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03x19 - Queen of Karts

Posted: 05/27/22 08:41
by bunniefuu

Milton's parents were cool let him have the party here on the kart track.

Better than last year, when he partied with his younger sister.

The theme of teddy bears at the entrance, the pirate theme in the back...

I found the pirate party of the fantastic sister.

I think I'll get some rest.

I have my stomach in my mouth after the last lap.

I didn't see you on the kart track.

I didn't go there. I was on the rocket close to the ball field.

should put a safety notice on that.

You have to see this.

The blue kart driver it's rocking the track.

It looks like he's going to hit the track record.

I could have hit track record, if Jerry wasn't in sense otherwise making me collide.

He was going in the opposite direction. because the hot dog had fallen and my family has a motto:

What you mean?

"Never leave yourself behind."

It's on the last lap.
It will be on a tangent.

Three minutes and seconds.
This is a new record.

-It was fantastic.
- It was extraordinary.

Was it Kim?

Kim, you really know how to drive.
Were you trying to beat the record?

No, I just really gotta go to the bathroom.

Look. My hot dog.

No, Jerry.

Got it.


Be strong with me

I'm saying, you don't want

Come have fun with me

We can have fun and climb walls

It's what we do

And no matter how much I cut and beat

It's not so cool
How to have fun with you

Here we go, let the party begin

Do it like in karate

All together


Be strong with me

I'm saying, you don't want

Come have fun with me

We can have fun and climb walls

It's what we do

And no matter how much I cut and beat

It's not so cool
How to have fun with you

Do you like my sweater?

It was Carol Miller who gave me in my years.

a girl can't a turtleneck sweater to a boy unless that wants to say something.

Maybe she wants to say you have an ugly neck.

Hello. saw what is in Phil's window?

Are you talking about the cockroaches scratching?
to free themselves?

No, this leaflet.

The Junior National Kart Race

It's going to be here, on Seaford airstrip.

Kim, you have to get into this.

Do you know how much money this involves?

The kart, the assistance team, the strands in my hair?

What was it? when win, I want to be beautiful.

We just need a sponsor.

Then. That won't be a problem.

Just wait for a madman full of money get in here.

I want plate number seven.

And do you have change for this giant sapphire?

Let it be, stay with it.

Well Milton, you finally covered that horrible turkey neck.

Bobby, would you like to sponsor a kart team?

Of course.

We painted your face on the kart.

Count me in. I love my face.

Hi Rudy. I passed by to sign this petition I launched to name you the Sexiest Sensei in the World.

would have to be very convinced to sign the... Do you have a pen?


Wait, this is from your school.

Didn't you finish your community service?

And now, thanks to your signature, it is no longer necessary.

Jerry, volunteering is important.
Everyone should do it.

I ask you. When was the last time that you did something for someone?

Just today, I was at Clown Burger and a lady left and she left the hamburger on the counter.

That's great.
Did you run after her and give it to her?

Not. I ate it right away, knowing that she wouldn't want to waste it.

Jerry, volunteering can be very rewarding.

What should you have done?

deliver meals and help some old man.

Not only will you do it, as I go with you.

Damn Rudy.
You have a big heart, don't you?

I love helping people.

Hello mother.

It looks painful.

I can't.

I can't. put ice and drives to the hospital.

Come on, Jerry. Let's go help people.

Kim, check this out.

When you sign up for the race tomorrow they'll give you a cool pen.

It's a "Vrum Vrum" pen.

Look, Jack, I want to know. of cheesy pens.

But I like that you came to support me.

Show me how important I am to you and you just want me to shut up to play with her, right?

No more.

Hello. I'm Luc Monaco, president of the Automobile Association.

Do you want to enter the race, son?

I happen to want it.
Hence the locks.

You cannot compete in this division, you are a girl. Tell him, father.

Tad's right, you're a girl.

you have to compete in the women's division, honey.

But I'm faster than most guys, honey.

Could you put on one of those suits love roses and wave the flag when I win.

You would be fine with a...
Does not matter.

she has every right to compete with the boys.

Will not happen.

Do you know something, you can not let me compete, but nobody takes me away the pen "Vrum Vrum."

The pens are for pilots only.

Very good.

A "Vrum Vrum" pen for this girl.


He's a smart man.

Hi Harvey.

I'm Rudy and he's Jerry.

And we are his volunteers.

I'm not deaf.

And they are late.

This turkey sandwich should come with potatoes.

It was his fault.

Rudy, you ate the potatoes...

Respect for elders, Jerry.

Am I not right, Harv?

Everything is fine. This is what you have to do.

One has to help me with my pottery, the other has to unclog the toilet.


Don't you want to change?

Of course.

very well, you work with your hands until it becomes soft, for me to get carve my cups.

It's my hobby.

This clay is a little weird.

What kind of clay is it?

Clay? What clay?

It's my ear wax.

I want to switch, Rudy.

Hello. Bobby, did you manage to find a new driver for our kart?

Not. But I know someone.

-Excellent. Who?
-You, Jack.

On Phil, you had the highest score in the Spin Out racing game and you have extraordinary reflexes.

Do you know something? You're right.

And it would be nice to end with Tad's smug air.

humiliated Kim, perhaps I humiliate him to him.

And I just did highlights.

Malta, I've been looking on the track and found two great candidates to drive our kart.

I want you to help me decide.

This is Mike the m*ssile.

And this is Tonga.

Behold. The Wasabi kart.


Very good.

What did you give me?

Now that I see them next to the kart,

I see there is only one man to this place.

Mike, go for a walk.

Tonga, it's all yours, champ.

Wait. The Wasabi Team already have a pilot. I.

And I will win.

And I appreciate you taking your giant foot off my pretty face.

Look at me.

I'm a beauty.


Very well, Jack.

try repeatedly cross the barrier to find a shortcut and cross the track.

You know it's shocking, right?

Live in your world, I live in mine.

Tad Monaco won. and a type named Cam came in second.

Well... it was an experience quite different from the video game.

if I had passed the first barrier,

I think it would be released.

Yes, against the second barrier.

Hello friend, good driving.

You must be European.

Jack. It's me, Kim.

Kim. Hello.

I didn't know Jack was European.

I'm just pretending to be a boy to enter the Junior National and prove my worth.

Guys, Kim is right.
You should be judged on skill, not because of being a boy or a girl.

That's why I'm applying to Girly Curly shampoo ads.

- No, you won't.
-I will not go.

Kim has no chance with that sly rental kart.

Kim, do me a big favor to run with my face?

Bobby, it will be an honour.

Very good.

For us to achieve it, from now on, you have to behave like a guy.

Jack, trust me, I'll take care of it.

Wasabi team?

Wasabi team.

My God, I'm so excited.
It will be so much fun.

I mean, let's do it.

I can't believe he made us clean his fridge.

It's disgusting in there.

I don't know, seems to have edibles very interesting here.

Don't leave the fridge open

I have a harvest there that I need to give to the doctor.

And when they're done, throw this junk box away.

Jerry, check this out.

He has a first edition from Captain Ka-Boom magazine.

Who is Captain Ka-Boom?

He's just the strongest superhero and bad that ever existed.

And that weird tool belt?

Not. It's his bag.

It's where the super dust keeps that sh**t the villains in the face.

After sh**ting it, he giggles and disappears.

An astonishment. this comic must be worth a lot of money.

We should tell Harvey.

Harvey, you know that box?

He said to throw it away.

Yes, but we found...

I said toss it out.

Look, he has a Captain Ka-Boom doll.

Listen, when you pull the thread, he says his buzzword.

That's enough, you're going to be Ka-Boomed.


As an official team, me and Bobby we tune the kart as best we can.

Come on, Bobby. Let's rotate the tires.

The secret of a good team is to work together.

Milton and I are already used to it.


with teamwork.

Are you the new Wasabi pilot, Cam?

Yes, of course it is.

My boy Cam.

The main man. The type.

At least this time you have a guy.

Before you, they had a blonde girl.

What was she going to do?
Ask which way?

You go...

I'll tell you something about the blonde girl, was smart and cute and she knew how to behave.

Whatever you want, I'll win this.
Come from there.

Kim, you need to calm down.
You can't let an idiot get to you.

He didn't.

Can not wait to get to the track and...

And then I will...

Until he...

Let's go win this race.

I thought it was better don't hear that.

I can't believe we made it thousand dollars for the magazine.

I will use the money to buy a jet ski.

I will make a big shot when you get to school on it.

I'll take the rest of the stuff Harvey's and throw it away.

Look at this.

my dog ​​Ernie
The best friend I ever had

"My dog ​​Ernie.
The best friend I ever had."

Look at Harvey.
Doing something we've never seen before.



That must be why he's so unhappy.
He lost the only friend he had.

It's so sad.

Are you crying?

Not. And thou?


None of us are crying.

Milton, she won't make the turn.
She tells him to slow down.

Kim Cam, you are enabling yourself to overturn.

Less clutch.
Look at the accelerator. Need juice.

You have to slow down there in...

-Give me that.

Kim, you're going too fast.

I just said it.

I'm on the brakes, but nothing happens.

It's going too fast.
It will hit the barrier.

It won't hit the barrier.

I just hit the barrier.

Make her slow down.

No, your brake cable must be damaged.

It's more than that.
The brakes are destroyed.

This is bad?

It means the race is over.

did we win?

No, it means she she can't finish the race.


You're not going to like what I say.

it's not working for you and with the other genius.

I don't like you and asked for two new volunteers.

Poor lonely old man.

What are you doing? Let go of me.

We know why it is the way it is.

no longer have a true friend long time.

Harvey, this is your new friend, the Casey.

Look at you, boy, you're beautiful.

Thanks. But what do you think of the dog?

I was talking about the dog.

Come to the father. That.

Jerry, today we did a good deed.

Do you remember what you said what would it feel like to volunteer?

I feel it here.

No, boy. That's my sandwich.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Down, boy.

Shall we go in and help?

Not. we should call someone to help.

Well thought.

Kim, you don't have brakes.
You cannot compete.

But I have to beat Tad.

Sorry, but no brakes, are pawns.

Wait, I know.

remember that game who played at Phil, the Spin Out?

Seriously? do you think it's a good time to brag about the high score?

Not. listen. Sometimes in the game, we run out of brakes and can only turn doing a maneuver called Daytona Drift.

The Daytona what?

It's a maneuver where do you press the accelerator and turn the wheel in the opposite direction of the curve.

I get it.


Bobby, she'll be fine.

I want to know.
She went over my toes.

Very well, you are gaining ground, but here comes the big curve.

Jack, it's just a game.
It won't work.

Do you have a better idea?

Spin, honey.

Give me that.

what happens in the game when not twirl?

You go against the barrier and your car explodes.

Kim, you'll make it.


Kim, you did it. You were fantastic.

It was crazy.
What went through your mind?


It was one of the best drives that I have ever seen.

Congratulations son.


I'm a girl.

Is this guy a girl?
This is illegal.

as is also cut someone's brakes.


Who cares about her brakes?

She shouldn't be on the run, that is, I won.

No, you lost and you cheated.

You are suspended from racing for a year.

The trophy belongs to Kim.

From now on, who qualifies, enter the race, be boy or girl.

The good news is that I fixed the kart.

I hit the brakes, we're ready for the next race.

But, Bobby, you don't know what you're doing.

Yes I know.

How is Milton?

I don't think you can.

Come on, Milton, you can do it.
You're almost there.

Go there.

I achieved!

I didn't fall even once.

Here, Donald.

I will walk again.