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02x09 - Tough Luck

Posted: 05/21/22 07:37
by bunniefuu


i've been waiting.

hmm. Major jail breaks aren't
exactly easy to pull off, you

you will show me respect,
my dear niece, or you will
suffer the consequences.

yes, uncle.
my staff!

uh... The magic must have
drained out of it or something,
it doesn't work.

But i swear it's not my fault.

its powers can be brought
to life only in the hands of
a master magician.

now, to find the keystone.

The moment of alignment
is nearly upon us.

Once i have completed the ritual
and gained its powers,

I shall take my revenge on
the one responsible for

Imprisoning me in this
festering sewer.

¶ it started when ¶

¶ an alien device
did what it did ¶

¶ and stuck itself
upon his wrist ¶

¶ with secrets that it hid ¶

¶ now he's got super powers ¶

¶ he's no ordinary kid ¶

¶ he's ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ so if you see him ¶

¶ you might be in
for a big surprise ¶

¶ he'll turn into an alien ¶

¶ before your very eyes ¶

¶ he's funny, freaky, fast
and strong ¶

¶ he's every shape and size ¶

¶ he's ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ all new powers ¶

¶ he's on the case ¶

¶ fighting all evil ¶

¶ from earth or space ¶

¶ he'll never stop
till it's ok ¶

¶ 'cause he's the baddest kid ¶

¶ to ever save the day ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ , , ¶


It's ok, everybody.

Everything's all right now.

so you're not gonna help us
off, mister strong man guy?

Who raised you, anyway?

oh, be a dear and carry me,
would you?

My bunions are k*lling me.

your bunions my butt!

My new hip's out of wack,
i'm first.

lucky girl...

I wish you were more than just
another halloween costume.

uh. Sometimes this hero stuff
gets way old.

you should be proud of
yourself, ben.

Those folks would've been in
a real pickle without you.

i know. But i'd just like
regular summer day

Where i could just hang out all
day long and do nothing.

You know, like gwen.

you should appreciate
what you have.

I only got to be lucky girl
for a few hours.

Was that it?

'cause with all the bragging
you did, it felt like weeks.

The worst part of all was when
all those grannies wanted me

To go with them to some lame old
magic convention in las vegas.

As if!

magic convention?

The keystone of bezel.

Reveal your location to me!

ok, well, nice seeing you
again, uncle.

I'm outta here.


you may leave my service only
when i say you can!

yes, uncle.

magician of the year expo?

Uh! It's all cheap junk and
gross out tricks.

I thought it was going to be
magic-magic, not cheesy magic.

ho, ho!
Check it out!

Fake bugs in ice cubes,
fake barf, fake dog poo!

yeah, we get it, ben.

Well, as long as we're here,
we might as well look around.

i don't suppose you have
any real magical artifacts?

what you see is what you get,

i'll take it.

find something you like?


It kinda reminds me of--

Somebody help me!

i don't think that's part
of the act.

i know, i know, hero time.


everything's under control...

Or not!

Grandpa, look out!


Huh, ah!


How'd you do that?

just lucky, i guess.

just hold on a
few seconds longer!



lucky girl?

don't even start with me
about cramping your superhero

hey, i'm just happy to
finally get a little backup.

But how'd you get your
lucky girl powers back?

it looks like it's one of
the charms of bezel.

but you destroyed all those
in that cemetery fighting that
hex creep.

i thought i did.

But this is the legendary lost

It's rumored to increase
times the powers and the skills
of the one who possesses it.

well, the legend seems to be
fact, not fiction.

you are so lucky!

it's not luck.
It's magic.

and remember,
the magician of the year will be

Crowned in just a few hours
during the solar eclipse.

Now, please welcome our next
contestant, the amazing allen!

for my first trick,
i'll need a volunteer.

ben is at your service!
what's he up to?

and boy goes in, but what
comes out will amaze and
suprise you!

yeah, they won't be
the only ones.




Wait your turn, pal.
You're ruining my act.

i have no time for amateurs.

give me the keystone
of bezel!

if it's magic you want,
it's magic you shall have!

hex is up to his old tricks.

looks like a job for
lucky girl.

hand over the keystone,
or i shall destroy you all!

you forgot to say pretty

the keystone and lucky girl.

How convenient.


Charmcaster, d--do something!

yes, uncle.






since you're palling around
with hex, you're no friend
of mine.

there are kinds of luck,

Let me show you the bad kind.

guess what?
I'm not just lucky anymore.

I am totally kick butt!

oh! Even with your new
powers, you are no match for a
master magician!

Now give me the keystone!

finder's keepers, skull face.

and loser's weepers.

is that the best you got?

Then again, that's pretty good.



Get off of me, dog breath!

See you around, fido.

uh, uh!




where's ben?

circle around, then drive
them toward me like lambs to the

yes, uncle.

this way!


ben? You ok?

Where's lucky girl?

all right, hex, time for
a suprise party.

uh! Oh!

not so tough without your
bag of tricks, are you.

i--i didn't mean to hurt

My uncle made me do it, i swear.

why should we believe you?

my name's charmcaster.
I'm hex's niece.

You know what he's like.

He doesn't take no
for an answer.

I can help you!

He's after the keystone
in your bracelet.

duh. He wants it to magnify
his powers.

that's not all.

If he performs the ritual of
bezel with the keystone at

The highest point during
the eclipse, he can recreate all

The other charms you destroyed.

making new friends,

Give me the keystone, or watch
them suffer a painful demise!

i won't let you do this,

How dare you betray me!


i guess you are legit.

Now, let's go finish the job
before hex can dry off.

my uncle's gonna be really,
really mad at me, isn't he?

ok, then go with our grandpa.

Ben and i will handle your

oh, thank you!
Thank you!

I will never forget this.

uh, is it me, or was that
a bit weird?

you're a superhero now.

Trust me, people act weird
around us.

Uh, my watch is still in
the red.

We have to wait.

we can't!


give me the key!


huh? Mm.

We'll see each other soon,
and finish our business then.

uh, what just happened?

The keystone!

It--it's gone!


playing innocent was genius,
my dear...

Though you should have informed
me first!

yes, uncle, i was wrong not
to, but i had to think fast when

The lucky girl surprised me.

no matter. Soon i shall have
enough power to destroy all my

And rule the world!

I turned away for just a second,
and wham!

When i came to, charmcaster
was gone.

all that "my uncle made me
do it" stuff was just an act.

She needed to get close enough
to me to steal the keystone.

Some hero i turned out to be.

right now all you should
care about is how to stop hex

And charmcaster before they
recreate those other charms.

she said the ritual would be
performed at the highest point
during the eclipse.

and the highest point around
here is...

i do not want to be

we're running out of time.

The eclipse is only a few
minutes away.

guess it's all up to you,

i'll need some help.
Still feeling lucky?

what can i do without
my powers?

hey, you never needed magic
powers to help out before.

elevator's out.
How are we gonna get up there?

easy for stinkfly.

Oh, man, that stinks!

Stupid watch isn't working yet.

but that window washer's
platform is.

and i have an idea for
my own ride.

did you really think you
could ditch me that easily?

Now give me back the keystone,
or deal with the awesome powers
of lucky girl!

this is totally bogus.

She can't have any powers,

It's some kind of stupid trick.





your silly stunt has gained
you nothing.

you should know better than
anyone that sometimes magic
is about misdirection.


I forgot how much fun
this thing is.

Hey, grandpa!

ben, hex is--

uh! Aah!

i shall not be denied my
destiny as ruler of the world!

that ain't gonna happen.




hey, charmcaster!

Heard any good stories lately?






yes! It's time for
arms of fun!


I'm fine.


we're not going to make it!






i'll take it from here,

that would be a big no,

Change in plans. I get the power
of the keystone and the charms,
and you get squat.


i just needed a master
magician to perform

The re-creation ritual,
and now that that's done...

Now, where was i?

The power of bezel will soon
be mine!

show's over, charmcaster!

ha ha ha ha!

That staff only works in
the hands of a master magician.


How come that worked?

do you know what you've done?

saved the day?


ahh, looks like
the magic's gone...

And lucky girl along with it.

ah, don't be too bummed.

There's other ways you can be
a hero.


Riding on a hoverboard?

you know, to get good on one

Of these things takes a lot of

then i better get started.


Wait a minute!


Ha ha ha ha!

Ah, ha ha ha!