01x04 - Patch Over

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 to 7. Aired: September 2008 to December 2014.*
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A man in his early 30s struggles to find a balance in his life between being a new dad and his involvement in a motorcycle club.
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01x04 - Patch Over

Post by bunniefuu »

Sam Crow's been in this town since I was a kid.

My old man was a county judge. Saw some of them catch their due.

But for the most part, Clay and the others keep slipping through the legal cracks.

Been chatting folks up last couple of days.

Most of them get pretty quiet when I ask about Sons of Anarchy.

Yeah. Clay has some of the locals convinced... his brand of outlaw justice keeps away the corporate bogeyman.

I'd say he's right.

Franchise development in Charming's pretty much nonexistent.

Been jonesing for a Starbucks since I got here.

[Police Radio Chatter]

Sam Crow isn't stonewalling growth by themselves.

They get a lot of help, some of it from inside this department.

Ah, gotta bring it in through here.

Afraid the amped-up carb's gonna throw too much heat on the line.

Might. That new Graytex cable can take a shitload of heat though.

We got troubles.

Want to tell me what the fed's doing in Charming?

Showed up two days ago.

Chicago division. Looking into Sam Crow.

And I'm just finding out now.

How long is he gonna be here?

No idea.

He's collecting intel. Fact finding.

Didn't go into too much detail.

I don't want you out rogueing with this guy, you hear me?

Stick to Charming business.

This fed wants anything, he runs it through me.

Oh, of course.

You're the chief.

That's right. I'm the g*dd*mn chief.

We've taken every precaution to stay out of A.T.F.'s crosshairs.

No busts, no investigations for five years.

We don't know this guy's here for us.

Hale flagged Bluebird as our g*n warehouse.

He's pissed off we made Unser crush the case, and he called in the feds.

I think it's gotta be about us.

Be my guess.

And we've got a garage full of 25 to life.

Any legit place we store those g*ns is a straight line back to us.

Can't Rosen get us some storage short term?

He's k*lling Bluebird, man. He's setting up a dummy corp. It takes a few weeks.

We got that call from Jury last week.

Mayans pressing the Devil's Tribe to pay a vig... to keep running book and p*ssy out of Nevada.

Look, maybe I do head to Indian Hills, offerJury some advice.

He offers our AKs a safe house.


No. That's a risky ride, brother.

Northern Nevada is Mayan territory.

They're still looking to settle the score from our little raid.

The Mayans know that the Tribe's a brother club.

Part of asking for that vig is about sh1tting on us.

They knew Jury would call. They're gonna be watching.

That's what I'm saying. That's why just me and you go, under the radar.

We'll bring the g*ns in the same way.

And you think you could bring Jury on board?

Shit. My dad saved his ass in Tây Ninh. He owes the Tellers a chit.

Look, man. We're not gonna go cowboy.

I promise.


Low profile. I don't want no w*tbacks knowing we crossed into N.V.

They pull this off, I want you and Juice driving the barrels.

Done. We'll need something big though.

I'll call Unser.


All right. Give me a minute.

Yeah, I'll find you.

Everything okay?


I was hoping you could help with the Cutlass. It's in pretty sad shape.

Shit. This was your dad's, right?

It was in the garage under two tons of old newspapers.

Why don't you bring it in back?

Have Lowell take a look at it.



I was hoping you could give me a lift home.

Actually, I'm just heading out for a couple of days.

Okay. Anything come up with the baby, who should I call?

He's out of the woods, right?

Yeah. Yeah.

Just in case of procedural stuff.

[Horn Honks]

Just let my mom know if you need anything.

Everything okay?

Yeah, fine. She's just here to get her car fixed.

Actually, could you give Tara a ride home? She's gotta leave the Cutlass here.

No, that's okay. I'll just take a-

Love to give the good doctor a lift.

Where you going?

Visit UncleJury.

Nevada? By yourself?

With Bobby.

Does Clay know?

Relax, Mom.

It's gonna be fine.



You sent him into Nevada?

It was his idea.

It's club business.

He has a 10-day-old kid. He is distracted.

You have to protect him.

Protect him? From what?


He's fine. Relax.

[Gemma] Now, this one.

What's she doing here?

Anything she can to get close toJax.

Maybe she just needs a tune-up.

Didn't trust her then. Don't trust her now.


Hey, Gemma.

Back it up, buster. Come on. Back it up.

Whoa. Whoa.

Lowell, my back tire needs air.


I gotta admit...

Clay's old lady gave me a serious MI LF chubby.

Hey, I brought the car out of the garage.

It's, uh- It's clear now. If you need me to clear it out again, I can-

Clip a truck from Unser's tonight. Make it look like you stole it.

Cancer boy wants deniability.

"MI LF chubby"?

It's like a compliment, you know?

'Cause she's hot.


[Bobby] What do we got?


[Bobby] So much for low profile.

[Man] #Riding through this world #

#All alone #

#God takes your soul #

♪ You're on your own ♪
♪ The crow flies straight ♪

#A perfect line #

#On the devil's bed #

♪ Until you die ♪

#Gotta look this life #

#In the eye ##

Two on three?

[Tires Squealing]

Hey, Doc!

Gotta sign these.

Thanks a lot.

Mind if I smoke?

And if I said yes?

[Bell Dings]


Must be strange being in that house alone, everybody gone.

Hard to get lonely. My dad was a bit of a pack rat.

I can barely turn around without stepping on some piece of history.


Yeah. Clay's the same way.

Never throws anything out.

Still has underwear from 1967.

Me? I hate clutter.

I get that.


Wanna tell me why you're carrying?

The g*n in your bag.

You went through my bag?

I spotted it.

I'm very observant.

I started carrying it when I was in Chicago. I lived in a rough neighborhood.

Just haven't gotten around to getting rid of it yet.

A Beretta's not an old tampon.

You don't just forget it's in your bag.

Is it registered?

I have a permit. It's legal.

You know how to use it?

Yeah, I do.

Give me the prepay.



So, Mayans spotted us.

Well, this forces our hand.

Can't risk bringing those AKs in, with the Mayans onto our visit.

We need a bigger presence.

Well, I'll have the Vegas boys head up.

No, no. I'm talking about a permanent presence.

It'll be months before the warehouse is up and running.

Indian Hills could be real useful.

You talking patch over?

I don't know, Clay.

Tribe might've started outlaw, but now...

I mean, shit, they're bookkeepers and bouncers.

They're earnin' outlaw-size money. It's a matter of time before the Mayans push 'em out.

They need us for their own protection.

Jury was a real good friend of my old man's, Clay.

I don't feel right slamming a patch, no warning.

It's good for both clubs.

Now, if you don't want to break it to 'em, I'll tell 'em myself at church.


We're ridin' to Indian Hills. Mandatory.

We're patching over the Tribe.

Are you serious?

Do I look serious?

We're-We're short.

I mean, Chibs, he's up north with McKeevy.

Anybody visiting?

Uh, Happy's down from Tacoma doing an autism run.

He's got Lorca, Bowie, Donut, couple of prospects with him.

Get him.

Okay, well-

Wow, Jury's got all that beautiful p*ssy, man.

It's gonna be a four-shot patch over party.

Unfortunately, you're driving the precious cargo.

No, no. Christ, Clay. Come on. You need me.

Hey. Hey.

Last time you had free range on p*ssy, you throat-pumped two brownies.

Your D.N.A. Almost brought us down.

Besides, you're the only one I can trust to handle this.

Come on! Hauling barrels. Let the prospect go with Juice!

What prospect?

[Woman] Which one is it?

Are you an idiot? Take the picture.

Can't find the button. Sorry.


Here. Let me do it.

Holy shit. L-I told him not to sit on your bike.

That's all right.

You look like a guy knows how to get his way.

You do that to her lip?

Bitch has a mouth on her, you know?

Sure. I get it.

So you like Harleys, huh?

Yeah. They look good. But I'm way into the slant bikes for their speed, you know?

Right. Right.

All right. Say cheese.



That's before.



Don't ever sit on another man's bike, assh*le.


Holy shit.

Shut up, bitch!


A little respect for the fairer sex.


[Camera Clicks]

That's after.

Where you headed?

Uh, no place special.

Me too.

I'm Susie.

I'm Jax.

[Man Coughing]

[Shutter Clicking]

Just don't ask any questions, okay?

I'll let 'em know you're with me.


You know, you are theJames T. Kirk of the M.C. World.

Going where no man has gone before.

Let me tell you, brother. I think every man's gone there before.

Jackson Teller!


[Both Laughing]

You guys remember Bobby.


Needles, how you been?


##[Man Singing On Jukebox]

M.C. Royalty in the house, folks.

Jax Teller and Bobby Elvis of the Sons.



Let's make 'em feel at home.

Good to see you, man.

[Man] I'm occupied.




[Jury] We got 'em all shapes and sizes.

I think I could be in love with that perfect darkness.

Daytona, come on over and say hi to Bobby.


Oh, Daytona, as in 500?

As in 1,200... a night.

My treat, brother.

Show me the way.


[Daytona Laughing] Right over here.

That your old lady?


I picked her up at the border. Just a little doe in the headlights.


This honey's with Jax. Show her the ropes, darlin'.

Sure thing. Come on, sweetheart.

See you.

[Woman] Thanks. Just let me know.

I'll see you in a couple of days.

All right. Call me. Let me know he's okay.

Look, you know I'll drive out there.

How embarrassing would that shit be?

I'll call.

I'll call.

[Man] No, no, no, not quitel Started the sports book with the escorts and the strip clubs.

First stop over the border.

Must be churning some serious cash.

Got the Mayans circling for a percentage.

They're jamming me up, Jax.

If I don't pay the Mexicans, they turn my business inside out.

If I kick a vig up to 'em, I disrespect you guys.

Tribe attracts a good membership.


Real good boys.

You still get along with local law?

Douglas County?

Sheriff likes the girls.


How you doing, babe?

I'm good.

Hey, girls. Beers are warm.


We just pulled those.

I'll get those. Excuse me. Come here.

So how are we gonna handle the Mayans?

We're hoping actually maybe you could help us out with a problem.


Got a garage full of AK-47 s.

Need a place to assemble and store 'em till we find a buyer.

It's a temporary thing.

Got a strip club out on 95. Huge basement. Private.

Sounds perfect.

Appreciate it.

You'll talk to Clay?

Let me know how to handle this Mayan thing?

You can talk to him yourself. He's on his way.

Clay's coming out?


It's about the future, Jury.

Future of what?

The Tribe.

Jesus, Jax.

Patch over?

It's time, Jury.

This whole area is blowing up.

We don't patch you over, Mayans will run right through you.

We get a foothold in Nevada.

You get status to protect your business. Best move for both clubs.

A lot of my guys aren't Sam Crow.

The ones that are cut out for it will make it. Others will fall off.

I'm not a young man anymore either, Jax.

I don't know how much outlaw I got left in me.

You'll do fine, Jury.

Never throw these guys any lip, okay?

I didn't.

Just asked 'em a question.

Yeah. That's even worse.

Hey. Where's Bobby?

Out front.


So, uh, how long you been his old lady?

We just met.

Yeah. That's what I thought.

You better pay close attention to what I do, baby girl.

Whose old lady are you?

Hmm. No one's yet.

But soon, one of these guys will realize what a fine old lady I'm gonna make.

How long have you been doing it?

It's about three years.



You and Jury get into it?

He didn't see it comin'.


I don't know if the old man's gonna be able to hang a reaper on his back.

This shit don't feel good to me, Bobby.

Clay's making a mistake. The Tribe ain't S.O.A. Material.

You all right, brother?

Yeah. Why?

J-Just checkin' in.

You've been through a lot of shit... in the last couple of weeks.

Baby, junkie.

Maybe all that noise in your head has gotten you turned around a bit.

Noise in my head?

You got something to say, man, just say it.

You've been second-guessing Clay ever since your boy was born.

Club's pickin' up on it.

You gotta get right with that.

[Man] ♪ We call her American dream ♪
♪ We call her American dream ♪♪

Next time this gavel slams down... will be the last for the Devil's Tribe.

History between our clubs.

Jury and John Teller were in the same platoon in Nam.

Needle's brother's a 20-year member of our Fresno charter.

We have a deep respect for each other.

Now... it's time to become brothers.

I know some of you look forward to wearing the reaper.

Others of you are afraid of it.

That's a choice each man will have to make.

From this point on, we're family.

Indian Hills, Nevada charter...

Sons of Anarchy.


It is my personal hope that every one of you wears this cut.

I know you got a lot to talk about.

I'll leave you to your business.

[Door Closes]

Did you dose it?

Triple dose.

Patch over bash, man.

Makes Mardi Gras look like a sweet 16 party.

With Jury's stable, shit.

Nothin' but young, tight... perfect p*ssy.


Well, Fido's having his own party.

Like that.

Ow. Which one?

Unser said take the cargo truck. The keys should be in it.

[Growling, Barking] - [Tig] Holy shit.

Runl Shitl Shitl Go, go, go! Run, run, run!


Open the door!



[Dog Whimpering]

Aah! g*dd*mn it!


I thought you said you drugged the meat.

I did!

Look at him. He's foaming at the mouth.

That thing should be dead! I dosed him with, like, two grams!

Grams? Grams of what?



You fed crystal to a k*ller Doberman?

Are you Ret*rded?


Should I sh**t him?

No. Drive.

Put it in.

Look at my ass!

##[Woman Singing On Stereo]



Right now.

[Woman] Yeah. You ready?


Hey, darlin'. Do me a favor?

Sure, babe.

Guy distributes your stuff-

He still have access to that federal marshal?

Think so.

Been feeding his Pillsbury Dough girl fetish for years.

[Man, Woman Moaning]

What do you need?

How do you think this thing'll play out?

Half, maybe more will stay.

And that pack'll thin out once the Mayans come a-knockin'.


Which will be real soon.

We can't leave these guys with no backup.

Vegas can hang.

Indian Hills is gonna have to learn how to protect their ground.

Best way to thin out a herd.

Herd's already pretty thin, Clay.

I want to be here forJury when the shit goes down.

I ain't worried aboutJury.

He can handle himself.

[Door Opens]

Can you believe that?

[Men Grumbling]

Looks like the vote's in, huh?

[Man] Let's roll. - [Motorcycles Revving]

We're in.

[Men Murmuring Agreement]



Patch over party!

[Cheering Continues]

What's a patch over?

It means things are about to change.

[Man On Jukebox] #Ooh, I'm a hound dog #

#A sniffing hound dog #

##[Continues, Faint]

[Man] Whool I have a cousin in Iraq.

He still has both his nuts, but... he's lost a couple buddies.

Yeah, you know, sometimes I feel guilty I left after just one T.O.D.

You shouldn't. I mean, you're a hero.


Can you still have kids, or-

Yeah. Leftie's real potent.


# Velvet tongue #

[No Audible Dialogue]

#I can make you holler #

[No Audible Dialogue]

#Get your motor runnin'##

You ever been to Ireland?

Shut up.

Look. Look, man.

It's not my fault that you got bit. All right?

You didn't specify what kind of drug.

I am not happy about being here either.

At least you and I, you know- we can try to have a decent conversation.

What? What do you want? You want to bond?

You want to get closer? Fine.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna dunk my balls in your mouth.

You're gonna gag. I'm gonna laugh. We'll be best friends forever.

Why do you gotta be that way?

You ever been to Attica?

[Barrel Clangs]

Shut up.

Pull your pants up.

You okay?

Want something?

##[Man Singing On Jukebox]

I could get used to this.

Let's just take it a night at a time, babe.

[Woman] Come on. Let's go.

The brunette- She anybody's old lady?

No. Cherry's just a sweetbutt.

Good girl.

How good?

What's mine is yours, brother.

Watch my stogie.


Can I cut in?

Yeah, sure.

Hey, baby.


Come to daddy.


I got to admit, this one gives me a serious chubby.


Look at this shit.

Hey, guys.

Here we go.

[John Teller's Voice] The first time I read Emma Goldman wasn't in a book.

I was 16, hiking near the Nevada border.

The quote was painted on a wall in red.

When I saw those words, it was like someone ripped them from the inside of my head.

"Anarchism stands for liberation of the human mind...

"from the dominion of religion...

"liberation of the human body from the dominion of property...

"liberation from shackles...

"and the restraint of government.

"It stands for social order...

based on the free grouping of individuals."

[John Teller] The concept was pure, simple, true.

It inspired me, lit a rebellious fire.

But ultimately, I learned the lesson... that Goldman, Proudhon and the others learned- that true freedom requires sacrifice and pain.

Most human beings only think they want freedom.

In truth, they yearn for the bondage of social order... rigid laws, materialism.

The only freedom man really wants... is the freedom to be comfortable.

Oh, man!

I hate you.

What's up, k*ller?

I hate all of you.


Morning, Cherry.


Do you want some coffee? Whip up some breakfast?


I thought you liked that guy.

I do.

Well, then why'd you sleep with that old dude?

'Cause that's what we do.

You mean, you just sleep with whoever they tell you to?

I take care of them, and they take care of me. It's a family.

And when I finally hook up...

I'll belong to that guy and that guy only.

See, good old ladies, they can make or break a club.

Come here.


Car's ready.

Figured you'd need it for work.

Oh. Yeah.

You drove it here?

[Exhales] I'm thinkin', uh, me and you got off to a bad start.

It's my way of saying sorry.

That's nice of you. Thanks.


You weren't kidding about the clutter.

Uh, workin' through a room at a time.

Oh, wow.

Your dad was real handsome.

Kinda nuts, but cute.

Yeah. Why are you here, Gemma?

Your car.

Yeah, the Good Samaritan bit's not really playing.

What do you want?


You left Charming because it was incestuous... backward and small-minded.

That's pretty much an exact quote. I don't forget.

You leave Chicago to come back to this- shit-filled house, mediocre gig at a community hospital.

I needed to tie up family business.

People don't upend their lives to pack up a dead relative's house.

You seem to be spending a lot of time and energy worrying about my life.

Do I scare you that much, Gemma?

I don't forget. I'm not worried about you.

Just the people you touch.

Jax is in a real strange place.

He doesn't need any outside voices in his head.

Stay clear of him.

We're not 19 years old anymore. You can't dictate what he does, who he sees-

I'm his mother, and until I am dead and cold...

I am gonna do anything I have to do to protect him.

Oh. And, uh...

I'm not sure why you're carrying a g*n... but if you're gonna use one... make sure to be safe.

No serial numbers.

[Door Closes]

Any problems?

Well, truck's out back. It's all good.

He still pouting?

Who, Tiggy? Why don't you give him the sweetbutt?

Nah, I'm good with Half-Sack. That score's settled.

[Phone Ringing]

Where the hell are you?

Yeah. Looks likeJury's gonna have some backup when the Mayan shit goes down.

What are you talking about?

I'm on my way back, and I'm not alone.

Shit. Mayans!


Pack of'em trailing Jax.

Get rid of the g*dd*mn truck.

Got it.

Mayans? What do you want to do?

Weapons behind the bar.

Pack it up.

You two should get out of here.

What's going on?

Let's go. Let's get out.


Just go.

[Motor Idling]


[Shouting In Spanish]



All right.

What can I do?

Girls all gone?


Open up the garage.

Move the bikes inside! Everybody got a w*apon?

##[Man Singing: Hard Rock]

[Man Shouting]

Go. Go!

[Man Shouts]



Jesus Christ!

Moby's doing good. He likes school.

Yeah, he likes to draw a lot.


Don't see his mom too much, but-

Hey, I'm real happy thatJax's kid's gonna be okay.

I mean, that's a blessing.

What happened to Wendy should be a lesson to you, Lowell.

It is.

No, I know, you know.

And I've been doing real good with all that, Gemma.

I mean, you know, ask Clay.



Any luck?

Nothing really flagged. Uh, no outstanding warrants.

She had a restraining order a few months back.

Against her?

No. She filed it.

My guy said the name was omitted from the report.

What kind of neighborhood she live in?

Old Town. Pretty nice, I think.

You really don't trust this bitch, do you?

All right, Jury. Thanks.

[Police Radio Chatter]

Cleared his book debt. We're good.

What happens now? I'm probably gonna lose a couple more guys 'cause of this.

Well, there won't be another hit for a while.

That, uh-That pop off was just about d*ck size.

They want to let us know they're watching.

Vegas'll stick around for a while.

Appreciate that.

[Tig Chuckling]




I'm sorry about all this, man.

It's all right, son.

You wanna tell me what happened out there?

I went for a ride to clear my head, and the Mayans spotted me.

You saw the rest.

Juice will, uh, stick around and watch over the AK assembly.

I'll have Vegas, you know, bring up some illegals, help him out.

Oh. I, uh- I got some helpers for you.


Really? Oh, I love you.

I know. You don't deserve this.

I love all of you.

Yes, I do. I love all of you. Come on.

One, two, three.


Look, I want to go back and see the kid.

I'll ride back with Happy and his guys.

How's he doing?

Hard to say.

I got anything to worry about?

Not yet.

Thought that bitch was with you.


[Bell Dings]

Dr. Knowles, this came for you.



How's he doing?

Fine. Your mom's in there.

Where else would she be?

How was Nevada?




You okay?

I'm fine.

[Monitor Beeping]

Think maybe someone could've called.

I've been sitting-




Hey, little guy.

[Beeping Continues]

[Beeping Continues]
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