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01x11 - What Now?

Posted: 05/15/22 04:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Chosen words and broken tables ♪

♪ The stage was set,
and I can't take it back ♪

[ECHOING] ♪ Back ♪

♪ I took on more than I was able... ♪

we should just call it a night

before one of us says
something that we can't take back.

Like what?

The fact that maybe we
shouldn't be together anymore?

♪ I was a b*ttlefield ♪

♪ You were a pilgrimage ♪

♪ Taking me further out ♪

♪ Bringing me back again ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ I see it now, falling down... ♪

heard Xavier's name in years.

♪ If you catch me, follow... ♪

[VOICE OF CELINE] We had an affair.

- I got pregnant.
- ♪ Through the looking glass ♪

♪ To find out if you're ready ♪

♪ Hold me steady... ♪


I think you're that baby.


The man who raised me, who adopted me,

he wouldn't have lied to
my face my entire life. No.

I'm sorry, but Xavier is
your biological father.

You're our son.

J.R.: No, Ma. No, no.

Because that would make
Damon and I brothers,

and we're not.

Look, I know this is hard for
both of y'all, but you just got to...

No. Ma, listen.

We took a DNA test.

We're not brothers.

DAMON: Yeah. So either

the DNA test is wrong,

or you're wrong, Ms. Raymond.

So which one is it?


CELINE: Do you remember
how sick you were as a kid?

Having aplastic anemia isn't
something that you forget easily.

The surgery was
a bone marrow transplant.

Ma, I know.

Over time, your DNA...

Merges with the donor's, essentially...

Creating a new one.

DAMON: Which is why
our DNA didn't match.

So y'all's should.

So y'all two are the ones that
need to take the DNA test.

If all this is true,

why did you give me up?

There were a lot of reasons,

but I swear,

I only did what I thought
was best for everyone,

including you.

Best for me?

Being lied to

for my entire life,

not knowing who my birth parents were?

That's what was best for y'all.

That wasn't what was best for me.

♪ I know... ♪

CELINE: Damon.


♪ I'll let go, if you catch me... ♪


♪ Follow you through
the looking glass... ♪


♪ To find out if you're ready ♪

♪ Hold me steady... ♪


Tests to the front of the room.

Ooh. My bad. Heh.


was it me, or was Professor
Corte's, like, midterm,

like, crazy hard?

It's just you.

I'm not trying to
brag, but I k*lled it.


Very humble.

Uh, so how was your fall break?

L.A. was good?


It was fine.

Did I just witness another episode

of "the Da-mone Awkward Chronicles"?

Don't start.

Nate, what are you doing here?

I wanted to check on you.

Since you got back, you've been like
Rihanna's next album:

Nowhere to be Found.

Well, between studying for
midterms, work, and practicing

for the professional
qualifying tennis tournament,

I've been busy.

Simone, this "I'm fine
with the break-up" act

isn't a good look.

Well, I have other things to focus on

other than my break-up, Nate.

When Nico and I split,

I thought I could just go
through the motions

and the pain will go away on its own.

But that ain't the truth.

Life is like a tape.

You can't fast-forward
through the hurt.

You have to let the tape play,

or the bad's gonna keep on repeating.

OK. Well, thank you for
the advice, but I'm fine.

Pinky promise.

- All right. See you all next week.

That was quite the turnout.

My students know better
than to miss my midterms.

If I recall, you had
to learn that the hard way.

See, that was past Ralph.

Well, what brings present Ralph back?

I'm writing a story on Terry Tucker

and the P.E.D. scandal in the Majors,

and I thought it would be useful

to get the perspective
of a former teammate.

- You mean Marcus.
- Mm-hmm.

And you think because I know him,

I could talk him into
giving you an interview.

Well, it's harder for
the source to say no

when the request comes
from someone that they trust.

AMARA: I taught you that trick.

RALPH: Has it worked?

Sorry. I mean, you're gonna
have to seek him out all by yourself.

All good. It was worth a shot.

This could've been a phone call, Ralph.

Oh, I know.


Also, I wanted to stop by in person

and get an update on the
Bringston financial story.

Unfortunately, I don't have one.

I've been distracted by
Veronica Skinner.

Not only did she try to get me fired,

but her reasons for being at
Bringston are a little suspect.

OK, well, I get it.

But why does it feel like
you're missing my midterm?

Oh, you know what? I receive that.

I need to refocus.

I'll pull the minutes from
the latest board meeting.

Maybe there's something
in them that'll be useful.




♪ Let's do this ♪

♪ Feel like a boss ♪

♪ Double up ♪

♪ Like a boss ♪

♪ Put respect on my name ♪

♪ Like a boss ♪

♪ Like a b-o-oss ♪


Well, you're getting better
at controlling your forehand.

Your accuracy's on point.


Thea, are we OK?

You were kind of mad at me
before fall break.

Yeah. Um...

I'm sorry about that.

I wasn't actually mad at you.

I was just dealing with
my PTSD from Kevin

and took it out on you,


all good now.

Well, I'm proud of you for
how you handled that situation.

So now you can focus on tennis

and whupping ass tomorrow at
the qualifying tournament.

Actually, I've been playing in
pro tournaments all summer,

so I qualified for this
tournament months ago.

But you're going to do great.

I know it.

- Thank you.
- Oh, and, um,

just open your hips a pinch

when you're going cross-court.

It'll help you with your depth.

And an added bonus is...

You might even put some
poor girl on her butt. Ha!

Hold on.




red-carpet smile?

You got some new boy in your orbit.

[SURPRISED CHUCKLE] Is it that obvious?

Yes, it's "look at me. I got
a bae." But I'm not mad at it.


- SIMONE: It's a good look on you.
- THEA: Yeah.

So you're not gonna tell me his name?

"My courts are for training,
not socializing. Get back to it,"

from Coach Loni.

Well, she really does
have eyes everywhere.


SANTIAGO: All right.
Make way, boys. Make way.

We got ourselves a legend
coming through, man.

Yo, chill, chill, chill.
I ain't a legend yet.

Give me a few more games,
then we'll talk about it.

Nah, no. We won the game
because of you, man.

If that play was an NFT,
you'd make a fortune.

MARCUS: That was the
absolute worst baseball

I ever seen you play.

Did you even want
to be out there, Damon?

Coach, I'm sorry, all right?

I got a lot of personal stuff...

No excuses, OK?

Pull your head out of your ass

before it rides the pine
this season. You got me?

Come on, now.


- DAMON: What's up?
- Hey.

Congrats on the win.

Thank you, but it wasn't
really my best game.

Oh, so you're aware. Great.

I thought I was gonna have to pretend

that your pitching wasn't awful.

Well, you would only know
that if you came to my game.

So I didn't know that
you were such a big...

- Damon Sims fan.
- Oh.

Slow down, big guy.

- It wasn't about you.

I just like the uniforms.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah. I bet you do.


You don't need to take that?

No. What I need to do is

I need to take you on that date
that we were supposed to go on.


So what do you say we try for tonight?

I'm in.

All right. Ha ha. Cool.

But, Damon...

Whatever you're hiding from,

you're gonna have to
face it sooner or later.

REPORTER ON TV: Terry "TNT" Tucker

has been suspended indefinitely

from professional baseball for
using performance-enhancing...

Yo, didn't you play with him?

Yeah. What about it?

I don't know. It just makes me wonder

how many guys we know
that's taken this stuff?

I guess we'll find out in due time.

The truth always comes out.

LOWE: Ha ha! Hey!

Our boy made play of the day.

Ohh, snap.

Yo, between our boys
playing like they playing

and the HBCU baseball highlights

and now this extra media
coverage on J.R.'s play...


Man, the trustees would be blind

not to see us as a
championship-caliber team again.


As long as we don't
get hit with another scandal.

Why would we?

There's nothing scandalous left.

♪ Pick up the pace ♪

♪ Pick up the pace ♪

♪ Pick up the pace ♪

♪ Pick it up, pick it up ♪

♪ Pick up the pace ♪

♪ And I got the bass ♪



DAMON: Yo, when I said a date,

I meant, like, like
a movie or something.

Yeah, I know, but I thought you needed

something a little more...



Thea, where the hell are we?

Athlete heaven.

Time for a little physical therapy,

Thea Mays style.

OK. Try to breathe through
it, OK? Straighten this up.

♪ It can get you whatever you'd like ♪

♪ Doesn't matter if it's near or far ♪

♪ 'Cause I want to be wherever you are ♪

♪ Everything grows when I'm with you ♪

♪ The seeds that you planted ♪

♪ Went into the root... ♪

Is that OK?


Good. You ready for the best part?

Oh, there's a best part?

DAMON: Ooh! Ooh...


Ooh, how...

How is this the best part?


Yo, how are you not cold?

Oh, I'm cold.

I'm just not a baby.

Oh, oh.

OK. But I bet I last
in here longer than you.

Mm-mm. What do I win?

Well, what do you want?

I get to shave your legs.

Ha ha. All right.

Bet. But if I win,

I get to take you on a real date.

Oh, that's cute you think
you got a chance to win.

Oh. Ha ha!


Hey, Ma, what you doing here?

I know you said you
needed some space, but...

I got the DNA test results back.

Damon is my biological son.

Did you tell him?

He won't answer my calls.

Well, could you blame him?

Ma, you abandoned him.
How could you do that?

Blended families exist.

Y'all could've made it work.

Your father refused to
raise another man's child.

And then you got sick.

And with all the treatments
and the bills adding up...

So you had to decide
between keeping Damon

or taking care of me.

Baby, no.

- That is not what I'm saying.
- Are you sure, Ma?

Because that's exactly
what I'm hearing.

And that's what Damon's gonna hear.

I got to go. Coach texted me.


Hey, youngblood in the slick suit.

What can I do for you?

Sorry to disturb you, but,
uh, if you have a moment,

I wanted to talk to you
about Terry Tucker.

Yeah. What about him?

Well, I'm doing a story
on the rise of P.E.D. use in the MLB.

Um. When you two played
together back in ' ,

did he exhibit any suspicious behavior?

I didn't notice anything.


And was there any indication

of other players on the
team using P.E.D.s as well?

One bad player, and you want
to call the integrity

of an entire team into question, huh?

Come on, Marcus.

Terry couldn't have been the only player
in that locker room playing dirty.*

Like I said, man,
I didn't notice anything,

all right?


Was it maybe just

easier to ignore what you saw?

Are you digging up a quote
about Terry or about me?

Look, I know you have
a thing for Amara,

but do you think taking me down

is the best way to impress her, man?

Listen, my feelings for Amara

have nothing to do with you or my work.

Sure. Look, I don't know if
you have any more questions,

but my answer to all of them
is no comment.

So see yourself out, Ralph.


this is Dr. Epps calling again.

The pharmacy said you still
have not picked up your refill

for aripiprazole.

Marcus, it's not effective

if you don't take it daily...


DAMON: I want to grab a juice before.

I'll see you over there, all right?

- Oh. Uh...
- Oh, I'm sorry.

My bad. Heh.

Uh, you good?

I could ask you the same question.

I heard about the game.

Yeah. We... we won.

Despite your pitching.

What happened out there?

I just...

had one bad game. That's it.

Why do I feel like you're lying?

I don't know.


Sorry. I don't mean to interrupt.

Hi, Simone.

Hey, D., I'm gonna grab us a table.

- All right. I'll see you in a second.


Since when did you two become besties?

All right. I'll see you
around, all right?

Chocolate with, like...

I have been looking for you.

- Hey, Auntie!
- Don't "hey, Auntie" me.

Why haven't I seen you since
you've been back from L.A.?

Why do you look so exhausted?

And, most importantly,
why did Professor Corte

just give me a heads-up that
you're getting a "C" on your midterm?

That can't be right.

Auntie, I'm all as in his class.

Which is why he's concerned.

OK. Well, I guess...

balancing studying, work, and tennis
is harder than I thought,

but everything will be fine
after the match tomorrow.

That was nice and rehearsed.

OK, I'll dig.

What happened in L.A.?

Because I'm guessing
this all has to do with that.

Jordan and I broke up.

Simone, I am so sorry.

I'm fine.


Jordan was a major part of your life.

Pretending that losing him is
just another Tuesday isn't helping.

I hear you, but I'm good.

I promise.

I need to focus on getting
my American lit grade up, so...

what do you think?

You think Professor Corte
will give me another shot?

I don't know, baby girl.

It's worth asking.



just know it's OK

not to be OK.

And if you find yourself in that place,

I'm here.

MARCUS: Glad you could
finally make it, son.

Sorry, Coach. My mom stopped by.

Actually, can I get your
advice on something?

Oh, I get it. Now that
you've made play of the day,

you big-time now, huh?

Huh? You don't care about
other people's schedules, son?

Coach, that's not true. Not at all.

Sure, everybody
been hitting me up about it, but

I thought you'd be happy for me.

- It's good press, right?
- Wrong.

Bringston doesn't need
any more press right now, son.

Since when?

Wasn't the HBCU baseball highlights

about media attention?

Coach, this is a good look for me.

Look, everything isn't
about you, J.R. all right?

If they're putting the focus on you,

it'll come at the cost of someone else.

Our homecoming game against Hawkins is

the end-all, be-all for us.

And if we don't focus
on that, we're finished.

Now, do you want to be the reason that

Bringston baseball doesn't
make it to the spring, hmm?

I need you to focus on the team.

You understand me?

Do you understand me, son?!


I asked you a question.

Yes, sir. I get it.


AMARA: So I've been over the minutes

from all the financial meetings.

Remember the trustee
I was telling you about?

Uh, Veronica something.

Skinner. Right.
Well, she's all over these minutes.

Why is that strange?
She's a board member.

A new interim board member.

She didn't even take a second

to get the lay of the land. She just...

jumped in, day one,

pushing to increase funding

in the Engineering and
Liberal Arts Departments.

And they seem to be listening to her.

Hey. Wait. If Bringston is
having financial problems,

why are they giving any
extra money to any programs?

I don't know, but I'm starting
to think my financial story

and whatever Veronica
is doing at Bringston

are one and the same.

Do you have any sources close to her?

One... her sister.


So work your Amara magic

- and then break the story.
- Huh.

Going to be a little more
complicated than that, Ralph,

but I'm figuring it out.

So I...

ended up speaking with Marcus.

OK. How did it go?

Something's going on with him.

He got pretty aggressive with me.

Aggressive? Marcus Turner?

I'm sure you're
misreading the situation.

Yeah. Trust me. I'm not.

Look, Ralph...

Just because I stopped pursuing
something romantic with you

- doesn't mean you get to take...
- What is it with you two?

Look. I'm a grown-ass man
that can handle rejection just fine,

but I've got two eyes.

And what I saw,

it wasn't right.

If I was you, I would...

I would give him some space.

I should go.

DAMON: Is it me or does
it feel like we're in a...

cheesy romantic novel?

Uhh, I'm gonna need you
to retract your shade.

I love romance novels.

Thea, no, you don't.

No, you're right. They're
corny and unrealistic,

at least so I've heard.

I do love this, though.

It's been the best night.


Uh, it really has.

J.R.: Yo, Damon...

- Oh, damn. I didn't mean...
- Yeah, well, you did,

all right?

What's going on, man?

DNA results came in.

Look, it's cool.
I already filled her in.

She's your mother.

We're half-brothers, man.

Look, I know this may be hard,

but ignoring our mother
isn't gonna make it any easier.

I don't care what the
DNA test says, all right?

She's never gonna be my mother.

All right? She gave me up
without even a second thought.

OK, D., I hear that. I do.

But what about us?

Oh, so ghosting me
has been intentional.

Say it, Damon.

- Say it.
- Look, you were sick,

all right, and she took care of you

and got rid of me.
You're literally the chosen son.

J.R.: OK, Damon, if I
could change it, I would.

Yeah, but you can't.

And so now every time
that I look at you,

I am reminded that it
was more important

to take care of J.R.
than it was to keep me.


Um, heh, um,

I'm sorry about this,

all this family drama.


That is not how I
wanted our date to end.

You didn't deserve that.

Yeah. And...

J.R. didn't deserve that.

Wait. His mom literally gave me away.

Yeah. She did,

not him. Neither of you asked for this.

Look, I understand that you're hurt

and you need to do
what's best for you, so...

talk to your birth mom or don't.

But burning your newfound brother,

who's been your best friend
since you got here,

won't do you, nor him, any good.


- Hey.
- Oh!

Jessie Raymond, that hair!

You're supposed to be
in my chair every two weeks.

Yeah, I'm actually not here
for a haircut. I'm here to talk.

Oh, uh, sorry. I wish I could,

but I got a big tournament.

Well, I was here to talk to Nate, but...

you're the one that look
like you need a vent session.

You good? Simone,

your face is calling.
It needs you to pick it up.


Is this about Damon?

I got this.

You go handle your business
on the courts, missy.

Bring home something shiny for the room

since you have yet to add
anything to the decor.

Since you're here, I might
as well get you right.

- Mm-hmm.


You know, I found out
Damon is my biological brother.


That was not on my bingo card.

You two must be thrilled.

Actually, now he want
nothing to do with me.

I just...

I feel like my illness
always takes things from me.

First my brother, baseball.

I can't do anything
about the brother part,

but look at the views
your video's gotten.

Peep the comments.

If they aren't talking about which
MLB team you're gonna be on,

they're talking about
who's gonna date you.

Ha ha. So I would say
no one and nothing

is ever taking baseball from you.

I don't know.

My coach is saying I'm taking too
much attention away from the team.

You know, it's like, is that who I am?

Do people get kicked to
the curb because of me?

Now, you listen to me.

You cannot blame yourself for
the choices your mother made.

You didn't choose to be sick.

Damon will see that.

As far as your coach, don't
let him steal this moment

because you earned it
on and off the field.


Matter of fact,

I'm gonna work with
you as your social media manager

to make sure you
don't miss this moment.



DAMON: Is all this for real?

I know you'll never
be able to forgive me,

but I do love you.

And I'm here if...

and when you're ready
to have a relationship.

You love me?


But how? You don't know me.

For years, you knew
that I was out there

and you never bothered to contact me.

No phone calls on Christmas,
no birthday cards or nothing.

Because that's what Xavier wanted.

My dad wanted to keep you away from me?

He had just married your...


when I called to tell him about you.

He didn't want to lose her.

I agreed to stay away.

So not only did my dad
lie to me my entire life...

But he kept my birth mother
away from me because...

he didn't want to
own up to his mistakes.


No. No, no. I got to go.

CELINE: I'm sorry.


You can see the Dunnett from here.

Yeah. I was fortunate
to find this place.


Girl, I am sure you earned it.

That was always your M.O.

I think your sister Veronica
would beg to differ.

Look, Jada, I'm sorry

for what happened in college.

You got caught up in my activism wake,

- and I got you suspended.
- Stop.

I got myself suspended.

You didn't make me do anything that

I wasn't gonna already do anyway.

Sometimes trouble's the price you pay

for doing the right thing.

But then if you truly don't blame me,

why is Veronica here at
Bringston with a vendetta?

She tried to have me fired.

I am so sorry that she
has been coming after you.

And now she's meddling in
Bringston's finances.

Is that somehow about me, too?

Veronica doesn't mix
personal with business like that.

And Bringston isn't the only
board that she's a part of.

What other board is she on?

Willis Cobb.

- It's a...
- PWI in Marietta.

Yes. They're having money
troubles just like Bringston.

She's helping them get
their finances in order, too.

This is what she does
for a living, Amara.

She's good at it.

So you're saying it's possible

that Veronica is here to help

I wouldn't go that far.

Wherever Veronica goes,

whoever she "helps"

ends up sold.

STUDENT ATHLETE: Girl, you won.

You qualified for your
first pro tournament.

How are you not screaming right now?

I am excited. I'm just tired.

got to get it together, girl.

We are going out
to celebrate right now.

- Becca...
- I know you...

probably want to call your boyfriend
and celebrate with him first, but...*

you got minutes with
him and then we are going out.

Tell Jordan I said what's up.

♪ You say nothing at all ♪

♪ Flooded by your silence... ♪

Hey, hey. Don't. What's going on?

♪ I could cast away... ♪

DAMON: Oh, how... how can I help?

- Simone.
- No.

- Damon, I'm fine. You can go.
- Hey,

you are not fine, all right?
You're a worse liar than me.

I'm going through some stuff right now,

I'm having a really hard
time handling it on my own.

But I can't talk to you about it.

Hey, look, look,

I know that things have
been weird between us

since we got back from Chicago,

and I know that I crossed the line

and I need to respect the
boundaries between you and Jordan. I...

Damon, I cannot talk to you about this.

Please just leave.

Simone, we can't support
each other anymore?

Come on. Is this who we really are now?


And I need you to
figure yourself out without me,

and I need to take care
of myself without you.

♪ Let's pretend this couldn't end ♪

♪ Let's pretend there's still a chance ♪

♪ Give me ho-ope ♪

♪ Give me hope ♪


♪ Give me ho-o-ope ♪

♪ Give me hope ♪

And sweet.

Perf. OK.

The body is bodying. This is great!

I can get Yard Yak videos
off this one workout.


I appreciate you helping
me out with everything.

I meant it when I said you have
to take advantage of this moment.

Just don't forget my % when
you get that first pro baller check.

- Hey!

Are you hard of
hearing or just plain stupid?

Now, I told you to focus on baseball

and let go of this
social media crap, J.R.

I do not need another
Damon Sims on this team!

J.R.: You don't have another
Damon Sims on this team.

You got a Jessie Raymond Jr.

And you know what, Coach?
I'm not gonna apologize

for what I've been through or who I am.

I'm not breaking any school rules.

So you're just gonna have to get
used to seeing my name trending.

NATHANIEL: Yeah. They're
all looking at you

because you were doing a lot just now.

[SOFTLY] Respectfully.


♪ I just bought a new whip ♪

♪ Spent a couple thousand
just to cruise in ♪

♪ Shawty said she loves me ♪

♪ But I swear she'll never prove it... ♪

So are you going to say it?

You were right.

And remind me which thing
I was right about

'cause I'm right
about almost everything.

I lashed out because I was hurt,

but you made me realize that I can't...

hurt my friends and family,

not when I need them the most.

Well, look at that.

An athlete learning
something useful in college.

Yeah. And, like, you

helped give me the wake-up call

that I needed to talk to my birth mom.

How did that go?

It was hard.

And learning that
my dad had a part in it

on top of everything just...

But, like, just being around
you these past few days,

I mean,

you really held me together.

And it's cool 'cause, like,

you and me, we're...

not complicated or messy.

It just feels right.


And I want to give this a shot.

Like, a real shot.

As in us being, like,

a couple?

Yes. Heh!

What do you think?


Wow. It's like that?

No. I...

I would like that, too.

♪ We can be friends if you want to ♪

♪ We can just talk if you want to ♪

♪ We can hold hands if you want to ♪

♪ Hey, tell me what you want to do ♪

♪ We can just laugh if you want to ♪

♪ Late nights under stars
if you want to... ♪

All right. Um, I'll call you later.


You better.



♪ I got a boyfriend... ♪


- Hey.
- Hi.

You know that black scarf
I let you borrow?

- Yeah.
- I'mma need it back.

Oh, OK.

What's the occasion?

Oh, Simone and Jordan broke up,

- and now she's ready to deal with it.
- Hmm.

That still doesn't explain the scarf,

but, whatever, you do you.

- NATHANIEL: Thank you.



- DAMON: Yo.

Uh, look, um, um,

I owe you an apology, man,
for how I've been acting lately.

It's all just been
a little much, you know?

Yeah. Life's been heavy.


I sat down with Celine, man.


Look, I'm not ready to take
it to the next step with her.

But even though I'm not sure about her,

I know for a fact that I'm ready
to get to know my little brother.

You know, I feel like we done said
these words to each other before.

Somehow we keep ending
up in this same spot.

Yeah, but, J., this time
it's different, right?

All the secrets are out, man.

We are family,

and I'mma always
have my brother's back.

- Boy, you something else.

- So Mr. Play of the day.

So now that we officially brothers,

do I get, like, a family discount, or...

do I got to pay full
price for my autograph?

Nathaniel's helping me
take it to the next level,


that's if Coach will still let me play.

Wait. Hold up. What do you mean?

He yelled at me yesterday
for going viral,

like, out of nowhere,

almost like Coach wasn't hisself.

Wait. You, too?

He chewed me out for
not being on my game.

He didn't even ask what
was up or anything.

You think something's wrong with him?

I don't know, man.

I think I know somebody that would.

When did you find time

to dig this hole?

Don't ask questions to things
you don't want the answer to.

♪ Feel a little taller ♪

♪ Started feeling older ♪

♪ I walk a little slower ♪

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today

not to mourn the loss
of Simone's first love

but to celebrate what it was.

These were...

They were some of
the best days I've ever had.

But I know...

that there are...

other best days to come,

- right?
- Right.

♪ Will I lose anything? ♪

♪ Will I lose anything... ♪

I'm in love with you, Simone.

♪ Will I lose anything? ♪

♪ Will I lose anything? ♪

JORDAN: This is your graduation,
our alternative graduation...

♪ Heavy hearts are burdened ♪

♪ Guess I'm never learning ♪

- ♪ I'm feeling kind of nervous ♪
- Wow.

I know they say it's bad luck

to see a bride in her dress
on the wedding day, but...

I can't stop staring at you.

♪ But is it worth it at all... ♪

This is, um,

the only...

copy of our wedding photo that I have.

I felt so loved on that day.

I just hope I never
forget that feeling.

You will have this feeling again.

It's OK.

So release.

♪ Will I lose anything... ♪

May the memories of our love...

Create a safe place for...

these beautiful flowers to grow.

♪ And will I lose anything? ♪

♪ Hmm mm mm ♪

♪ Will I lose ♪

♪ Will I lose anything? ♪

♪ Hmm hmm ♪

♪ Will I lose... ♪

I love you.

I love you, too.

- SIMONE: It was so beautiful.
- AMARA: I'm sure it was.

NATHANIEL: I'm so proud
of you for letting the tape play.

But between you and
J.R., I'm exhausted.


So unless you all
paying me by the hour,

I'll be stepping away from my
therapist duties for the night.

- AMARA: Stop. Ha ha.
- SIMONE: Oh. Oh?



- Hey.
- Oh, hey.

J.R.: Sorry to pop up like this.

We just really needed to talk to you.


Uh, actually, uh,

now is maybe not a good time.

SIMONE: No, it's fine.
We were just leaving.

DAMON: No, we can... we
can just head out. It's OK.

AMARA: Uh-uh.

Now, I don't know
what's happening here,

but leave it in the hallway.

In here, we are family. Got it?

Now, if no one m*rder*d
anyone, go wash your hands.

Dinner isn't gonna cook itself.


NATHANIEL: It's y'all's turn to cook.

AMARA: Ah ah ah. Where you going?

- J.R. I was...
- AMARA: Yeah.

AMARA: Aren't coaches supposed to yell?

Yeah, but this time, it
felt different, all right?

Like, he came and just
told me that I sucked.

He didn't even try to
make me better or anything.

That's not him.

OK. He just wants what's best for you.

Sometimes that means figuring
things out for yourself.

Yeah, but what's the explanation
for how he went off on me?

I'm trying to tell you,
Coach is bugging.

Are you sure you're not being
just a little dramatic?

NATHANIEL: They're not
the ones being dramatic.

you to focus on baseball

and let go of this
social media crap, J.R.

Now, I do not need another
Damon Sims on this team!

AMARA: OK, y'all just go ahead and eat.

I'll go check on Marcus.


Hey. Is everything OK?

You tell me.

I'm not the one sending reporters
snooping around my office.


I didn't intend for anything...

Did he have to pay you to sell me out,

or did he get that for free?


I don't know what's
going on with you, Marcus,

but something is wrong.

Let me help you.

No! I don't need your damn help, OK?!

I never did.



Thank you.



This amount of second-hand
awkwardness cannot be healthy.

What you doing?

Yeah. What's with all
these articles about

Willis Cobb University?


But my homegirl just transferred
from there, and she's pissed.

They axed the Engineering program

and cut the funding
to the Liberal Arts.

She's an Engineering
and English double major.

That's weird because one
of my frat brothers go there,

and he said they're building
a new business school.

He said the old building was fine.

They just got that bag, and
they got to find a way to spend it.

So wait. They're cutting funds
from two major departments

but have enough to rebuild something
that doesn't need rebuilding?

That's hella weird.

Yes, it is.

Y'all should get going.

I have some work to do.

♪ Off on the mission I go, go, go ♪

♪ Move into a palace,
silence on the floor ♪

♪ Used to be I didn't even
have a pot I could... ♪

♪ Now I'm on my dais... ♪

Ralph, I know it's late,
but I've got it.

Willis Cobb is cutting
Engineering and Liberal Arts,

but Bringston is adding
funding to those programs.

All the programs Bringston is cutting

Willis Cobb is adding
funding to and vice versa.

Ralph, Bringston isn't being sold.

It's going to merge with this
predominantly white institution,

which means...

it won't be Bringston anymore.

♪ Stay gassing it ♪

♪ Yeah, stay gassin' ♪

♪ Stay gassin' ♪