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03x07 - The Frogs of w*r, Part 2

Posted: 05/24/22 06:17
by bunniefuu
Ben: Aah!

What? Where?

How did I...?

Right. That's how.

[ grunts ]

Well, universe, I usually
wouldn't say this, but at least

things can't get any worse.

[ beeping ]

I hate you, universe.

My friends, a month has
passed since our Incursian

protectors arrived here on
Earth, quickly establishing a

new era of order and tranquility.
They have ousted the Plumbers,

a seditious ring of spies, and
taken possession of their hideout.

And best of all, our Benevolent
leaders have banished the

traitorous menace
Ben Tennyson for good.

We all owe the Incursians an immense...

Uh, spontaneous display of fireworks!

A tribute to our protectors.

Gwen: Ben would have loved that.

I told you it would work,
Drib... oh, never mind.

Gwen: Aah!

Let's take 'em!
- Or we could run away.

- There they are!
- Get 'em!

Kevin: Argit's got a point, Gwen.
Leave the weapons!

♪ Ben ♪

♪ he's a kid,
and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

[ grunts ]

[ tires screeching ]
[ explosions ]

[ grunts ]

[ screaming ]

[ all screaming ]

[ all groaning ]

Gwen: Any more bright ideas?

You can come out.
It's gone.


Rook: You do realize that harboring
resistance fighters is dangerous?

Kevin: Yeah, these guys stomp
first and ask questions never.

Plenty folks out there just
like me ready to help.

Uh, can I have these batteries?

[ beep ]

Rook: It is unfortunate that
we had to abandon those weapons.

We need more than this to mount
a full counterattack.

Kevin: Rook, we dodged the way-bads for

two weeks getting
this stuff to Bellwood.

I'm not about to get popped over
some lame frog blasters.

Rook: Forgive me, Kevin.
I was not questioning your judgment.

Ugh, you're so polite.

Gwen: Fact is, guys, these
raids aren't doing us much good.

If a frontal as*ault is out,
then it's time we tried

something big, like busting Grandpa

Max out of Plumber headquarters.

Kevin: So, we, what, just barge in?
Now you're sounding like...

Gwen: Like Ben.
- And Driba.

I miss him so much, I've been
contradicting myself.

Emperor Millious: Attention,
Earth nobodies!

This is your leader,
Emperor Millious.

I am sick of all these att*cks!

It's expensive, and it does not
do no good.

What part of "resistance is
useless" did you not get?

You must learn to turn in anybody that

fights the occupation. Otherwise...

Dr. Psychobos, please
show them "otherwise."

Got that?

Gwen is right.

Nothing we do is gonna
make a difference.

Well, nothing short of snatching

Psychobos and shutting
down his mind-control gizmo.

Kevin: Go on.
- I got it!

We just saw Mamillious' ship, right?

But he works out of Plumbers'

Kevin: So, when he
heads back into town...

We grab him!
- Kevin: You wanted something big.

Gwen: Rook?

Rook: It does seem strategically
sound, and yet, Argit thought of it.

What can I say? I'm only
dangerous when I'm cornered.

[ chuckles ]

[ beeping ]

Kevin: Almost there.

Gwen: Psychobos isn't in the caravan.

H-hold your fire!
It's a setup!


Attea, don't sh**t!
R-r-remember, we had a deal.

You had a deal.
I had a win.

On my command.


Bullfrag: Princess!



Bullfrag: Later.
- Huh?

[ croaks ]

Bullfrag: Call me Bullfrag.
You comin' or what?

Rook: A ship!
- Bullfrag: Think you can handle it?

Gwen: Could we discuss this later?

Gwen: How is everybody?

Well, to tell the truth,
I'm feeling a bit existential.

Kevin: She means, are you hurt?
- No, she doesn't.

Kevin: Huh?
- What ... nothing.

Bullfrag: [ clears throat ]

I didn't hear a "thank you."

Kevin: Yeah.
Where are our manners?

Bullfrag: Hey, why'd you hit me?

Kevin: Hmm, 'cause
you're a filthy Incursion.

[ light buzzing ]

Bullfrag: I am not.
I helped you escape.

Rook: Yes.
Why is that, filthy Incursion?

Bullfrag: Isn't it obvious?
I'm ...

Kevin: Shut it, salamander.
- Bullfrag: I'm telling you ...

Kevin: What if he's wearing a wire?

Gwen: He's cool.
- Rook: Miss Tennyson...

[ slurping ]

Gwen: Rook, scan the room for
enemy surveillance.

Rook: I did my sweep this morning.

Bullfrag: Before you found
out Argit was playing both sides.

Kevin: And how do we know you're not?

Bullfrag: You'll know. When
it's safe, I'll explain everything.

You have any more of those?

Ahh! Nope.

[ slurping ]

Emperor Millious: I ask you to do
one simple ambush, and you blow it!

- Daddy, it's not my fault.

Emperor Millious: Spawn of
mine, you had that traitor right

in front of you, but you just
stood there.

What's the matter with you?

You know, my guys almost
got this ship fixed.

I would like to move on and
conquer other worlds.

But I can't, 'cause I got to
stay here on Earth to make sure

you don't mess up again!
I am serious here, Attea.

If anything else goes awry, you do
not rejoin your mother in stasis.

You become history.

State your business.

Bullfrag: All hail,
Emperor Millious, conqueror of

a thousand planets, hero to
trillions, grand exalted

pooh-bah of the greater pleiades.

Okay, okay, kiss-up,
you're on record. Move along.

Bullfrag: Hey, all right.
Thanks, pal.

Yo, rebel scum, in you go.

[ beeps ]

That'll jam the cameras long
enough for us to locate Psychobos.

Gwen: But first,
we rescue Grandpa Max.

Bullfrag: Absolutely.

Kevin: Since when does he get a vote?
- Gwen: Lead the way, Rook.

Rook: Good day, gentlemen.

Care to surrender peacefully?

Kevin: Not bad for a newb.

Rook: High praise indeed coming
from the infamous Kevin Levin.

Kevin: Infamous, huh?

Gwen: Hate to interrupt a budding
bromance, but you want to help here?

[ bell dings ]

Driba and magister Patelliday.

[ beeping ]

Rook: The Incursions reset the codes.

[ electricity crackles ]

Blukic, where have you been?

Patelliday began to smell
after three days.

Oh, you don't have to get all mushy.

I was not mushy!
- Was too.

Fine. If saying it's good to
see you is mushy, call me mushy!

You didn't say it was good to see me.

Rook: The magister is
severely dehydrated.

I gave him my water ration,
but he needs more.

Gwen: We better find grandpa.

[ bell dings ]

Max: [ groaning ]

Gwen: Grandpa!

Bullfrag: I got you, grandpa.

Max: Ben!
- Kevin: Ben?

Gwen: Ben.
- Ben.

The Emperor's gonna wanna public
execution for you, Tennyson.

Kevin: Hang on, hang on.
Bullfrag is Ben?

Gwen: Who else would come up
with a dumb name like "Bullfrag"?

Bullfrag: Whatever.
Bullfrag is awesome.

Gwen: I knew it was you
as soon as you showed up.

Bullfrag: I know, but I
couldn't risk the Incursions

finding out I was back on Earth.
That's why I couldn't say

nothing until I knew
we were in the clear.

Oh, you better believe it.

My daddy will fry you alive for

coming back, and the rest
of this miserable planet!

Bullfrag: 'Course, you're kind
of mixed up about me, aren't you?

It's exciting going against
what daddy says, huh?

Well, uh, I ... uh...

Bullfrag: Now that I'm
an Incursion, Attea,

I'm seeing you in
a whole new way.

Which way? How?
Say what?!

Bullfrag: You're special.
Those big eyes,

that cute little cap,
that vicious indifference.

Oh, well, it's an instinct, you know.

I'm just naturally cold-blooded.


Kevin: I'm gonna throw up.

[ burps ]

That was disgusting.

Bullfrag: Don't blame me.
Blame this DNA.

Gwen: Oh, that's what you
boys always say.

Bullfrag: But now that they
know I'm here...

Command code ,
Tennyson, Benjamin.

Disengage life-form lock.

Gwen: Good to see your face.
- Ben: Yeah, it's been a while.

Kevin: Hey, buddy.
- Ben: Hey.

Max: Though your being here
will cause us all sorts of trouble.

How'd you manage it?

Ben: When the pod lost power,
I figured I'm toast.

But I noticed one of my
manacles was a little loose.

[ grunts ]

Come on. Come on!

[ grunts ]

[ beeping ]

Azmuth showed up a few hours later.

He fixed that problem I was
having with the randomizer...

and gave me the Omnitrix lock
code for Incursion DNA.

[ beeping ]

Gwen: Rook, what's going on?

Rook: We have located Dr. Psychobos.

Ben: Is that good news or bad?

Rook: Ben!
I suspected that was you.

Kevin: What?
Everybody knew except me?

Rook: The doctor's latest psionic
augmentations are impressive.

For a Cerebral Crustacean.

And I think he sent a signal to
a mutant To'kustar.

But other than a way bad
headed this way, we're fine.

Max: We're coming.

And as for the "way bad"...
- Ben: My job.

[ Omnitrix beeping ]

[ roars ]

[ Omnitrix powers down ]

Ben: Aah!

[ coughs ]

A little out of practice.

Ben Tennyson! The frogs
told us they'd finished you off.

Ben: Not yet.

Well, we're ready to fight
back ... humans and aliens.


[ beeps ]

Waybig: You are in big
trouble ... way big!

Emperor Millious: Tennyson!

[ croaks ]

Get this thing in the air!
I'm through playin'!

I will personally
blast that fool to bits!

But, Emperor, the repairs are not
complete. The maneuvering jets are ...


Emperor Millious: Have you
any other objections?

Waybig: Oh, yeah!

[ roars ]

Waybig: Oh, yeah.

Pathetic simpletons!
You are wasting your time.

I control every mutant
To'kustar on Earth.

I can squash your resistance ...

and I use the term
loosely ... like b-b-bugs.

The simplest Galvan is still

smarter than a Cerebral Crustacean.

Yeah, and we ought to know.


Rook: Ben, Dr. Psychobos no
longer controls the mutants.

Waybig: So, why are
they still fighting?

Psychobos: They're feral, you dolts.
Without my great mind

controlling them, they will
destroy everything in sight.

[ Psychobos laughing evilly ]

Rook: Now what?
- I have an idea.

No, you don't.

[ pants ]

Daylight at last!

[ roars ]


Did you see that?
You took down that giant.

You're a hero.

Go get your hero some pants.

[ roars ]

Null void projector!

Emperor Millious: Huh?

Rook: There are way bads all
over the globe. We will return.

Ben: Emperor Millious.
Seems like you and I were having

this same discussion a few weeks ago.

Kevin: Yeah, except now froggy's mutant

To'kustar army is
headed to the null void.


[ grunting ]

Emperor Millious: I still
have my regular army, an armada

of super destroyers, and a conquest ray.

Max: And we have you.

And that puts me in charge.

Which, by the way,
was my plan all along.

Ben: Who the what, now?

I sabotaged your exile
pod, figured you'd

break free, come back,
and clobber daddy.

[ beeping ]

You think the Ben
Tennyson is just gonna sit

back and watch his home
world get conquered?

Ben: You did all this so I'd
take your dad down for you?

Ever since the last time I
tried to take over, he's been

keeping me at tongue's length.
You were my ticket to the throne.

Ben: Wow, you are
all kinds of messed up.

I know!
Here's the deal.

I walk away
and take the armada with me.

You keep daddy, and the empire
goes back to last year's borders.

Ben: You'd be getting away clean.

Tough toady!

I got a truce to offer,
and you don't want a w*r.

Max: The Earth accepts your terms.

Ben: But...


We'll pay for damages ...
a small price to pay for power.

Emperor Millious: I should
have kept you in a stasis pod,

you double-crossing backstabber!
[ whimpers ]

They grow up so fast.

You want to come with,

You know, lose that monkey face
and turn back into Bullfrag?

Ben: Yeah, I'm gonna pass.

Your loss.

Rook: The news is
all over the internet,

extranet, and even tesser-bursts.

The Incursions have stopped
their onslaught.

Ben: She wasn't lying.

Those way bads didn't step on
any Mr. Smoothy's, did they?

I haven't been there
in over a month.

Gwen: Ben Tennyson is back.