06x13 - The Solution

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x13 - The Solution

Post by bunniefuu »

ALEXlS: How long is this injunction
going to hold us up?

Blake, we've got to be able
to do something about it.

Now, it's not as bad as it seems.
We can continue to plan the pipeline.

We can get our geological surveys,
we could--


Um-- I'm sorry.

We can, um...

We can continue to get
our easements, and our-- Um--

We can get
our environmental impact report.

Something wrong?

Blake, what is it?
Are you all right?

I just...

I just felt a bit dizzy.


Did something happen
with Fallon when you went to see her?

- Something you didn't tell me about?
- No, no, of course not.

Is it Krystle?

I've noticed she hasn't
been herself recently.

Krystle is having a difficult time.

But she'll pull through,
she always has.

Yes, she's a real trouper.

Do these difficult times that she's
been having have anything to do

with the illness
her doctor is treating her for?

Alexis, I would rather not discuss
this with you.

Blake, I'm not blind.

And I don't want to pry,
but I've noticed

that you two seem to be
having problems recently.

I said that I will not discuss this
with you.

She really has hurt you, hasn't she?

Blake, you and I know each other
too well to stand on ceremony.

Now, I want to help you.

I remember all the times
you've helped me in the past.

No, you can't help me,
you can go, though,

because we're finished
with this discussion.

I really hit a nerve this time, didn't l?

All right.

You don't look well, Blake.

I suggest you get yourself to a doctor
as soon as possible.

And we can discuss the pipeline deal
when you're feeling more civil.

Are you happy now, Steven?

Your big noises about fairness
and compromise

have just won an eminently
unfair judgement against us.

We knew we'd probably lose
the preliminary hearing.

- All that really matters is the trial.
- I didn't know we'd lose the hearing.

And we wouldn't have
if we'd done things my way.

Maybe now you'll leave the law
to the lawyers.

No way I'm leaving this to you,
Adam, because I don't trust you.

If the Fallmonts are smart,
and they are,

they're gonna try
to divide us to conquer us,

Iet's not forget
we're on the same side.

Somebody wins,
means the other guys have to lose.

I am sorry about that.

I'm sure you are, Fallmont.

Just remember,
this was only the first round.

And when the knockout punch comes,
and it will for our side,

it'll be thanks to Mr. Lake here.

World-class environmental expert.

But you both already know that,
don't you?

The last I heard, Mr. Lake
was in the State Department.

That doesn't make him
an expert in the oil business.

I think it does. I've travelled a lot.

I've observed a lot.

I've seen what the careless use
of the world's natural resources

can lead to.

I read the paper you wrote
for the Foreign Affairs Journal.

I liked your point of view
on conservation.

- Well, thank you.
- That's good.

Then it goes without saying
you'll like the way

Jonathan is gonna hack away
at your environmental report.

I wouldn't go that far.

Sorry, again.

I thought you were becoming
a fan of ours.

What I'm trying to say

is I think you'll be pleased
with what you find in the report.

Our pipeline is going to be
a model for the future.


You find that funny?

It's an idiosyncrasy of mine,
ever since I was a little kid.

I hear a lie and I laugh.

Are you calling me a liar?

I want an apology.

- I said apologise.
- Steven, don't.

We'll get him in court.

You just did your kid brother
a big favour.

And we will get him.

We'll hang him from the top
of Capitol Hill, that smug son of a--

That's a first, Adam.

You and I finally
agree on something.

Good evening, Mr. Carrington.

Thank you, Gerard.


How was your day?

All right.

You look tired.

Well, I didn't feel very well, I thought l'd
come home, take a nap before dinner.

What is it?


I don't know.

- Do you want me to get you anything?
- No, no, no, I'll lie down for a while.

I'll be all right.

Gerard, would you help me
get Mr. Carrington up to our room?

Of course, Mrs. Carrington.


Do we have to do it this way?

I mean, there must be lots of ways
for us to get what we want without...

- Without doing it like this.
- It's the only way.

It's the cleanest way.

And it's the best way.

But I kind of like the guy.

He's really very sweet.

You've done a very good job so far.

Don't get cold feet, when we're
so close to where we wanna be.

If he divorces you,

we've lost everyhing.

Now, just keep...

Keep giving him a little bit at a time
and before you know it, it'll be all over.

How sick is he gonna get?

Well, you're giving him
this special heart medicine.

And some doctors give it to patients
to slow down hyperactive hearts.

But in this case, you're giving it
to a man with a normal heart.


Well, it slows down the heart
gradually, until eventually...

Fade out.

The end.


When's that gonna be?


Then I go to South America.

- You mean we go to South America.
- No, no, no.

Sweetheart, you have to stay here,
you can't leave.

You've got to give the performance
of your lifetime.

The bereaved widow. Grief-stricken.


But that's just until probate's settled
and after that, you can join me.

What about her?

The lady in the attic,
the real Krystle?

Oh, her?

Don't worry about her,
she's gonna...



- Yes, who is it?
JONATHAN: Jonathan.

I have to talk to you.

Do you realise what time it is?

It's important.

Dominique, I hate the idea
of this court fight coming between us.

Well, you should have
thought of that

before you took the job
for the other side.

But I had to take it,
it's important to me.

Well, you have your values
and I have mine, Jonathan.

And I have to get some sleep.

Look, I'm not denying
that our differences are serious.

I would say our differences
are terminal.

I see.

So, what became of that woman
I heard sing in Paris?

With compassion in her voice,
compassion in her soul.

That woman has become
a very successful businesswoman

by tempering that compassion

and learning to take very good care
of herself.

So our relationship just dies.


But it can't, Dominique.

Oh, Jonathan, what relationship?
We had dinner once.

Jonathan, please, will you go?

Don't deny what you feel for me.
I can see it in your eyes.

I don't need anyone
to tell me what I feel.

For an intelligent man, you certainly
have misread what you see

or what you think you see.

JOEL: Have you ever longed to see
Machu Picchu in the moonlight?

To glide down the Amazon?

To samba in Rio?

What are you talking about?

South America.

Would you like to go?

I don't understand.

I expect to be coming into
a great deal of money very soon.

How does a trip
like this sound to you?

- You'd let me out of here?
- Of course, we'd go together.

Would you like that?

Did you say something?

[ SOFTLY] Yes.
- I can't hear you!

I said, yes.

I thought I was repulsive to you.


Well, you certainly haven't acted
like you liked me very much.

It's the circumstances.

Maybe if we'd met another way.

How do I know I can believe that?

That night you took me out dancing,
I knew.

I thought, if we just could spend
more time together

out in the open, free.
Well, I'd like that.

What about your husband?

Well, you made it clear
that I'll never see him again.

Can you live with that?



If I can be with you.

Krystle, you have no idea
how I've longed for you.

How much it's hurt me
to see you hurt.

But I'll make it up to you.

We'll start all over again.

Just the two of us.

Tell me that's what you want.

That's what I want.

Nice try, Mrs. Carrington.

But your heart wasn't in it.

Better luck next time.


Keep rehearsing.

You do realise this damn thing
could keep us in court for years?

- Good morning, Charles.
- Not if we handle things correctly.

Well, the Fallmonts
would like nothing better

than to make
a big grandstand play in court.

Get their names in the newspapers,
look like heroes.

We'd be impotent,
we'd look like fools.

Father, I'll see this is taken care of,

we will not lose
one moment of construction time.

Good, good, Adam.

I'm counting on you.

Don't let me down.

There's one thing
you could do to help.

Steven's causing
a lot of interference.

I'd appreciate it if you can get him
off my back.

Your brother happens to have very
good instincts about things like this.

I want you to continue to work
with him closely.

Frankly, it was his "good instincts"
that got us into this mess to begin with.

Are you all right?


It's nothing.

I had a little scare last night,
I had a dizzy spell.

I'll make an appointment
with my doctor to get it checked out.

Adam, work with your brother.

You're both Carringtons.

And this family pulls together,
now, remember that.

Of course.

No, no, I think for security reasons,

it's best that you bring me
that list in person.


Look, why don't you ring my secretary,
let her know what plane you'll be on.

And I'll arrange to have you met
at the airport.


Yes, okay.

All right, goodbye.
See you tomorrow.

I honestly don't know
how newlyweds

are expected to stay away
from each other for even one day.

- I find it unbearable.
- Mm.

- Can we have lunch?
- Darling, I wish I could.

I'll be right in the middle
of a meeting.

- Oh, boring. Can't you change it?
- Sorry, I can't.


Hold on.


Uh-- No, I'll come to you.


I have to go.

I'll be back in a minute.

Stay here.

Excuse me.

Michael, I found those names
you wanted in New York.

- What are you doing here?
- Oh?

Didn't your husband tell you?

Are you the one he's working with?

Michael and I are meeting
and working to free our homeland.

And his trip to New York, did he go
and see you about your homeland?

What did Michael tell you?

I'm asking you.

Amanda, please,
I do not wish to enter

into any little quarrels
you two may be having.

- I'm only--
- Darling, l--

I can't take you to lunch,
but I've made a reservation for dinner.

Michael, how could you?

I have to go after her.




- Please listen to me.
- Why should l?

- You lied to me.
- No, I didn't.

You didn't say anything
about working with her.

Look, don't you understand why I can't
tell you any of my contacts?

It's not safe, for you or for them.

Now, for God's sake, Amanda,
I've got nothing to hide from you.

How can you work
with that woman?

How could you trust her
after everyhing she did

to prevent our marriage?

Except she didn't, did she?

Nothing, no one could have
kept us apart.

Look, Elena has the contacts
necessary for our cause.

She has risked her life.

She's also a leader
of the underground.


Is that what they're
calling it nowadays?

And what is that supposed to mean?

Michael, I know what that woman
is capable of to keep us apart.

You are my wife, Amanda.
That's all that counts.

Then stop seeing her.

I don't want you to have
anything more to do with that woman.

Promise me, Michael, I insist.

I refuse.

All right.

But you'll regret that.

And that's a promise.


Dex, how nice.

You can take me to lunch.

DEX: I'm sorry, honey,
I have an appointment with Blake.

Oh, well, doesn't matter.

DEX: You had a phone call
a few minutes ago.



Who in Caracas?

Obviously someone
who hasn't been keeping up

on the comings and goings
of Mrs. Dexter.

They asked for Alexis Carrington.

- Did they?
- Mm-hm.

I said that you weren't in.

Then click.

I got a hang-up.

Was it a woman's voice?

No, no, it was a man's. Why?

Were you expecting a phone call
from a woman in Venezuela?

Don't cross-examine me, darling.
I just asked a question.

Then you have no idea
what any of this means.


Alexis, who in Caracas wants you

and who don't you want me
to know anything about?

I don't know.

Now, aren't you late
for your appointment?

You know how Blake hates
to be kept waiting.



We can't begin construction on
that pipeline because of the injunction.

- Is that clear?
- lnjunction or no injunction.

There's nothing to prevent you hiring
a contractor and beginning to plan.

So why this delay
in answering my bid?

Because your bid was one of
a number of bids under consideration.

Until I have time to study all of them,
you won't hear from me.

Not until then.

I don't think that's it, Blake.

I think you're using this injunction
as an excuse to keep me out of this.

Well, you're wrong,
I don't play that kind of ball.

Oh, don't you? You've always
resented me, Blake, admit that.

Ever since that first day when I took
my father's place on your board

and you realised that you couldn't
fit me into your back pocket.

I'm one of the few people
you can't shove around

and you've never
forgiven me for that.

- Are you finished?
- No.

Listen, Dexter lnternational
can give you

the best work at the best price.

We're miles ahead
of the competition.

In that case, coming in here
like a blowhard, acting like a--

Damn it.

What is it, Blake?




All right.

If you want that contract, you've got it.

Just make sure

when the time comes
that we're permitted to break ground

that your company
is ready to go to work.

You've got it.

And I want you to work very closely
with Adam and Steven

on this environmental issue.

I don't want you planning anything
that'll get us into trouble.

Got that too.


Now, if you'll excuse me.

I was just leaving.

Hah. Thank you for everything.

I enjoyed the evening.

Really, it was wonderful.

It's not over yet.

Well, it's very, very late.

Have I tired you?


MAN : No, you look,
we had a terrific dinner,

a bottle of special wine,
we danced very closely.

I told you that you were the most
beautiful woman I'd ever known.

And I told you I was married.

But your husband's away,

- isn't he?
WOMAN : Yes, he is--

Steven. Steven, I wanna talk to you.

What is it?

SAMMY JO: I was wondering,
now that L.B. has moved to California

with Jeff and Fallon,
do you think we can--?


[lN NORMAL VOlCE] Do you think we
could enrol Danny in a nursery school?

He needs to be
with kids his own age.

Sure, enrol him in school
so you can disappear with him again.

Is that all you think of me?

That's about it, yeah.

You know, if anyone else
had suggested it,

you would have thought
it was a great idea.

Just because your playmate d*ed,
and your ex-wife married your brother

is no reason to take it out on me.

So why don't you go back
and do some more push-ups?

Better yet, why don't you find yourself
a new boyfriend?

Then we all can relax.


For years,

the Carringtons and the Colbys
have made a profit

in reckless disregard
for the environment.

This proposed pipeline would interfere
with natural grazing lands.

And increase the risk of oil spills which
threatens us all with more pollution.

I've seen parts of this land
that I love

turn into a waste land
of derricks and pumps

thanks to the greed
of Blake Carrington and Alexis Dexter.

Well, it's time those people realised
they don't own this state,

that they cannot put profits
into their pockets

at the expense of our quality of life.

The people still have a choice
about the air they breathe,

the water they drink,
and the way that their land is used.

What are you doing here,

You damned liar.



She invaded the room,

her raven hair coifed demurely

but her hazel eyes unable to hide
the sex that smouldered within her.

It was her th birthday.

She paused,
trembling on the brink of womanhood.

Then, brazen,

she walked up to the handsomest
man in the room and said:

"You are my gift for the evening. "



Get your things together, senora.

Where are they taking me?

You are being released.

Two years early.

For good behaviour?


To have a friend with influence.

I never dreamed when I came
to Caracas five years ago

that I should end up
rotting away in a prison.

But I survived.

And now I know
I can make it through anything.


We will miss you, senora.

We don't often get people here
like you.

Of course you don't.

Style is a rarity in this world.

Well, I can't say
I shall miss this place.

But you've been very nice to me.

Thank you for all you've done.


The one you should thank
is the rich Americano.

It was he who arranged
your release.



What a book.


The sister of one
of the world's most powerful women

reveals the truth
about her sister's background.

Where she really came from,

how she got to be
where she is today.

My darling,
you really do look captivating.

The bestseller of the year
by Cassandra Morell.

Oh, no.

They named me Cassandra,
I hated it.

My name is Caress.

Now, about the title.

How does Sister Dearest sound?

Ha-ha-ha. I'm in heaven.

The true story of
Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter,

as told by her sister, Caress.

Who had five endless years

with nothing to dwell on
but dear Alexis.


Except for the final chapters,
it's almost finished.

Would you excuse me
for a few minutes?

Perhaps I could meet you
in the bar downstairs.

Anything you say, Caress.

About a half an hour?


Hello, operator?

I'd like to make a long-distance call
to Denver, Colorado.

Yes. Person to person.

To Alexis Dexter.

No, on second thought, cancel that.

Get me the airport, will you?

Sometimes surprise
is the best form of att*ck.

And then he said:

"All right. It's yours,"

I mean, the plum contract of the year,
make that the decade

for Dexter lnternational.


Darling, that's marvellous, I love it.

And I love you
for being such a brilliant negotiator.

Well, he had me sweating there
for a while.

So did you ever figure out

who that was on the phone
from Caracas?

No, probably some
international operator's mistake.

Did Blake seem sort of strange
to you?

How do you mean?

Well, when I saw him,
he seemed rather off-centre.

Somewhat upset.

Do you think he's suspecting anything
about Krystle and that doctor?

Well, if he is,
he certainly didn't discuss it with me.

No, he was his usual
captain-at-the-helm self.

Right up until the end
and then he just seemed to cave in.

Cave in?

What do you mean?

Look, Alexis.

Are we here to celebrate my victory?

Or to discuss your ex-husband?

Darling, you said, "cave in,"

That doesn't sound at all like Blake.

Well, the man was simply no match
for my arguments.

Ha-ha. Of course he wasn't.

But I do think something strange
is going on with him.

And I mean to get to the bottom of it.

Alexis, do yourself a favour

and stay out of what is clearly
none of your business.

On the contrary, percent of those
oil leases make it my business.

And if Blake's personal life
is a thr*at to his good judgement,

I've got to find out about it, Dex.


And I shall.

Oh. Good afternoon, Mrs. Dexter.

Good afternoon, Gerard,
is Mrs. Carrington in?

I'm afraid she's out,
but I expect her back shortly.

Well, never mind,
I really came to see Danny.

I brought a little gift for him.

- He's in the solarium.
- Oh.

And then, when the spaceship landed
on the moon,

the little boy astronaut got out
and went bounce, bounce, bounce.


You are my darling boy, aren't you?

Oh, what a touching display
of maternal affection.

Hello, Danny.

Do you want to play with the present
that Alexis brought you?

- Yes.
- Good.

Go on upstairs then,
you take him up.

I wanna talk to you, Sammy Jo.

- I'm really very busy now, Alexis.
- Well, aren't we all?

I just want to ask you a few questions
about your Auntie Krystle

and this new doctor of hers,
Dr. Travers.

What goes on with Krystle
and her doctor is none of my business.

Oh, but surely even you
must be aware

of how much time
they spend together.


How much time
do they spend together?

I'm not a detective, Alexis.
I don't keep track of these things.


Your sudden allegiance
to your Auntie Krystle

is almost as touching as
your new-found devotion to your son.

And just as suspicious.

I want an answer,
Samantha Josephine.

Where and how did Krystle
meet this doctor?

I don't know.

I think one of her friends
recommended him.

Which friend?

Anyone I know?

Look, why don't you
ask her yourself?


You're being evasive, young lady.

I think that you know more
than you're letting on.

Maybe Dr. Travers
is a friend of yours.

- Is he?
- No.

Now get off my case, will you, lady?

But we can save ourselves millions

if we can route the pipeline
along the interstate.


It will save us from cutting
through the mountain by ourselves.

Well, fine.

All right, I'll look these over.

How do you feel, Father?

Did you get to the doctor?

Yes, and he told me the same thing
he's been telling me all along.

I work too hard.

You know something,
I think just this once, I'll take his advice.

I think I'll leave early and rest.

I can look these over at home.

Good idea.

Is there anything
you'd like me to do?

Yes, you can keep an eye
on things here for me

and if anything comes up,
take care of them.

You can count on me, Father.

Thank you, son.

I'll see you later at home.


What are you doing here?

This wine is dreadful, Krystle.

It has no body, no bouquet.

I said, what are you doing here?

The next time you order
French wine

and want to know
about vintage, call me.

On second thought, send me a note.

I'm here to find out what's going on
in this house.

Whatever is going on in this
house ceased to be concern to you

the day that
you were thrown out of it.

Don't act high and mighty
with me, Krystle.

People I love live in this house.

Now, I want to know what's transpiring
between you and that doctor.

Why? Jealous, Alexis?

Oh. So you do admit
that you're having an affair.

I admit nothing and I'm not gonna
listen to any more of your crud.

"Crud?" You can't even manage
a liaison with a modicum of class.

Well, it just goes to show you can take
the girl out of Dayton,

but you can't take Dayton
out of the girl.

- Blake.
- Alexis.

Blake, what are you doing home?

I didn't feel very well,
I decided to take the afternoon off.

Could you be kind enough
to call the museum

and make our apologies
about that exhibition tonight?

Strange to have so much illness
in a house

that's getting
so much medical attention.

Alexis was just leaving.

Well, if you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna go up and rest.

All right, Krystle, now, just what
in the hell is going on around here?

What do you mean?

Your flagrant affair under his roof
is obviously ruining his health.

I mean, he's got circles
under his eyes,

he can't concentrate on his work,
you're driving him crazy.

Alexis, this is my house,
and Blake is my husband.

And I'm perfectly capable
of taking care of him

without your help,
or a phoney concern.

There's nothing phoney
about my concern, Krystle.

He's the father of my children.

You haven't heard
the last from me about this.

Mrs. Gunnerson,
is that Mr. Carrington's tray?

Oh, it's hot soup like you wanted.

This will make him feel much better.

I'll take it up to him.

Thank you.

Let me get the door for you,
Mrs. Carrington.

Thank you.

Well, Mrs. Gunnerson swears
her soup will cure anything.

Thank you.


You know something, Blake?

Maybe this bug of yours
is a blessing in disguise.

It'll give me a chance to show you
how much I care for you.

And maybe if we spend
more time together,

we could get close again.

There's nothing
I would like more than that.

Let's just make up our minds
that that's the way it's gonna be.

You know,
I'm really not very hungry.

Well, Mrs. Gunnerson
will be very angry with me

if I don't get you to eat
every last drop of this.


Hello, Adam.

I'm sorry I'm late,

but I was working half the night
on this injunction.

Have you come down
with something?

No. I'm just tired.

I'm tired of waiting for you
to make good on your promises.

I realise that you're angry with me

because you think
I'm not on your side.

But I am.

And I love you very, very much.

What is this?

I don't want another necklace.

- I don't want another ring--
- Open it.

Go on. Open it.

"l.O.U. Blaisdel-Lankershim One,"

What is this?

Blake is sick.

He left work early,
and gave me free run of the office.

I've begun the process

of turning your oil well
back over to you.


By laying the legal groundwork
to take over the entire company.

So that everyhing Blake has
will be ours.

Adam, those are your dreams.

They're not mine.

I wish you luck with your plans,

but I can't leave my dreams
in your hands any longer.

I'm going to Oklahoma tomorrow.


To do a title search.

It's time that I started fighting
my own battles.


Help me.



What's the matter?

It hurts so much.

- What hurts?
- Here.

It's my appendix.

Does it hurt here?

How about here?

Has it ever flared up before?

Yes, please,
get me to a doctor, please.

All right, look, I'll get the car
and I'll bring it around.

You rest, don't move.


Right side, appendix.

Left side, lie.

What is this?

Where did this bottle come from?

How should I know?

I'll tell you where it came from,
it came from you.

I've seen you with this bottle before.

Now, what is it?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

- I've never seen that bottle before.
- Blake is sick.

Did you give him something
to make him sick?


My God, Sammy Jo.

You're getting paranoid,
you know that?

You must have a guilty conscience.
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