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03x15 - Target: Consortium

Posted: 05/27/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
Watch out, Rex.

I'm happy for
worry, Six.

It's not for you. We do not have anymore
Providence to pay for everything.

You break, you pay.

I'm saving the day.

What will they do?
sue me?

That was a
rhetorical question.

What should I do?

the whole building
it was made of glass.

What you mean?

I'm not talking about anything.
What are you talking about?

Mr. Salazar, I'm from a
law agency.

And today is your day

What is it?

It's yours.

Translation and Sync

Rex mutant


No way.

-Is this your house?
-And even!

According to the lawyer

this ranch in argentina
It's been in the family since forever.

the lawyers are
looking for the

heirs since
my parents died.

And guess who it is?

You and your brother?

It's really... Right.
He too.

It's not a good time, Rex.

Man, it's never a good time,
but you have to...

Okay, maybe this one
be a bad time.

But this is important.

I was being followed
by a lawyer.

I know, it wasn't your fault
mine this time.

You would never guess...

Is this about the ranch?

Did you know that?

These lawyers have already left
many messages.

And you didn't tell me?

Caesar, I didn't even know
that this place existed.

It can have photos, videos.

[I do not know.
Maybe even a teddy bear.[/i]

That's why
we need to go there.

All clean!

I can't Rex. today my work
has already been interrupted once.

But since you
mentioned the ranch.

it brings
some memories.

Like what?

I remember our parents were
doing an experiment.

If you find the notes.

would save time on what
I'm doing now.

Annotations? family no
is more important than...

I think not.

Why I can not
have a normal sibling?

Do you know any
thing about cows?

Thanks for coming with me.

This is a family thing,
but my brother is...

My brother.

Is playing?
I'm excited.

was k*lling me

to find a gift
for Claire's birthday.

Vacation in another country at home
of my best friend.

who could
give it to her?

ok but why
bring Annie?

this just broke.

I hope not
be included in

Six's policy
of "broke, pay".

-No problem.

We arrived.

you sure
is this the place?

What happened here?

Hey, don't look at me.
I just got here.

Okay, that was me.

I think this is it
it's my family.

Looks like you,
but with a mustache.

Like yourself
with a mustache.

There are chickens here.

And llamas.

Chickens, llamas...

And a bull with
funny looking.

I withdraw... You don't
looks funny.

This place is from Durango.

Well, actually...

No fancy talk.
Go fast.

Okay number , like
"actually" is fancy talk?

Number, I don't know who Durango is
but this farm is not his.

And number...

ok, no
there is misinterpretation

in the international language
punch in the face.

Meet my fist.
Get out of my house.

Durango will not be happy.

Okay, I didn't know who that was.
dude, problem solved.

You think?

Calm down Chiquito.

You are my brother.

I wouldn't do anything to
hurt "mí brother".

Unless you force me.

I can not lose
no land.

If not I will lose
morale in the rest of the city.

But forget it.

They will learn when
mess with a bull.

You are gored.

A chicken just tried
shit on my sneakers.

I think I'm over it.

No offense, but when
I asked Claire to come here,

this was not what i expected.

Me neither.
I thought I'd find...

I don't know what. But everything in this
place has been tampered with or stolen.

maybe this business
family is not for me.

That was it.

Please Noah. just needed
help to get an egg.

You grew up in a
doing in Kansas?

In an apartment in Chicago.

That's where I learned to download
videos to my cell phone.

To take an egg,
you need...

Who is here?


so you are
The americans.

I am Mr. Muchalo.

The judge.

Is that like a judge?

"Sí", for all means
I am the law of this place.

That's why I
I came here with him.

good, because for sure
I want to file a complaint.

You did not understand.

I'm here for the problem
that you caused Chiquito.


Your mother is funny
name you as little.

Chiquito's brother
is Mr. Durango.

He controls most
of land in that city.

Including this farm.

As requested by Mr. Durango
I prepared one

legal order.

Telling them to leave.

But this farm belongs to Rex.

He even has the deed.

This will only work if you
is a Salazar.

Well, we're in luck.

Maybe this will help...

Maybe it's a Salazar,
but by our law

this land was abandoned
and Mr. Durango claimed her.

sorry i was
busy saving the world.

Now I'm here,
then consider it undone.

And now the land is mine.

It's not that simple.

you have to demonstrate
who can maintain the ranch.

Must wash and feed
the animals.

take your bulls
to the market.

To the market?
Is it like driving cattle?

No problem, we can
find out how to do this.

A ranch that size needs
of at least people.

Okay, it's just...

Nobody around will
help beat Mr. Durango.

If you do
that the land is yours.

But you will fail.

That guy was an idiot.

And even.
Let's get to work.

Everything here is broken.

Have you seen my house?

you don't need
do that.

what kinds of friends
would you leave now?

Yea! Has no way
you stop me from

take care of these animals
not disgusting at all.


Well the smile looks like
I meant it, didn't I?

I can do this.

I can not do this...

until I do mine

Hold this.

With a calming hand,

use the other to squeeze
gently the nipple.

I think she likes you.

This is your home.
Enter your house.

This is impossible.

This doing just
have a bull and not

I can put it on
inside the barn.

and hopefully
that's mud.

Wait, I'll help you.


Are you ok?

What is it?
Shelter from storms?

It looks like a laboratory.

I imagined. my parents too
were Caesar's parents.

Of course they found a way
to take work home.

The notes that Caesar
either should be there.

I better see it before
the judge kicks us out of here.

What is he talking about?

I think we are
taking good care of...


wait, they
eat straw, don't you?

maybe we can use this
to bring them back.

I got it.

at least now we know
that donkeys like and straw.

One day these things
will change the world.

And you will be there to see it.

Caesar, please my son.

Stop working for a while
and hold the camera.

It's fine.
It's fine.

What is this smell?

Which one?
There are many smells here.

It smells like...


Rex! the ship took
fire and exploded.


What were you thinking?
I said make smoke.

And not to burn the earth.

This land is mine.
If you weren't my brother...

But you are.

Comes here.

so you must
be the brother.

I'm interrupting some
kind of affectionate moment?

Soy Durango.

I hope we have a
chance of getting it right.

So will you leave Rex
keep the farm?

We follow the rules.

This way,
I make the rules.

But the judge said...

The judge works for me.

Now, please, I'll give
one more chance to leave.

Okay then.
No, wait.

Your fire exploded what
left of our plane.

Let me handle the conversation
with the m high evo.

Leave them out of it.

They shouldn't even be here,
was supposed to be my brother.

That's why you go
lose your farm.

a man is nothing
without a family.

After all, this land
what does it mean to them?

I don't even know what
mean to me.

I came here to try to find out
more of my family.

And I find out.

then you will stop
to thr*aten us.

And get out of my land.

Okay, that's the plan,
stay behind me.

There goes the plan.

End them.
You can do it, can't you?

What are we going to do now?

the only one with powers
got kicked out of here.

That depends on what you
I mean by "powers".

It's not a good time, Caesar.

I just want to tell you to
forget about notes.

I realized that this is not the most
important for you to go there.

I do not believe that
you changed your mind.

I just realized that
the most important thing is...

If you find a stopwatch
thermal, I remember having one there.

It would save me from making one.

This morning I almost had to play
the private parts of a cow.

do you think you can
do worse than that?

Can come.

I didn't want
that happen.

We wanted to.

Believe it,
my brother has done worse.

But what can I do?
He's my brother.


Nice punch, but now
hit me harder.

The bells signal that
it will dawn soon.

I realized that your

bull is still there.

That this, the only bull
that I have does not move.

If you don't take your bull to
the market before dawn.

You will fail.

And this land will be mine.

So I don't think I have
time to waste talking.

Come on, come here.

Forget it, I'll take care of it.

-Go Rex!

Where is Durango?

Oh! That's it, you just stayed
stopped and now you want to move?

Is this the wild west?

Do you really want to stop it with
with stone slip?

You?! On here?
How is this possible?

Donkeys can
be very fast if...

That it! Give up.
The farm belongs to Rex.

And I really want
get off this thing.

Do you think I'm afraid of you?
A boy?

It's not the boy who
you should be afraid.

We clean the llamas,
we milk the cows.

I brought the bull to town.
I did everything according to the deal.

Yes. Yes.

but more importantly you
faced Durango and won.

When the other ranches hear
this, they will not be afraid.

You broke the power of Durando
over our lands.

Are you happy about it?

It is clear!

I said what you
had to do

to win that one
land legally, wasn't it?

I think so.

Can you believe that
did everything end perfect?

So let's get out of here before
we are no longer welcome.

I just want to do
one thing before you go.