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04x07 - The Ultimate Heist

Posted: 05/24/22 06:25
by bunniefuu
[Truck horn honks]

Rook: By interplanetary transport
code, I order you to pull over!

Ben: The driver is an holographic
projection. Move in closer.

Rook: You do not intend to
use an alien form?

Ben: That won't be necessary.

Few of them would fit inside the
cabin of your vehicle, anyway.





I've restored manual control.
I'll pull over up ahead.



Unexpected interference designate ...

Benjamin Kirby Tennyson.

Minimax analysis ...

destruction will eliminate
threat to future profit.

Ben: [gasps]

♪ Ben ♪

♪ he's a kid,
and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

Resume a*t*matic pilot.

[Beep, engine revs]

Ben: I'm surprised to see a
Techadon w*apon Master making

his own deliveries.
- Incorrect.

Thanks to your meddling, this
entity is no longer Inspector

of the Techadon empire.
New designation ...

independent businessman.

Ben: Trading in forbidden
w*apon technologies. Interesting.

Illegal merchandise
yields maximum profit.

Further economic analysis unnecessary.

Deploy concussives.

Rook: Ben?

Guard robots, pursue and destroy.

Analysis ...
pursuit no longer profitable.

You may survive yet, Ben Tennyson.

Ben: Whoa!


Rook: Ben! Are you all right?

Ben: [groans]

Focus, Revonnahgander!
Keep after that truck!

[w*apon powers up]

[Engine sputters, stops]

Why did you stop?

Rook: He hit us with a kinetropic field.

Ben: Yes, solidifying the
viscoplastic fluid and fusing

the torque rotor.
- Rook: Ex... actly.

We will need to contact
Plumber HQ for a tow truck.

But perhaps Fasttrack could
catch the w*apon Master?

Or XLR ?
- Ben: No.

I rely on my alien forms too much.

Rook: Really?
You are taking my advice and

training to fight in your human form?

Ben: You're my partner!
Your opinion means a lot to me.

Besides, we know exactly
where is going.

[Indistinct talking]

Undertown is the only developed

market for illegal off-world
weapons in this hemisphere.

Rook: Certainly, but Undertown
is still a very big place.

Ben: A present for my
great-aunt Peggy.

Rook: I see.
Judging by the manifest,

Inspector 's illegal weapons
are not very dangerous ...

except for one.

Ben: The spread-spectrum
phase disruptor.

Rook: Yes.

It can liquefy any material,
even inside of other solids.

[Cash register beeps, dings]

Ben: My cousin's birthday.
- Rook: Her birthday is in December.

Ben: Uh... my other cousin.
You don't know her.

Rook: I suggest we seek one
of the many petty criminals that

we know for some information.
- Ben: Excellent. Proceed.

Rook: Perhaps bubble head or
sweet eels sparklefunk or perhaps ...

Fresh flornik!

I made it special.

Oh, please, Argit!
For all you've done!

Ben: Or perhaps Argit.

Argit: [sighs]

I tell you, this is going
straight to my hips.



Mr. Argit! Mr. Argit!
Finish the story!

Argit: Okay, okay.
So, I see this giant waybad

wrecking the city, and he's like
a mile tall if he's stories.

Together: Whoa!

Argit: Everybody's running
scared ... the police,

the Plumbers, even Ben ...
- Rook: Argit!

Argit: Ben! I've been
hoping to run into you guys!

Uh... what brings you to
Undertown this fine day?

Rook: We are looking for
information on a shipment of

contraband weapons.

Argit: Ha! Gentlemen,
w-what would I know

about such despicable and
highly illegal activities?

Why don't you step into my office?

[Crowd groans]

Hey, sorry about the double-talk
out there, but I...

Rook: You are concealing your
criminal activities because they

might tarnish your newly
heroic public image?

Argit: I knew you'd
understand. Now, to business.

Can I get you boys something?
A little drinky? A snacky?

Ben: Now that you mention it,
I have need of some chili fries.

Argit: Solid plugg!
Get in here!

What do you need, boss?
Want me to knuckle down on these guys?

Argit: Chili fries.
Make it happen.

Ben: With cheese and a
disgusting amount of onions.

Argit: Weapons shipment, huh?

Rook: Inspector is storing
the weapons in Undertown.

Argit: Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa!

That ex-w*apon master?
His place is a fortress!

Rook: I can contact Plumber
command, have them send

in some battle tanks.

Ben: I don't that will be
necessary. Will it, Argit?

Argit: What's in it for me?

Rook: Furthering the cause of justice.

Argit: [laughs]


Ben: All we want are
the illegal weapons.

You can take all the legal
merchandise and sell it.

Argit: Sounds like payday to me.
I'm in!

Ben: Relax, Rook. I've... already
cleared it with Magister Tennyson.

Argit: [clears throat]

You got to keep my involvement
strictly hush-hush.

And we're gonna need some muscle.

Joyce, send in the muscle.

No need.
The muscle is here.


Ben: Ch-chili fries!




Rook: Ugggggh!

Little Rook!
- Rook: Oh, no.

You sure they're cool, boss?

Tennyson here, he don't look so cool.

Argit: Guys, these fine
gentlemen are our partners.

Hello, partner.
- Rook: [groans] Fistina.

Seriously ...
you get a haircut or something?

Ben: No. I've decided
to apply myself a little

more so I can be a better
Plumber and a better partner.

Rook: He has made some very
positive changes recently.

Ben: [belches]

Together: Ugh!

Argit: There's the
Benny I know and love.

Ben: Let me out!
I'm not who you think I am!

Come on, you guys!
Let me out of here!

I'm not Albedo!
I'm Ben Tennyson!

Ben: Come on! Let me out!

There's been some kind of screw-up!

I keep telling you, I'm
not my evil twin! I'm me!


Fourarms: [grunts]


Ben: Okay, so I can't bust
the door down.

Maybe I can go through it.


[Grunts] Supertangible.

They built it to hold Albedo!


Blukic: I hate mess duty.

Driba: [sighs]

You don't have to tell me, Blukic.

Delivering food to prisoners is an
insult to our technical expertise.

Blukic: It's like they don't
want us to test our Tachyon drive.

Ben: Blukic! Driba!
Is that you?

Blukic: Who else could it be, Albedo?
- Driba: Some randomly selected

Galvans who have elected to
bring you food?

Ben: I-It's me ... Ben!

Albedo switched places with me!
You've got to get me out of here!

Driba: That's exactly the sort of
thing Albedo would say to trick us!

Blukic: And we are not trickable.

Ben: But if I were Albedo,
I'd be smart enough to know that

I couldn't trick you, so I
wouldn't even try.

Driba: You do have a point.
- Blukic: Which is exactly what

Albedo might say if he were
trying to trick us.

Driba: If we were trickable.
- Blukic: Which we are not.

Driba: Inconceivable.

Ben: Could I at least get some ketchup?!

Blukic: A well-fed prisoner
is a quiet prisoner.

Driba: Indubitably.

Nanomech: Untrickable, huh?


Driba: Next time, you hand out the
food, and I'll pick up the empties.

Blukic: What difference does it make?

Driba: The trays aren't as
heavy when they're empty.

Blukic: Mmm.
You're wily, Driba.

Computer: Life signs ...
Galvan male, Blukic.

Galvan male, Driba.

Nanomech: Oh, man! I forgot
about the security scanner!

Oh, please. Oh, please.

Oh, please!

Warning: Unidentified
nano-based life-form detected.

Driba: Where is it?
- Blukic: Get it!

[Alarm beeping]

Driba: There!

Blukic: He came this way!
- Driba: No, that way!

Blukic: No, this way!
- Driba: No, that way!

Blukic: This way! There.
- Driba: Get him!

Blukic: Empty.
- Driba: Reload!

[Omnitrix powers down]


Big Chill: Whew!
Those guys should not be armed.

Oh, man!

[Omnitrix powers down]

Ben: Aah!

Argit: I got a delivery here for Mr. .
Who wants to sign for it?

Oh, come on!
It's a priority delivery!

Your boss is gonna be cheesed
if he doesn't get this on time!

Now, was that so hard?
Get those things inside.

You leave 'em out here, somebody's
liable to walk off with 'em.


About time. I was starting
to get a kink in my neck.

Sheesh! Unpack me.


Argit: Nicely done, you two.
You're a credit to my organization.

[Alarm blares]

Blukic: I'm not saying it was
anyone's fault, but you started it.

Driba: You were the one who
let the prisoner escape!

Eye Guy: Uh, guys!

Blukic: I was not the one who
shot our sweet ride full of holes!

Eye Guy: Hey, hey!
Eyes up here!

Ben: I need a favor.

Argit: Hurry up! I'm getting
a leg cramp from hiding.

Huh? Benny?
- Ben: Why take a chance?

Hey! Genius!
How are we gonna load up the

weapons if the door don't work?

Ben: Don't worry.
I only need one item.

And the rest of you
aren't going anywhere.

Argit: Aah!


Rook: [grunts]

Argit: Hey! Benny!
What is this?

Rook: [grunting]

That is not Ben!

Albedo: Can't put
one over on you, Rook.

At least, not for more than a few days.

The most difficult part was
switching places with Tennyson.

Fortunately, a silent partner

who knew your Plumber
facilities found me.

We waited until Tennyson had mess duty.

Then my partner put Tennyson to
sleep and made the switch...

altering his hair and eyes.

After that, it was easy.
You're so star-struck by your hero.

You wanted so badly to believe
that the great Ben Tennyson

would take your advice
and better himself.

Argit: Dude. Even I know you
don't try to change a partner.

Rook: [grunts]

Be silent.
- Albedo: In case you're

completely dense, this isn't an
Omnitrix, either.

It's something to stabilize my

And once I have the final component,
I will achieve ultimate power!

Required component ...

a polymorphic crystal to
drive a phase disruptor.

Albedo: The w*apon Master!
You knew?

Pitiful ruse.

The Acrosian's containment
suit is a Techadon product.

"Techadon" ... I knew that
name sounded familiar!

You're pretty, kiddo,
but a genius, you are not.

Albedo: I didn't dare use my
alien forms when we first clashed.

Humungousaur: The eyes ...
they always give me away.

Multi-disposal ... deploy.

Humungousaur: [grunts]

Cortical dislocator ... deploy.

Guard robots ... deploy.

Argit: That's some muscle
you turned out to be!

Rook: Florauna tendrils have
great tensile strength.

Stop! Do not ...

Big Chill: "w*apon Master"?

It seems you don't make
'em like you used to.

Big Chill: Now you fools

will see me turn Inspector
into Inspector Zero.

Absolute zero.

What is that?

Deploy close-range disruptor.

Argit: Way to just let him
take the disrupticator.

Albedo: The key to restoring
my true form is mine at last!

And with it, ultimate power!

I have only to integrate this
crystal with ...



[Omnitrix powers down]

Ben: The front door was locked,
so I thought I'd better knock first.

Albedo: You!

Ben: I convinced the
Plumbers to run a full scan.

I'm pretty obviously "me."

Albedo: It doesn't matter.
You're too late!

Ben: What's that?

[Both grunt]

Rook: Ben! You have got to
stop him from getting that crystal!

He can use it to ...
- Ben: Catch me up later!


Rook: [grunting]

Can you detach your hand and

help me untangle these vines?

With pleasure, you darling little man!

Wonderful muscle tone.

Rook: Ouch! Stop that!
- Coochy-coochy-coo!

Terraspin: Really not comfortable.

Albedo: Now you'll witness
true ultimate power!

[Omnitrix powers down]

Ben: No... way.

Ultimate Humungousaur:

That's right, Tennyson!
An ultimate Vaxasaurian!

I can change into ultimate
aliens, but you can't!

Eye Guy: Maybe "eye" don't need to.

Ultimate Humungousaur: Rrrrr!

[High-Pitched screeching]

Eye Guy: "Eye"-caramba!

[Omnitrix powers down]

Ben: Not used to being on the
other end of that move.


Shocksquatch: Let's turn it
down a notch, okay?


[Omnitrix powers down]

Ultimate Spidermonkey: I could
tear you away from this

new Omnitrix, but it would be messy.


And what I have is so much better.


Ben: I doubt it.


Fourarms: How 'bout some fresh air?

Rook: [grunts]

Fourarms: [spits] Gross!

Give it up, Albedo!

Albedo: [snoring]

Argit: And stay down!

[Omnitrix powers down]

Ben: Thanks.
- Argit: Us heroes got to stick together.

Request ... amnesty.
Negotiated sentence.

Potentialized mutual profit extant.

Now you're just babbling.
- Uh, listen, Fistina...

Rook: Do us both a favor,
plugg ... ask her out.

Ben: Or you could help us
get Albedo back to ... Hey!

Rook: He mentioned an accomplice.

Ben: Well, at least we know
what we're up against.

[Creatures murmuring]

Argit: Fellow citizens!
It's all right!

I, Argit, have been assisting
these fine redspots, keeping

dangerous weapons off the streets
of Undertown and all of Bellwood.

[Creatures cheering]

Rook: He is very good at this.
- Ben: Scary-good.

Albedo: [groans]

That quill venom was most unpleasant.

Khyber: If you had known your enemy,
you wouldn't have had that problem.

And I wouldn't have needed to
rescue you.

Albedo: None of that matters now.
The plan worked, and I have what I need.

Khyber: You can maintain
your Galvan form.

Albedo: Better ...
I can assume my ultimate form.

Ultimate Greymatter: Ultimate Albedo!
Even Azmuth himself will bow

down before the intellect
of a hyper-evolved Galvan!

Khyber: Then we are ready.

Ultimate Greymatter: Soon, Khyber.
Now to business.