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04x06 - Ready to Rumble

Posted: 05/23/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
Ben: Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

Whoa-oa! Whoo-hoo!
Yeah! Whoo!

That was so cool!
Let's try the bigger hill this

Gwen: I think sitting on that
ice gave you brain freeze.
It's gonna take you forever to

carry that block up there.
Ben: don't you ever get tired
of being wrong?

Xlr : Presenting xlr on ice!
Coming through!


Mommy, why did that weird
thing with a tail wet himself?
Xlr : Aw.

¶ It started when an alien
device did what it did ¶
¶ and stuck itself upon his

wrist with secrets that it hid ¶
¶ now he's got superpowers
¶ he's no ordinary kid

¶ he's Ben
¶ Ben
¶ so, if you see him, you

might be in for a big surprise ¶
¶ he'll turn into an alien
before your very eyes ¶

¶ he's slimy, creepy, fast, and
strong ¶
¶ he's every shape and size

¶ he's Ben
¶ Ben
¶ armed with powers, he's on

the case ¶
¶ fighting off evil from earth
or space ¶

¶ he'll never stop till he makes
them pay ¶
¶ 'cause he's the baddest kid to

ever save the day ¶
¶ Ben
¶ Ben

Gwen: Uh, hello.
What do you think you're doing?

Ben: Hmm, is this some kind?
Of trick question?

I'm gonna go online and check
out the new "sumo slammer" blog.

Gwen: Not without asking me

That's my brand-new xt- .
Ben: Okay.

May I please use your computer?
Gwen: No way!

Ben: See?
That's why I didn't ask first.

Gwen: Hey!

Ben, my whole life is on that
hard drive!
Ben: Ugh.

Just one minute!
Max: Ben, you need to be a
little more responsible.

Look what happened in the park.
Ben: Oh, man.
Hey, I've got an idea.

Let's all go out and do
something as a family.
You can even pick this time,

Gwen -- anything you want.
Gwen: Anything?
That was amazing.

I love listening to modern
poetry, don't you, Ben?
Ben: Two words -- bor-ing!

"Tough enough to be the
Prove it in the ring and win the

$ , grand prize."
Hello, new computer.

Well, it's getting late.
We'd better get back and get to

Max: Really?
They have a great old sawmill

I was hoping we could check it
Ben: No, got to go.

None of you weaklings can
budge the immovable object!

Ben: We'll see about that.

Who are you supposed to be?
Four arms: They call me
four arms.

... ... !
The winner -- four arm guy!

Four arms: So, where's my
prize money?
Prize money?

This is an elimination
You have to b*at everybody to

win -- , maybe matches.
Four arms: That'll take all

It's already past my bedtime.
Talk to Mr. Grady.
It's his show.

Four arms: Uh-oh.
Wait! I want to talk to you!

Hey, kid, you seen a big, red
guy, four arms, four eyes?
Ben: Yeah, uh, he left for a

while, but he'll be back.
In fact, I'm his manager.

Dirty business, ain't it?
H.E. Grady, event promoter.
Man, your wrestler has got

"headliner" written all over
Where did you find that guy?

Ben: Uh, he just kind of came
out of nowhere one night.

Four arms:

Winners for this round --
gaterboy and porcupine!

Ben: Bring 'em on.
Let's get it on!

... ... .

Ben: This is pretty sweet!
I could get used to being a

wrestling superstar.

Where's four arms?
Ben: Sorry, he's not giving
autographs right now.

Maybe if you're good little
mutant wrestlers and go away,
I'll see what I can do.

You know, kid, you got a big
mouth, but so do I.

What are you doing?!
He's just a kid!
Yeah, a kid who manages the

guy that kicked your butt.
We scare him off, maybe the big
guy takes a dive.


Well, looky here.

The freak show has come to town.
What do you want?

Mr. Beck wants to make sure
you understand what happens if
you don't win.

That prize money is as good
as ours.
don't worry.

Oh, I'm not worried, but you
should be if you disappoint
Mr. Beck.

Ladies and gentlemen, this
championship match is scheduled
for one fall, winner take all,

for the $ , grand prize!
Entering the ring -- gaterboy!

And his opponent -- the one,
the only four arms!

Four arms: You're a real
tough guy when you're chasing

after kids.
Let's see how you do against me.

I'm gonna drop you like a bag of
Go to your corners and come

out fighting at the bell.

Losing is not an option.

I've got too much riding on

Four arms: Ow!

Hey, two against one!
That's not fair!
Oh, like somebody having four

arms instead of two?!
You gonna wrestle or flap your

don't you just love show

Four arms:
... ...
Four arms: Oh, man.

Four arms: Ugh.
No! No pin!

... ... .
The winner and champion!

Four arms: Got to go.
Give my check to my manager.

Good show, kid.
Kind of wish your boy would have
stuck around to take some bows,

Ben: Yeah, well, he's shy
about that kind of stuff.

Well, after I buy doofus cousin
number one her new laptop, I

should still have some extra
green left over for me.
What are we going to do?

Yeah, so, you're freaks and
Boy, that's a

nice combination.
Give us another chance.
We'll get your money.

Just don't hurt our mama.
Ben: "Hurt our mama"?
You knew it would happen if

you didn't win.
The boss is gonna turn her into
an end table.

What do you want?
Ben: What was that all about?
We got mixed up with some

gangsters and owe them money, or
they'll kick us off our farm.
They're holding our mama as

But since we lost the prize
money, who knows what's gonna

You got a big mouth!
You know that?!

Ben: Uh, maybe I can help.
I mean, maybe four arms and i
can help.

We don't even know where
they're holding her.
She could be anywhere.

Ben: He said he'd turn her
into an end table?
Isn't there some kind of old

lumbermill around here?

So, where's that four arms
Ben: He'll be here.

He likes to make a grand
I hope.

Looking for someone?
What a disappointment you
boys turned out to be.

I really thought you were gonna
get me that money.
Ben: They did.

Now let her go.
Well, isn't this a pleasant

And I have one of my own.
There's mama!

Ben: That's your mom?
Folks say we take after
our pa.

What did I tell you boys
about getting messed up with the
wrong folks?

Both: Yes, mama.
You didn't
think I was really gonna let all

these witnesses live, do you?

Finish them off.

Ben: Ugh!

Time to call in the champ.
Who are you?
Where's four arms?!

Ditto: Who needs four arms...
When you can have eight of them?

All hands on deck.


So hard to find decent thugs
these days.

Guess I'll have to close down
this freak show myself.
Ditto: Not if we can help it.

Ditto: Ugh.

He's too big.
Ditto # : Think like a

We need to use his size against
Both: Tag team times !

Ditto: Pbht!

Ditto: Oh, yeah, another one

bites the sawdust.

From the top rope.
Ditto: The winners and still

Where's Ben?
Ditto: That kid is never

around when you need him.

Your wrestlers are amazing.
How many guys do you manage?

Ben: Um, ...
And counting.
We're sorry, ma.

We never should have gotten
involved with those guys.
We thought we were doing the

right thing.
And now we still don't have
enough to save our farm.

We're still $ , short.
Well, at least you boys
fessed up and took

responsibility for your actions.
Ben: Here.
The prize money?

We can't take this.
Four arms won it fair and

Ben: Trust me, you need it
more than he does.
I don't know what to say.

Nobody's ever been this nice to
Aw, thanks.

Ben: Ouch!
I had to make friends with a

Max: Morning, Ben.
You're up early.
Ben: Not exactly.

I have a confession to make.
I broke Gwen's laptop when I was

playing with it, even though you
said not to, so I had to figure
out a way how to get money to

replace it, so I wrestled a
bunch of bad guys, but the bad
guys didn't turn out to be bad

guys, so I gave them the prize
money, so I can't replace your
laptop, and I'm so sorry.

Gwen: So, you think you broke
my computer?
Ben: Yeah.

But I'm really sorry, and I'll
make it up to you somehow.
I know, I can do all your

Gwen: For the rest of the

Ben: Yeah.
Gwen: Word of honor --
no takebacks.

Max: Hey, what's that new
doohickey, Gwen?
Gwen: Oh, this?

It's a fingerprint scanner.
That way, only I can start my

You mean...I didn't break it?
Gwen: Nope, but it's nice to

know that you are so
You better scrub that pan twice.

Grandpa's snail stew gets
majorly crusty overnight.
Ben: Ugh!

Aw, man.