05x15 - The Treasure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x15 - The Treasure

Post by bunniefuu »

CHARLES: Do you want me to put out
a press release on that?

DANIEL: Oh, I'd hold off
for a few days, Charles.

Let the boys in the corner offices
on Wall Street sweat it out.

CHARLES: Whatever you say.

DANIEL: You don't agree?

- Hm?
- Does it matter?

Especially lately?

KRYSTLE: They told me at the house
you'd be here.

Sorry about standing you up
the other day, Kristie.

I had to leave town, emergency.

Oh, well, I get the feeling
that's not too unusual, Daniel.

And I promise not to do it
to you again

unless absolutely necessary.

Are you ready to go to work?

- Sure.
- Good.

DANIEL: The mare is Desiree
and the filly is Descalla.

Descalla's in the process
of being halter-broken.

Let's see what you can do.


Now, remember, Kristie,

Arabian's a little more spirited
than what you're used to.


Hi, how are you?

Aren't you a pretty girl? Yeah.

I'll take her.

It's okay. Oh, oh.




I'm all right.

I'll get her.

Wait a minute.

When she settles down.


Now she's ready.

KRYSTLE: That's all right.

That's all right.
Come here, come here.

Come on, come.

Hold your arm firmly
around her neck, that's it.

You have more control that way.

Come on, come on.

There we go, there we go.

That's more like it.

Come with me, Kristie.


I want you to see Sisimca.
She's one of our better show horses.



You did real well, Kristie.

Thanks. I enjoyed it.

So did I.

I have to go home.

What do you think you're doing?

Everybody I've talked to agrees with us
about the symbols on the map.

This is becoming more and more
a waste of time and money.

Can't we please just give it up
and go home?

No, not yet.

There's someone else in this town

asking the same questions
about Lieutenant Belvoir.

His travels
with that stolen Inca statue.

But that's impossible.

Belvoir only left one map
and we've got it.

No, there's another person
looking for that statue.

It's an American woman.

Late s. Brunette.

And you think
that she could be Fallon.

Yes, I think so.

I hope so.

And we're not leaving here
until we find her.


I'm sorry I'm late.

I, uh...

I was up in the nursery
a little while ago.

Kristina is more beautiful than ever,
isn't she?


How was your flight?
You must be very tired.

Oh, I am, a little.

But you look upset about something.

Oh. I was driving home
from Daniel Reece's farm

when one of those four-wheel
drive trucks ran me off the road.

Ran you off the road?
You're not hurt, are you?


Did you happen to see who it was?

No, but I did write down
the license number.

I'll take care of it.

You said that this all happened
when you were coming home

from Daniel Reece's farm?

I've decided to take him up
on his offer.

He's teaching me about breeding
and training Arabians.

I see.

Does that mean
that you're in business with Reece?

Well, no. But I plan to be.

That's expensive breeding horses,
isn't it, Krystle?

I'll find a way.

I'll go change.

- Hello, darling.
- Hello, Mummy.

I'm sorry about Grandfather.


It's a pity you never met
Tom Carrington, darling.

He was wonderful
and we really did admire one another.

But apart from some nonsense
about his will

and that Deveraux woman
controlling it,

I was happy
that I was with him at the end.

And need I remind you, Amanda,
he was not your grandfather.

You're not still
keeping up this charade

about Blake not being my father.

Yes, I am. Because it's the truth.

- Just like Nome was the truth, Alexis?
- Dex.

Oh, it's so good
to see your husband.

Oh, it is. You know it is.

What's the matter?

You're not annoyed because I changed
my mind about Alaska at the last minute

and went to spend some time
with a dying old man.

In Sumatra.

Well, he just happened to be
dying in Sumatra.

With Blake Carrington.

Who just happens to be his son.

Look, Dex,
if you think that I went to Sumatra

to spend time with Blake,
you're wrong.

And if you think I owe you
any explanations you're wrong again.

Because I do as I please.
I always have and I always will.

Not if you wanna stay married to me,
you won't.

Has he been this edgy
ever since I've been gone?

I don't know.
I've seen very little of him.

In fact, the only talk we had
was about Daniel Reece.

Daniel Reece?

A newspaper clipping I found
about the both of them in Cambodia.


What on earth
were they doing there together?

They were on a mission,

rescuing American soldiers
who'd been missing in action.

How very heroic.

And dangerous.

Dex and Daniel Reece.



- JEFF: Oh, my God.
- The map.

They certainly did a thorough job.

They didn't get the map.

It's Fallon's handwriting.

She's been in this room.

She's here somewhere.

I'm glad we have time to talk, finally.

Yes, so am I.

I just wanted you to know,

how sorry I am to have caused you
all that pain by not believing you.

And do you know
why I didn't believe you?

Because when you first
came here to Denver

you didn't come directly to see me.

The reason I didn't is because
I didn't know which I wanted more:

To take my revenge
against the Carringtons

or to make you admit
that I was one of them.

Well, when I sensed
that you were playing games...

Well, you know how I feel
about devious women.

Like Alexis?


That's the other thing
I wanted to talk to you about.

If you're at all worried about Alexis
breaking Tom's will, don't be.

Because she doesn't stand a chance
if you and I stick together.

I know.

But are we together?

We're family, Dominique.
We're Carringtons.

We're together, I assure you.

I'm very glad to hear that, Blake,

especially since I phoned
my attorney this morning

to tell him to drop that lawsuit
I filed against you.

How does your husband
feel about that?

Oh, he doesn't know
anything about it.

And he's not going to like it.

But I'll make him understand.

Anyway, I have what I wanted.

A father.

Oh, how I wish I could've had him
just a little bit longer.

Mr. Dexter, please.

Hello, darling.

Look, I'm in the middle
of a meeting, Alexis.

Are you still so angry
that you can't talk to your wife?

Oh, Dex, I miss you.

Please come home.

Well, there's not much left to say,
is there?

I think there's a lot to say
about Daniel Reece.

I'm sorry, Alexis.

Once again, you're wrong.

The subject is closed.


Darling, congratulations
on your promotion.

Expect a case of champagne.

Oh, yes,
of course I want something.

But nothing that's going
to prejudice your precious position

in the State Department.

I want to know everything
there is to know

about the adventures
of Daniel Reece.

I've overlooked one important detail.

I don't have the millions it takes.

You could ask Blake for it.

Well, I'd like to do this on my own.

To prove to Blake you could?

How do you think most people
get money when they need it?

Borrow it from banks.
But they have collateral, I don't.

And you have no way
of raising money?

Are you sure of it?

Well, not that kind of money.

Kristie, you're just seeing
the closed doors,

not the way to open them.

Well, the only thing
that's totally mine is Allegree.


Maybe I could find somebody

who'd be interested
in going into partnership with me.

Or more than one partner.

We could form a syndication
for stud fees.


And I'd still own him.

Or at least a piece of him.

We could raise millions that way.

So you could.

This is Henry Harmon's number
in Lexington, Kentucky.

I think he should handle
the syndication for you.

He's the best.

Thank you, Daniel.



Steven, one of my press pals
got a couple of passes for me

to the Broncos game tonight,
wanna go?

Oh, thanks, Luke,
but I think I'm busy.

Think? Well, that's some refusal.

Claudia's due back
from Washington.

Well, that's too bad.
Maybe another time.

Too bad?

I don't think my wife returning
qualifies as a calamity.

That's not what I meant, Steven.

I don't know what you mean,
half the time, Luke.

Well, if you're confused,
that's your problem.

You're not gonna blame it on me.

I'm not confused.

I know exactly what I want.

I wanna save my marriage.
And I'm going to save it, okay?

Luke, wait.

I'm sorry. I don't know
what's wrong with me lately.

I've been fighting with everybody.

Try to understand.

Maybe someday you'll realise
that I do understand, Steven.

NICOLE: We have been to every hole
in Bolivia.

Found no trace of the statue,

and not a hint
that your beloved Fallon exists.

I wanna go home, Jeff,
take me home, now.

- You hear me?
- All right, we'll go home.

I wish I'd never laid eyes on this.

Burn it.

Burn it.

Put it and Fallon and everything
that's ever stood in our way

out of our lives forever.

Do it, Jeff. Burn it.

All right. Look at this.

The Church of the Nativity.
I have looked at it a million times.

So what?

But what if this isn't a random page
Belvoir tore from a travel book?


What if this church
is part of the clue?

- Good evening, Gerard.
- Good evening.

I'm gonna be upstairs

and I won't wanna be disturbed
for about an hour.

Excuse me, sir,
but you have a guest in the library.

- A guest?
- Daniel Reece.

Forgive me, but I think
he's more than a little irritated

having been kept waiting.

- He's been here since : .
- Hm.

Hello, Blake.

I'm very sorry about this,
must be some...

I understand, traffic in this town
can be unbearable.

It's that, I don't have to tell you

what minutes
means out of a business day.

Huh. I don't understand. Are you saying
that we had an appointment?

Are you saying we didn't?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

You mean somebody
in your office didn't call

and tell me to be here at : ?

No, it must be a mistake.

Somebody's gonna have
to be reprimanded,

either my staff or yours.

Well, my staff
doesn't make that kind of mistake.

And you're suggesting mine does?

No, I'm just saying that when someone
moves quickly, too quickly,

that these kinds of things
can happen.

Moves in what areas?

Oh, say, in the area of invading
new territory, for example.

You make it sound
like I'm Attila the Hun,

raping the countryside.

Oh, from what I hear,
you're buying up everything

that isn't bolted down
between here and the Utah border.

Well, is there anything wrong
with a man expanding his holdings?

As long as a man
doesn't get in my way,

I don't care what he buys.

I have a rule,

I never go after anything
that can't be taken.

Does that rule hold only for companies
or does it apply to wives as well?

In the old days, Blake,
men fought duels over cracks like that.

Well, fortunately, we're a little more
civilized now, wouldn't you say?

Yes. Fortunately.

Good afternoon.

About that notion that my wife

is gonna go
into the horse-breeding business.

Yeah, what about it?

What Krystle doesn't need
is a hobby.

I couldn't agree more.

Now, this yearling, Charminade.

Good bloodlines,
beautiful conformation.

I think you ought to go after her.

That's a pretty valuable filly, Daniel.

The bidding will probably start
at $ , and go up from there.

So what?

Once Harmon
gets the syndication deal,

probably by the end of the week,

you'll have or million to work with.

Now, um,

I'll be right beside you at the auction,
in case anything sh...

What's the matter?

I haven't had much time
with Allegree.

Well, where is he going?
To Kentucky?

All that grass. Standing at stud.
Ten, , mares a week.

It's not a bad life.

But you have to remember something,
Kristie, this is a business not a hobby.

No matter
what Blake Carrington says.

When did you talk
to Blake about this?

Yesterday. It's not important.

He doesn't take
my going into the horse business

all that seriously, does he?

Oh, he takes you seriously all right.
Perhaps a little too seriously.

Now, this colt here, Talbian.

What did he say?

What did he say?

That you were somehow
in need of salvation.

From what?

From me, I guess.


Well, that's ridiculous.

Yeah, well,
that's what I tried to tell him.

Daniel, would you excuse me?

There's something
I have to take care of.

Could we continue this tomorrow?


So that's it.
You've made your decision.

You're going to work with Reece
and the hell with the rest of us?

That's Kristina, me,
the whole family.

Blake, let me tell you something.

I've waited all my life for our baby.

And along with you,
nothing is more important to me.

Kristina is never out of my mind.

And she's going to grow up
knowing that I love her.

And when she's grown,
I want her to be proud of me.

Lam not doubting that.

- Aren't you?
- No.

All right,
maybe I'm beginning to doubt myself,

who and what I've been all my life.

Up to now,
I've been content to live my life

through everybody else's eyes.

My life's been on hold
for so many people,

listening to their problems,
trying to help solve them.

I've been a passive person
while everybody else does.

Well, now I want my chance to do.

And I don't want my life to slip away
without having had that chance.

Krystle, there are so many things
that you could do in your extra time.

Like what?

Well, you could involve yourself
with charity work.

Oh, Blake, I wasn't born rich.

And I'm still not all that comfortable
being rich.

And I'm not comfortable
giving speeches at benefits.

Sure, I enjoy an occasional afternoon
at the country club,

but that's about the extent of it
in that world.

And suddenly your world
is Arabian horses, is it?

No, not suddenly.
I've always loved horses.

And if I'm making a mistake,
let me at least find out for myself.

Then I'll go back to reading magazines
and dispensing loving advice.

But until then, damn it,
I'm going to do what I want to do.

- Yes'?
- Mr. Carrington.

A man from the
Department of Motor Vehicles for you.

Oh, put him on please.

Hello? Yes.

There's no such license plate
registered in Colorado?

Hello, Mrs. Dexter. I hope
I haven't kept you waiting too long.

Oh, please call me Alexis.

And if you have,
it's my fault for arriving unexpectedly.

But I've managed
to keep myself amused.

It's amazing
what one can discover about a man

by studying the walls
of his inner sanctum.

And what have you learned
about me?

That you're very clever because
your walls tell me absolutely nothing.

At least nothing
that is about rescue missions.

Dex didn't talk. Who did?

Oh, I always find out
whatever I want to.

Cambodia, the MIAs.

East Berlin,
tunneling dissidents to freedom.

And Beirut, helping to rescue
kidnapped diplomats.

And other feats,
equally top secret if not so heroic.

Exactly why did you come here?

To tell you to keep my husband
out of your exploits.

I think that's for Dex to decide,
don't you?

Oh, no.

You see,
I have no desire to be a widow yet.

And if I do become one,
you will regret it.

But there is one rescue mission

that you could carry out here in Denver
without my husband's help.

In fact, I think
that you may already be planning it.

Krystle Carrington.

Poor thing
trapped in that suffocating marriage.

Mrs. Dexter, I'm no Mark Jennings.

Don't manipulate me

to break up a marriage
simply because you don't like it.

That's right. I know all about it.

In my line of business you learn
to scout the terrain before you land,

and you never,
never leave your back undefended.


I like you, Mr. Reece.

And I think you'll find out
that we do have quite a lot in common.

I hope that one day
we can be friends.

- Here's to you.
- Oh, here's to you

for overcoming
insurmountable obstacles

and getting Blake his meeting
with the Chinese.

Well done.

And to you again, for making staid,
old Washington come alive.

I mean that, Claudia.

And to kissing you last night.

Oh, Adam.

Oh, excuse me.

Steven. Steven.

Where are you going?

Why didn't you come over
and say hello?

I didn't wanna interrupt.
The conversation looked serious.

What I have to say can wait.

We're just finishing dinner.
Adam will be gone shortly.

- We can talk.
- It can wait.

- Steven, why are you so angry?
- I'm not angry.

Well, you're certainly
doing a good imitation of it.

Okay. Why didn't you call to tell me
when you were coming home?

I go to the trouble of tracking you,

I find you having dinner
with my brother.

We just got in an hour ago.
We only stopped in for a quick meal.

Steven, we're separated.
And it was your doing, it wasn't mine.

- That's not the way I remember it.
- You wanna have an argument.

You will go to any lengths
to accomplish that.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Maybe we'll both be
in a better mood by then.

I do wish you change your mind
and come with me tonight, darling.

It's time that you met
more of the right people in Denver.

I'm not really in the mood.

Well, tomorrow night
there's a gala at the ballet.

Anthony Dowell of
the Royal is dancing.

I'm sure you won't wanna miss that.

I'll have to. I have other plans.

Blake's giving a dinner
for Dominique

and he expects me to be there
to welcome her into the family.

And what about what I expect?

It's important to him, Mummy.

Why is it that what Blake wants
is so important

and what I want doesn't matter?

Now, I expect you to come to the ballet
with me tomorrow night.

In fact, I insist that you do.

You don't really care
if I come with you or not.

All you care about is having
your own way with me, with Dex.

What happens between me and Dex
is none of your business.

What do you expect me to do?
Pretend I don't notice what's going on?

Or maybe you're not so desperate
to keep me here with you anymore

to make up for all those years
you denied me.

Do you want me
to pack my bags and leave?

No, I don't.

There are other ways
of dealing with difficult children.

Like what?
Cutting off my allowance?

You know I don't give a damn
about money

and if I did, Blake would...

Oh, Blake.

You think he's the perfect father,
don't you?

Well, why don't you ask Steven
what happened

when his loving father chose
to disapprove of his sexual tendencies.

Or ask Adam how quickly Blake
opened his heart and his bank account

to his long lost son...

I won't listen.

No, you won't because it's the truth
and you know it.

Amanda. Oh, God.

Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Are you sure you're all right?

She said she was fine.

I assume you've calm down
enough to come home.

DEX: No.

I just need some clean shins.


We have gone over every inch
of the church and the grounds.

We have retraced every step
that Belvoir made

from the moment he stole the statue
till the moment he d*ed.

I know.

There's no statue.

And no Fallon.

U“. ' 'Dd.

Well, I've said it.
Let's get out of here.


Look at the name on that gravestone.

You think we could have been wrong
about the meaning of the symbols?

What if they don't represent
Inca gods?

- Montana...
- Ls Spanish for mountain.

The next symbol is river.

- Well...
- Let's check it out.

Look, look there. Look.

Carlos del Rio. Rio, river.

Jeff, I think we're on to something.

All right, the next symbol is sun.

- That would be sol, right?
- Mm-hm.

Sanchez. Gomez.

- Luna, Escalante.
- Wait a minute. Luna, Luna.

Maybe we're misinterpreting
the map.

Maybe this is a drawing of the moon,
not the sun.

All right, we have mountain,
river, moon.

Below the moon, there's an urn.


And there's the urn.

We'll cover it up
and come back after it's dark.

There's something in here.
It's heavy.

Oh, Jeff. Jeff, that's it.

That's it. We've found it.

JEFF: We certainly did.

Oh, it's beautiful.

The jewels
are supposed to be inside.

WOMAN: I'll take that.


WOMAN: Don't move. The statue.

Give her the statue.

- Like hell I will.
- Just give it to her.


JEFF: Drop it. Drop it.

You're not Fallon. Who are you?

Damn it, answer me. Who are you?

All right. Let's go over it again.

You never met Fallon?

You never even saw her?

You're sure? DERN: I told you.

The only reason I had her letter
is that it happened to be in a file.

Professor Montera gave me on Belvoir
and the statue.

You were right, Nikki.

This whole thing
was a wild ghost chase.

Jeff, haven't you had
enough to drink?

Why? I have plenty to drink about.

I think I'm chasing Fallon when in fact,
it's Miss Dern here,

dedicated student of archeology
chasing us with a cute little g*n.

Tell me, Miss Dern,

are people in your field
usually armed and dangerous?

I got the g*n when I found out
you were after the statue.

I just couldn't let that statue
get stolen away from this country,

like so many others before it.

Well, your worries are over because
I don't give a damn about a statue,

and I never did.
You can have the honor

of giving it to the government
and sticking it in a museum.

And spending the rest of your life
writing papers about it.

Jeff. You can't do that.

Not after what we've been through.
What I've been through.

Why are you doing this to me?

It's not my fault
you didn't find Fallon.

The statue doesn't belong to us.

No. It doesn't.

Bolivia will be very grateful.
Thank you.

Good afternoon, Blake.

Sit down.

Did I hear you offer me a drink?

No, you didn't.

Well, in that case,
let's get down to business.

Let me guess. Um, your father's will.

Knowing you, Alexis, you're gonna try
your damndest to break that will.

I'd just like you to forget the idea.



Don't tell me
it's because of good old time's sake.

Because you don't have a chance
of succeeding.

And you want to save me the time,
the trouble and the aggravation.

That's so very thoughtful
of you, Blake.

I just want to hear you say
that you're dropping the whole thing.

I've fought bigger battles than this.

Bands playing, confetti falling
and big bucks trying to intimidate me.

Very big bucks.

Except that this time the enemy
is not something corporate,

something impersonal, some
grey entity with computers for a soul.

This time you're gonna be
up against a family,

a flesh-and-blood family.

And we're not gonna yield
to your usual tactics.

As you may remember,

there are three of us
involved in this will,

Dominique, you and I.

Now, if I side with her,
if I give her my support, you've had it.


Up until a few days ago,
you barely knew she existed.

Yes, but now she's my half sister.
She's family.

And I will fight to the death for her.
You'd better believe that.

All right.

I don't need Tom's will to break
that saloon singer into little pieces.

There's more than one way
to destroy her.

You better believe that.
And I'll find it.

A toast. A very special toast.

At this table tonight there's
a wonderfully beautiful woman.

Correction, please. And I'd better
make that correction quickly.

At this table there are three
wonderfully beautiful women.


But right now
I'm talking about Dominique.

My half sister, Dominique.

Welcome to our table.

Welcome to your family.


Thank you, Blake,
and thank you, Adam.

Thank you too, all of you.

My family.

This is a night I've dreamed of
since I was a child.

A dream I never thought
I'd see come true.

I only wish that my mother, Laura,
were here

and my father, Tom, to share in this

very special moment.

I thank you.

That was beautifully said.

Thank you.


The ballet was divine.

How was Blake's little dinner?

Oh, it was wonderful.

A garden of flowers on the table?

Like Versailles.

Sherbet after the fish course?


Lime? Hm.

And what was the entrée?

Veal Provengale.

A bit on the peasant side,
wouldn't you say?

Krystle better keep a closer eye
on Mrs. Gunnerson in the future.

And what of Dominique?
Miss Show Biz herself.

How did she act when she became
a bona fide Carrington,

smiling through the tears,
pulling out all the stops,

bringing down the house of Carrington,
as it were?

Oh, she was beautiful.
I'm proud to have her as an aunt.

Auntie Dominique.

Do you really think that thieving
parvenu is in any way related to you?

Yes, I do.
In fact, we're having lunch next week.

If you'd care to join us.

No. Thank you.

I want you to get me some information
on Dominique Deveraux.

Her portfolio,
the structure of her holdings

and what the stock issues
in her company are.

Yes, now. I don't care how late it is.

I want to know everything
about that woman.



What's the matter? Hung-over?


It was a bad, bad night.

No, Jeff, it was a wonderful night.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that you and I got married.
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