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08x17 - The Warning

Posted: 05/29/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
No, operator, Natumbe.
That's in Africa.


All right, I'll wait.


Yes? Alexis?

Leslie, darling.

You must have been on the
job morning, noon and night.

I've had a terribly difficult
job finding you and Sean.

I'm sorry. It's just taking
forever to close this oil deal.

There's so much to
do. You can't imagine.

Oh, yes, I can.

It takes a tremendous
amount of energy

to do what you're doing, Leslie.

I do hope that Sean
appreciates that.

I'm sure he does. I mean,
we're both working very hard.

These affairs can
be very exhausting.

So many details, so
little margin for error.

I do hope that you and Sean
haven't left any loose ends.

No, we've both
been very careful.


Because a mistake
now could be deadly.

There's nothing to
worry about, Alexis.

It's so reassuring to know

that I can leave everything
in your capable hands, Leslie.

Oh, by the way, I'd like
you to tell Sean to get ready

to move out of my apartment.

I don't understand. Move out?

Yes. And into the governor's
mansion. I'm back in the race.


Oh, you're continuing the
campaign. Well, ha, ha, that's great.

Mm. I knew you'd be pleased.

I have to go away
for a couple of days,

but I want you to be in
Denver when I return.

Oh, absolutely. I'll
make arrangements.

And don't forget to give my
husband the message, will you, Leslie?


This little trinket was
very costly for you, Leslie.

I don't like the way she sounds.
I think she knows something.

Aren't you getting
a little paranoid?

Oh, but you didn't
hear her voice.

It was as if she knew
you were in bed with me.

Oh, God, if she
ever finds out, I...

I know something that
will calm your fears.





Well, I've held them
off as long as I can.

The entire Colorado press corps is
waiting for you to make a statement.

Well, they'll just have to
wait a little longer, Russ.

Well, what am I gonna tell them?

- The candidate had a bad morning?
- You're the expert.

Just tell them what
you have to tell them.

You know, you're paying me a lot
of money to be your political adviser.

You're doing okay
in the polls right now.

But by next week,

the public might not even
remember you took a b*llet for Blake.

So take my advice.

When the press knocks on your
door, you better be there to answer.

You're absolutely right, Russ.

The media is important.

There we are. I
think we're all set.

Blake, I don't want you to go.

Oh, darling, I have
to go. It's important.

This is the state
bar convention.

I'm gonna be speaking
to , attorneys.


And I'm only gonna
be gone overnight.

You know that's not
what I'm talking about.

BLAKE: I'm going to be fine.

Now, Cochrane is already up there.
Our security's been tightened up.

Besides, who's gonna do anything

in a room full of judges
and prosecutors?

Someone who's crazy. What makes
you think they won't try it again?

BLAKE: We're better
prepared this time.

With a couple of
extra security guards?

Blake, there's a thousand ways for
someone to get you in a place like Vail.

It's crowded, people
wear ski masks,

a high-powered
r*fle up on the slopes.

Yes, you're right, but
I've accepted that fact.

Well, I haven't.

Blake, Kristina's sick and
I can't be there with you.

I don't want you to go.

Darling, what am I supposed
to do? Never leave Denver?

Or should I just stay
here in this house?

If that gets risky, what
am I supposed to do,

- lock myself up in this room?
- You're being ridiculous.

I am not going to let some
lunatic out there control my life.

Well, I think
you're being selfish.

Blake, if anything
were to happen to you,

I don't know what I would do.

Nothing is going to happen.

I pray to God you're right.

You know that if you wanted
me to leave this race that I would.

But I can't run half a race.

I've gotta be the best
candidate that I can be

or else just drop out of it.

You know that, don't you?

All right.

Please be careful.

I love you, Mrs. Carrington.

And I will be careful.


WOMAN : Here she comes.

WOMAN : Here she
is. MAN : Here she is.

REPORTERS: Mrs. Rowan.

Mrs. Rowan.

All right, all right,
all right. You.

Mrs. Rowan, this campaign trip
to Vail will be the first appearance

with Blake Carrington since
the assassination attempt.

Are you concerned that
whoever it was might strike again?

Well, naturally,
everybody's concerned.

But it's gonna take more
than one psychopath with a r*fle

to keep me out of the running.

REPORTERS: Mrs. Rowan.

MAN : Mrs. Rowan,
you've moved up in the polls.

Is it true the sh**ting has
helped your campaign?

Heh. Well, it wasn't part
of my campaign strategy,

if that's what you mean.


MAN : Mrs. Rowan. Mrs. Rowan.
- Yes.

Mrs. Rowan, you must admit,
it is ironic that you saved the life

- of the man you're running against?
- Yes, it is.

But to tell you the truth,
I find it even more ironic

that Blake Carrington is
running for governor at all.


REPORTERS: Mrs. Rowan.

How do your doctors feel about
you making a campaign appearance

so soon after the sh**ting?

Well, they were
unanimously opposed to it,

but I managed to convince
them that it was more important

to show the people of
Colorado that I was well enough,

strong enough and determined
enough to win this election.

So now, ladies and gentlemen, if
you'll excuse me, I have a plane to catch.

MAN : Thank you, Mrs. Rowan.
- Thank you.

WOMAN : Thank you.
ALEXIS: Thank you very much.

RUSS: For a minute, I thought they
were gonna give you a standing ovation.

I'm rather
surprised they didn't.

What did you expect when
you got here? A brass band?

Your children don't
even know you.

All right, I was wrong. I was
stupid. I made a terrible mistake.

But I can make it up
to you and the kids.

I swear I can if you
give me a chance.

- It's too late for that now.
- Why?

Jesse, I don't feel well.

Is it because you
don't love me anymore?

Or is it because you're out to
here with some rich man's kid?

- Who talked you into this, anyway?
- Nobody talked me into anything.

What's gonna happen when
you have to give that baby away?

I know you and kids.

You don't know me at all.

You stroll into town after
disappearing for two years

and expect everything
to be just as it was.

Well, it isn't. People
change. People grow up.

Yeah, well, I've changed too.

You haven't even given me a
chance to tell you about the deal.

There's always another big
deal just around the corner.

That's the story of our life
together. Well, I want more.

And you think the Carringtons
are gonna be your meal ticket?

- That's not what I meant.
- Oh, no?

You're so excited about going
over to their house for dinner tonight.

You think after you have the baby
that they're gonna invite you over?

We've become friends. Adam
and Dana are good people.

After they get this baby
they're not gonna give a damn

whether you live or die. To
them, you're just a brood mare.

Why are you doing this to me?

Because they're using
you. Can't you see that?

No. I don't see that at all.

Well, whatever it is, sooner
or later, you have to tell me.

I didn't tell you the
truth the other day.

Truth about what?

About who was on the phone.

He's back. I never dreamed
I would see him again.

What are you talking about?

I swear to you, Dana,
I thought it was over.

But he just showed up.


He never signed the divorce
papers. We're still married.

Karen, no.

I'm sorry. I wanted
to tell you but...

But this changes everything.

No, it doesn't.

Jesse came back because
he had some wild idea

we could start over again.

But this won't affect the baby.

Of course it will.

Adam and I don't have any kind
of legal agreement with Jesse.

This is your baby, Dana.

Not because I signed
a piece of paper.

Well, for God's sake, that piece
of paper is the only thing we have.

KAREN: No, it isn't.

Dana, when I felt the
baby kick for the first time,

I couldn't wait to
call you, remember?

You're the one who
heard the first heartbeat.

When I picture this baby
in my mind, I see you,

holding it, loving it,
watching it grow up.

This is your baby, Dana.

You've got to believe that.

The only thing that is important
is that you believe it, Karen.

My God, the man
shows up out of the blue

and you think it's
just a coincidence.

Well, Jesse didn't know
anything about the baby.

And you believed him?

Dana, this guy wants something.

Karen says the only thing he
wants is to get back together again.

Karen also said
she was divorced.

Do you know what
this could mean?

A custody battle.

Jesse could tie us
up in court for years.

Adam, you're
jumping to conclusions.

The only thing we know about Karen's
husband is that he deserted his family.

Now we're supposed
to believe he came back

because he got homesick?

I'm sorry, Dana. I don't buy it.
The man's trouble. I can feel it.

Please promise me you won't
say anything to Karen tonight.

I'm gonna find out what
Jesse Atkinson wants.

KRYSTLE: Oh, Karen,
it's good to see you again.

Hello, Mrs. Carrington.

Oh, please, call me Krystle.

Adam and Dana are changing,
but they'll be down in a minute.


You all right?

No, I just can't seem
to get warm. Heh.

Why don't you go into the library
and sit? I'll get you some tea.

Thank you.


I'm not avoiding the issue. I
don't think tonight's the right time.

I think tonight is
the perfect time.

Karen, what is it?

- Oh, my God.
- Karen.

- Dana, call Dr. Davis.
DANA: Okay.

ADAM: Oh, my God.

Karen isn't in any danger
of losing the baby, is she?

No. The doctor says if
she rests for a few days

that she's gonna be okay.


Darling, don't worry.
Everything here is under control.

Good. Everything here
is under feet of snow.

I tried to get out this morning,
but the blizzard just isn't letting up.

Blake, I'm sorry
about yesterday.

I guess I was the one
who was being selfish.

Oh, no, no. You were
concerned, darling.

I can understand that.

We've all been under
a lot of pressure lately.

- I miss you.
- Me too.

You know I don't like
being away from you.

Well, what we need is
a long evening together.

Just the two of us.

All right, you've got a date.

only question is, when?

The only way to get out of
here now is with a dogsled.

I just hate being away from home
when you've got these problems.

Darling, don't worry.

We've had a scare, but
it's nothing we can't handle.

No, no. Everything's fine. There's
nothing wrong with the baby.

ADAM: You're gonna be all right.

You see,

you fainted last night.

Just before dinner.

- Are you hungry?
- Yeah.

Nurse, would you please bring
up Mrs. Atkinson's breakfast tray?

Now, the doctor had some
fancy medical term for it.

You're just
exhausted, that's all.

So you can stay here
with us for a couple of days

until the doctor says
you can get up again.

- Where are my children?
- Downstairs with Kristina, playing.

All you have to do is stay here
and rest for a couple of days.

We don't want you to worry.

GERARD: Wait here.
JESSE: I wanna see my wife.

ADAM: What is it, Gerard?
- Mr. Carrington,

there's a gentleman here who
insists on seeing Mrs. Atkinson.

- Where is she? Karen? ADAM:
What the hell are you doing?


I was so worried.

- What happened?
- I'm sorry about this.

I guess I overdid it. I'll be
staying here at least another night.

You don't have to do
that. I can take care of you.

No, it's okay.

I got the car
downstairs. I'll carry you.

You haven't been listening.

- Who are you? ADAM:
Adam Carrington.

- And Karen is staying here.
- I'm her husband.

- And I wanna take her home, okay?
- Jesse, please.

The last thing Karen needs
right now is a lot of excitement.

Now, why don't we leave
her alone? She needs to rest.



I know you were worried
about me. I'll be fine.

Everyone's a little
upset. It was a long night.


This isn't the time, but I
think you and I need to talk.

- Do you know Harmon Point?
- Sure.

Tomorrow around I'll
be on my morning run.


This continuous hysteria about
Alexis, it's very unattractive, Leslie.

- If she fires me, I'm not going alone.
- What, is that a thr*at?

I have no intention of walking
away without getting what I deserve.

I told you I'd take care of you.

That is not good
enough. I want specifics.

I know you're
skimming off this oil deal.

I wanna know how much, what
your share is, and what my cut is.

Here I thought your
only interest was in me.

Oh, stop it, Sean. I've been
cheated too many times.

- Either you tell me or...
- Or? Or what?

I know a lot about you, Sean.

I don't think that you
can afford to ignore me.

I have no intention of that.

I'll pick you up at .

And before we go back to
Denver in the morning, I promise,

I'll tell you all
you need to know.

Good morning, Blake.

BLAKE: Alexis.

Oh, I can't believe
that we are stuck here.

Heh. Reminds me of St. Moritz
when the children were little.

If you'll excuse me,
Alexis, I'm working.

Oh, Blake, don't be so stodgy.

Surely, you can take some
time out for a friendly little chat.

I'm afraid I don't have
time for a little time out.

By the way, I think you may be right
about this being familiar ground for us.

We're back fighting again.



I don't think that we
should fight anymore.


I'm sure that it hasn't
escaped your notice

about my rise in the popularity polls,
particularly among women voters.

After what you went through,

I expected that the public
would be sympathetic.

Blake, it's more
than just sympathy.

I'm no longer a spoiler,
I'm a genuine candidate

with an excellent
chance of being elected.

I think you may be
overestimating your chances.

Do you? Well, I don't.

Which is why I'm prepared to
make you a rather interesting offer.

Blake, you and I would make
an unbeatable combination.

I think you should
withdraw from the race

and run as my
lieutenant governor.

Alexis, in all the
years I've known you,

that is the single-most ridiculous
thing that I've ever heard you say.

Why? Because you don't think that
I'm strong enough or clever enough?

Or is it you don't think that any woman
is capable of running for government?

Or perhaps you've been married
to that wimp Krystle for so long

that you've forgotten what a
real woman is capable of doing.

On the contrary. She's
helped me to understand

what a real woman should be.

Alexis, you are
smart and shrewd,

but you also happen to be
self-indulgent and dishonest.

And you are pig-headed
and chauvinistic

with a lot of skeletons in your
closet that haven't been revealed yet.

I never said that I was perfect.

Oh, by the way,

I do think that a woman could
be the governor of Colorado.

- Hmm?
- It's just that you're not that woman.

"My dear Leslie,
you've earned this."

Heh. "Love, Sean."


Not bad.

But it's gonna cost you a lot
more than this, Mr. Rowan.


It's about time.

- Don't move.
- Hmm?

SEAN: Not a muscle.

Don't even breathe
if you want to live.

Don't move.


Oh, God.

This is an African mamba.

It's one of God's
deadliest creatures.

Take it away.

They strike very quickly.

And it's a slow,
agonizing death.

Please, Sean.

Not until you
understand the danger.

- Hmm?
- Just take it away. I beg you, please.

You must promise
to be more careful.

You never wanna
challenge a viper like this.

I promise.

I can't hear you.

I promise.

Can't hear you, Leslie.

Please, Sean.

I promise.

Good. Now I'm sure we
have an understanding.

We do understand
each other, don't we?


- Don't we?
- Yeah.

I'd hate to see
anything happen to you.


Blake. Blake, I've
been looking for you.

- Look, I want to apologize.
- Well, it's not necessary.

No. Look, I was wrong asking you
to run as my lieutenant governor.

It must have been a
terrible blow to your ego.

My ego will survive
and so will my campaign.

ALEXIS: Will it?

I'd like you to
take a look at this.

So you didn't come
here to apologize.

You really came here to sell me
again on that little scheme of yours.

Well, I wouldn't be on that ticket
with you if my life depended on it.

I don't want to win that badly.

Then maybe you should think
about getting out of the race,

leaving the field clear for me.

You never give up, do you?

I have a question
I'd like to ask you.

You love this campaign.

You love the attention and
the excitement of the challenge.

What would you do if
you actually got elected?

You think about that.

Then maybe you'll consider
getting out of this race.

Don't bet on it.

Tell me something.

Any particular reason you decided
to come back to Denver at this time?


I still love my
wife, that's why.

You had to know
this would upset her.

Heh. Well, I didn't expect to find her
out to here with a baby either, okay?

- I don't owe you any explanation.
- You're right.

You don't owe me anything.

Let me be honest with you.


I hope that you and Karen
can work out all your problems

and live happily ever after.

But now just
isn't the right time.

So, what am I supposed to do?

- Just walk away?
- That's right.

Until after the baby is born
and the papers are signed.

Then you can do what you like.

You are really unbelievable.

Just because your family's
got all the money in the world,

you think that gives you the
right to tell me what to do?

I've done a little checking.

A dozen jobs in the last five years,
not one lasting more than six months.

You've had some tough times.

I do okay.

As a matter of fact, I
got a deal on the table

that's gonna pay me $ , .

What if I were to
make you a better offer?

- Meaning what?
- Well, you tell me.

What would it take to have
you disappear for a while?

Think about it.

Dana, Dana, I have to
go. I have a board meeting.


Meanwhile, this is for you.

Because I love you very much.

I'm sorry I overreacted
to Jesse coming back.

We had a long talk. He
won't be giving us any trouble.

Oh, good.

You know, I was a
little worried myself

after the way he
barged in here yesterday.

Karen says Jesse's a little impulsive,
but he doesn't mean any harm.

Right. And I'm sure Karen
would like to believe that.

But I wasn't about
to take any chances.

What do you mean
"take any chances"?

You can never trust the
Jesse Atkinsons of this world.

They all have big
mouths and big dreams

and their hand out
for an easy buck.

As long as they don't
have to work for it.

You offered him
money, didn't you?


I just made it very
easy for him to ask.

And he will.

Oh, Adam, please don't do this.

I have no intention of letting some
two-bit hustler interfere with our baby.

I had a problem,
I took care of it.

Dana, I want Jesse out of
town and out of our lives.


Okay, well, that's
it. Thank you all.

I'll certainly keep you informed
of any further stock activity.

Nice of you to join us, Adam.

ADAM: I had some personal business
to take care of, Steven, all right?

Now, why this emergency meeting?

We have a real problem.

There's been another huge
purchase of Denver-Carrington stock.

- Still no names?
- No.

We've done a complete check.

Apparently, we're dealing
with brand-new players

and nobody knows who they are.

Well, they're gonna have to
come out into the open eventually.

Once they buy in for percent,
the masks come off. That's the law.

They're almost there now, and we
have some very nervous stockholders.

Well, can you blame them?

Takeover threats are
twice as frightening

when you don't know the enemy.

Let's not get carried
away with this.

How many points are we up
this week? Three and a quarter.

Maybe they're planning just
to buy and sell for a quick profit.

I don't think so, Adam.
I think they're serious.

Whoever they are, they're buying
into Denver-Carrington big-time.


You weren't kidding when you said
you were going to be hard-working.

It's necessary. Two hands phoned
in sick and a mare is about to foal.

- Well, you could have called me.
- I did fine by myself, thanks.

You know, I've been leaving
messages here the last couple of days.

I've been busy. I have
a horse ranch to run.

- Did I do something wrong?
- No.

It's just that I've
reconsidered our arrangement.

And I decided to go to the
bank for financing on Delta Rho.

- You wanna dissolve the partnership?
- It's not a partnership, Jeff.

Maybe I do talk too much.
How about a silent partner?


Look, Jeff, when things
went bad for me at the ranch,

you were here to
bail me out financially.

And when that jerk tried
to att*ck me the other night,

you were there to rescue me.

I don't wanna feel I have
to turn to you for everything.

Is there something
wrong with helping out?


Just as long as you understand
that I'm gonna work hard

to turn this business
around and to pay you back.

I just don't wanna feel
dependent on you or anybody.

Wait a minute, Sammy Jo. I gave
you that money because I believe in you.

And because I like you.

Just what exactly am
I signing away here?


Just a simple declaration.

You've had no physical contact
with Karen for the past two years.

So I'm saying that the
baby isn't mine, right?

And you further agree to
have no contact with her

until after the baby is
born. That means no visits.

No phone calls.

Yeah, well, that's
the hard part.

I don't know if I can do that.

I don't wanna rush you.

Why don't you think about it?

Check it out with your attorney.

Uh, well, it's not that I
don't trust you. I just, uh...

- I really don't wanna lose Karen again.
- You don't have to.

Come back after the baby's born

and you and Karen
can have a real chance.

With another briefcase
just like this one.

You're doing the right thing.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Adam, this is wrong.

I did what was
necessary for all of us.

How much did you pay him?

A hundred thousand dollars?
Five hundred thousand? A million?

Does it matter?

I'd give up everything
I have for that baby.

Darling, I want this child just as much
as you do, but I'm not willing to buy it.

What do you think
we've been doing?

We signed a contract with
Karen. We are paying her money.

She is having a baby
and giving it to us.

All I've done with Jesse is
take out an insurance policy.

But it isn't the
same thing at all.

Look, we've paid Karen's
doctor's bills and her attorney's fees.

She wouldn't even let me
buy her a maternity dress.

And you're comparing that to handing
somebody a suitcase full of money?

It is the same, Dana.

All we're arguing
about is the amount.

Wait a minute. I did everything
that you wanted me to.

I came back here, I
got everybody stirred up.

Now I want my money.

Now, we had a deal.
I pay you , now

and , after you've
completed the assignment.


Well, I thought
the job was over.

I want Adam Carrington to
think he's gonna lose his child.

Perhaps he will.

Wait a minute, this...

That's too complicated for me.

We never said anything
about keeping the child.

That's up to Karen.
And you, of course.

I just want enough money so that
Karen and me can make a fresh start.

You follow my instructions
and you'll get your money.

And I won't have to make
a phone call to the coast,

to my friends that you're
so anxious to avoid.

Don't disappoint me.

You're leaving?

It's only for a
couple of months.

And I really believed you.

"We're going to be a family
again. I'll get a real job."

Won't I ever learn?

- Bye, Mommy. Bye, Daddy.
- Goodbye, Mom.

Bye-bye, Kelly.

Have a good day, okay?
Now, zip up, it's cold outside.

- I love you girls.
- I'm picking you up.

- Okay, Mom.
JESSE: Bye-bye, kids.

BOTH: Bye.

Honey, I'm telling you, this
is a once-in-a-lifetime deal.

When I come back, we're never
gonna have to worry about money.

Don't say that. Don't
tell me those things.

I hate your lies.

Why did you have to come back?

All right.


Look at this.


- This look like a lie to you?
- Where did you get that?

I told you, I've been
working on a deal.

What kind of deal pays that
much money and in cash?

It's perfectly
legal. Don't worry.

I got , now
and , after.

- After what? What do you have to do?
- Nothing.

You're getting paid
$ , for doing nothing?

Well, I got... I just gotta leave
town for a little while, that's all.

But I'm coming back,
I promise. Now, here.

- You keep the money.
- I don't want it, Jesse.

I want the truth.
Where did you get this?


Well, Adam Carrington just wants
me to leave town for a little while

until you've had the baby.

You took money from him?

Well, so what? He's got
plenty. He's never gonna miss it.

You haven't changed, Jesse.

This is just another
con game to you, isn't it?

- No.
- This is all you care about.

- Take it. Take it and get out of here.
- No, no.

- Karen...
- I never wanna see you again.

Karen, I did this for you.
Don't you understand?

I want us to be together.

But not as much as
you wanted the money.


Morning. I thought you
were still snowbound in Vail.

We made it out a
couple of hours ago.

Steven, I understand that
those new stockholders

are coming in to see
you this afternoon.

Yeah, we're finally gonna
meet the enemy face-to-face.

I wanna be there
at that meeting.

I think that would
be a mistake, Dad.

My telephone has been ringing
off the hook ever since I got back.

Long-time stockholders who
wanna know what's going on.

And, frankly, so do I.

Tell them if they have
any questions to call me.

Assuming I'm still in charge.

Of course you are.

But those stockholders
are a thr*at.

They now own a big
piece of Denver-Carrington.

That's exactly why I don't
want you at that meeting, Dad.

If you're there, it'll look
like we're running scared

and you've come to bail us out.

Steven, I have stayed out
of the picture up until now,

even though you and your brother
and sister have had problems.

But this is different.

We're talking now about
a possible takeover.

I don't have to remind you that
everything I've ever worked for,

everything I own,
is at risk here.

I know that. And you have
to make a decision, Dad.

If you show up this afternoon,

you're sending me a clear signal
that you want to run the company again.

That's not what I want.

Then don't undermine me.

I know you wanna help.

But if I'm going to
run Denver-Carrington,

the best way to help
me is to trust me.

Good luck at that
meeting today, son.

Not only is the lady
beautiful, but forgiving.

- Uh, sorry I was away so long.
- That's all right, darling.

You're back now, and
the oil deal's going well

and everything
else is going well.

That reminds me.

Do you think we made
a mistake with Leslie?

In what respect?

In giving her too much
responsibility too soon.

She handles herself
all right. She's learning.

Mm. At my expense.

I'm not sure I approve
of on-the-job training.

SEAN: Well, then, we'll, uh, put
her into a less responsible position.

Well, I thought you said
she was doing so well.

You're the one who
suggested there was a problem.

Well, you know I always
rely on your good judgment.

Well, then I think she's
doing fine where she is.


You know, I have a
feeling about Leslie.

SEAN: A feeling?
- Mm.

I don't trust her.

Well, then we'll demote
her or we can fire her.

Alexis, what do
you want me to do?

Whatever you think
you should do, darling.

Excuse me. Mr. Rowan?

Your call to Africa
has come through.

- This is gonna take some time.
- Oh, yes, of course.

Well, I have a meeting with my
image-maker anyway, darling,

so I'll see you later.

Excuse me, could you bring me a
Scotch over to, uh, that table, please?



Oh, you look terrible.

Gee, thanks. Just
what I needed to hear.

Well, I meant a little tired.
African jet lag, I guess.

- So how was your trip?
- It was okay.

Uh, look, Dex, the reason why I
wanted to talk to you was, um, heh,

I'd like my old job back.

Heh. Why? What happened?

Well, I've just decided that,
uh, I don't fit in at Colbyco.

Oh. But, Leslie, I remember
those big dreams of yours,

the glamour and the glory.

Don't tell me nothing happened.

Look, I just want
a job, not a lecture.

Thank you.

And I just wanna know why last
week you were sitting on top of the world

and today you look
like a frightened little girl.

Look, a simple yes or no will
do. Do I have the job or don't I?

Forget about the job right now. I
want you to be straight with me.

Oh, just forget it. I
should have known better.

They sure are dragging this out.

They seem to be enjoying this little
game of corporate hide-and-seek.

Yeah, that's just how it feels,
like some sort of perverse game.

Only we don't know
who the players are.

Or where they are.

Well, they can't win
unless we allow them.

This is one time the three of
us have got to pull together.

ADAM: Great halftime speech,
Steven. Let's win one for the old Gipper.

FALLON: What's your problem?
- What is your problem, Adam?

You've been staring into
space since you walked in.

You two still don't
get it, do you?

Sure, we have enough
stock to maintain control.

But they have enough clout

to influence every
decision this board makes.

Face it. We've been


There's a gentleman here
to see you, Mr. Carrington.


Well, send him
in, please, Lillian.

Maybe you'd better step
outside a moment, Mr. Carrington.

That won't be necessary,
Lillian. Thank you.

Is this some kind of a joke?

I'm afraid not.

I'm sorry to have to do it this way,
but you've left me no other choice.

This board's mismanagement
almost sent the pipeline under.

I can't let that happen.

You've made your entrance,
Jeff. Just tell us what you want.

A seat on the executive committee
overseeing all pipeline operations.

That's my only concern here.

And I wanna see Dex reinstated.

- Jeff, Dex quit.
- Because of you, Steven.

Now I'm rehiring him.

Don't fight me on this.

I have enough stock to
mount one hell of a proxy fight.

Well, it appears
we've met the enemy.

And lo, he is one of us.

JESSE: Forget it. I'm
not going through with this.

ADAM: What? We had a
deal. JESSE: Not anymore.

I'm telling you, I just
can't go through with it.

ADAM: How much more would it take?
- No, it's not the money. Take it.

I just want my wife back.

You should have thought of that
before you signed the agreement.

I will not let you
interfere with my baby.

I'm getting tired of being
told what I have to do.

That baby is as much
Karen's as it is yours.

Maybe I'll take your advice.
Maybe I'll get myself a lawyer.

You know what he'd tell you?

- You're acting like a damn fool.
- Maybe.

Maybe he'd tell me that you don't have
the right to pay me to get out of town.

That you can't buy
people off like that.

ADAM: Well, what are
you gonna do now, Jesse?

Try and start a
new life with Karen?

You have no job,
you have no money.

You're blowing it, Jesse.

I don't think so.

If anything happens to
my child, I will destroy you.

You go to hell.

Hey, Jesse.

You know what happens to people
who play both sides? They get crushed.

Okay. I'm not playing
anybody's side anymore, okay?

Not yours, not the Carringtons'.
Here's your money back. It's all there.

Now, I brought you out here
to be Adam's worst nightmare.

I intend to see
you finish the job.

Take it easy, friend.
You don't own me.

When that baby is
born, I'm taking my family

and I'm getting as far away
from you people as I possibly can.

No. No, you're not. You're
gonna stay in Denver

and you're gonna
fight for custody.

You're crazy.

I'm not fighting for custody.
Not for you, not for anybody.

- How about Karen?
- You take your damned hand off me.

What kind of man are you?

She'll never forgive you if
you let them take her baby.

- I'm getting out of here.
- Listen to me.

You'll not be able to
walk away from this one!


one gets away, Alexis.

No one.

Not even you.