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02x05 - SuperGeorge

Posted: 05/28/22 06:36
by bunniefuu
Meet George Jetson

Hís boy. Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, hís wífe

JANE: No. George.
Iet's try the couch over there...

...and the chair over where
the couch was.


We already had the couch there
five times.

For the life of me. l can't remember
anything in our wedding ceremony...

...where l promised to love. honor
and help rearrange the furniture.

Hmm. Or would the end table be better
there where you've got the couch?

Jane. if we move this stuff around any more.
it'll be due for a -mile checkup.

Stop complaining. George.

Just think how it used to be before
we bought that remote furniture rearranger.

Ha-ha. Yeah. l gotta admit.
it really is one terrific little--

Oh. no. Do something. George.

What can l do?
Call the outfit that sold us this thing.

''Nebulous Nifty Home Products.''

Oh. please. come as fast as you can.

They'll have someone here in--
George. come out of there.


l'm trying. but it won't budge.

Elroy. come help your father.

Gee. Mom. that's the worst
furniture arrangement l ever saw.

-Help me move this stuff. Elroy.
-Sure. Dad.

Come on. Astro. give me a hand.

Okay. Elroy.

ELROY: Thanks. Astro.
Go get the rest of this stuff.

Not me. Astro.


-You're always sorry.
ASTRO: Sorry.

For the time being. put it all back
where it was when we started.

-Okay. Mom.
-Oh .

This one must be heavier than that one.

How'd you do that. Elroy?

Oh. um. l've been working out a little.

Oh. yeah?
l used to pump a little iron myself.

George. you couldn't lift an iron
to press your suit.

Oh. hello.

Our Nebulous Nifty Furniture Rearranger
is on the blink and--

And what a wonderful product
the Nebulous Nifty Furniture Rearranger is.

l got a dandy new little item here
that's going to knock your socks off.

Hold it. hold it.

Aren't you the same robot who sold us
a Nebulous Nifty Shoe Shine kit for my son?

Yeah. It knocked my socks off
and then chewed them up.

As l was saying. l have here the dandy
little novelty item of the millennium.

The greatest scientific breakthrough the
Nebulous Nifty people have ever offered.

And here it is. Thinko.

The very first portable
home thought materializer.

Thought materializer?
You gotta be kidding.

Now. George. remember the Nebulous Nifty
Electric Banana Peeler you bought me.

lt shorted out the visaphone
and our digital toothbrushes.

Yes. madam.
but only after the warranty had run out.

You can be sure. Nebulous Nifty
will stand behind Thinko...

...the device that actually transforms
what you are thinking...

...into a few glorious seconds of full-color.
three-dimensional reality.

And all you have to do is place the palm
of your hand on Thinko's glowing sensor.

And presto. that's it. Now think.



Just kidding. Jane.

Hmm. Let me think.

Ahh.... That's better.


l knew you'd like that.

This is great.

What's great. Daddy?

-Come and try this. Judy.
-What is it?

-Just think of something. anything.

ANNOUNCER: _nd there she ís, the greatest
new star of the year, Judy Jetson.

Ha-ha. That's sensational.

-Let's try it with Astro. Dad.
GEORGE: Okay. come on. Astro.

Put your paw here
and think of something.



All right. George. Sit up.


Roll over.

-Cut that out. Astro.
-Sorry. Ha-ha-ha.

-You try it. Elroy. Think big.
ELROY: Okay. Dad.

Hold it. not that big.

But l wanted to be a basketball player.

l'll take one. It's fantastic.

Let's not leap into this. George.

Remember the Nebulous Nifty
Dandruff Ray g*n...

...and how long it took
for your hair to grow back.

-Ah. that was different.
-You've made a very wise decision.

Now l'd like to show you
the Nebulous Nifty Laser Toothpick.

No. thank you.
Don't call us. we'll call you.

Oh. my gosh. The furniture rearranger.
Well. too late now. l gotta get to work.

What the heck. just one more time
on the Thinko machine before l go. Ha-ha.

Let's see. What'll l think about?

l know. Right out of those comic books
of yours. Elroy. Watch this.

lt's Super George. Ta-da!



That's nothing. How about this?

George. we have five more payments
to make on that couch.

Don't worry. honey. The ceiling healed up
when Elroy's thought ended.

The couch will too. Thanks to Thinko.

Uh-oh. The Thinko machine is busted.

-Do you suppose...?
-That l'm still Super George?

Try lifting the couch. Dad.

The strongest man in the universe.
my father.

My dad.

-My ceiling. My couch.
-My gosh.

Ah. gee. it's nothing that anybody
with super-strength couldn't do.

Boy. l'm gonna have more
doggone fun with this.

Oh. no.

Sorry. folks. they're not building walls
like they used to.


Well. so long. honey.

You got a goodbye kiss
for your super-husband?

-Sorry. dear.

George. if you do that again.
l'm going home to Mother.

-Well. if you do. l can throw you there.

We have to get you back to normal.
l know...

...l'll track down that Nebulous Nifty robot
so we can get a replacement Thinko.

No rush. No rush at all.

ln fact. don't bother. This is gonna be
the greatest day of my life.

Bye-bye. Jane.


Maybe l'd better press the starter for you.

Don't worry. l'll press it very gently.

George. be careful.
Now look what you've done to our car.


Hey. who needs a space car?

l forgot. l'm Super George.

Boy. this is living.

-Hey. what's that?
-Looks like a man flying.

Have a nice day.

Oops. Sorry.

lt's Super Guy.


Hi. kids. You wanna see a trick?

Yeah. Super Guy.

Okay. Now you see a jungle gym...

-...and now you see a horse.
KIDS: Yay!

-Presto. back to a jungle gym.
KIDS: Yay!

WOMAN: Here. kitty. kitty. kitty.
Oh. come down from there.

Oh. please.
Somebody help me with my kitty.

Aha. Duty calls. It's what any
of those super-types would do.

Something l can help you with. ma'am?

Yes. my poor Pookums
is stranded up in that tree.

Allow me.

Uh-oh. The water pipe.

Super George. away.

JANE: l must find that robot salesman
and get another Thinko machine.

Having a Super George around all the time
is too much.

No sign of that robot salesman. Mom.

We thought l found him.
but it turned out to be a trash collector.

And you know what?
l hope we don't find him.

l want Dad to stay super forever.

Elroy. you wouldn't feel that way
if you saw our space car.

lt's a worthless. battered. wrecked.
broken-down piece of machinery.


Not you. Rosie. l mean our car.
Oh. but you've given me an idea.

''Catch a robot with a robot.''
l always say.

Rosie. l want you to look
for a fast-talking salesman robot...

...who is always trying
to sell you something.

Yes. ma'am.

Look for a fast-talking robot salesman.

Fast-talking robot salesman.
Fast-talking robot salesman.

Morning. George.
What are you made up for?

l'm a scout leader. Ha-ha-ha. Cute. huh?

Never mind the cute.
Today's the day the bankers are here... decide if they'll give their support
to the big interplanetary merger.

Merger? Merger with who?

Mr. Spacely wanted you here
over an hour ago.

That's right. he did. Doggone. l forgot.

Uh-oh. sorry. Must be the vitamins
l'm taking. l'd better get in there.

Ah. Jetson. you're here.
What do you think it is. Halloween?

Gentlemen. may l introduce
one of my most valued employees...

...George Jetson.

Oh. if the merger doesn't go through.
you're finished.

And get out of that stupid suit
or you're fired.

-Go ahead. George.
-Thank you. Mr. Spacely.

Now. gentlemen. l'd like to show you...

...Spacely Sprockets'
current commodity ratio... it pertains to future market fluctuation
in the projected fiscal period.

As you can easily see.
our profit-index picture is represented here.

l don't believe it.


Uh.... Yes. Mr. Spacely?

You're fired!

Where are you. George? You sound funny.

l'm at a payphone.

Have you found
that Thinko robot salesman yet?

We're stíll lookíng.

Jane. l got bad news and worse news.

-Líke what?
-Like l got fired.

Díd you say ''fíred''?


-Rosie. you found him.
-l found him. all right.

He said it was love at first sight.
He's flipped his switches.

l love you. l love you.

l cannot live without you.

Be mine and you'll have a lifetime supply
of Nebulous Nifty Products.

l adore you. l adore you.

Hey. aren't you the guy l seen
pull that tree up by the roots a while ago?

Yeah. that's me.

You must be the strongest guy
in the universe.

l am. And believe me.
it's not all it's cracked up to be.

l lost my job. l wreck everything l touch.

Dusty's the name.
Lucky you ran into me. kid.

l'm a wrestler trainer
and you're just what l've been l'ooking for.

-l am?
-You are.

How would you like to go up against
the Jupiter Juggernaut...

...for the Inter-Galaxy Championship?

lnter-Galaxy Championship?

Yeah. With that crazy outfit.
you can't miss.

Hmm. Why not?
My life's a mess the way it is.

l might as well get something
out of this super-business. l'll do it.


GEORGE: That's the guy you want me
to wrestle? The Jupiter Juggernaut?

You got insurance. don't you?
What are you worried about?

The work of a lifetime ruined.

All because Jetson developed
some kind of incredible strength.

There. there. Mr. Spacely.
it's gonna be all right.

Oh? How do you figure?

My plant's in ruins
and my merger is doomed.

What would you do?
Break out the balloons and party hats?

You need to get your mind off it.
Mr. Spacely.

Why don't you go
to that big wrestling match?

-What big wrestling match?
-The Jupiter Juggernaut is in town.

He arrived from Jupiter today.

Mm. Nobody can beat the
Jupiter Juggernaut. That's it.

l'll bet everything l have left in the world
on the Jupiter Juggernaut.

-Get all of my cash out of the safe.
-Oh. are you sure you should?

Get my wife on the phone.
l'm gonna hock all her jewelry.

Oh. Mr. Spacely.

Get my real-estate broker.
l'm selling my house and bet it all.

Sell my stocks. Hey. aren't those
the pearls l gave you last Christmas...

...for years of devoted
and faithful service?

Why. yes.

Mr. Spacely.

Everything goes
on the Jupiter Juggernaut.

Then the plant. the merger.
everything will be saved.

My microchips are sizzling. l love you.

l love you.

You've got to stop. Rosie.
so l can talk to him.

Not on your life.
This guy is all mechanical hands.

l love you. l love you.

l love your ruby-red resistors.

l love your deep-blue
light-activated sensors.

l think he's taken leave of his sensors.

Let's see if this works.

Oh. salesman.
there's a call for you from your office.

-For me?
-Yes. There's the space phone.

Hello? Hello? Speak up. l can't hear you.

Quick. Elroy. pull his activity circuits.

Whoever this--

Now. see if you can
just hot-wire his speech center...

...without getting the rest of him going.

It's a cinch. Mom.

Can l help you?

Nice work. Elroy.

Look. Mr. Salesman. The Thinko machine
you sold me is busted...

...and my husband is stuck as a superman.
Now. what can l do?

Not to worry. madam.

The power of the Thinko machine
will fade off after eight hours.

What a relief.

Now. if l can only find George
and tell him.

Hey. here he is. Mom. On television.

ANNOUNCER: Toníght's match
features George Jetson...


...and hís opponent.
the undefeated galaxy champ...

...the Jupíter Juggernaut.


Come on. kids. we've got to get down
to the sports arena and save your father.

Poor Dad. That Juggernaut
will squish him to pieces.



Look who's gonna wrestle me.


''Ha_ha_ha,'' huh?

Well. Iaugh this off.
you anthropological hyena.

Hey. watch it. l was only kidding. Stop!

Ringside seat.

l wanna watch the Jupiter Juggernaut
annihilate the bum.

-Uh. what's his name. anyway?
MAN: What's it matter?

Some nerd named George Jetson.

He'd have to be a nerd. all right.

lmagine. an unknown going up against
the Jupiter Juggernaut.


George Jetson?
And his superhuman strength?

l take it back. Stop!

l was only kidding.

l'm ruined. l'm finished.
l gotta speak to George.

Oh. hi. Mr. Spacely.

You're not mad at me for firing you?

No. what the heck.
l'm gonna have a new occupation:

lntergalactic champion.

Oh. please. George.
l beg you. l'll give you anything.

A partnership. Stock.
Even a month's vacation.

-For what?
-For throwing the fight.

l just can't. Mr. Spacely.
l couldn't throw a fight. That's crooked.

George. wait!
l have something important to tell you.

Oh. hi. honey. Hi. g*ng.

-This won't take long.
-You're right.


ln two minutes. you're not going to be
Super George anymore.

What did you say?

-You've only got two minutes.
-Then it's bye-bye. super-power.

Sorry. honey. l can't hear you.


Wait here. l'll be back in a minute.

Ruined. Ruined. Everything l have is gone!

Come on. start wrestling.

l just remembered something.
l'm late for my ballet lessons.

Can we put this off till next year?

-l hate to do this. big fella.

George. Iook!

What are you trying to say?

That you are just about
out of super-power.

Out of what? Out of super-power?


He did it! Good old George.
He lost the fight for me.

He saved Spacely Sprockets from ruin.

-Jane. money's no object.

l'm gonna take you
and that husband of yours out.

l'm sorry. Mr. Spacely.
That husband of mine is already out.

Well. George. l'm glad that's all over.

You mean you don't want me
super anymore?


No. l'll take you just the way you are.

You mean my little old puny self?


-By the way. where's Rosie?
-She's around here somewhere.

l put a new cartridge circuit in her
a little while ago.

Not those circuits that were on the table?

The ones Elroy took out
of that jiffy-whiz robot?

-Yeah. What's the problem?
-They were the robot's love-chips.

l adore you. l adore you.

l love you. l love you.
Take me with you. Take me with you.

Oh. boy. Did l do that?

Daddy. space phone for you.

Yes. Mr. Spacely?

Jetson. l'm very grateful to you
for throwíng that fíght.

But l didn't.

Never mínd the modesty, Jetson.

l )ust want you to know
that because of you, l made a lot of money.

l made that merger.
and the plant has been completely rebuílt.

Well. that's wonderful.

Naturally, you have your old job back.

But l'm afraíd l was a líttle rash about that.
uh. busíness about partnershíp and all that.

Ah. naturally.

Say. l never did find out.
Who was it that we merged with. boss?

Great outfít. Part of the deal was for them
to rebuíld our plant.

Here. take a look. Prefab.
Took less than an hour.

From now. on our new name wíll be
the Spacely Nebulous Nífty Company.

Oh. no. You can't.
Let me tell you about Nebulous Nifty.

Their products self-destruct.

_Jetson !

_you're fíred!
-Not again.

l love you. l love you. l love you.

Somebody turn her off.


-lt looks like l created a romantic monster.
-ls that bad?

Heck. no. l love you. l love you.


Oh. George. Now. stop that.

l love you. Ha-ha-ha. l love you.