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02x06 - Pet Project

Posted: 05/23/22 07:17
by bunniefuu
My fellow knights, we have
lately endured a grave defeat.

Our prisoner, the villainous
dragon, escaped from our grasp.

But does this
mean we have lost?

Do we now abandon
our sacred duty?



Instead, we must pursue the
beast across the Void.

We must destroy it and its vile
species once and for all!

[all shouting ]

And so, to that end, I have
built a starship combining

dozens of alien technologies we
have acquired.

And though its controls are too
complex for human operation,

I believe I have
found a solution.

These recent phenomena are
the work of a Galvin

shape-shifter -- equal parts
machine and beast,

which can assimilate and
duplicate any device it encounters.

With it, we will create an
armada of spacecraft

which we can use to obliterate
the dragon home world.

I'll catch your little blob
for you.

Beware, Sir Morton, it will
not be easy to capture.

That's what makes my job all
the more interesting, don't it?

[ footsteps, rustling ]

[ knock on door]

[ honks ]

Where have you been?

[ chatters ]

Yes, hello.

I'm glad to see you, too.

Okay, Ship,
show me a new trick.

[ chuckles ]

That's great.

[ buzzes ]

Good boy.

Good ship.

Anything else?

[ crash ]

[alarm wails ]

Okay, um, change back.

Good Ship.

How am I supposed
to explain that?

[ horn honking ]

Oh, got to go.

See you later, okay?

[ chattering ]

Are you ready to shop?

Gift cards from grandma.

I am totally ready.

[ both shriek and giggle]

Okay, no shrieking
in the car.

No promises.

Sometimes we're
gonna shriek.

Yeah, like you and Ben do.
When you're watching football.

We do not shriek!

Uh, shriek.


Anyway, I'll drive you
to the mall as promised,

but I'm not hanging around and
watching you shop.

That's okay.

You're not invited.

And then Ben
sent me an I.M.

And said he kind
of missed me, too.

That is so sweet.

Don't you think
that's sweet?

Took the words right
out of my mouth.

Where is Ben,

Well, I asked
him to come along,

but he said he had
homework to do.

Ha, on a Saturday?

[eerie music plays ]

Brad, no, not you, too!

Destroy the earthling female.

[ monotone]
Yes, master.

No, Brad.

Don't listen to him.

You -- you love me.


"Brain Stealers From Outer
Space" will be back after this.

More popcorn.

And McDuffy's is having
a going-out-of-business sale.

[tires squeal ]

[tires screech ]

Why is he
sh**ting at us?

I don't know.

Everybody always
sh**t at us.

Watch the paint.

That's four coats.


[ ringing ]

[ beep]


[grunts ]

Ben, Elsworth avenue,
South of the mall.


[glass breaks ]


Need help?

No, I'm good.

[grunts ]


Nice kinetic face shield.

What model is that,
the plester ?

Well, ain't you
the observant one?


No, stay put.

I'll handle this.

Back away from him!

Relax, girl.

It's not your
boyfriend I'm after.

Again with the car?

[ crackling ]

[groaning ]



In you go.


Someone needs a flying lesson,

and I'm just the guy to give it
to --

What happened?

That flying jerk in a
can fried my car.

And then he took my pet.


You know, Ship.


[ horn honks ]

That guy is so paying
for a new paint job.

Is that all you can
think about -- your car?


Sometimes I think about food.

So, how long has Ship
been dropping by?

Every once in a while.

He comes, he goes,
he shows me a new trick.

What kind of trick?

You know,
turning into things.

Why didn't you tell me?

You said you didn't want
anything to do with Ship.

I never said that.

Yes, you did.

Okay, whatever.

But why would the Forever
Knights want to steal Ship?


It can turn into
anything it touches.

It's like a cup of instant

How fast can you get us home?

Hey, can you hurry it up?

Sure, if you know how to

[whirring ]

Okay, new paint job
and new tires.

I'm searching for his


And nothing.

Ship is technology,

and I have trouble tracing stuff
that isn't alive.

There's got to be some
way to find him.

Didn't you say these knights
are, like,

major English-history

It's a new
housing development.

"Lancelot Lake Estates."

"If a man's home
is his castle,

isn't it time you owned


Kind of a long shot.

I think we should
check it out.


We will check it out.

You will stay here.

Ship's my pet.

I want to help,
and you can't stop me.

Great, guys.

Way to support.

[engine turns over]

[ clinking ]

Scrappy little bloke,
isn't he?

Yes, but not so terribly

[squealing ]

Now, you will
do as I command.

[ crackling ]

And we're not talking because?

Because I am upset with you

for being upset with me about

Julie, we aren't talking about a

from the local

You don't know what you're
dealing with.

Yes, I do.

I'm dealing with a person who is
incredibly mean

to poor little Ship and who
obviously does not trust me.

This isn't about trust.

It's --

You mind if we discuss this

[ clanking ]

Looks like a giant miniature
golf course.

Is it time to bust the
door down yet?

How about we try a more
subtle approach for a change?

[ creaking ]

[ click ]

[gulping ]


I was thirsty.


Do these drapes really go with
chain mail?

Well, it works for us.

[ crackling ]


Are you okay?

Better than them.


Look out!

I meant duck, not --

You're good at this.

It's a lot like tennis,

Come on, all ready!

Gwen, you want to wrap
this up?

[all groaning ]

[groans ]

You know, most
accidents do happen in the home.

Oh, you young people are so

And you would be?

Dr. Joseph Chadwick,

director of technology for
the Forever Knights.

And you are the meddler who
freed our ancient enemy,

the dragon!

I wouldn't say

Where's Ship?


Oh, is this what you mean?

[ roars ]

Looks like an Antarion

Nasty piece of work.

How nasty?


Stay-out-of-the-way nasty.

Galvin destructor pods,
Octurium plasers,

Cassiopeia mass drivers --

that thing's a flying

Fire! Fire! Fire!

Get behind me!


Okay, now I'm angry.


sh**t it!

sh**t it!

sh**t it!

No, Ben! No!

Now, Ben, now!

What was that?!

A compromise.

Well, what are you waiting for?


You're toast.

Indeed, you are.

I have complete control
over the creature.

My wish is its command.

This is like that
movie I was watching --

"Brain Stealers From" --

I thought you were doing

Can we discuss this later?

Ship, stop!

It's me, Julie.


[ roars ]

Ship, please.

Remember what you were -- are.

Not a monster.

Not a k*ller.

You're a good boy, Ship, and you
don't have to do what he says.

I command you to fire all
weapons at the intruders now!

How did you know
that would work?

You're not the only
one who's seen

"Brain Stealers From Outer

[ chattering ]

sh**t it, sh**t it, sh**t it?

It was a suggestion.

A suggestion we'll
be happy to take.


Sir Morton, would you kindly ask
your men

to lower their


Sorry, doc.

It's time we got
rid of this bunch,

even if we all got to
go in the bargain.

Not liking where this
is going.

[groans ]

Run away!

Run away!

[ crashing ]

Good Ship.

Down, boy.

[ chuckles ]


We have our own spaceship.

I have my own spaceship.

But we can borrow it
sometimes, right?

Why do we even need a

Well, you know, for
space stuff.

You can borrow him if you
help me take care of him.

Walking him,
playing with him.

[ chuckles ]

Okay, Ship, find me a
ball and we can play catch.
