12x04 - Gary's Got Legs/King Plankton

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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12x04 - Gary's Got Legs/King Plankton

Post by bunniefuu »

- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob


- Okay, that's enough stretching.

- Now we're ready for a morning jog.

- Meow!

What's the matter, Gary? Don't you like jogging?

- Meow, meow, meow. - Oh, right. You're a snail.

Hm. We've got to find a way to get you moving.

This should do it. You'll "t*nk" me later.

Hey, now you're moving.

- Meow, meow! - Whoa...ow!

I'm okay.


- Meow!

Aww, poor Gary.

Looks like you could use a leg up.

Or maybe two.

- There! A perfect set of legs.

Now let's make some for you.

This will only hurt for a second.


- Meow!


- Voilà.

What do you think, Gary?

- Me-ow, meow-meow.

- Let's try 'em out.

Come on. Come to Spongebob.

- Oh, your first steps. - Meow.

- My little guy's growing up.

Now let's try something a little harder.

- Meow, meow, meow.

- Ooh, not bad. Try this.

- Meow, meow, meow, meooow!

- Nice moves.

The student has surpassed the master.

Ready to stretch your stuff, Gare-bear?

- Meow, meow. Meow!

- Hey, wait! Whoa!

- Meow, meow. - Oh! Oy.

After you. - Meow, meow.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

You're not dreaming. Check it out.

Snail with legs, people.

- Meow.

- Would you look at that.

- Well, that's certainly different.

- Gary!

- Hey, control your snail, fella.

- Sorry. Guess Gary's new legs got him a little excited.


- You'll be hearing from my lawyer!

What is your problem, man?

- Oh, wh...s...sorry!

His legs!

- Gary the snail, that was very naughty.

- Meow. - Oh.

I can't stay mad at you. - Meow!

- Whoa!

I'm a little beat, Gary.

Can you give me a hand with the door?

- Meow-ow.

- Looks like I should give you a hand, huh?

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yow!

They look a little tight in the shoulder.

- Meow-meow, meow-meow.

- Whoops! I accidentally gave you two left hands.


Perfect. Give 'em a test drive, Gary.

- Meow, meow, meow...

- Maybe you just need some motivation.

- Meow.


You're doing it, Gary.

Yes, yes! Keep it up, keep it up!

Ow! Yes, yes! - Meow!

- That's it, Gary. Move the...move the...

Move those arms.


Meow? Meow.

- Meow.

- One weekend of pampering later.

Yikes! Look at the time! I gotta get to the Krusty Krab.

Thanks for spoiling me, Gary.

I didn't have to lift a "finger."

My fingers...


A whole weekend of pampering has left my limbs in limbo.

Got. To go. To work.

Too weak to flip Krabby Patties.

- Ooh.

Excuse me, but I would like to complain!

- I see. Well the Krusty Krab takes customer feedback

very seriously, sir.

After they pay the $ complaint fee.

- All right, fine.

- Yee-hee-hee-hee.

Thank you, sir.

Now what seems to be your problem?

- There is slime on my Patty.

And mine has... slime on it, too.

- My Patty doesn't have enough slime!

- What? Give me that.

Bleh! Ugh! Gah!

Spongebob! Just what do you think you're doing

changing me Patty...formula?

- Meow. Meow-mow.

- Squidward! Why is there a mollusk

cooking me Krabby Patties?

- I thought it was strangely quiet and peaceful today.

- Where the halibut is Spongebob?

- Maybe he quit? Or got hit by a bus?!

Or caught a terminal disease!

- I don't care if he turned into a bucket of chum.

I need me fry cook!

Mr. Squidward, you have the helm.

- Attention Krusty Krab Get out.

It's time for my break.

- Spongebob!


Spongebob? Are you okay in there?

You catch the flu or something?

Are you at death's door?

Because you know darn well they ain't

valid excuses to miss work!

- Ah! Spongebob has gone full raving loony.

Uh-oh! - Meow-meow-meow-meow

meow-meow-meow. Meow-meow-meow-meow-meow-meow.

What in the name of Neptune's nostrils

is going on in here?

Spongebob, you're acting like you're the pet

and that darn snail is the owner.

- Meow! Meow-meow-meow.

- Bad snail. Down boy.

Spongebob, what are you...

Snap out of it, Spongebob!

Mister Krabs?

- Have you completely lost your mind, boy-o?

Snails ain't supposed to have arms and legs.

- Aw, but Gary is so happy with his new limbs.

- Oh, is he?

Well it's time to cut this nonsense.

- Ay!

- Huh-hah!

- Meow.

- Mister Krabs, I'm sorry I forgot who I was.

- That's okay, boy-o.

- And Gary, I am so sorry I tried to change you.

- And Patrick, I'm sorry I haven't returned your hat yet.

It's okay...

- Hm? Well, I guess I shouldn't let these go to waste.

I can always use an extra hand.

- All right, all right. That's enough Sponge-bobbery

for today, boy-o.

Time to get you flipping patties again.

- Ah, sure is nice having everything back to normal,

isn't it Gare-bear?

Yup. Same old, same old.

- Meow-ow.

- Meow. Meow.

- Oops! Sorry. Boop-boop.

- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob



- You know that child we were planning on having?

Let's forget it.

- Ah! Spongebob, I could hear you caterwauling a mile away.

- Aw, thanks, and thanks for watching

my Sea Chimps while I'm at work.

- They're already in an aquarium.

Why don't you just leave 'em at home?

I think Gary might be trying to eat them.

I found saliva on the glass.

- So what do I need to do for them?

- Nothing! They'll take care of themselves.

Well, I got to go.

Here's my breeze. Whoa-ow-ow-ow!

- When will you ever learn that a tiny pipsqueak like you

will never, ever, take over anything.

What do you call this gizmo you made anyway?

The Takeover-er-er.

That's just stupid.

- Morning. - Morning...

- And don't forget your Rube Goldfish device!

There we go.

Honey, I'm home.

What's this stupid thing?

- Those are Spongebob's Sea Chimps.

You don't need to bother with them.

I'm going back to my shows now.

Sea Chimps, huh?

- Wait a minute.

Maybe I've been going about this

world conquest thing all wrong.

Maybe I should start small and work my way up!

This shrink belt will allow me

to walk among those little monkeys.


Too small, too small!

Hey, why are you idiots so short?

You afraid of me?

You gonna cry?

Listen here, you pint sized twerps.

I'm taking over your monkey town, see?

Do you little cretins have a king or a queen or something?

- Um, I am the king.

- Yeah? Well now I'm the king!

- Wow, thank you, sir! I mean, sire.

I'm not the king! I'm not the king!

I'm not the king! I'm not the king-ing-ing!

- Why was that so easy?

It's so easy because I'm so big and smart!

That's why!

Well, what are you all waiting for?

Follow your leader! Fall!

That's right, bring me all your valuables.

What are those? Dentures? Hand them over.

That's more like it.

I want to be the only one in town with stuff!


- I'm tired of walking. Carry me!


- Right in the head! You guys are idiots.

I'm the smart one. I've got the best ideas.

Hey, you! Here's a grape-flavored idea!


- Okay, that's enough. I'm bored.


I rule you, I rule you, I rule you.

I rule you, you, you, and you...Ah!


Piggyback for the king!

Let's see how fast this old lady can go.


- Yee-ha!

Today, Sea Chimps, tomorrow, the world!

I rule you, I rule you, and I rule...you...

Hey, what is this?

Where am I?

Okay, ha-ha.

Very humorous.

Having a bit of fun

with the king, I get it.

I think my armpits are dry now. You can cut me down.

I demand you obey your king!

Let's go! Come on you little bozos!

Get me down!

Guys? My people? Loyal subjects?


- Oh! Hello! Remember me?

You took my crown and became the new king?

I just wanted to say thanks again.

Oh, and, uh, have a nice sacrifice!

- Sacrifice?

- Tongue? That's a weird request.

But as king I'll be benevolent.

What in Neptune's naval...?

Hey! Whoa!

Yuck! Time to un-shrink!

Can't...reach...I take it back. I don't want to be king!

No takee-backsees.

Aww. - What do you mean, "aww"?

Don't aww!

- Ow! That hurt.

Now that snack's got a bite.

- Oh, don't worry, sire!

I will cut you loose from the sacrifice.

- Hey, stop! Nice old Chimp king.

Don't do that!

- How did you get over there?

- Hey, you're welcome!

- Hey, dumbbell.

Take this end of the belt and wrap it around

all the other falling numbskulls

and bring it back to me!

It stretches. Go!

You morons should cushion my fall nicely.

Oh, Oh-oh! Patrick!

It was you trying to eat my Sea Chimps the whole time.

I can't believe you'd accuse me of...of...such a delicious thing.

- I hear 'em in there.

- Hey, King, what's this dialy-doodle-mojig

on your belt do? - No, don't touch that!

- Whoa-oh-oh-oh!

I take it back. They weren't that delicious.

- Whoa! Hey guys, come on out. There's more room out here.

- Partially digested antennae.

- Welcome, Sea Chimps. I'm Spongebob, your owner.

- Forget it, man. We're through with owners,

and kings, and aquariums.

Whoa! Now that looks like a swell place to live.

- Ah! Plankton! Abandon bucket!

- Well, that's a write off.

- Bye, Sea Chimps! Have a good flight!

That was so nice of you to help relocate

the Sea Chimps, Plankton. You rule!

- Not today, Spongebob. Not today.

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