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05x18 - Sons

Posted: 05/17/22 06:32
by bunniefuu
Banana blueberry
with a hint of cinnamon.

I think it's my best yet.

Hm. I like chocolate chip...

- Mmm.
- ...with syrup.

I like eating pancakes in bed.

- Do you want to have sex again?
- Yes.

Do you want to finish
the pancakes first?


Me too. (CHUCKLES)

We are very good
at pretending to be married,

but we are very bad at getting married.

I don't want to do it anymore.

Not the marriage, the wedding.

I don't want any more
dress fittings or guest lists.

I just want to be married.

- Shaun...

...we have more minutes
of our fake honeymoon.

No work.

There is an opening at the
courthouse tomorrow at : .


Cheese, no. Peppers, yes?




Is that him?

Based on the last three voicemails,

he's calling about
the restraining order I filed.

How are you feeling?

Like my future is a dark, formless void,

which makes it full of possibility.

Like a one-bed, one-bath rental.

You've only been here a few days.

Which is a few days longer
than anyone should crash

on their boss's couch.

Thank you, Audrey.

Thank you.

Why am I watching you make a smoothie?

You're watching me dance
while I make a smoothie.

It's not a smoothie
if it has tequila in it.

It's a spinach and flax seed margarita.

Hey! And it makes you dance.


- Okay, listen...
- No.

(GRUNTING) Too much butt, though.

- Think about the butt.


What are you doing here?


Meet my parents.


Synced & corrected by -robtor-

Steph Lewis, .

She had a brainstem stroke
nine years ago

that left her paralyzed
from her face down.

have % movement in three fingers

so don't sell me short.

W... How'd you type that so quickly?

I have eight different
pre-programmed phrases

to put people at ease.

She's had four serious bouts
of pneumonia

in the last few months.

Um, she's taken levofloxacin
for the infection

and glycopyrrolate
for the trach secretions,

but she still has high fever,
decreased energy, night sweats.

He's so sexy when he talks medical.

DR. RESNICK: The pneumonia
caused scar tissue,

which is compressing her lung.

She needs surgical decortication.

That's a pretty aggressive approach.

Surgery comes with serious risk,

recurrent air leaks,
respiratory failure, sepsis.

And giving round after round
of antibiotics

is only going to make
the infections harder to...



I want the surgery.


I know the risks.
I'm sick of feeling crappy.

YOSEL: I have terminal lung cancer.

Doctors say I have less than a year

and no good surgical options.

I'm... So sorry.

We're not here for sympathy.

God, in his wisdom, gave us a son

who would grow up to be
a doctor for times like this.

He will work a miracle through you.

I can't do lunch today.
I have a job interview

with New York Medical Center.

I didn't know you were
considering positions

on the other side of the country.

I'm not. I just want to
get multiple offers

so I can leverage a better one
from St. Bon's.

Makes you look in demand.

Uh, I'd rather look like
I want the job I have now.

SHAUN: Oh, hello.

- Hi.
- Yes.

Um, thank you so much
for your gift, whatever it is.

We are returning it.

We're getting married
at the courthouse tomorrow.

And since neither of you are invited, said we're
supposed to return the gift.

Excellent. I can exchange it
for store credit.

That's exciting.

They're getting married where
people pay parking tickets.

- What about a destination wedding?

Hmm. We're good.

I have to go. We are going to be

husband and wife in hours
and minutes.

Mm. Mm.

Stage four lung cancer

which has invaded the chest wall.

Six rounds of chemo.
The treatment has caused

severe anemia and colitis.

Your hair is flatter.

We need a CT of the chest,
abdomen, and pelvis,

CBC, blood cultures, and an EKG.

I will review your results
with Dr. Andrews,

and we will try to find
a treatment to help you.

God bless you, Dr. Murphy.

Okay, thank you.

Can you guys cool it

with the blessing people
in the name of God?

This is a secular hospital.

It's called Saint Bonaventure.

Mr. and Mrs. Wolke, I'm Jerome.

We met briefly this morning.

I'm gonna draw some blood.

Jerome is...

A nurse.

Jerome is your nurse.

The surgery went well.

We removed all of the scar tissue,

and the lung expanded completely.

- Thank you.
- Mm.



Why can't she move her hand?

Steph, can you blink
when you feel something?

What's going on?

Will it come back?

I don't know.

I read your letter

a few months ago.

I sent it six years ago.

I wasn't sure I wanted to hear
what you had to say.

But it was nice.

I just wanted to tell you
about the family.

I'm not a part of the family anymore.

You made that very clear when I left.

You chose to leave.

We wanted you to stay,
wanted to help you.

You're not the only one who struggles

with finding the right path.

We all must sometimes choose
to deny our flesh.

You're right.

I did make a choice.

I could follow your rules,

or I could love and accept who I am.

I chose which one mattered more...

And so did you.


Are you okay?

Take a deep breath.


I need some help!

CT shows the chest wall tumor has grown.

He's bleeding into the thoracic cavity,
and it is collapsing his lung.

He needs surgery to stop the bleed now.

His blood cell counts are too low.

Maybe we should do an echo
to see if his heart

- is stable enough for...
- No. There isn't time.

Get consent from your mother,
and I will start

prepping your father
for the embolization.

The anesthesia must have caused

a drop in Steph's blood pressure

and completed her previous injury.

Then her best bet's
eye-tracking technology.

That'll be great,

as long as she only wants
to speak one word a minute.

Well, she'll get the hang of it.

After months of training.

Well, it's better than what she has now.

How'd the interview go?

Mm. Great.

The head of internal medicine

is basically me years from now.

We loved each other.

And her department just got
a SPORE grant.

Sounds like you're interested.

It sounds like I'm answering
your question.

Oh, with enthusiasm.

Wha... What am I gonna do
with a second blender?

Yeah, I got you a blender.

JORDAN: Open it.

Weddiquette says I can't.

That's dumb. Just open it.

Oh, I can't.

(WHISPERING) Just open it.





I really love it.

Mm-hmm. The photo's just a placeholder

- until you get the real wedding pics.
- Mm.

But that dress looked amazing on you.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

- This was fun.
- Mm-hmm.

Your blood pressure looks good.

No fever or sign of infection.

We should be able to start you
on eye-tracking tomorrow.

W... We tried that before.

It can take a while to get used to.



JULIAN: No, no, the camera's
facing the right way this time.

I promise.


STEPH: This is the living room.

Also the dining room, kitchen,
guest room, and office.


All conveniently located
in these square feet.


And it's all ours!



- Someone's phone's ringing.

- I know.


We can give Steph her voice back.

Advance the catheter to the
right fourth intercostal artery.


He got this scar teaching me
how to ride a bike.

I was going too fast.
I didn't know how to brake yet.

He caught me.

We both ended up with stitches.

Delivering the embolic agent.

My dad taught me how to tie a tie.

He was a minister who wore
his Sunday best

every day of the week.

When he died,

I wore his suit jackets
every day for a year.

My dad was my first chemistry teacher.

We baked together every
weekend on a quest to find

the perfect oatmeal
chocolate chip cookie recipe.


I'm cold.

ANDREW: Fluid is cloudy.

He has a malignant pleural effusion.

Can we drain it?

It will keep coming back

and spread the cancer
everywhere in his chest cavity.

Your father's prognosis was wrong.

He only has a few weeks to live.

You have weeks. Maybe days.

But likely weeks.

DR. ANDREWS: We'll continue
to drain the fluid

and try to find a surgery
that will give you more time.

God has privileged us
with great miracles.

And He will again.


The Jewish holy day of rest
begins tonight.

God and I plan to do just that...


Okay, let's...

We'll implant electrodes
on her sensorimotor cortex,

which will decode her brainwaves.

All Steph has to do is try to speak,

and the receiver relays the signals,

which are translated into speech.

It's brand-new technology

that's only been done
successfully a couple times.

It's new technology that would
give Steph not just a voice,

but her voice back.

By uploading audio files taken
before the stroke, we can...

But Steph can't handle another
life-threatening surgery.

The eye-tracking device will
allow her to communicate...

Right now, they've got nothing.

They love each other.

You're pushing false hope
because you see Steph

as nothing but a burden.

I'm trying to give them
some quality of life.

You're risking her life
because you can't imagine

making that kind of sacrifice
for another person.

LIM: Park's right.

It's risky. But it's not false hope.

Let's take it to them,

without any hint of whatever's
going on between you.

(SIGHS) No one is coming into

a patient's room to turn on the TV.


And this way, I can ensure it.


Okay, if you want him to
breathe through Shabbos,

I suggest you leave those plugged in.


Hi, family.

- Hello.
- How's your pain?

It's nothing I can't handle.


Will you join us for Shabbos, Dr. Allen?

Uh, I'd love to,

but I should be researching
how to save your life.

Am I dying tomorrow?

Then Shabbos is more important.

From sundown to sundown,

we devote a day to joy and God.

How can I say no to God?




♪ Blue ♪

♪ To green ♪

♪ So quickly ♪

♪ Whispered words ♪

♪ So sweetly ♪

I'm sorry.

I was projecting and overreacted.

An interview is just an interview.

They offered me the job.

♪ Whispered words ♪

Asher, will you say
the mischa beruch for Abba?

Prayer for the sick, for his father.

You want me to pray to a God
I don't believe in?

Why can't you honor me
in my last days on Earth?

These aren't your last days.

You told me...

We're finding a surgical solution.


I am dying.

I have accepted that.


I'm sorry, Miriam.

What I want is to go to God at peace.

I want you to come home.

Be with me and your mother

and your brothers and sisters.


It's sad.

I want to be your son...

Almost more than I want to be myself.

But I can't.

This is who I am.

And this is my boyfriend.

♪ ♪

You have been acting differently.

Is it because you think

it will make your parents like you more

if you act more... More...

- Straight?
- Mm.

I think they'd like me more
if I actually was straight.

My parents would have liked me better

if I didn't have autism.

But your dad is not like my dad.

Your dad came to see you.


The effusion fluid is reaccumulating

faster than we can drain it.


The tumor's like a faucet
we can't turn off.

It's spraying cancer-water everywhere.

That is an interesting simile.

We can't turn it off,

but we can give it nowhere to go.


SHAUN: By injecting the
pleural cavity with a slurry of talc,

inflammation and scarring
will fill up the space,

clogging up the tumor and
giving it nowhere to leak fluid into.

ASHER: And after you heal
from the surgery,

we'll try an experimental
targeted immunotherapy.

It should give you a year, maybe more.

Ko vay hashem Yah-chalifu Koach.

How long is the recovery?

You will have to stay in the hospital

for at least one week.

What are the chances I'll survive it,

the surgery, the treatment?

There are risks of both,
but we're confident...

I don't want to die away
from home and my family.

We're giving you more time.

Please take it.



Baruch hashem.

Excuse me. I have flowers for...

Someone else can take them.

LIM: Exposing the sensorimotor
cortex of the left hemisphere.

Electrode array is prepped
for implantation.

I heard Morgan got a job offer
in New York.

- Yeah.
- Tough call for her.

As long as she's at St. Bon's,
she'll be seen as

the doctor who used to be a
surgeon but can't be anymore.

- prolene on a castro
to suture the dura.

The AI will take samples from
a variety of cortical regions

that are used in speech processing,

and the predictive analytics should...

Would you work faster if you
didn't explain every step?


STEPH: To have and to hold,

to honor, to treasure,

to be at his side in sorrow and in joy,

in the good times and in the bad...


...and to love and cherish always.

I love you.


You're being a jerk.

You think I'm being a jerk to
the people that want me to be

the godly, straight person I never was?

For the two years I've known you,

you have been cute and funny and clever

and caring and sensitive.

Suddenly, your parents show up
and you're just angry.

I think I have every right to be.

Why do you think he came here?

So I could save his life

and send him back to his real family.

Asher, he would have found a reason

to get on that plane
if you were a car mechanic.

He came here for peace.

Not a miracle cure.

(SIGHS) We have two minutes in total

at the courthouse to say our vows.

My vows are seconds
if I'm talking slowly,

which I might because
it is an important moment.

Is one minute and seconds
enough time for you?

- Lea?
- Sorry.

Yeah, it is.

You don't sound happy.

Do you not like Jordan's wedding gift?

No, it's beautiful.

It's just a reminder that I'll never

wear a real wedding gown
at my dream wedding.

That's kind of a bummer.

Have you changed your mind
about the courthouse?

No. In those dreams,

you are the only constant, Shaun.

Just the two of us,
that's enough for me.


Shaun? I'm confused.


I think I'm getting mixed signals.

Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?

Is it? It doesn't feel like it is.

Well, you don't normally pick
up on non-verbal cues, right?

That's quite a leap.

Lea says she's disappointed

that we are having our wedding
at the courthouse,

but she also says she wants to

have our wedding at the courthouse.

Not quite as big a leap
as I thought, but...

I want to respect what she wants,

but I also want to respect
her disappointment.

How, How, How do I do both?

Oh, boy. (CHUCKLES)

People don't always know what they want.

But they should.

Especially if it's a wedding.

Yeah, they should.

Let me think about it.


He wants to die.

He's scared.

I think he's at peace.

He wants to go home, be with God.

You should let him.

You want me to take
moral advice from you?

You gave that up when...

I lost my morality
when I lost my religion?

Without God, there can be
no objective...

My compassion? My decency?

You don't really believe that.

Samuel : .

"When Saul saw himself losing
to the Philistines,

"he threw himself on his own
sword to avoid being captured."

Your father's not facing t*rture.

He's with his family. He's...

He is the one suffering.

He gets to decide.

It's pikuach nefesh!

You do not stand by
while your friend bleeds.

This is not your friend.

This is your father.

This is su1c1de.

You know there's a difference
between actively taking a life

and passively letting it go!

And you know that doesn't
let us simply give up.

- The principle...

If you cared about principle,

you wouldn't put a timer
on the lights for Shabbos.

If you can find a way to justify this,
you can justify this!

But you don't want to.

You don't care about
what the Torah says.


♪ This is what you wanted ♪

People are curious
about my life, my old life.

♪ At least that's what I thought ♪

They ask if I learned
Western history in school,

if I ever saw a TV, talked to girls,

if my parents had an arranged marriage.

♪ Nothing's ever enough ♪

They're curious and kind of...

♪ Everything is happening now ♪

...appalled by it all.

♪ But I'm still having
the hardest time ♪

And the truth is...

♪ Hardest time when all you see ♪

...a lot of it appalls me.

(VOICE BREAKING) A lot of it
is embarrassing for me.

♪ The tide going in and out,
the in-between ♪

But... The one thing
I push back against,

the one thing I will always defend...

♪ You're feeling tired ♪

♪ Oh ♪ your marriage.

♪ It's getting harder and harder ♪

♪ Oh Your love. ♪

♪ Keeping my head above water ♪

(CRYING) I dream of finding
someone to love me

the way you two love each other.

Mom, you don't want him to die
because you love him.

♪ I'm strong enough to hold my own ♪

♪ Hold my own, yeah ♪

That's the only reason.


It's a very good reason.

♪ When all you see ♪

♪ The tide going in and out ♪

You don't want the pain of losing him,

but do you love him enough
to take away his pain?

♪ The push and pull holding you down ♪

To make that pain yours?

♪ You're feeling tired ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ It's getting harder and harder ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Keeping my head above water ♪


♪ Keeping my head above water ♪

♪ Keeping my head above water ♪


I'd like to ask you a favor.

It's gonna cost you.

I don't think it will.

It'll take some time for the AI

to completely learn your brain waves,

but you can give it a try...

When you're ready.


I love you.

(BREATHES SHARPLY) I love you, too.



Those from him?

I'm finding them a good home.

And I found an apartment.

Wow. You only just started
calling me Audrey.

Yes, Dr. Lim, you will have
your place to yourself

within a week.

That's great.

I remember,
my sophomore year of college,

my boyfriend dumped me,

said it was the honorable thing to do

because he was sleeping
with my roommate.


Wrecked me.

Three weeks later, I thought,
"Wow, I am so over that jerk."


Three months after that, I thought,

"Wow, I can't believe I thought
I was okay after three weeks.

"But now I'm doing okay.

"I'm gonna be fine, back up on my feet."

Took a year.

Your situation is obviously different.

And you're more mature, wiser.

So maybe you are ready.

But on the other hand...

I get used to things, and right now,

I've gotten used to
your world-class breakfasts.


Maybe you could give me
a few more weeks?

I'd be honored to do you that favor.



I need those.



Well, that won't do.

- Will that do?
- No. Not at all.

We are going to throw you a wedding.

A proper wedding.

No. We decided not to wait...

Now. Here.




♪ ♪

You need a haircut..


♪ ♪

I love you, son.


(VOICE BREAKING) Goodbye, Dad.


♪ ♪

I got you something.

I would assume so.

You are invited to a wedding.

It would be rude not to.


These were passed down from
my great-great-grandparents.

This was supposed to be for Maddie.

I'm glad you two will be
wearing them both.

Was your father a good father?

He did his best.

- Was he good?
- I don't know, Shaun.

I... I loved him, I guess.

Okay, but was he good?

Shaun, I'm clearly trying
to avoid this question.

My father's not around
to defend himself.

- You know?
- I know.

Can we go fishing again sometime?

I thought you hated fishing.

I'm cold.

And wet.

And very bored.

It'll be a good memory.

My father is a very good father.


I love you, Dr. Glassman.

I love you, too, Dr. Murphy.

Maybe we should go with the clip-on.



I've been lucky enough
to be given the training

to save lives.

But I don't think I've ever
felt luckier than I do right now.

Shaun Robert Murphy,

do you take Lea Abigail Dilallo...

I do.



To have and to hold,

to honor, to treasure,

to be by her side in sorrow and in joy,

through good times and the bad,

and to love and cherish her always?

I do.

Lea Abigail Dilallo,

do you take Shaun Robert Murphy,

to have and to hold,

to honor, to treasure,

to stand by his side
in sorrow and in joy,

through the good times and the bad,

and love and cherish him always?

Oh, yeah, I do.

Uh, the rings.



Then by the power vested in me
by the State of California,

I now pronounce you husband and wife.



You may kiss the bride.
And you may kiss the groom.

♪ Even when you're far away ♪

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

♪ I won't let go ♪

♪ You're deep in my soul ♪

♪ Stay ♪

♪ Even when you're far away ♪

♪ I will survive ♪

- ♪ Our love will guide me home ♪

♪ You feel like home ♪

♪ You take me home ♪

♪ You feel like home ♪

DR. GLASSMAN: About years ago,

a young man walked into
my clinic with his brother,

cradling a dead rabbit.

He was very young and very sweet

and... (CHUCKLES)
I thought totally lost.

And here we are, some many years later,

and I realize... I was wrong.

♪ When I'm close to you ♪

He was never lost.

♪ The world feels small ♪

He always knew who he was.

He always knew what he wanted.

He always knew exactly what mattered.

♪ Even when you're far away ♪

And he found it.

♪ I will survive ♪

Someone else I may have
underestimated just a tad.

You two deserve each other.

You deserve love...

And you deserve all
the happiness in the world.

♪ You feel like home ♪

And then some.

♪ You take me home ♪

♪ You feel like home ♪

(EXHALES SHARPLY) To Shaun and Lea.

ALL: To Shaun and Lea!




♪ I may not always love you ♪

♪ But long as
there are stars above you ♪

♪ You never... ♪

I want the job.

♪ I'll make you so sure about it ♪

I understand.

♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

♪ If you should ever leave me ♪

♪ Though life will still go on
believe me ♪

♪ The world could show nothing to me ♪

♪ So what good would living do me? ♪

♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

They look so happy, don't they?

Yes, they do.


Make me kinda hate 'em a little.

SHAUN: Okay.

People are drinking. A lot.

We need more glasses.

We have a bunch in the break room.

I'll go get them.


♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

♪ If you should ever leave me... ♪



Can you hear me?

I've got you.

Code Blue! I need a cart!

- He's here.
- Please don't talk.

He's here.

What? Who's here?

My ex.



- Aah!






(DISTORTED) ♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪


(NORMAL VOICE) ♪ God only
knows what I'd be without you ♪

♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

♪ God only knows ♪

♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

♪ God only knows

♪ God only knows
what I'd be without you ♪

♪ God only ♪