was powerless,

but this is different.

This is horrible.

You two need to switch back.

We need you to come back.


Mischa, you need to shift! Now!

She can't!

She can't shift back!