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02x19 - O Titan, Where Art Thou

Posted: 05/17/22 06:25
by bunniefuu


[Collector laughs] Almost free.
Almost free!


Whoa. Whoa!

Is someone there?

I won't be alone.

I won't be alone anymore!


Who said that?
Who's there?

- What?
- [Collector] Wait!

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait!

Don't leave!
Come back!

[gasps, pants]

Hey, sleepyhead.

We're back in

[ship horn blowing]



"Mom took Pensta
but we're safe,

will contact."

Aw, she sent
so many hearts.

Hope she's
doing okay.

Is that Amity?

It's okay if you wanna
check on her.

I can get to
the Owl House on my own.

I think
they might be my family!

And maybe they're
an answer to all our problems.

If you think
Belos is evil,

you've never seen
a live Titan.

[Luz] King,
you're not one of them.

Then what am I?

You're a Titan, King.

[Luz] You're the son
of the Boiling Isles.

Hey, look!

Everyone missed us so much,

they put up pretty signs!

[both growl]

Let's take
the long way home.

Without that bird tube,

this place was wide open.

I still haven't
recovered from that tea party.


[all gasp]

Do you think they were arrested?

They're hiding out on The Knee.

Using my old keys,

we'll travel through
the service tunnels.

From there we initiate
the security system

and everyone,
including Belos,

will be trapped
inside the castle.

Day of Unity stopped.

You don't think
they changed the locks

after you got booted
from the coven?

Well, at least
I'm coming up with ideas.

Hey! I came up with
some great ideas.

Putting snorse glue
in the Emperor's shampoo bottle

isn't going to
save anyone's life!

This is just like you.
You never take things seriously.

At least Luz and King
are far away from here.


Someone's tripped
the booby trap.

[both gasp]

Hey, Lulu!

[Luz] It took a while to figure out which town
you were in from your map.

We had to keep off the streets
with all those wanted posters,

but that's when we
saw your Hex Mix

trail, and, well,
you know the rest.

- What map are you talking about?
- The one you left us, obviously.

Oh! The one
we left them.

Well, someone
had to bury our bones.

I got you a shirt!


[Lilith] "I was sacrificed
to the Grand Huntsman"?

What the...

So, turns out King's letter was
sent by a group of Titan Trappers.

And they may have tried
to sacrifice King to The Collector,

who they worship.

Oh, so you found a commune
of bloodthirsty fanatics

in a place that was
supposed to be empty.

Well, they couldn't
have been that scary,

not without any Titans
to trap. [chuckles]



...King is a Titan.

Looks like I'm due for a growth spurt
soon. [chuckles]

[all gasp]

I can't believe
that little guy

is gonna turn into
that big guy.

It certainly explains
his strange new powers.

He's just dealing
with so much.

I wish there was a way we could give
him some comfort.

I can't
believe this.

All this time,
you've had a Titan under your roof!

[gasps] I've
eaten ice cream with a god!

Just cause
he's got tall genes

doesn't mean
he's a god.

And he falls into
the toilet, like, once a day.

Perhaps he's
still too young.

His powers haven't
awakened yet.

Ooh. But who knows
how he can help us against Belos.

Don't worry, Luz.

We're not putting him in danger.

He's a Clawthorne
and technically your nephew.

dear sister?

Of course.

I'm a god's aunt!

But is he a gentle god
or an angry god?

So, fill me in.

How are we gonna
defeat Belos

and his
Draining Spell?

Uh, right.


it's a secret.


Just for now.

I'll fill you in
closer to go time.

Ah. So if I'm captured,
I can't give anything away.

Smart thinkin',
Owl Lady.

[King] There.
All done.

Nice to meet ya,


Aw, King,
let me help with that.

What're you doing?
Tell her.

Tell her what?

That we have no plan?
That Belos is gonna win?

That the Boiling Isles
are doomed?

[sighs] The kids
deserve one nice day

before they realize
how dire things are.

And King deserves
our praise!

All right, kids.
The, uh, plan

isn't gonna be
ready till tomorrow.

But if you could do anything in the world
today, what would it be?

Thanks, Eda, but I just want things
to feel normal right now.

Well, I wanna
go on a heist.

Of course
you do.

King of, um, Titans,
would you like some tea?

Uh, no thanks.

I'm... I'm good.

Of course, Titans don't care for
such lowly pleasures.

Perhaps I could offer you

dark deeds
carried out in your name?

[screams] No!


it's okay.

I just, uh,
need some alone time.

Your Titan
commands it?

[squawks, whimpers]

[birds cawing]

I saw Scouts
taking boxes from the house.

They're probably holding everything at
the Bonesborough Precinct.

Francois included.

Are you sure you wanna do this
for a stuffed toy?

I mean, wouldn't you rather,
I don't know,

have a beach day?

Maybe if we had time
for more adventures,

but we don't.
[drumming in distance]

Besides, this
is for King.

He needs
his buddy.

[Coven Guard]
Ugh. I hate double shifts.

Can't wait till the day after
the Day of Unity,

know what I mean?

Sure, but, man, I am racking up
OT like crazy.

There! Look!


Let's pounce!

Hold up.

If we're gonna do this,
we gotta do it right.

Belos isn't taking
any more chances with us,

not after your little trip
into his mind.

If we wanna stay alive,
we gotta be inconspicuous.


[chattering stops]

Take me to my...

I mean, the Owl Lady's
confiscated junk!

Nice save.

[grunts, sighs]

Lose your way, little guy?


Actually, I got to where I was going,
but now I, uh...


I know you.

You're Steve from Lilith's party!

Shouldn't you be, like,
kissing the Emperor's butt right now?

Heck, growing up,

all I wanted was to be
an Emperor's Coven Scout.

To be considered
one of the best.

I got what I wanted,

but it's not
what I thought it was.

I hear that.

Belos is supposed
to know everything,

but why should
he know what the Titan wants?

Maybe the Titan
doesn't even know what he wants.

Maybe he's just
some normal guy, you know?


Anyway, you going somewhere?

'Cause I got a sidecar
and nothin' but time.


I point.
You drive.

[motorcycle revs]

[Lilith] Did I insult him
by groveling too much?

[gulps, swallows]

Did I not
grovel enough?

Maybe he just wants to be treated like,
I don't know, normal.

He's a Titan for Titan's sake.

[gasps] Oh, Titan.
I just took his name in vain.

I did it again!

Uh, Lulu?

I think we have
a bigger problem.

- [Coven Scout panting]
- [Luz] Huh.

I would've appreciated
some kinda reaction.

These were
hard to get!

Hey, you, fellow guard.

We just found a load of illegal
Hexes Hold'em cards.

Can we get the key
to the, uh, warehouse?

[elevator dings]

[Eda] Why is everything
going our way now?

[Luz] Maybe our luck's
finally turning.

[elevator dings]

[Eda] Hoo, boy.

We're gonna need
to split up,

if we wanna
find Francois.

If things
get hairy,

you fly outta here
as fast as you can.

Hey, don't give me
that face.

Just say "okay,"


Oh, and if you find
a box labeled

"Eda's longest toenails,"
grab that too!

[chuckles] Ew.

[person] We secured
the Owl Lady's house.

That's correct,
Head Witch.


No, there was
no sign of her.

Just keep looking
until you find her.

And only come to me
when you do.





Head Witch, I'll do all I
can to find the Owl Lady.

You have my word.

Your word doesn't
count for much without results.

Just go.



Captain, I thought I told you to...
[gasps] Eda?

Please, just
give me a minute.

I'm... I'm not
trying to start trouble.

You're wearing
a stolen uniform.

And I am working it.

Listen. I don't know
what you're hiding,

but I do know that
somewhere deep inside...

[chuckles] still care about me.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have let me walk free
back at the Coven Parade.


I know about the Day of Unity
and the Draining Spell.

Nope! I...
I saw that expression.

It is that bad,
isn't it?

And that's why... [sighs]

...I need your help.

There's no time
for your schemes, Eda.


This is for my kids.

They can't be around
during the Day of Unity.

Put them in a castle bunker,
get them on an airship...

I don't care, just...
just keep them safe.

If you do I'll...

I'll give myself up
right now.

Come along, sprout.

Places to be,
hedges to trim.

Awaiting further instructions,
Head Witch.

Stay put.

I'll send someone
to receive the package.

Your uniform
looks outdated, Captain.

Looking like
a pile of compost.

[Luz] Eda?

Are you sending me away?

You... You're
sending me away?

But I can help!

Wh-Why don't you
get that yet?

Call Raine back!

Tell them there's no
"package to receive."

I'm not going anywhere
until Belos is defeated!



After everything
we've been through,

I can't believe you're still
underestimating me.

Fine. Let's just
get back to King.


You're going
with Raine.

They'll keep
you safe.

You can't make me.

Yes. I can.

- [Luz grunts]
- [screams]


[Owlbert hoots]



[wind whistles]
[wood slams]


Luz, please.


[screams, grunts]

Raine will be here soon.

I'll have King join you

But I can help with your plan!

It's time to go.

- [gasps]
- Hands up, Owl Lady!



Lock 'em up!

And use the heavy-duty stuff
this time.

Hey, uh,
your drink's getting warm.

You know, Steve,
I always wanted to have power,

and to command
respect and fear.

So now that I kind of
have all that,

why does my stomach
feel all... ugh.

Wants can change.
So can people.

[wind whistling]

I don't want people to see me
as a big scary monster anymore.

Me neither.

Unhand him, you coven shill...

Wait. Steve?

It's okay, it's okay.
He's not a scout anymore.

Did I read that right?

Nevertheless, let me shield you
with my pitiful life, oh powerful...

Stop! I'm still king!

Isn't this how you acted
with the Emperor?

I'm sensing a, uh,
little bit of a pattern with you.

Hey girl, I've been there.
I can recommend a good therapist.

He's tricking you!

Attack plan activated!


[cell door clangs]

An envoy from the castle
is coming to collect the human.

The Owl Lady is to be taken
to the Conformatorium for Petrification.

A real one this time.

Why don't you just save yourself the trouble
and put me down now?

You happy now?

This way,
neither of us can stop Belos.

Why couldn't you
just let me help with your stupid plan?

Is it 'cause I'm a kid?
Do you think I'm still that weak? Well?

It's because
there is no plan! Okay?

Me and Lilith don't have magic

and we don't have allies.

We're useless.

We have you and King,

so I was gonna do anything
to make sure that were safe.

But now it's all over.

[Luz] Let go!

Belos is a witch hunter.
You... You have to listen.


Eda. Eda, can you hear me?

I'll listen to you now,
I'll do whatever you say!

Just fight back! Please!

[carriage wheels squeaking]

[wheels stop]


Where is she?
Take me to Eda.

If you touch a single feather
on her head I'll... I'll...

Luz... [laughing]
Luz, it's okay.

I'm going to set you down.
Please, try not to bite anyone.

[Luz] What's going on?

Who are these people?

- Luz!
- King!

So, you must be
the famous human witch.

Eda's been bragging about you
for hours. I'm Raine.

Oh, my gosh.

I can't believe I'm actually
meeting you in person!

I heard all about
your adventures with Eda

and how you became Head Witch
of the bard coven,

but were secretly a spy.

And then you and Eda
played that duet and... [gasps]

and then you got captured.

And your memories
got all scram-jambled.

Actually when Darius captured me,
he was really protecting me.

I thought I was the only one
who found this Day of Unity junk suspicious.

When I heard
Raine was causing trouble,

I had a feeling
they'd know more.

You would've been
locked away if it weren't for me.

And a little less bruised.

You could've let me in on things
before attacking me.

You're a horrible actor.
I had to make it look real.

Ugh, this is just like Hexside.

Did you know any of this stuff
when you were in charge?

I'm starting to think
I wasn't very good at my job.

Raine, why didn't you tell me anything?
I could've helped.

Is it so unbelievable
that I wanted to keep you safe?

But, in typical Eda fashion,

you're not gonna stop
until you make things right.

I guess not.

Things aren't hopeless.

They have a plan to stop Belos
and the Draining Spell.

[gasps] Really?

Wait, wait.
Before you get into that,

please tell me
you have a cool rebel name.

Actually, we do.

Allow me to introduce...

Wait. Hold on.

... the Covens
Against the Throne.

We talked about this.
You promised.


I did not agree to this name!

...the CATS!


Everything's come
full circle, baby!

[King squeals]


Look what else is in here.


It's The Palistrom Wood.

I thought you'd want to
carve your Palisman.

What do you say?

I shouldn't.

The Day of Unity
is in two days.

I have to focus on stopping Belos and...

You goob.

Hey this isn't all on you.

Yeah, we have teammates now.
Meow, meow!

What if the Palisman
doesn't like me?

By my count you've befriended
more enemies than I have claws on my paw.

Plenty of witches and demons
would have ditched this rock already.

But you keep learning,
and you keep fighting.

What's not to like huh?

Thanks, Eda. [sniffs]

I think I'm ready to carve.

[chuckles] Um, you're gonna
show me how to do this, right?

Oh, duh.
My dad taught me the ropes.

Here, let's make sure
we have some space.

- Lay the wood here.
- Are you gonna carve me?

Calm down, King.

Now, let's take it slow.

We've got all the time
in the world.