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07x22 - And Now We Come to the End

Posted: 05/26/22 13:09
by bunniefuu
Were you able to track down

any info on my biological father?

I don't wanna disrupt his life.

But it's what Vanessa wants.

Sharon, I'm lost.

This is my colleague, Dr. Richardson.

We've met.

We did the family therapy, remember?

Does she not know about us?

I haven't found
the right time to tell her.

Is that really it, Daniel?

The Vas-COM trial, please tell me

- you're not gonna testify.
- I am.

These people will do anything

to protect themselves. You don't know

what they're capable of.

Some g*ng members got away.

I'm afraid there's a mole
in CPD who tipped them off.

- I've been made.
- It's too dangerous

to stay with me, but I have a friend

who's fixing up a building.

Dylan, my name, it's Jo.

Come on, Jo. Let's get you safe.

Bus schedule?

Headed to Cicero.

It's safer to wait till tonight.

You got everything...
Cash, burner phones?

Yeah, I'm good.

I'll find some fleabag

and buy a beater in the
morning, and then I'm gone.

You know, if you're right

and there's a dirty cop
in the middle of all this,

you can't contact anyone.

You trust your dad?

Of course I do.

Hey. Come here.


Give him this... My covert wire device.

Every conversation I recorded
with the unwittings,

and police reports,

evidence of busts
where less money and dr*gs

were recovered
than were supposed to be there,

and it all points to some
dirty cop with sticky fingers.


You stay safe, all right?

Yo, birthday girl,

what are you doing here
on your special day?

I'm meeting with
Dr. Halstead about the trial.

But I'll celebrate tonight.
Is Anna coming?

Your birthday party?
She wouldn't miss it.

And Lonnie said she's coming too,

so I'm guessing you told Anna
about the two of you.

You know what?
I actually... I haven't yet.

I tried to do it the other night,

but, you know, her boyfriend
was breaking up with her,

- and it just...
- And, and, and, and what?

Well, it just didn't
seem like the right time.

But, you know what?
I have to, and guess what.

- Hmm?
- She's coming here,

and we're going to your thing
together tonight.

So I will tell her this afternoon.

I'll see you tonight.

- Talk to me, Cesar.
- Donna Woods, , GCS .

You're going to Treatment .
Donna, honey, what happened?

- You know her?
- [SLURRING] Close the door

the cat will get out.
You're wasting water.

Frequent flyer... She's an alcoholic.

She fell, hit her head,
won't stop bleeding.

Okay. On my count.

- One, two, three.
- Hit her head.

Thank you.

It's all right, Donna. We got you.

Pulse is rapid.

We can use the eggs.

- Caput medusae.
- Bad sign.

All right, press on
the midline of her abdomen.

It's all right, Donna.

- Ascites?
- Yeah, a lot of fluid.

All right, let's get a CBC,
CMP, coags, ammonia labs,

- and a CT abdomen and pelvis.
- I'm on it.

- End-stage liver disease?
- Yeah. Every indication.

Let's rinse her head wound,
and I'll staple it shut.

All right.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Thought you'd be in a gown by now.

Oh, I'm putting that off
as long as possible.

Why? I think you'd wear it well.

- Pamela.
- Sam.

- You mind?
- He can stay.

Thanks for coming in on a Sunday.

A C /C corpectomy
with a C - anterior fusion...

- Wouldn't miss it for the world.
- Share your plan?

To mitigate risk
of complications, I've ordered

pre-op solumedrol and riluzole.

Intraop, we'll maintain

MAP goals and spinal cord perfusion.

- How's that sound?
- Sounds like a blast.

Let's hope not.

You should be gowned.
See you on the other side.

Ooh, I gotta say, I do not like

being on this side of the scalpel.

Hey, in no time at all,

you're gonna be back
in the O.R. giving me hell.

- I'll let you get changed.
- Okay.

Listen, um, before Avery gets here,

I want you to have this.

You sure?


No one I trust more.

Don't accept the defense's
statements as facts.

Read documents thoroughly

before answering
any questions about them.

Don't hesitate to correct mistakes.

Listen, I'm not a lawyer.

But it sounds like
you're ready for tomorrow.

I'm ready to get it
over with, that's for sure.

There's a lot of people who
aren't happy I'm testifying.

I'm sorry, Dr. Halstead.

When I asked you to take this on,

I didn't fully account
for the stress that...

Ms. Goodwin, I'm not complaining.

Yeah, I should probably get downstairs.

- My shift's starting soon.
- All right.

Well, I'll call you tomorrow

after my testimony's over
with... let you know how it went.

Oh, that won't be necessary.

I'll be in the gallery
watching for myself.

- Ms. Goodwin, you don't...
- You think I'd abandon you

in the home stretch? Uh-uh.

We're seeing this through together.


Thank you.


And a good morning.
How was your Saturday night?

Eh, I survived.

I'm glad I ran into you, though.

I wanted to ask, any luck on
finding my biological father?

Look, I don't mean to be pushy,
but ever since meeting him

became this real possibility, I...

- I understand.
- Look, if you just even

wanna give me his name, I can still...

Vanessa, no. I told you.

I have to be the one
to reach out to him,

- and once I find him...
- Okay.

But if you need any help,
just let me know, all right?

I'm, like, a bona fide internet sleuth.

- I can find anyone.
- Thanks, Sherlock.

- That's frightening, but...

It's good to know.


Ms. Lambert, I'm Dr. Halstead.

It's Julia. This is my boyfriend, Owen.

- Hi.
- BP / , heart rate .

Good, but I understand
you're experiencing

some discomfort with urination?

Really mild, though.

Okay, well, let me check your
belly for areas of tenderness.

This was totally overkill,
coming into the emergency room,

- but Owen insisted.
- Well, I just didn't wanna

take any chances before tomorrow.

Sit up for me, would you?
What's on deck tomorrow?

Uh, Julia is donating
one of her kidneys... to me.

Oh, wow.

- That's in... incredible.

I don't know about that.

I'm pretty crazy about this guy.

Just wanna make sure he sticks around.

I have polycystic kidney disease,

and I've been managing
with dialysis for years,

but about six months ago,
I developed eosinophilia,

and the doctor said it was probably time

I needed a new kidney, so.

And Julia, you offered to get tested

- to see if you're a match?
- Like I said,

I'm invested in keeping him around.


Please tell me this is nothing.

May very well be.

The discomfort you described could be

an allergic reaction
to underwear or soap

or even physical activity
like cycling...

Oh, I took a spin class on Monday.

Ah, there you go.

But I do wanna run
a urine analysis and culture

to rule out a UTI.

An infection would delay
the transplant, wouldn't it?

- I'm afraid so.
- Babe, that's fine.

If that's what the doctor says
has to happen, we can wait.

Well, let's not get
ahead of ourselves just yet.

We'll see what the labs say,

and in the meantime,
I'm gonna have our OB-GYN,

Dr. Asher, come by.

If she think it's necessary,
she'll perform a pelvic exam.

- Okay, thanks.
- Thank you.

You got it.

It's okay.

Donna, are you sure you don't
want a family member with you?

Your daughter, Erin, is listed

as your emergency contact.

Would you like us to call her?

Over a bump on the head?
Don't bother her.

My Erin works too hard.

Donna, it's more than
just a bump on the head.

Do you remember what I just told you?

You're in end-stage liver failure,

and your kidneys are also
beginning to shut down.

Whatever you gotta do.


Donna, honey.

You don't have much time.

I'm sorry, but you're dying,

and we wanna make you
as comfortable as possible.

Don't go making a fuss over me.

Put a Band-Aid on it and send me on...

All right, Donna. You rest.

Okay, sweetie.

I don't think she has the capacity

to make end-of-life decisions,

but I'd really like a second opinion.

Well, I happen to know that Dr. Charles

is in his office today.

It's his day off, though.

Maybe he wouldn't mind
doing a quick capacity eval.

- Let's ask him.
- Yeah.

Hey, Dean, just a little reminder...

I got my dad's
military committal service.

Oh, I was just gonna offer to
chauffeur since I'm going too.

It's nice of you,
but it's just going to be me,

a few neighbors, and a couple
guys he served with.

Oh, okay.

I'm just saying, you don't have to...

No, I want to.
Your father was one of us.

Appreciate that.

Dr. Choi or Dr. Archer,

I've got Zach Dayle-Kalmick
in Treatment ...

-year-old male, injured
his knee playing lacrosse.


Do you know the origins of lacrosse?

- Pops, stop.
- Truly, Peter, give it a rest.

It was used to prepare
warriors for combat.

Does that sound like a game
-year-olds should be playing?

Okay, this is Zach's
third injury this season.

- Agh.
- Sorry, buddy.

- Pes anserinus.
- Pes what?

Can... can you spell that?
Is that one word or two?

Okay, Peter. We're going for a walk.

What are you talking about?
Zach needs us here.

- I don't.
- He doesn't,

and the doctors need you
out of their way, so come on.

Page ortho. I want a full work-up

on that knee.

Pes ans... whatever. Is that serious?

'Cause there's a scout from
Villanova coming in two weeks,

and he's gotta see me play.

Pes anserinus is just
a fancy way of saying bursitis,

which is another fancy way of saying

sac on the side of the knee.

It's definitely painful,
but not a big problem.

You're gonna get an MRI...

See if there's anything else going on.

Hey, Dr. Halstead,
can I talk to you for a second?

Um, should Julia maybe not donate?

Well, we haven't gotten
her lab work back yet,

so it's too soon to decide
if the transplant

- needs to be postponed.
- No, no,

I don't mean postponed.

I'm asking if she shouldn't donate ever.

Something I'm missing here, Owen?

Um, it's just that

I've been wanting to break up
with Julia for a while.


I'm not in love with her.


How's my mom?

Yeah, surgery just started.

So far, so good.


Look, Avery, I know we haven't spoken

since your mom and I...

You don't have to do this, Crockett.

No, no, I know.
I wanna make sure you know

I was not seeing your mom
and you at the same time.

I do know.

It's not like you and I had a thing,

and anyway,

I haven't seen my mom this happy

in, like, maybe forever.

- So we're good?
- Mm.

Yeah, so, definitely
a lot of denial there,

which is, of course, a major
component of alcoholism.

But the real issue is her lucidity.

You know, brain damage
from years and years of abuse.

She tried so many times to get sober.

She just couldn't do it.

Do you think she has capacity?

Well, at this point, gotta say no.

She does not have the capability

to make decisions
regarding her own care.

She have any family?

Daughter... she's flying in,

should be in in a couple of hours.

Okay, well, until then,

you're calling the sh*ts, Dr. Scott?


Owen was already thinking
about breaking up with Julia

when he was told he needed a transplant.

But then immediately,
Julia offered to get tested.

And obviously,
Owen didn't try to stop her.

No, I mean, he was so touched
by her generosity,

he thought maybe he was
falling in love with her.

It's gratitude, not love.

Julia told me that they're planning

to get married someday, so if he's not

serious about her, she should know.

Owen's had multiple
transfusions over the years,

and now his antibodies... That makes him

extremely difficult to match.

What if Julia backs out
of the transplant?

It could be years before he
finds another donor, if ever.

Well, she has every right to back out.

How will she feel
if Owen gets her kidney

and then he just breaks up with her?

Hannah, you are willing to jeopardize

a life-saving surgery

because this kid
can't promise eternal love?

You're willing to con Julia into this?

- I wouldn't put it that way.
- Well, I would,

and I'm not ready to medically
clear her for surgery tomorrow.

Her urine culture showed no bacteria.

I still wanna run
a CBC to check her WBC.

That's a stall.
She doesn't even have a fever.

Hey, you asked me to consult.

I'm gonna run whatever test I see fit.


- Okay, there you go.

She's tachy and hypotensive.

Type and cross and

and give a half liter
of albumin % in the meantime.

There's blood in here.

Any update on her daughter's ETA?

Her flight should be landing soon.

All right, page general surgery.

- Mm-hmm.
- Given her abdominal pain,

I'm thinking she perforated
a duodenal ulcer.

Can Donna survive
a surgery in her shape?

I don't... We don't have another option.

Otherwise, she won't
make it through the hour.

I'll go grab transport.

- Here you go.
- Oh, thanks.

- Have you heard anything?
- Still a little early.

- Can't be done yet.
- We have an issue.

We've encountered significant bleeding

from the vertebral artery,

which had an aberrant course
into the C bone.

Well, have you gotten control
of the bleed?

Temporarily, yes,

but obviously,
we need a permanent solution.

- So...?
- Two options:

I can either ligate and sac the vessel

- or I can try to repair it.
- What's better?

Ligating would be the safest option.

It'll eliminate the risk of your mother

bleeding to death during surgery.

Thank you for sharing your expertise.

However, that does carry
a slight chance of stroke,

which could do further insult
to her fine motor skills.

And reconstructing the vessel?

That's the best course
of action to restore

full function in your mother's arm.

However, it does carry a high risk

of severe acute
and post-operative bleeding

as well as delayed pseudoaneurysm

and dissection formation.

In other words,
reconstructing the vessel

is much more dangerous.

Thank you once again.

So what do you think
your mother would want?

Oh, God, um...

This decision, it needs to be made now.

If there's a chance she could
lose even a small amount

of function in her hands,
she'd be against it.

Knowing your mother, I'd agree.

So the only option
is to reconstruct the vessel.


You'd be flying blind.

You won't know till you get going
if you can repair it primarily

or need to suture in a graft,

or worst case scenario,
you have to do a bypass.

- No.
- Crockett, it's not your call.

Actually, it is.

I'm sorry, but your mother
gave me power of attorney.

What? No.

No, no, no.

Ligate and sac the vessel.

All right.

How could she do this? I'm her daughter.


You better have made the right call.

Oh, good. You're here already.

Because, um,

there's something that I...

[SIGHS] There's something
that I've been meaning

to talk to you about.

- What, did I do something?
- No.

No, nothing like that.

Um, look, you figured out by now.

You know, it...
It's probably pretty unlikely

that your mom and I are
gonna get back together, right?

Yeah, you hate each other.

That's not true, and you know it.

- Damn.

I thought I did a better job
of protecting you

from all that stuff.


A for effort, Dad.

Well, anyway, look, sweetie,

I have actually started to see somebody.

Um, and she's coming
to the party tonight.

You actually know her.
Her name is Lonnie Richardson.

Lonnie, your therapist?
You're dating your therapist?

Well, hadn't been
my therapist for over a year.

- Really?
- Yeah.

It seems a little weird,

but, I mean,
if you're okay with it, then...

I'm okay with it. I mean...

Then great.

- You're okay with it?
- Sure.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Your white blood count is in
what we call the high normal range.

Yeah, emphasis on normal.

There is no sign of infection.

I even spoke with
your transplant surgeon.

She feels more than comfortable
proceeding tomorrow.

But if you don't feel
comfortable, Julia...

If you wanna wait
until you're feeling better...

No, no, I definitely don't wanna wait.

The sooner we get this over with,

the sooner we can start
planning our future.


A meniscus tear?

How long is that gonna
keep me off the field?

At least six weeks.

[SCOFFS] Okay, no.

- No, I...
- Zach, if you play on it

before it's fully healed,

the tear will worsen
and further injure the joint.

Yeah, it could take you
out of the game for good.

But the season's over in a month.

I'm so sorry, Z.

Hey, you'll be able
to play again next season.

But that's the second
semester of my senior year.

Recruiting will be finished.


Oh, of course, you're happy.

- Zach, come on.
- No, no.

He never wanted me to play
in the first place.

- Now you got your wish.
- Zach, please.

No, just...

Just leave me alone.

Subperiosteally dissect the muscle

over the transverse processes.

Got it, and drilling them thin will

unroot the vertebral artery.

Um, how are you planning

to avoid avulsing any
important branch arteries?

You're welcome to observe, Dr. Marcel.

But keep your thoughts and questions

to yourself, all right?
Trauma surgeons...

I'm just trying to protect him.

- You understand?
- I do.

- But?
- Personal experience?

Sometimes the urge to protect
can do more harm than good.

Oh, Dr. Asher, can you, um...

Which one do you think
Julia would like better?

- You know her best.
- Yeah, okay.

Camel then, I think.

I don't know. I know, stupid.

I just... I don't know
what else I could do.


Making an effort to repay her, right?

For what she's doing for me.

But I just want her
to know how grateful I am.

You can't ever repay her. It's true.

Giving someone your organ's
not a transactional thing.

Julia's doing it because she loves you.

She believes that the two of
you will build a life together.



Owen, are you having reservations

about her donating?

Okay, well, whatever you're feeling,

you need to talk to her.

Transplant surgery is a deep connection.

It's a union of sorts.

A piece of Julia
will be with you forever.

Dr. Scott, this is
Erin Porter, Donna's daughter.

- Her surgery?
- Oh, they did

the best they could, but there was a lot

of inflammation and bleeding.

Ultimately, they weren't able
to repair the vessel

that carries blood to her heart.

So she's dying?

Yes. I'm very sorry.


How long does she have?

Maybe a day or two,
but most likely hours.


Can she, um...

Can she hear me?

We can't know for sure,
but there's a lot of evidence

that hearing is the last sense to go.

So, um, we'll give you
some time with your mom.

If you're expecting
forgiveness or compassion,

it's not coming.

You don't deserve it.

I used to hate coming home
from school every day,

dreaded walking through that door.

I never knew which version
of you I was going to get.

Paranoid and ranting mom?

Passed out on the kitchen floor mom?

What the hell was wrong with you?

Probably a good idea for her
to get it out, don't you think?

Do you have any idea
of what you did to me?

The misery you put me through?

You're already dead.

You died for me a long time ago.

I'm done.

Hey, Zach.

Where are your dads?

Dad's getting coffee.
I don't know where Pop is.

Guess I was a little rough on him.

- Hey, you mind?
- Yeah.


So, um,

my dad, he died recently,
and to be honest,

the two of us didn't have
the best relationship.

Too many things went unsaid.

I had a lot of built-up resentment.

After my dad died, I learned some things

that made me see him
in a different light.


Sometimes, our parents
say things and do things

that make us angry
that we don't understand

until we can stand back a little

and look at it differently.

I think you know your pops
isn't happy about your injury.

In fact, it's the opposite, right?

He hates seeing you hurt.

That's why he struggles so much
with you playing lacrosse.

He wants to protect you.

All right, hey,
get some rest, all right?

Okay, zooming in now.


You've got a good exposure.
What are you waiting for?

Okay, this is the moment
of truth, Dr. Marcel.

Are you sure you don't want me
to try and repair it?

There's no turning back after this.

Sac the vessel.
Let's get her off the table.

Come on.

- You heard the man.
- Medium size hemoclips.

Careful you don't injure
the nerve root with that clip.

Stop talking, Dr. Marcel!

Got some bleeding.

Did you just tear the artery?

Bipolar to Gottfried. Just a small bleed

from the venous plexus.
It's under control.

Can you zoom in with the exoscope?

I need to get a better view of the...

What you need is to take a walk.

- Sam, come on. I...
- Out!


Hi, Dan.

Are we still meeting at Sharon's party?

You know, I just wanted to, um...

I thought it'd be a good idea
if we had a chat first,

uh, because there's
something that, um...

So I told Anna about us,
and she's fine with it.

Oh, well, that's terrific, right?

All your projecting
and conflict avoidance

for no reason. You should feel relieved.

Yeah, but I don't. That's the thing.

I don't, really. I don't.

And it's just that you...
Lonnie, you were my therapist

for so many years.

I think I'm having a difficult time

adjusting to this phase
of our relationship.

All relationships have
a period of adjustment.

But I'm thinking that maybe
my reluctance to tell Anna

wasn't necessarily about Anna...

That maybe it was more about us,

and I just wonder if maybe...

If maybe your
intimacy issues resurfaced.

Now, I expected that to happen...

Well, you see, that's it right there.

That's it... it's like you know
too much about me...

All my... all my patterns,
all my crutches.

It's like it makes me self-conscious.

You know, I'm starting
to censor myself around you,

and I really don't wanna do that.

Wait, are you breaking this off?

I am, and I'm sorry
to do it so abruptly.

But, you know what?

I feel myself starting to...

Yup... avoid a difficult conversation,

and I don't wanna do that to you.

You deserve better.

Well, I'm... I wasn't expecting this.

I, um... I don't know what to say.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, you said that already.

Okay, so Julia, here is
your discharge paperwork

and instructions for surgery tomorrow.

You can't have anything
to eat after : p.m.

I told her.

He's breaking up with me.

Julia... I'm really sorry.

You could've told me a lot sooner.

I know. I should've.

Okay, so would you like us to
talk to the transplant surgeon,

- cancel tomorrow's surgery?
- Yes.


I'm going through with it.


You don't have to do that.

If we're together or not,
it doesn't matter.

The reason I wanted to donate
was to save your life.

Julia, are you sure about this?


I'll see you back here at : a.m.

Listen, I'm glad we came early

'cause maybe we'll get a chance
to catch the sunset.

Oh, it should be amazing up here.

You maybe wanna sit down.

It's okay.

I don't know if it's worse
standing or sitting.

[LAUGHS] Let me check on our table.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Ooh, I'm so sorry.

We'll get a technician
on that right away.

It's fine. No, don't worry about it.

Anna, you okay?

Yeah, totally fine, just like...

All right, well, let's go to the bar.

Our table should be ready any minute.

Wow, this place is spectacular.

Listen, Lonnie texted.
She said she had to beg off.

Uh, your date's not coming?

I will fill you in later.


- Has Donna passed?
- Not yet.

Her daughter came back to say goodbye.

Despite all the grief and pain,
she came back.

You know, I see this
with kids all the time.

No matter how bad the parent is,

the kid can't stand
the thought of losing them.

Special menu tonight.

First, a fig and walnut amuse-bouche

followed by seafood bisque
or vegan asparagus soup.

Did you and Lonnie have a fight?

[WHISPERS] We broke up.

I just want one of everything...

Looks amazing.

Well, this is all Tara's doing.

Bravo, T.


Are you sad?

Oh! Oh, my God.

- Tara?

My water just broke.
- Oh, we have to get you

to the hospital.
- But your party.

Forget the party. She's having a baby.

- I'll get the elevator.
- We have a small issue

- on that front.
- What?

Don't worry. We'll figure it out.

You only have one elevator?

To the restaurant, yes, unfortunately.

How long will it take to fix it?

Hydraulics is a couple of hours, maybe.

- Ma.
- Yes?


I think... I think
that the baby is coming.

- Oh, my goodness.

Okay, I just need you to
start breathing, baby, okay?

- All right.

Breathe through it, baby.

Breathe through it. There you go.

That was good. That was a big one.

I thought they were just Braxton Hicks.

Let's get one of these
under your sacrum, okay?

Come down a little. There we go.

And those behind her head. Good.

No, no, no. I'm supposed to have

a C-section after my myomectomy.

Yeah, I know. I know, honey.

But look, I know that's what
was recommended,

but we may not get
to the hospital in time.

Look at me.

I have helped bring

hundreds of babies into this world.

I can do this, okay? All right, okay.

Anna, I need you to get your phone

and time the length of the contractions

and how far apart they are.

- Okay.
- All right, baby.

- Just keep breathing. Come on.

Breathe. Breathe now.

So limit your activity.

Try not to twist or rotate your knee,

and it should heal without surgery.

- Thank you, Ethan.
- Sure.

Look, Pop...


I'm sorry.

No, I'm the one who should be sorry.

Listen, I, um, I called your coach,

and he secured a spot for you

in one of Villanova's
prospect camps this fall.

- What?
- Yeah, he says a lot of kids

get recruited in their
senior year from these camps,

and you're gonna be fine.

You did that for me?

- 'Sup, Peter.
- Okay.

- It's okay.

Thank you, Pop.

Happy family, huh?


Better get going.


Hello, Grant. Thank you for coming.

Of course.

I'm sorry I broke
the adoption agreement...

- Oh, no.
- And I'm sorry

- if I upended your life.
- No, Maggie.

I'm so happy to see you

after all these years.

Vanessa's excited to meet you.

I wanna meet her too.

Hi, Mr. Young.

It's Grant.

Just Grant.

So you're a doctor?


A beautiful, young woman.





Okay, I see the head. I see the head.


What is it?

I present this flag to you,

in recognition of your father's years

of honorable and faithful
service to his country.


Lieutenant Commander
Patrick Choi departing.

- Ready?
- Yes, okay, okay, it's coming.


- Go, that's it.

That's it. That's it!

That's it!

Oh, there he is.

- Oh, it's a boy?

Oh, this little baby...



You're the one who should have this.

Well, you got your
natural childbirth after all.

It'll be quite the story
to tell him when he's older.


Hi, it's me.

It's Dad.

Um, I'd love to hear from you.

So please give me a call.

Oh, my God. That was nuts.

I'm never having a baby.

You know, for now, I'd say
that's a pretty solid plan.

But, I mean, I don't know,

maybe you could change your mind.

You know, sometimes, it just
takes meeting the right person.

So was Lonnie not baby material then?

You are hilarious.

Kay, grab my fingers
on both hands, hard as you can.

Good. Yeah, that's real good.

Marked improvement in grip
strength versus pre-op.

Okay, let's do
the ol' finger to the nose.

Let's do that again.


What's going on? I didn't have dysmetria

prior to the surgery.

We'll need an MRI to confirm,

but I suspect you may have suffered

a small cerebellar stroke

from sacrificing the vertebral artery.

Wait, why did you sacrifice it?

Did you even attempt to repair it?


Listen, it was too high risk.

You could've bled out on the table,

developed a pseudoaneurysm.

- You didn't...
- Not to mention,

- you'd need anticoagula...
- Oh, my God.

I trusted you.

- How could you do this to me?
- Your life was on the line.

If I can't operate again...

What does it matter?

The window is officially unstuck.

If you were a normal
handyman, I'd tip you.

But that might feel a little weird.

It all feels a little weird, doesn't it?


Worst meet-cute in history.

I was OD'ing and you narcan'd me.

Well, I mean,
we could try starting fresh.

- Like we never met?
- Yeah.

New neighbors.

Hi. Hanna Asher.

Will Halstead.


Care to join me
for a cup of ramen, neighbor?

Only if you can spare another.



Jo, you still there? It's me.


What are you doing here?

I had to see you before you leave.

- I don't have much time.
- Yeah, yeah.

I know, I know.

I just... I just couldn't let you leave,

not without telling you.


What the hell?

- You smell smoke?
- Yeah.


[COUGHS] Hey, the building's on fire.

You need to get out.

I need to grab my things.

- We coming.
- Hurry!

We're coming.

Yo. Come on, Jo. We gotta go.

You lying bitch.


Come on, let's go.

- Dylan!
- Go ahead.

- I'm right behind you.
- I won't leave without you.

It's not safe for you to stay here!

- Dylan.
- Take the back stairs.

Please, Jo! Go.

[SIGHS] I'll call for help.


- Hey, I heard a g*nsh*t.
- He was coming for Milena.

I had to.

Hey, hey! Hey, stay with me.


Let's get him out of here. Pick him up.


All right, one, two, three. [BOTH GRUNT]

It's Jo's.

No, no. Stop, stop.

Back stairwell. Here. Let's go.

- Whoa, whoa!