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08x02 - Stuck on You

Posted: 05/23/22 08:19
by bunniefuu
[ electricity crackling ]

[ rubber squeaking ]

Driba: [ grunting ] Blukic!

Blukic: [ grunting ]

[ clang ]

Oh, sorry, Driba, I must have pulled too hard,

Driba: Sorry, my aunt posterior!

You pulled too hard on purpose!

Blukic: Did not, Driba: Did so!

Blukic: Did not!

Driba: Did so, and I will not hear another word!

Blukic: Did not,

Driba: So, what's the verdict?

Blukic: We should have no problem with dematerializing,

Driba: Great! What about re-materializing?

Blukic: Oh, picky, picky,

Driba: But adjusting the quantum-entanglement pathway

still seems screwy to me,

Blukic: Par for the course,

[ beep ] Driba: A golf analogy?

From you, Blukic?

Blukic: Max says it,

"hit it on the green for a,,,"

Driba: Touchdown!

Blukic: No, a hole in one,

Driba: A touchdown! Blukic: A hole in one!

Driba: [ groans ] Stop harshing my quantum mechanics,

We still need to map the schematic to the exact biological projection stream,

Khyber: Ahh, Sorry to have missed you, Ben Tennyson,

Till we meet again,

♪ Ben ♪ ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪ ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪

♪ When trouble's taking place ♪

♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪ ♪ when lives are on the line ♪

♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben ♪

Khyber: Sorry to have missed you, Ben Tennyson,

Till we meet again,

[ beep ]

Rook: Khyber,

Max: In plumber headquarters -- again,

Ben: Hey, A one-tayden coin,

Did one of you drop this? Huh,

Then today must be my lucky day,

I got this Mr, Smoothy scratcher, and haven't been able to scratch it yet,

Blukic: The string of entangled ions,,,

Driba: Oscillate the field trap, yes!

Blukic: ,,,oscillate the field trap!

Driba: The first ion injects the phonon,,,

Blukic: And the quantum produces a new phonon,

Driba: So it's a chain reaction, like Newton's click-clack balls!

Blukic: Bingo! Driba: Touchdown!

Rook: Ben, must I remind you?

The nemetrix is missing,

Ben: Yeah, yeah, yeah, We'll get to that,

Blukic: Nemetrix -- missing?

Rook: Yes, Nemetrix, Missing,

Driba: Missing? Nemetrix?

Blukic, you forgot to reset the alarm after our run to the / Mart!

Blukic: Unh-unh, You forgot!

Driba: Unh-unh, you! [ clang ]

Max: Just when we work out all the bugs in the new security

protocols, you jokers get all sloppy on us!

Ben: [ laughs ] Look at the bright side, Grandpa Max,

I just won a month's worth of free smoothies,

Hey, Ben, I can't use my "sumo slammers extreme slam-capades on ice" tickets,

You want 'em?

Ben: Heck, yeah! It's sold out,

Have fun,

[ whimpers ]

I wish I could go,

Ben: Sumo slammers extreme style,,,on extremely hard,

super-cold ice!

[ stomps feet ]

Rook: Magister Tennyson, are you all right?

Max: Just trying to keep my cool and do my job,

[ static ]


Blukic: Uh,,,can we borrow this?

Driba: We kind of need it,

Max: You -- ugh, ohh,

[ indistinct conversations ]

[ trumpets ]

[ all groan ]

[ door opens ]


Khyber! W-w-what can I do for you?

Khyber: Nothing,

It's your parasite I'm after,


and farewell!

[ squawks ]

Bawk! Hey, what is this?

[ clucking ]

That creature on your wattle is a slime-biot,

[ grunts, laughs ] Skurd's the name -- the dollop with the wallop,

[ clucking ] Bawk! Get it off! Get it off!

Khyber: [ growls ] Impossible,

It feeds on DNA and only leaves a host when it wants to,

Aw, no,

Skurd: [ grunts ]

Good news, chicky baby,

Your genes aren't that interesting,

Moving on!

Aah! Hey!


Skurd: Yes,

[ screams ]

Skurd: What is it you want from me, blood?

I assure you that won't be pretty,

Khyber: I don't wish to harm you -- merely to join forces,

The nemetrix,

Skurd: [ sniffs ]

It turns the wearer into different predatory creatures,

but the biofeedback would destroy an intelligent mind,

Khyber: Yes, I require some kind of simple

animal to transform for me --

that or a parasite with a high tolerance for neural shifts,

Skurd: Multiple strings of exotic DNA, all for me?

My dear friend, why didn't you say so in the first place?

Khyber: We have much to discuss,

The universe is awash with creatures to hunt,

Skurd: Uh, hunt? For sport?

Khyber: Sport and, uh, profit,

Skurd: Oh, well, then,

Khyber: You! A glass of sandripper rennet,

Skurd: And bring two straws,

Ben: One free Mr, Smoothy, please,

Rook: Would not our time be better spent tracking down Khyber?

Ben: Thank you,

[ slurps ]

No matter what, we'll find him,

Today is my lucky day, and here's my lucky tayden to prove it,

Rook: I much prefer to rely on my skill than your luck,

Khyber: Ahh, Ben Tennyson,

Ben: You see why that's funny, right?

Rook: No, but I see why you think so,

Khyber: Fate brings us together again,,,for a final encounter,

[ beep ]

Heatblast: What, no dog? No cat?

Nothing to wear the nemetrix for you?

It's not like you're going to use it yourself,

Or are you already plumb loco?

Rook: "plumb loco"? Crazy fruit?

Skurd: [ sniffs ] Ooh,

Heatblast: Hey, what's that on the nemetrix, anyway -- a glob of snot?

Rook: It seems that an alien of some sort is attached,

Khyber: My new dog, It takes the shape of many breeds, Attack,

Skurd: It would be my selfish pleasure,

Khyber: [ grunts ]

[ laughs ]

Fireproof -- made from the DNA of a pyronite's natural predator,

You can't win,

Heatblast: Back off, Khyber,

This is my lucky day, so get ready for an unlucky defeat,

Khyber: Didn't your mommy teach you not to play with fire?

Heatblast: Hey, no mothers, man,

Keep it clean,

Khyber: [ grunts ]

[ snarls ]

[ tires screeching ]

Heatblast: So, what is that snot glob on the nemetrix,

anyway -- your brain?

Skurd: Snot glob, indeed,

[ tires screech ]

Khyber: [ grunts ]

Heatblast: What?

Rook: Huh? Blukic: A failure,

Driba: It worked!

[ beep ]

Blukic: It's a teleporter,

Ben: You guys made a teleporter,,, and used it on us,,,and it worked?

Blukic: Well, we were trying to teleport a couple of grasshopper smoothies,

Driba: But it worked on principle,

Rook: This is your lucky day,

Max: So, you found Khyber? Rook: Yes, we did,

Ben: Khyber's using the nemetrix on himself,

That's crazy, He'll go crazy!

Rook: No, He has some sort of parasite attached to the nemetrix,

It may be there to keep him from going completely insane, but that is mere speculation,

Ben: It's some weird slime creature -- like a big booger,

Blukic: That's not too much to go on,

Um, there's all kinds of boogery parasites,

Driba: On a scale from cottage cheese to pulpy orange juice,

what kind of consistency was this creature?

Blukic: Like snot? Like phlegm?

Ben: Uh,,,more like cottage cheese mixed with petroleum jelly,

Rook: Very much so,

Blukic: Gloppy or not so gloppy?

Ben: Oh, super gloppy,

Driba: Oh, gelatinous,

Ben: Stop! Like that one, but it has eyes,

Ben: That's it! Rook: That is it!

Driba: Hmm, That definitely complicates our search,

Blukic: You should have told us it had eyes in the first place,

Ben: In the meantime, let's go find Khyber,

Rook: But he could be anywhere in the universe by now,

Ben: Well, I feel lucky, Let's have another go,

Blukic: No! Driba: Yes!

Max: Ben! That's not safe,

Skurd: Khyber, partner, my dear friend and confidant,,,

Khyber: Out with it,

Skurd: About the omnitrix --

it has even more DNA than your nemetrix, hmm, does it not, hmm?

Khyber: It does -- quite a bit more,

Skurd: Hmm, quite a bit, Mm, Interesting,

And this Ben Tennyson, this -- this most undeserving little lad,,,

Khyber: What about him?

Skurd: Where can we find him and that supremely powerful little gadget of his?

Khyber: Don't get greedy, parasite,

I plan to have a long, happy career, far away from Ben Tennyson,

Rook: Khyber's ship, It worked!


[ energy crackles ]

Khyber: Tennyson!

Ben: This is my lucky day,

Skurd: Mine, too, Hello, Welcome,

Quick -- we must defeat that greedy lad before he disappears again,

Khyber: The omnitrix would make quite a trophy,

Skurd: A trophy? What a waste,

Can't you simply have the boy stuffed?

Ben: Can't you simply give me the nemetrix before I kick your,,, whatever it is you have?

Skurd: It's charm, dear friend, charm, and don't you forget it,

Ben: Hey, Khyber,,,how are you making your booger talk?

Skurd: [ gasps ]


Of all the indignities,

Shall we teach him a lesson?

Khyber: We shall, indeed,

[ whistles ]

Skurd: What was that for?

Khyber: Uh, an old habit,


Ben: Bring it on,

Humungousaur: [ roars ]

What the,,,?

Skurd: [ giggles ] Hello, lover,

Khyber: Unsporting little leech,

Skurd: Will you cease that inconsequential bellowing?

[ nemetrix buzzing ]

Khyber: You [grunts] unsporting [grunts] slimy,,,

double,,, crosser!

[ roars ]

[ thud ]

Rook: Oh, dear,

[ roars ]

Humungousaur: [ screams ]

[ screams ]

I've got a Khyber booger on me!

Get it off, get it off, get it off!

[ roars ]

Skurd: Now, there's a sparring partner,

Let's see what this creature can do against it,

Humungousaur: Yeah, here's the thing,

You turned me into humungousaur!

Then you turned Khyber into Tyrannopede, the thing that eats

humungousaurs for breakfast -- literally, breakfast!

Skurd: Mmm, the irony,

It is delicious, mm -- as is the DNA,

Our omnitrix is truly a morphable feast,

Ben: Our omnitrix?

Skurd: Watch out!

Khyber: [ roars ]

Humungousaur: Whoa!


[ grunts ]


[ snarls ]

Skurd: Oh, not to worry,

I was the only thing keeping the nemetrix from damaging yon huntsman,

Once he's good and crazy, yes, he's bound to make a mistake,

Humungousaur: Let the nemetrix rot Khyber's mind?

Not practical, snotty, and really not cool,

[ roars ]

Humungousaur: [ screams ]

[ roars ] Humungousaur: Hear that?

He's already losing it, snotty,

[ roars ]

Skurd: It's not "snotty," It's skurd the slime-biot,

But I admire your creativity,

Humungousaur: Don't patronize me,

Wait, why am I even talking to you?

Skurd: Mm, perhaps deep down, you know we're in this together,,, partner?

Humungousaur: [ grunting ]

Only one guy calls me "partner," and where is he?!

Rook: Ben, I am on my way,

Skurd: Look, I might be a booger to you, but we've got to

join forces or we're both gonna get our butts kicked!

Rook: Aah!

Humungousaur: Aah! Aah! Aah!

Skurd: [ sighs ]

Humungousaur: Okay, then,



[ roars ]

[ snarls ]

What do you know?

You can be pretty useful,

Skurd: At your service,

Humungousaur: Doesn't mean I like you,

[ roars ]

Skurd: Never fear!

Skurd is here!

[ laughs ]

I've never had so much power in all my slimy life!

[ roars ]

Rook: Huh?


[ grunting ]

Humungousaur: What else you got up our sleeve?

Skurd: This is a partnership,

Do your part,

Humungousaur: [ growls ]

Skurd: [ groans ]

You're not hitting anything but the ground,

Humungousaur: Exactly,

[ roars ]

Skurd: Quick -- while he's on the defensive,

Humungousaur: [ grunts ]

[ grunts ]

[ roars ]

[ roaring ]

Rook: [ grunts ]

[ roars ]

[ whoosh, click ]

Humungousaur: Huh?

Khyber: [ groaning ]

Rook: [ grunting ]

[ nemetrix beeps, warbles ]

[ breathing heavily ] Khyber, you are under arrest for this, as well as your past crimes,

Do you understand?

Khyber: My mind is perfectly sound, revonnahgander,

That said, I'm grateful that you removed the quinoa when you did,

Rook: You mean "the nemetrix,"

Khyber: Why? What did I say?

Skurd: [ chuckles ] I'm a dollop with a wallop!

Humungousaur: Don't expect me to thank you,

Ben: You got me into this,

[ cellphone beeping ]

Aw, man, The "sumo slammers extreme slam-capades on ice" show starts in minutes,

Rook: I am afraid we will not make it,

We are too far away and must still transport Khyber,

Ben: Blukic, Driba,

Rook: Ben, that teleporter is untested, potentially lethal technology,

Ben: Sumo slammers, Rook, We have to take the risk,

Skurd: Hmm, I am intrigued by these sumos,

The rewards outweigh the risks,

Ben: Come on,

Blukic: Data received, Driba: Data processed,

Ben: So far, so good,

Now teleport us to Bellwood Arena,

Rook: Ben, you are pulling your luck,

Ben: "pushing," Rook, And, no, I'm not,

Remember, today is my lucky day,

BLUKIC: Data received,

DRIBA: Data processed,

Ben: [ gasps ]


Driba: Aah!

Blukic: Oh! Oh! [ grunts ] Whoops,

Driba: Hmm, The teleporter still needs work, I told you so,

Blukic: No, you didn't,

Driba: Yes, I did!

Blukic: No, you didn't, Driba: Well, it does!

Blukic: Yeah? No, you didn't,

Ben: Well, that was fun while it lasted, but my luck has totally run out,

Now, what to do with this?

Driba: [ slurping ]

Blukic: [ slurping ]

Ben: Thanks for all your help, but, uh, you can go now,

Skurd: Stop your nonsense,

I drink your smoothy!

[ slurps ]

I drink it up,,,partner,

Ben: Don't call me that,

[ grunting ]

Rook: Seriously,

Skurd: Why would I leave and abandon all this delightful DNA?

Oh, the things we'll do together, the weapons I'll give you,

Rook: He does have a point,

Skurd: Besides, I'm literally impossible to remove,

Ben: [ groans ]

Skurd: Mm, Ben Tennyson, this is your lucky day,

[ laughs ]