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21x10 - Black and Blue

Posted: 05/20/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

the people are represented

by two separate, yet
equally important groups:

the police, who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys,
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.


Great jacket.

- Thanks.
- Are you a model or something?


Really? You're offended
because I paid you a compliment?

I didn't ask you to
compliment me, did I?


I'm just trying to
walk to the damn subway,

now back up and get
the hell out of my way.

Get the hell out of your way?

Who do you think you're
talking to, sweetie?

Are you serious? You're gonna record me?

We're just talking.

I said back up and get
the hell out of my way.

Have a wonderful night, miss.

Pleasure talking to you.





. What's your emergency?

- Yeah, a man's been shot.
- What's your location?

On the corner of West
rd and Fort Washington.

- What's his status?
- Please. Please, he's bleeding.


I hear he was on the job?

Took two to the chest.

Recovered the casing near the body. mm.

- Mm-hmm.
- Any witnesses?

No. Nothing yet, anyway.

Name was James Doyle.

Detective First Grade.



He goes by Jimmy, not James.

Oh. Sorry.

I'll see you on the other side, brother.


Good evening.

At approximately : this evening,

Detective First Grade James Doyle

was shot and k*lled
while working off duty.

Jimmy was a -year veteran of the NYPD

and a recipient of multiple
awards and accommodations,

including the Medal of Valor,

which is awarded for
outstanding personal bravery,

intelligently performing
in the line of duty

and imminent hazard to life...

Did you see anyone in
the immediate vicinity?

- No.
- No one?

You didn't see anyone
running or jumping into a car?


I'm sorry, I was so focused
on the man who got shot.

How far away were you when
you heard the two loud pops?

I don't know.

About yards.

And you ran toward the
sound of the g*nshots,

which means you were
there five or six seconds

- after the sh**ting.
- What's your point?

My point is I find it hard to
believe you didn't see anybody.

Hey, come on, Frank.

I'm just trying to motivate her.

Okay, okay.

You know what, ma'am?

If you can think of anything else

that might be helpful
to us, give us a call.

Thank you.


We're gonna have to take
this one step at a time.

Let's go.

We need to talk to Jimmy's wife.

Yeah, okay.

Excuse me.



Hey, cuz.



I am so sorry. I can't
believe this happened.

Heather, this is my
partner, Kevin Bernard.

So sorry about your loss.

Is there somewhere we can...

Hey, guys, can we have the room?


[SIGHS] I hate to do this.

I understand.

It's fine.

You have any idea who
might've done this to Jimmy?

- No.
- Was he having any problems,

anything unusual going on in his life?

No. He was doing great.

Were there any recent arguments,

- confrontations?
- Not sure.

We split up about three years ago.

Oh, I-I didn't know.

I'm sorry, I...

Jimmy and I, we haven't
talked in a while, so...

Sometimes life gets in the way.

Just the way it is.


But we were still really close.

Talked to him every day.

'Cause he was my best friend.


You have any idea why he
was up on rd Street?

How long were you and Jimmy dating?

Almost three years.

I still can't believe this.

We had dinner last night.

He said that he had to get up early

and take his kids to school, so...

[SIGHS] He was gonna
head back to Brooklyn

and sleep at his apartment.

What'd you two do for dinner?

We went to a place on
Broadway called Tarravita.

It's a few blocks this way.


Anything out of the ordinary
happen at dinner last night?

Someone staring at Jimmy? You?


It was a nice, normal dinner.

What about walking home?

I didn't notice anything unusual.



It's not fair.

It's just not.

Jimmy was special.

I know. Jimmy and I were friends.

So you know what I mean.

He loved being a cop,
too, more than anything.

Despite all the protests
and anti-police hate.

Probably not so easy for you though.

You're right.

A lot of my friends
didn't understand how...

a Black woman could date a cop.

A white cop no less.

Any of these friends ever
get in an argument with Jimmy?


Anyone ever thr*aten you or harass you?

That's... that's you, right?

Last night.

Eight minutes before Detective
Doyle was shot and k*lled.

I went over there.

I live five blocks away.

So I walk over there sometimes
hoping to bump into her.

All right? We worked
together at a hotel.

We dated for a few
months, nothing serious.

Then she starts seeing this dude Jimmy

and I still have strong
feelings for Ezrie.

You know, what can I say, man?

Listen, I get a little
obsessive sometimes.

Obsessive enough to k*ll someone.

- No.
- Yeah.

No. Hell no.

I had nothing to do with that sh**ting.

- I don't even own a g*n.
- Let's see this again.

You walk out at : .

The call comes in at : .

That's you. Where'd you go?

What'd you do? Hmm?

What'd you do?

I saw Ezrie and Jimmy at the front door.


He kissed her goodnight. He walked away.

I thought about ringing the buzzer,

but I knew that'd be a bad
idea so I started walking home.

Right about the time
Detective Jimmy Doyle was shot.

Yeah, I heard the sh*ts.

- It sounded like two loud pops.
- Loud?

So you were close.

Meaning you probably
saw the sh**ting too.

No. No.

I heard the g*nshots. I
didn't really see anything.

What does that even mean,

you "didn't really see anything"?

It means I didn't see
the sh**t or sh**ting.

All I saw was some white
dude running down Broadway.

He looked scared as hell.

Oh, yeah? When was this?

It was about seconds
after the g*nshots.


This is seconds after the call.

Let's hold off on
getting a warrant for now.

We need to find out who this guy is

and why the hell he's running.

So I already ran a reverse image search.

His name is Scott Gleacher.

He works at an investment
firm in Midtown.

We need to track his ass down right now.


Yeah, that's me.



It's gonna be like that?

Excuse me?

A police officer was shot and k*lled

about yards away from
where you were running.

I want to help out, but...

But what?

I'm not answering questions
without a lawyer present.

Here's his name and number.

You want to talk about this, call.

He has no priors.

No g*ns registered in his name either.

Any connection between him and Doyle?

No. Nothing.

So some rich Wall Street
dude with no rap sheet

decides to sh**t an off-duty cop

that he doesn't even know?

I know. It doesn't make any sense.

And if he's so innocent,
why not cooperate?

Why not just tell us what he saw

and why he was running?

What the hell was Gleacher doing

up in Washington Heights
in the first place?

I mean, he lives in
Tribeca, he works in Midtown.

Looks he like was at some charity event.

This photo was posted at : p.m.

Where was he?

TeamGirl Inc.

It's a nonprofit that's dedicated

to empowering at-risk teenage girls.


It's Washington Heights.

th Street.


Of course I know Scott Gleacher.

He's one of the founders of TeamGirl.

He just donated $ million,
helped us pay for all this.

Was he at the event last night?

Of course.

- He was the guest of honor.
- Oh.

Was Mr. Gleacher involved
in any unusual activity?

What do you mean?

Was there any arguments
or confrontations?



Have you ever seen this man before?

No, doesn't look familiar. Sorry.

Thank you for your time.

If you don't mind,

why are you asking about Scott Gleacher?

He's a person of interest in a homicide.

I've only met him a few times...

but there have definitely been

a lot of rumors swirling lately.

What sort of rumors?

I've been working for
TeamGirl for about a year now.

I started going to meetings
when I was in high school.

It was great.

It really motivated me to get
good grades and go to college.

So you're in college now?

Yeah. Fordham.

Oh. Good for you.

You work at TeamGirl. You
must know Scott Gleacher.

Yeah, I know Scott.

Are you two romantically involved?

Sort of.

We hang out sometimes.



What's going on?


We're investigating a homicide.

What's that got to do with my sister?

Nothing. At the moment anyways.

We're more concerned about
her friend Scott Gleacher.

Were you at that party last night?

No, it was for rich people.

They were trying to raise money.

Forgive me for asking, but I noticed...

you have some stitches
above your right eye.

What happened?

Don't answer that, sweetie.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry.

Just noticed some bruising and
stitches, so I thought I'd ask.

- She's doing fine.
- That's good to hear.

Just one more question,
then we'll go on our way.

Do you know anything
about that policeman

who was shot last night?

She doesn't. Now, if you don't mind...

- I'm just trying to ask her a...
- She's not gonna answer any more questions.

Now please leave.


Thank you.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

How you doing?

- Thanks for meeting with us.
- Sure. What's up?

A woman named Regina Daniels

was treated at New York Presbyterian

about three days ago.

She got admitted to the ER

with a gash above her right eye.

Hospital said they contacted SVU about

possible domestic abuse.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember her.

She said that she hit
her head on a table.

- You're not buying it?
- No, I'm not.

She insisted that she
was telling the truth

and went on to tell me
that she and her boyfriend

were madly in love.

I tried to talk to her, but no dice.

She ever say anything
about Detective Jimmy Doyle?

No. Why would she bring him up?

We're following a lead.

We got video of Regina's boyfriend

running away from the crime scene.

Not sure if or how he's
related to the m*rder,

but he's the only game in
town and we're chasing it.

Well, she definitely didn't
say anything to me about him,

but I was planning on calling her

to check in with her,
see how she's doing.

So I'm happy to do some digging
if that would be helpful.

Yeah. That would be good.

In the meantime, we're gonna pretend

that conversation already happened.

Might give us an angle
to leverage the boyfriend,

Gleacher, into cooperating.

Yeah, worth a shot.

Good luck with the investigation.

- I'll be in touch.
- Thanks.

You know, it's hard enough
being a cop these days.

Last thing we needed is
losing one of our own.

Like we said the last time we talked,

we got you on video
running down Broadway.

We also now know that you're dating

a teenage girl named Regina Daniels.

Who had a bruise and eight
stitches above her right eye.

We're not sure how all of this connected

to Jimmy Doyle's m*rder,

but for some reason, I know it is.

Call it my Irish instinct for tragedy.

And if you know
something, now is the time

to get out in front of it.

Well, my client is happy to cooperate,

but we're going to need full immunity

for any potential charges
relating to Regina Daniels.

Well, if he's so innocent,
why is he demanding immunity?

Because Regina's nuts.

She gets emotional and irrational.

Of course she's
emotional and irrational.

She's . You don't like it?

- Don't date teenagers.
- And don't hit them.

Look, guys, it's simple.

Either we get immunity or we don't talk.

Watch yourself, Carl.

You're playing hardball with
the wrong guy and the wrong case.

We can arrest his smug little
Wall Street ass right now.

Hell of a headline.

"Founder of TeamGirl
arrested for beating up

a -year-old female employee."

I never laid a hand on her!

Were you involved in
his m*rder, yes or no?

No! But I know who was.

Easy. Easy. Easy. [WHISPERING]

You know who shot Jimmy Doyle?

Yes, but I'm not saying another
word unless I get immunity.


Gleacher claims he
knows who k*lled Doyle.


And he's not going to give us
a name unless we immunize him?

Even though he swears
he never touched her.

I just got off the phone with Benson

and Regina says she knows
nothing about the sh**ting.

All right?

Also says she's not
interested in pursuing

a criminal case against Gleacher.

Right. She just happened to
fall and hit her head on a table.

Look, Sam, no one's trying to
give a free pass to an abuser.

But it sounds like the
odds of this woman, Regina,

coming forward isn't great.

And even if she did come forward,

the odds of getting a
conviction aren't great.

So, as disgusting as it is,

we need to make a deal with this guy.

Like I said, our policy...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. A
cop just got m*rder*d.

I don't really care about your policy.

We need to make a deal
with this prick now.

So call whoever you got to
call... Price, McCoy, the Pope.

Just do whatever you gotta do

to make sure that we make this deal.


You tell us what you know, what you saw,

and then if we believe you,

we'll agree to immunize you

from any potential criminal charges

Regina Daniels might file in
connection with the injuries

she sustained on April th.

Any other charges or claims before
or after that date don't apply.

- Understand?
- Okay.

That's fair enough.

Just tell them what happened.

No need to hold back.

After the charity
event, I went to meet up

with Regina at her apartment.

I started walking over there,

but her sister Kendra confronted me,

told me to stay the
hell away from Regina.

She just got back from Miami,

saw the cut near her sister's eye,

and went crazy.

She never liked me.

Never approved of our relationship.

She started calling
me all kinds of names,

making crazy accusations.

I told her she was wrong,

that I'd never lay a hand on her sister

or anybody else for that matter.

But... she was going nuts.

I tried to walk away,
but she pulled a g*n.

Told me if I ever got near Regina again,

she'd "put my white ass in the ground."

She meant it too.

Then, out of nowhere, I
hear someone yell "NYPD."

I look to my left and see some guy

hurrying toward us.

Kendra takes off running,
so I take off too.

About seconds later,
I heard two g*nshots.

Yeah, I saw Gleacher that night.

I told him he was too old
to be dating my sister.

Okay, why not just
say that the other day?

I didn't want Regina to
know that I confronted him.


Did you and Gleacher
get into an argument?

No. Not really.

We just talked.


Regina's only years old,

and he was playing her
like some kind of toy.

But she was falling in love.

During the course of your conversation,

did you encounter an
off-duty police officer?


- Did you hear any g*nshots?
- No.

We know you're lying, Kendra.

We searched your place
while you were at work

and found blood on your
jacket and your shoes.

Kendra Daniels, you're under arrest

for the m*rder of Detective Jimmy Doyle.

I'm just glad we were
able to get an arrest

in such a short period of time.

I know that Jimmy's family is grieving,

but hopefully this can
help their grieving process

in some small way.

And on a personal note,
I just want to say that...

This one really hurts.

But, Jack,

we're here to support you and your team

moving forward, so anything you need,

just let us know.

Thank you.

Jack, where are we
from a legal standpoint?

We're still collecting evidence,

but right now the biggest issue

is we don't know why the defendant

actually shot Detective Doyle.

I understand, but let me be clear.

This case is extremely important to us.

This city is under siege.

Criminals are getting
more brazen by the minute.

Anti-police sentiment
is at an all-time high.

There's a march every other
week demanding to defund us,

for God's sake.

So we have to do everything
that we can to heal this city,

to get justice for a
decorated police officer,

and to protect the men
and women wearing blue.

So you need to send a message.

You sh**t a cop,

you will spend the rest of
your damn life in prison.


The DNA on the shoes and jacket

are a match to Detective Doyle.

Okay. So she's our sh**t.

Yes, that seems pretty clear.

What's not so clear is what caused
Kendra Daniels to pull the trigger.

We still don't have any
eyewitnesses or surveillance video.

So it's her word against Doyle's.

The problem is, he's dead.

So we work with the evidence we have,

use that to paint the portrait
of what actually happened.

Let's start with the
defendant, Kendra Daniels.

She's got a good job,
good reputation, no priors.

Not the first Girl Scout
to sh**t and k*ll someone.

If she wanted to protect her sister,

she should've called the police.

I get it, but some
people in some communities

don't really trust the police.

The bottom line is...

she threatened Gleacher with a handgun,

a police officer saw what was happening,

intervened, and now he's dead.

She has to pay the consequences.

I agree, but like I said,

it's more complicated than that.

According to the
defendant, Detective Doyle

used a racial invective
while apprehending her,

further escalating her already
heightened emotional state.

There is no doubt she has
to pay the consequences.

My question is what's
the appropriate charge?

Excuse me?

All we know is a woman in
a heightened emotional state

shot a cop who tried to apprehend her.

It's like a Rorschach test.

You can see what you want to see.

I don't care what anyone
wants to see, Nolan.

I care about the evidence.

Base your decision on
the facts and the law.

Nothing else.


Docket number CR - ,

People v. Kendra Daniels.

Aggravated manslaughter
in the first degree.

Manslaughter? Are you kidding me?

- Quiet.

How does the defendant plead?

Not guilty, Your Honor.

- Mr. Price, bail?
- $ million.

Your Honor, the defendant has no priors,

has long-standing ties
to the community...

Bail is set at $ million.

[GAVEL BANGS] Next case.

You're a coward, Price!

Might as well give her a free pass!

That's enough! [GAVEL BANGS]



Price. What the hell was that?

Aggravated manslaughter?

The best I could do based
on the facts, all right?

Good news is it's winnable,
it's still years in prison.

She shot a cop.

I know you're upset, but this case

isn't as straightforward as you think.

There's no witnesses, no video.

The only two people who
know what really happened

are Doyle and the defendant.

Don't give me that crap.

Kendra Daniels pumped two
shiny ones into his chest,

and that's m*rder one all day long.

- With all due respect...
- Don't "all due respect" me.

Fine. You can preach all day long,

but it doesn't actually mean anything.

You can't prove what actually happened.

You can only guess. That's the issue.

We don't know what happened.

And in this political climate,

there's no way a jury is
going to convict a woman

for m*rder one based on these facts.

You mean there's no way
they're ever going to convict

a Black woman for sh**ting a white cop.

That's what you're
really saying, isn't it?

Because if Kendra Daniels was white...

But she's not. She's Black.

There's a certain reality to that fact

that if you don't understand that,

or you can't appreciate
that, that's on you.

I'm doing the best I can

with the facts and the evidence I have.

I'm sorry you don't approve,

but don't you dare
question my integrity.

- Or what?
- Hey!

That's enough.

The man's just doing his job.

His job is to prosecute Kendra Daniels

to the fullest extent of the law,

not make excuses for her
just because she's Black.

Hey, give me a second, Price?


Hey, man.

You gotta back down.

That woman shot and
k*lled Jimmy Doyle, Kev.

And she knew he was a police officer.

That's it. That's all that matters.

That's what you believe, Frank?


You believe it's that simple?

A Black woman and a white cop?


- Hey, Price.
- Yeah.

Frank is a good man.

Says what he feels, and right
now he's feeling a lot of pain.

And for the record...

I respect what you're doing.

Takes a lot of guts to stare
down NYPD on a case like this.

I put my arms up and
begged her not to sh**t me

when I heard someone
yell "NYPD, don't move."

So I turned to look and I saw a man

in regular street
clothes rushing toward us.

- What did the defendant do?
- She started running.

And what did you do?

I started running too.

And you're certain you
heard Detective Doyle

identify himself as NYPD?


Nothing further.

You've been immunized
from any criminal charges

relating to your physical abuse

of Kendra's little
sister, Regina, correct?


There's no evidence
that Mr. Gleacher abused

or assaulted Regina Daniels.

Sustained. Watch yourself, Mr. Harris.

When Detective Doyle
approached you and Kendra,

you both ran off in
different directions,

- correct?
- Yes.

But Detective Doyle
pursued Kendra, not you.


In your opinion, was Detective Doyle

close enough to you and Kendra
to determine your skin color?

Objection. Calls for speculation.

Overruled. Answer the question.

Yes, it's possible he was close enough

to see the color of our skin.

Nothing further.

Mr. Gleacher, were you brandishing

- a firearm that night?
- No.

Was the defendant brandishing
a firearm that night?

- Yes.
- Nothing further.

You may step down, Mr. Gleacher.

Okay, next witness.

- Prosecution rests.
- Mr. Harris?

Defense calls Detective Michelle Pierce.


Internal Affairs.

Oh. Okay.

Pull up any complaints
involving Doyle right away.

Your Honor, may we
speak in chambers please?

Your Honor, we intend to prove

Detective Doyle was r*cist,

that he confronted Kendra Daniels

because of his racism,

and that he, in effect,
provoked his own death.

Whether or not Doyle was r*cist

is irrelevant to this case.

It has nothing to do
with the actual sh**ting.

Kendra Daniels was
threatening Scott Gleacher

with a -milimeter Glock.

Doyle saw the g*n, the argument,

and intervened in what he
assumed was an armed robbery.

He didn't choose to get involved

because Kendra was Black.

And moreover, to introduce this
type of inflammatory evidence

is clearly more
prejudicial than probative.

Detective Doyle's relationship to race

is the foundation of our defense

and nothing can be more
relevant or probative.

Race was the reason Doyle pursued Kendra

instead of Gleacher.

The reason he didn't listen to or trust

what Kendra was saying

and ultimately the reason

she was forced to sh**t and k*ll him.

Your Honor, it is clear that
Mr. Harris is trying to divert

the jury's attention
from the actual facts

by putting Detective Doyle
on trial for two prior,

unsubstantiated Internal
Affairs complaints.

And for God's sake, haven't
we all learned a lesson

from the OJ Simpson debacle?

Do we really want to
go down that path again?

I do not need a lecture, Mr. Price.

I agree with the defense.

The victim's relationship with
race is integral to their case,

which means the two prior
Internal Affairs investigations

are relevant and will provide
context for the confrontation

between Detective
Doyle and the defendant.

How can two Internal
Affairs investigations

from over years ago possibly
provide context to this m*rder?

I'm allowing it.

Must be an election year.

Watch it, Price.

One more word, and I
will hold you in contempt.

Please state your name and job title.

Michelle Pierce.

I'm a detective in the
New York Police Department,

Internal Affairs Division.

Has your department ever investigated

Detective James Doyle?

- Yes.
- How many times?


And what were the nature
of these investigations?

Both investigations involved
as*ault and battery complaints.

Could you tell us who
the complainants were?

These are copies of the
actual legal complaints.

Feel free to refer to them
to refresh your memory.

The first complainant
was named Philip Jackson.

The second complainant
was named Travis Fairmont.

What were the specific allegations?

For Philip Jackson, "The
police officer grabbed me

called me a punk-ass
N-word, threw me into a wall,

then punched me in
the face three times."

Now Travis Fairmont.

"The police officer
repeatedly hit me in the back

with his nightstick,
kicked me in the stomach,

then called me various racial slurs,

including the N-word."

In both instances, the complainants

referred to a police officer.

Could you please clarify

the name of that police officer?

Detective James Doyle.

Nothing further.


There were two investigations, correct?


Both of the investigations
took place over years ago

and neither one of them

resulted in any disciplinary action

being taken against
Detective Doyle, correct?

Yes, that's correct.

So he was essentially found
innocent of the charges?


As for the two men who
filed the complaints,

one of them was charged
with aggravated r*pe,

the other was charged with the m*rder

of a seven-year-old girl.

That's correct.

So the two men who accused
Detective Doyle of racism

were both degenerate criminals.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

Nothing further.

The judge is giving the
defense whatever it wants.

She's losing sight
of the facts, the law.

I know.

Good news is you bought back
most of the damage on cross

and the jury's not stupid.

They'll understand that those complaints

were really just pathetic
attempts to discredit Doyle.

How can you let them do that to Jimmy?


You just sat there and
watched while that lawyer

tore apart his reputation, his legacy!

I'm sorry, I know that
must've been unpleasant.

Jimmy was a good man

and he died trying to do a good thing.

He is a hero, for God's sakes.

And what they are doing to him...

I have three kids.

That crap is gonna follow
them until the day they die.

When they google their father's name,

it'll say "r*cist cop,"
and that is not okay!

She's right, it's not fair.

The problem is there is
nothing we can do about it.

Well, sure, there is.
We can prove them wrong

and rebut this idea
that Doyle was a r*cist.

Maybe we should call Doyle's girlfriend.

If nothing else, it
proves there's at least

one Black woman out there
he loved and admired.

Yeah, it might not be
enough, but it's something.

Ms. Gates, how long did you
and Detective Doyle date?

Almost three years.

How would you characterize
your relationship?

It was amazing.

We loved each other very much.

Did you think Detective
Doyle was r*cist?

No, of course not.

I mean, look at me for God's sake.

Thank you.

Ms. Gates, please direct
your attention to the monitor.

Detective Doyle sent you
this two years ago, correct?


Your Honor, I'd like to
show the jury this video

in its entirety as it
pertains to whether or not

Detective Doyle was r*cist.

Yes, you may show it.

To my beautiful, amazing
girlfriend on her th birthday.

I don't know what I'd do without you.

I really don't.

You're one of the best things
that's ever happened to me.

I can't get enough of you, baby.

I really can't.

Guess Mick Jagger was right.

"Brown sugar is the best
kind of sugar there is."


I've seen lots of white cops

do horrible things to
Black men and women.

I saw two of them beat
my cousin Ray to a pulp

for having a beer on the street corner.

So yeah, I don't trust the police,

white or Black.

So when Detective Doyle

is charging towards you

with his g*n pointed at you,

what did you do?

I panicked.

I tried to tell him that no
crimes were being committed,

that I wasn't trying to rob anyone,

but he just kept screaming at me

to get my black ass on the ground,

yelling for me to get on my knees.

Did that upset him?

It made him crazy.

He started yelling even louder,

using all kinds of racial slurs,

demanding me to comply with his orders.

Kendra, why didn't you just do

what Detective Doyle said... comply?

I've seen what happens even
when Black people comply,

when they do what the police tell them.

My cousin Ray complied.

Did what they asked.

They beat him senseless anyway.

So with Detective Doyle yelling at you

to get on your knees with
his g*n pointed at you...

What did you do?

I tried to calm him down.

Told him I was just trying
to protect my little sister.


And then I remembered that
I had a g*n in my jacket.

I wanted to make sure that he knew,

I didn't want him to be surprised,

so I told him.

But when I...

When I told him, he
just started coming at me

and he had this look in his eyes.

I thought he was gonna sh**t me.

I really did.

I didn't want to end up like
George Floyd or all the others.

So I did what I did because
I didn't want to die.

The g*n was in your hand,

not your jacket, correct?

No. It was my in my jacket.

So with Detective Doyle's
g*n trained on you,

you were still somehow
able to retrieve the g*n

from your jacket and sh**t him twice?

That's what happened.

After you shot Detective Doyle,

you didn't call , correct?


And you didn't attempt to
render aid either, did you?

No, I was scared.

I just started running.


you just left Detective Doyle

on the pavement...




Nothing further.

Accused and counsel, please rise.

Madam Foreperson, how do you find

on the charge of aggravated
manslaughter in the first degree?

We find the defendant not guilty.

- What?!

- Order!

You call this justice?

- She k*lled one of ours!
- Order! Order!

I won't say it again.


Madam foreperson, how do you find

on the charge of aggravated manslaughter

in the second degree?

We find the defendant guilty.

- Yes!
- She didn't do anything wrong!

- Order!
- She deserves more!



I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


Cop k*ller!

You tried a hell of a case, Nolan.

Yeah, everyone seemed to be
so happy with the outcome.

Sort of the point, isn't it?

When both sides are outraged,

it probably means it was a good result.

It doesn't feel so good.

A really smart
prosecutor once told me...

if you try a good case,

if you do it the right way,

whatever the jury decides is right,

whether or not it feels good.