12x01 - FarmerBob/Gary & Spot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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12x01 - FarmerBob/Gary & Spot

Post by bunniefuu »

- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob




- Oh, Boy! Road Trip!

I hope it lasts forever.

- And we're here.

- Old man Jenkins' farm?

- Trespassers!

- Ahhhhhhhh.

- Whoa there Jenkins.

Pull in your plow.

I'm here to pay my grocery bill.

Jenkins here supplies all the Krusty Krab's

farm fresh ingredients. - Ooh.

Yoo-hoo! Whee!

- And I expect to be paid for them.

- Well funny you should mention that.

Spongebob here will be your farm hand

until me bill's paid off.

- Farm hand! Oh Boy!

- Dagnabbit! If you think you can...

- Oh, look at the time. Gotta Go!

Hey, boy-o...

this should help you with your work!

- Huh? Potatoes?


- Oh, Boy! We can be farming buddies.

- Now hold on there, youngin'.

I can't just let any dern fools work on my farm.

- Oh, we're not just any dern' fools.

- We're certified fools.

Well, better hitch up your britches.

Cause we got tons of chores to git done

before the big barn dance tonight!


- Oh, boy. What's first?

- First thing we do is gatherin' pearly eggs

from this oyster coop right here.

The trick is getting them oysters

to open up their clams.

Coochie coochie coo.

- Ooh, shiny. - Ooh, aww.

- I'll be back in two shakes of a lamprey's tale

to see how you're coming along.

- Uh, coochie coo...coochie...

- Okay, that didn't work.

- Spongebob, you gotta be more gentle.

- Ahhhhhhh!


- Why, you ain't gathered up a single egg!

Well, that was egg-citing.

- The next chore is to feed the worm hogs.

- Mmm. Slop.

- Aww. Are you hungry-wungry cutie-wutie hoggy-woggy?

That tickles.

- Um, could somebody hand me those?

Now, you be gentle when you milk ol' Bessie.

Don't you worry.

I'll take it easy peasy on the old jelly squeezy.

- What in tarnation...

- Mmm, a Jenkin Jelly sandwich.

- Your final chore is harvesting my kelp patch.

- Ha, this will be a snap.

- Not that patch...

that one!

That'll take forever. - Not if you use my tractor.

- But I don't have a tractor license.

- I got lots of licenses.

Driver's license, fishing license, marriage license.

- Oh, here it is. Tractor license.

- Wow Patrick. You're really good at this.

- The secret is to stay cool as a sea cucumber.

- I don't let anything distract...

A bee!


Get it off, get it off, get it off!

Hold on, buddy.

I got it.



Got it.

- Yay. Don't let it go.

Hey, this is fun.



- Did I 'bail' out to soon?

Oh, boy. Our chores are all done.

It's time for the...

Barn dance!

How can we have a barn dance with no barn?

- Don't you worry your little wrinkly head.

'Cause we're gonna have an old fashioned barn raising.

Aww, wee, wee, wee.

- Coochie coochie coo.


- "'A' is for Amoeba.

B is for Blobfish."

You dang kids!

- Congratulations on your barn-mitzvah.

Today you are a man...barn.

- Mazel tov!

- Aw, they grow up so fast.

- Perfect.

- Hey Patrick. You know what time it is?

- Time to put on my ham boots?

- Nope.

It's time to partay!

Where is everybody?

- When are your other guests coming old man Jenkins?

What do you mean?

This is the biggest turnout I've ever had.

- Oh, I think the party's over.

- Over? Why, it's just getting started.

- How did you guys know about the barn dance?

- Well, we seen your invitation.

- Invitation? What invitation?


- "Barn dance and hoedown tonight.

Aliens welcome."

- Patrick, your crazy tractor driving invited them.

- I have a crop circle license too.

- Thank you kindly for inviting us, old timer.

Well, we're off to destroy the universe.


- Y'all come back and invade any time.

- Annihilate safely.


- Hey-ho, Jenkins.

Has Spongebob worked off me bill yet?

- You're all paid off, Krabs.

Now come back and visit anytime, Spongebob.

Bye, old man Jenkins!

- Then we gathered pearly eggs, fed the worm-hogs,

milked Bessie, and then we met some nice space aliens.

- Aliens? That's ridiculous.

I think you've been working too hard boy-o.

Looks like you got farm stroke.

You must have been hallucinating.

There ain't no such thing as UFOs.

- Gee, you think we just imagined it?

- Yeah, probab...


- Don't worry Mister Krabs, there is no such thing as aliens.

- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!
- Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob


- Howdy neighbor.

It's your old pal Sandy Cheeks

with a true to life tale
direct from Bikini Bottom.

It's the end of
another long day,

and every critter in town is
getting ready to hit the hay.


- Even little old
Spongebob and Gary

are laying down
their weary heads.

Night Gare-bear.

- Now snails love to sleep

but they also like
to have their fun.

And clever little Gary
here is no different.

With a dang nifty
decoy in place

Gary is ready
to hit the town.

But first things first.

That gooey little
varmint is mighty hungry.

It may not
look like much to you and me

but this here is
four-star dining to a snail.

Now, Gary never minds
running into a friend

but old Patrick here don't
seem ready to share his meal.

- Ol' Gary feels as big as
a ten-point buck right now,

but he's about to be reminded

that life ain't
all fun and games.

Especially when animal
control is on your tail.

Freeze, slime ball!

- As much as Gary likes
getting one over on the heat

he has more important matters
to attend to.

- This here is old Plankton's
restaurant, the Chum Bucket.

Gary ain't here
for vittles, though.

No one's ever at
the Chum Bucket for vittles.

- That there's spot.

Plankton's pet amoeba,
and Gary's best friend.


- Spot's cute...

but about as dumb
as a barrel of hair.

Gary better think quick
or they'll both be busted

before there
night's even begun.

- Ough.

- Ol' Gary and Spot have
been sneaking out for ages

though their owners
are none the wiser.

They love playing all
sorts of games together,

but their doggone favorite
is wrestling.

- It's the
Krusty Krab kitchen.

What a stroke of luck.

Gary and Spot must have
worked up quite an appetite

with all them fun and games.

That ice box is locked up

tighter than a horse
thief in a hoosegow.

- Oh boy.
It's chow time.


Looks like Gary
is cooking up some fun.

- It may not be pretty

but to a critter,
chow is chow.

- Come out, come out.

Oh, there you are.

Ha ha! I've got you this time.

Animal control, citizen.
I'm hunting an errant snail.

- I don't give
a sea fig about snails.

You tripped my silent alarm!

Just look at this mess!

Take that you varmint!

- Take that!

Looks like our boys

gave Johnny law
the slip again.

Reckon they're gonna need some
place to lay low for a while.

Looks like their hiding
spot's all ready occupado.

Luckily for them,
Gary and Spot

are all ready pals
with everyone here.

- Let's get this party started!

Looks like the fuzz
ain't gonna give up so easy.

- Hey, this is my Jam.

- They say that music
soothes the savage beast.

- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.

- But sometimes it works
on knuckle heads too.

- That's how you do it.

You do it.
You do it.

Uh, you animals
are under arrest.

- Youch.
That's gotta hurt.

Oh mama.

- I guess this party
just got pooped.


Spongebob's little Gare-Bear

always has something
under his shell.

- Locked doors
are never a problem

for a snail like Gary.

- Now to most animals
the pound is scarier

than a bob cat
in your long johns.

But Gary and Spot our on a
mission to save their pals.

- Aha!



- Oh, Marvin,

you could catch every snail
in Bikini Bottom

but the only thing
you've really caught

is loneliness.

And kennel cough.

- Marvin here ain't
kith nor kin to Gary

but that don't matter none.

Gary could never bear
to see anyone looking so down.

- I need another snot rag.

How did you animals get out?

Wh-wh-what's going on?

- Viola.

She's beautiful.

That's so good!

I do.

I can't thank you all enough.

You brought love
into my lonely life.

Everybody's free to go.

Why am I running?

- With their friends rescued,

it's time for our boys
to finally get some shut eye.

- After his long night
of adventuring

Gary is more tired than
a bronco on busting day.

Come on Gary, you lazybones.

It's time to wake up.

- Oh well, maybe a few
more minutes wouldn't hurt.

- Well, that's
the long and short of it.

See ya'll next time
for more true to life tales

of Bikini Bottom.

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