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04x09 - Ben 10 vs. The Negative 10: Part 2

Posted: 05/23/22 08:08
by bunniefuu
Ben: Previously on
"Ben "...
Max: This is Cooper, the

grandson of an old plumber buddy
of mine.
Take a look at this.

I just picked this up from one
of the security cameras at
fort Knox.

Cooper: All the gold's still
Check this out.

Max: It's an old plumber's
Gwen: But what did the circus

freaks want here, then?
Look at this stupid piece of

Is there a problem?
Ben: What's so important

about that thing, anyway?
Max: Many years ago, the
plumbers helped capture an alien

As a show of gratitude, his race
gave us a sample of what they

called "sub-energy."
The plumbers decided it should
be put away for safekeeping

within a super-secure force
Gwen: And the only way to

shut down the force field was to
join the two keys that were
stolen from here in fort Knox?

Max: Whoever masterminded all
of this has knowledge of
top-secret plumber intel.

Ben: Guess we beat them here.

The negative !
Ben: Oh, man.

¶ It started when an alien
device did what it did ¶
¶ and stuck itself upon his

wrist with secrets that it hid ¶
¶ now he's got superpowers
¶ he's no ordinary kid

¶ he's Ben
¶ Ben
¶ so, if you see him, you

might be in for a big surprise ¶
¶ he'll turn into an alien
before your very eyes ¶

¶ he's slimy, creepy, fast, and
strong ¶
¶ he's every shape and size

¶ he's Ben
¶ Ben
¶ armed with powers, he's on

the case ¶
¶ fighting off evil from earth
or space ¶

¶ he'll never stop till he makes
them pay ¶
¶ 'cause he's the baddest kid to

ever save the day ¶
¶ Ben
¶ Ben

Ben: Animo, the circus

freaks, Clancy, sublimino,

rojo, charmcaster?

Oh, man!

Cooper: Who are the metal


Ben: Must be forever knight


What's up with the horns and the

cape on that one guy?

Gwen: Since we took out

Enoch, maybe he's their new


Max: Or maybe Enoch was never
really in charge.


Do not enter that vehicle.
Let 'er rip, thumbs.

Knock, knock.
It's payback time.

Hey! What gives?
They're holograms.
We've been punked!

I hate those guys.

Max: Better hurry before they
figure out what happened.
Gwen: Too late.

Cooper: Aahhh!
Four arms: Nobody likes a
show-off, ninja boy!

There they are!
Four arms: Meet me at the

Cooper: Aah!

Gwen: Oh!
Cooper? Cooper?
Are you okay?

Cooper: No, I'm totally
freaked out.
Gwen: Join the club.

Gwen: Aah!
Max: There's too many of

Even if we can get to the
entrance, by the time I find and

open the hatch, they'll be all
over us, like stink on a skunk.
Gwen: What do we do?

Cooper: Follow me.
Gwen: Cooper!

Max: You found it.
Gwen: You said he was good
with mechanical stuff, but I

didn't know he was this good.
Cooper: Oh!


Gwen: Grandpa, we can't just
leave Ben out there alone.
Max: We're more help to him

in here.

Four arms: Come on!
I'll whip you all with three
arms tied behind my back.


Ben: Who's hungry?
'Cause I got a couple of knuckle
sandwiches right here!

Thank you, grandpa.

Max: Gwen, a little help.
It needs a push.
Gwen: Gallius disruptus.

You're not getting away that
easy, kid.


Nothing will stop this little

Ben: Phew!
I'm glad that's over.
Max: I'm not sure it is.

Nothing will stop this lite
Max: There's something about

what his highness said that
makes me wonder.
Driscoll, I.D. Number .

Gwen: Grandpa, what is it?
Max: The forever king is an

When I was still a rookie, a
scandal rocked the plumbers.
Driscoll, one of the veterans,

was caught stealing high
technology from alien perps,
then using it for his own

Eventually he was caught and
thrown out of the plumbers in

As far as anyone knew, he was
never heard from again.

But now it's obvious Driscoll
worked his way up through the
forever knights until he became

their leader.
Ben: So that's how the bad
guys knew about the satellite

plumber complexes -- the
sub-energy, the keys, and all
that stuff.

It was an inside job.
Max: And Driscoll knows
mount rushmore like the back of

his hand.
He'll find a way in.
It's only a matter of time.

Gwen: How's it going?
Cooper: Good.

These security drones are almost
Gwen: I have to know.

How did you open that entrance
hatch without even laying a
finger on it?

Cooper: Sometimes, if i
concentrate real hard, i-i can
sort of see inside machines and

junk like that.
It's kind of like a Wi-Fi in my

Gwen: That is so cool!
Cooper: Not really.
It gives me a major headache.

Max: Nice job, Cooper.
Ben: Whoa, grandpa!
You've been working out.

Max: It's not me, Ben.
It's this exo-suit -- alien tech
which amplifies your own natural

Cooper got it running again.
Now we just need a little help

from heatblast to finish it up.

Ben: I'd like to see that
negative get through that.
Cooper: I wouldn't.

Max: We've done all we can
I want to double-check the

sub-energy security field.

Cooper: Whoa!
A real force field?
Max: Too bad the forever king

now has the keys to shut it off.
Ben: Well, where is it,

Max: The force field is just
a cloaking device.

Here, put these on.
Gwen: What's with the static

noise, grandpa?
Max: The goggles amplify the
sound of the force field.

The knob on the side adjusts the
Ben: That dinky thing is the

Max: I know it doesn't look
like much, but the material in

that container is times more
powerful than the sun.
Mishandle it, and you've got an

expl*si*n big enough to blow a
continent off the face of the

Ben: Quit copying me!
Gwen: You're the one copying

Cooper: What are you guys

Ben: Winner gets your extra

Gwen: What is it?
Max: Motion sensor.
Come on.

The doctor is in!

Max: Call off that
buck-toothed varmint, or you're
gonna be the one who needs a


Cooper, the security drones!

I love surprises.
don't you?

Max: Retreat to the lower

Gwen: Move it, slowpoke!


We are in need of a detour.
Gwen: Why did those security
drones go bananas and attack us?

Max: I don't know.
Cooper: Must obey.
Attack Tennysons.

Gwen: Sublimino must have
gotten to Cooper during the

fight outside.
He's hypnotized.
Max: We've got to pull the

plug on Cooper before that
exo-suit makes a winter coat out
of Ben.

Gwen: Cooper said he can
control stuff like a wireless


Ben: Thanks.

Max: No matter what happens
to us, we can't let the
forever king get away with the

Ben: We understand, grandpa.

There is no place left to
run, Tennysons.
Eye guy: Who's running, metal

Bring it on!

Gwen: Ready for a little
"spelling" contest?
Both: Mercuta verditis!

Max: I would say it's nice to
see you again, Driscoll, but I'd
be lying.

I'm flattered that you would
remember me, Max.
But where are my manners?

Have you met my colleagues?

You can't beat me, Princess.

Eye guy: Insect on ice --
now, that's cold!
Care for an extra-rare...

Gwen: Hated those then.
Hate them now.

Ben: Just like I thought --
all bite and no bark.

Now I shall be the forever
king of the world.
Max: don't be a fool,

The sub-energy is too unstable.
Funny, that's what the

plumbers said about me when they
kicked me out.
Have fun.

Max: We need to even the odds
a bit.
Ben: We've been spending way

too much time trying to see
who's better.
Gwen: At least you guys don't

have to worry about that, right?
Ben: We all know animo's next
in charge.

Gwen: But charmcaster is the
one with all the potential.
Hey! What about me?

I'm tougher than all of you!
You?! Get real!
And just because you have a

little hocus-pocus, don't think
you could take me on, child!
Max: Ben, stop the forever


Our ride awaits us.

Ben: Your trip has just been
As you wish.

Ben: Aah!
You have been a Thorn in my
side long enough, Ben Tennyson.

Why are we fighting each other?
We should be smashing them!

Ghoul face is right!
Get them!
Max: You ready?

Gwen: Autem volton!

Cooper: So...Did I miss

Even the omnitrix cannot save
you now.

Upchuck: Now who's seeing
stars, heh-heh?!

My sub-energy!
Upchuck: Now, that hit the

But not as much as this!

Max: Ben!
You okay, sport?

Am now.
Max: The forever king?
Ben: Guess upchuck scared him

out of his skin.
He's gone.
Max: For now.

Ben: Hey, grandpa, remember
that hologram you made of us
inside the rust bucket?

How are you at making
Big presidents?

Okay, Cooper, only two hours
until the movie premiere.
So which one of us gets the

extra ticket?
Cooper: Uh, there is no extra

There are no tickets at all.
Ben: What?!
Gwen: What do you mean?!

Cooper: I figured you guys
wouldn't even talk to me unless
you had to, so I made up having

the tickets.

Well, look on the bright side.
You two can finally agree on

You can both be mad at Cooper.
Come on. Let's go!

We're burning daylight.