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03x09 - The Unnaturals

Posted: 05/22/22 11:26
by bunniefuu
ben: Bottom of the ninth, two

Out, full count.

Tennyson winds up, and...

No way!

This game has got to be rigged.

I totally nailed ben franklin.

knock over the ben franklins,

You win a prize.

Knock over squat, you win squat.

ben: You'd think in the city

Of brotherly love, they wouldn't

Cheat at the carnival games.

max: That's the way life is,
You win some. You lose some.

Now, come on.
You can't visit philadelphia
without seeing the liberty bell.

ben: If i just went hero, i'd
win every one of those stupid

gwen: Sure.
Use the most powerful device in
the universe to cheat at

Real nice.


Not good.

¶ it started when an alien
device did what it did ¶
¶ and stuck itself upon his

Wrist with secrets that it hid ¶
¶ now he's got superpowers
¶ he's no ordinary kid

¶ he's ben
¶ ben
¶ so, if you see him, you

Might be in for a big surprise ¶
¶ he'll turn into an alien
before your very eyes ¶

¶ he's slimy, creepy, fast, and
strong ¶
¶ he's every shape and size

¶ he's ben
¶ ben
¶ armed with powers, he's on

The case ¶
¶ fighting off evil from earth
or space ¶

¶ he'll never stop till he makes
them pay ¶
¶ 'cause he's the baddest kid to

Ever save the day ¶
¶ ben
¶ ben

max: They're getting away
with the liberty bell.
ben: Not if xlr has anything

To say about it.
gwen: Evidently, he doesn't.

grey matter: Oh, man!

Give me a lift.


Now, this is what i call a sweet

guess how many jellybeans and
win a music pocket.

Way too easy for the little guy
with the mega brain.
Average size of a jellybean is

. centimeters.
We're talking , ...

gwen: Nice music pocket.
How'd you get it?
ben: Let's just say a little

Friend helped me make a lucky
gwen: You used grey matter?

That's cheating!
ben: Whoa.
I didn't see any "no aliens

Allowed" signs.
max: Hey, ben, check it out.
Your hometown baseball team, the

Cannons, are in the finals of
the little league world series.
ben: No way!

I was supposed to be on that
gwen: Yeah, if only you could

Hit or throw or run...
ben: Think we could go,

gwen: ...Or catch or slide.
Stop me if i'm leaving anything

max: Williamsport, pa --
the birthplace of little league
baseball, that honored

Institution, where dreams of
greatness are first forged in
young minds, along with the life

Lessons of fair play.
gwen: Hear that, ben?
"fair play."

ben: Ha!
You're just jealous 'cause i
won't let you listen to it.

That's all.
gwen: What's with all the

max: The president is a big
baseball fan.

He likes to make an appearance
to cheer the kids on.

ben: There's the cannons.
I'm gonna go say hi.

no way!
look who's hanging around

Again, j.T.
"wedgie" tennyson.
ben: Aah!

thought you'd be hiding out
from us until school started,

ben: Yeah, well, i've been a
little busy saving the world
this summer instead, cash.

Saving the world!

yeah, this pee-wee's in his
own world.
gwen: Friends of yours?

ben: Hardly.
So, how'd you two jer-- uh, guys
make the team, anyway?

talent -- % pure talent.
oh, and four guys got
chicken pox.

ben: Aw, man.
That means i would have made the

Team, too.
gwen: Yeah, by default.

came for a preview of what
we're gonna do to you in the
next game?

the score in our last game
was - .
The next one won't be that

Well, i'd like to see that.


ben: Hey!

gwen: Hello!
In case you didn't notice, we're
not wearing uniforms.

excellent drill.
max: Drill?
They almost took those kids'

Heads off.
maybe next time they'll stay
out of the way.

Good luck, cannons.
You'll need it.
uh, you forgot something.

all clear.
max: If the cannons don't win

This game, the series is over.

ben: Something about those
guys is weird.
They're too perfect.

We want a pitcher, not a
hairy --
max: Benjamin.

ben: What?
play ball!

you're out!

You're out!
ben: Aw, man, we're getting

gwen: I thought you hated
j.T. And cash.
ben: I do, but i want them to

Stink, not the team.

gwen: Listen to these stats i
pulled up.
The squires' team e.R.A. Is less

Than .
Slugging percentage -- . .
No one in history -- not the

Majors, minors, college, or
little league -- has ever been
this perfect.

ben: I'll be right back.
I need another double-chili
cheese dog.

max: Wow!
Did you see that home run?

gwen: Yeah, that was
amazing -- maybe too amazing.
Think it's time for a little

Instant replay.

xlr : Ready to take one for
the team, cash?

Ha ha ha ha ha!
first base.

i'll get you!
xlr : Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
No pain, no gain, jerk face.

xlr : Okay, let's get


max: Where's ben?
gwen: Five chili cheese dogs?
One guess.

And i'm so not on bathroom duty.

hey, hey, hey!
Who rules?
Let me tell you.

The cash-ter, the cash-man,
sir cash-a-lot!

come with us.
out of my face, weirdo!


uh, you guys need to back off
those new energy drinks.

ben: Ugh, how come doing the
right thing sometimes feels so

How about a knuckle sandwich?

gwen: I knew it!
Grandpa, this is super, super,
super slow motion.

max: Xlr .
Ben should know better.

You don't cheat in baseball.
He'll be grounded for this.
gwen: Normally, you know i'd

Be doing backflips at the
thought of ben busted, but the
dweeb might have had a good

Reason to go hero.
i just found out more about the

Squires online.
When you cross-reference the
squires' roster with the

Baseball hall-of-fame database,
the squires have the same names
as a bunch of old-time players.

And there's no proof these kids
even exist -- no report cards,
medical records, nothing.

max: Now, why would a coach
be checking on the secret

Service instead of his own team
before a game?
gwen: I don't know, but

Something tells me we're about
to find out.

ben: Oh, they're robots.
That's why they're so good.

i don't know how they took
control in that last inning, but
we cannot risk it happening

Scan them.

i just had the weirdest dream.
We were kidnapped by the


ben: This would be so cool...
If it weren't so freaky!
these players will be our

Insurance policy.
Dispose of the originals...
And the spy, while you're at it.

ben: Hey!

was that tennyson?
here? That wimp?
Get real!

It's one of those alien hero
guys, like in the news!

Is it just me, or was that thing
smiling when it smashed our
robots together?

support units only.
diamondhead: Uh-oh.

max: We have to free those

the president!
team, move out.

These guys take their baseball
way too seriously.

max: The squires are getting
it's over.

max: Diamondhead.
diamondhead: I can take them.
max: They're not our problem.

That is.
It's going to explode.


diamondhead: Go!

gwen: Ben?
are those robots all gone?

ben: Destroy all humans!
both: Whoa!
oh, hardy-har.

You missed all the action, as
usual, tennyson.
ben: Well, for your

Information, me and the guy who
just kicked robot butt are --
max: Good friends.

He's an old buddy of ours.
ben: Oh, man!
gwen: Grandpa, they had a

Copy of the president's face.
max: If they could switch out
those kids for robots, they

Could do the same with the
gwen: We'll need a way to get

On the field to stop them.
well, thanks for all your
help and stuff, but we got a

Game to play.

max: Not so fast.
it's game time, and the
favored squires have taken the

nine innings and our plan
shall be complete.


hey! What about us?
gwen: First off, get some new

Second, don't move.
first up to bat for the
cannons, cash murray.

ben: Guess hero time can wait
for just one pitch.

stee-rike one!
ben: Or two.
Come on.

You can do this.
stee-rike two!

gwen: What's he waiting for?
max: My guess is a fastball,
low and away.

gwen: Whoo-hoo!
Go, ben!

four arms: Safe, right?

we got to go, mr. President.
four arms: Batter's up!

max: Mr. President, come with

We'll be okay in here.

gwen: Aah!

i don't think so.
Soon we shall control
the white house.

four arms: Not while i'm in
the house.
Oh, man.

Please tell me that was the fake

That's all of them.
think again.
four arms: Huh?!

Welcome to the th-inning

where'd that creature go?
I wanted to thank him for his

max: I'll give him the
message, sir.

ben: Grandpa!
we will not be stopped.
ben: Okay.

Now, that's cheating.

gwen: Yo-o-o-u're...Out!
Come on.
Even i couldn't resist.

the details of the attack are
a matter of national security,
but i am proud to introduce you

To the boy who saved my life.
ben: Aw, man, they so do not
deserve that.

max: Just like someone else i
know didn't deserve that music

ben: By the way, where is my
gwen: It's like i always say,

Ben -- cheaters never prosper.
But sometimes their cousins do.
ben: Okay, i get it.

I don't want to be a cheater.
oh, i know some things about

Not again!
xlr : That doesn't mean i'm

Not a sore loser!
our entire operation is a

By the crest of the forever
knights, a tennyson shall pay
with their very lives.