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02x12 - Dr. Animo and the Mutant Ray

Posted: 05/21/22 07:40
by bunniefuu
aah! Looks like
we beat the crowd.

yeah. You sure we're in the
right place, grandpa?

tomorrow this place will be
crawling with gator-fest fans.


What are you doing?

who knows how many more alien
hero dudes are inside this

I just have to figure out how
it works.

you shouldn't mess around
with that thing, ben.

You're just asking for trouble.

just chill out.
I know what i'm doing.

that'd be a first.

gwen's right, ben.

I want you to promise me you'll
take it easy on the omnitrix.

ok, grandpa.

now, don't stay up too late.

Tomorrow's a big day.

Good night.


Oh, no!

¶ it started when ¶

¶ an alien device
did what it did ¶

¶ and stuck itself
upon his wrist ¶

¶ with secrets that it hid ¶

¶ now he's got super powers ¶

¶ he's no ordinary kid ¶

¶ he's ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ so if you see him ¶

¶ you might be in
for a big surprise ¶

¶ he'll turn into an alien ¶

¶ before your very eyes ¶

¶ he's funny, freaky, fast
and strong ¶

¶ he's every shape and size ¶

¶ he's ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ all new powers ¶

¶ he's on the case ¶

¶ fighting all evil ¶

¶ from earth or space ¶

¶ he'll never stop
till it's ok ¶

¶ 'cause he's the baddest kid ¶

¶ to ever save the day ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ , , ¶

oh, man! I am gonna get so
busted if anybody sees this.


what was that?

what was what?

what was that noise?

uh, lightning?

there's not a cloud
in the sky.

uh, lightning got rid of

he's up to something,

oh, you are so paranoid.

She's just trying to get me
into trouble.

ok, that's enough.
Let's go, both of you.


there, good as new.

what's good as new?

i wish i could say your
face, but it's the same old one.

i think the florida heat has
fried your brain!


ha ha. Told you.

Let the gator fest begin.

hey, larry. Check out these
weird worms i found.


you know, i think you kids
are gonna enjoy this.

It is a rare event.

you mean like ben changing
his underwear?

aw, they are kind of cute.

what are they running from?

They're alligators.

that's very odd.

What do you think would make
them do that?

i'll give you one guess.

And it goes "ribbit."

no way!

I recognize that croaker.

That's dr. Animo's frog.

This is so not my idea of

Dr. Animo! How did--

i find you?

It wasn't difficult to track
your alien exploits when you

Insist on helping people all
the time.

You thought you were such a
big shot after stopping my
mutated creations!

But they were merely the

I will not be denied my place
in history.

Destroy him!

you're going back where you
belong, animo.


ok, dr. Freakamo,
party's over!

ben, you're--

stink arms?

four arms and stinkfly's

Must be another new alien.

Now i can fly and kick butt at
the same time.


You--you gained weight since
last time, or i'm not as strong
as i used to be.



Ah, i'm too big to fly.

well, well.

What do we have here?

Let's go.

that's right,
you'd better run!

so, ben, why did you turn
into some freaky alien combo

What did you do to the watch?!

it's no biggie.
Goes right back on.

Now, where is it?
It was right here.

I saw it just before dr. Animo
and froggy hopped out

fascinating. Dna-based, yet
with a power source unlike any
i've ever imagined.

Eptesicus fuscus: What a
perfect guinea pig.

You shall be the first in a new
world order,

Courtesy of ben tennyson
and dr. Animo.

Give my creation life!

we've been at this for

we have to keep looking.

If the good doctor can figure
out how to tap into the watch's

Alien dna, who knows
what could happen?

i saw that!
Go ahead, say it.
You know you want to.

say what?

you know, the big "i told
you so" speech

About messing around with the
omnitrix and how you were right
all along

And if i'd listened to you, we
wouldn't be in the trouble that
we are in right now!

i didn't say a word.

yeah, but you're thinking
about it.

Admit it.
There's no way i'm waiting.

Just go ahead and
say it now and get it over with.

i don't know what you're
talking about, benjamin.

grandpa, gwen won't say
"i told you so."

i don't like the sound
of that.

whoa! It's heatblast
gone batty.

hold on!

gee, do you think animo has
figured out the power in that
piece of the watch?

that is definitely an
"i told you so."

i'll take care of this
hot head.

ben, i don't think going
hero is a good idea.

You don't know what you'll
turn into.

Everybody, duck!

if i don't try, we're gonna
get barbecued, cajun-style.

give me something good!

Oh, man!

Diamond head and grey matter.

I'm a razor-sharp hood ornament!



ben, behind you!


could this get any worse?

I had to ask!

hold on!

probably headed
back to animo.

Follow that mutant bat!

Road block up ahead.

i'll clear the path!

I wish diamond matter
were more of a tough guy!


Hard left!

Where'd he go?

over there!

looks like an old

what's an observatory doing
in the middle of a swamp?

without the lights from a
city, the stars are brighter

And can be seen more clearly.

oh, thank you,
miss know-it-all.

Bet you're just dying to tell
me how i screwed up.

not at all.

This is the most fun i've had
all summer.

animo's been busy.

you really should have

It isn't polite to sneak up on
someone like this.

you've got something that
belongs to me, and i want it

ah, yes.

Interesting piece of technology.

Its potential power is
virtually unlimited.

I will put its alien
dna to good use.

what do you mean, good use?

with this telescope, i'll be
able to bounce my
transmodulator signal

Off of a satellite and blanket
the planet with its power,

Creating a new, more interesting
world order.

ok. Science project's over,
dr. Quack.

oh, but it's just beginning.

In fact, you should feel
privileged to be the first
human test subject.

if i'd just listened to you
about messing with the watch,

None of this would have

forget about that!
Right now we need a plan.

a successful test, indeed.

But as a scientist,
i must be sure.

you're going alien again?

if i don't, we'll both get
turned into that.

heatblast and ripjaws?

Not the best combo.

well, well.
What do we have here?

A walking fish-fry?

turn my grandpa back to
normal, or so help me--

ah! Looks like you're the one
who's going to need help.

Nothing happened!

your altered state seems to
have made you immune to the
effects of my ray.

Pity! Instead of giving you a
new life,

I will have to settle
for ending your old one.

Finish him, my pets.

all right.
I'll fight fire with fire!

oh, man.
I don't like this ride.

need water!

welcome to my world.

Get the girl!

Aah! The satellite is
approaching its position.

Who says one man can't
change the world!

you haven't won yet, animo!

Can't breathe!

Maybe this fire with fire thing
wasn't such a good idea.


come on!
Where are you?


Not good!

the moment is here!

The next evolution
will be televised.

change my grandpa back or
i'll boil your butt!

and ruin my best work?

Forget it!

But i will give him some
company--like the entire planet!

My mutant ray!

What happened?

i borrowed this back.

Is that a problem?

give it back to me!

Only my genius can utilize such
power to its full potential.


are you ok?

yeah, but i wish we could
say the same about grandpa.

what are we going to do?

i don't know.

You were right about
everything, gwen.

I just wish i could take it all
back--reverse everything i've

ah! That is the smartest
thing you've ever said.

What'd i say?

wait there!

what are you doing?

fire it up.

are you mental?

We don't know what it will
do to him.

couldn't be any worse than
what he is now.

, , .

You're back!

back? Where'd i go.

what did you do in there?

i put the face plate in
backwards and hoped it would

Reverse the effects of
animo's ray.

Too bad we can't just do the
same for you.

hey, maybe we can.

Quick, throw me the face plate.

Yeah! It worked!

Good as new.

why do i have this strange
craving for rotten eggs and
sugar water?

oh, ben, i almost forgot.

Um, i told you so!

I feel like i'm watching
a rerun.

you have not seen the
last of me!

yeah, i wish.

i wonder if he learned
his lesson.

Don't mess around with the

i'm not sure.

But at least ben learned
something, right, ben?


i was thinking. Maybe i could
rig this thing so that i could
become even

More cool combinations
whenever i want.

You know, like, diamondmutt or


just kidding.