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05x01 - Chapter 53

Posted: 05/14/22 06:55
by bunniefuu
I've been meaning to talk with you.

It's terrifying, isn't it?

The president and I have a simple request.

Tell us what you see.

If anything in your environment
strikes you as a bit odd, a bit off,

pick up the phone.

Whether it's a package
or a person that seems out of place,

we'd love you to let us know.

Because there's a lot of noise
out there these days.

A noisy press that's choosing
to dwell on the past

instead of what's happening right now.

My husband and I want to protect you.

In two weeks' time,
you will be heading to the ballot box

to decide what kind of country
you want to live in.

It's a profound choice.

But no matter who wins this election,
we're going to need to work together,

watch out for each other,

and, yes, watch each other,

to keep us all safe and sound.

Tell us what you see.

My name is Claire Underwood,
and I approve this message.

Should we do one more?

Did the Democrats show?

They didn't disappoint.
Almost every member, sir.

- Almost.
- I have a list of those who did.

My fellow congressmen,
I do not need the Washington Herald

to tell me that a scoundrel lives
in the White House.

I can see the Democrats are here.

They're eager to debate.

I say to the gentlemen
on the other side of the aisle...

- thank you.
- Go.

Should we
investigate the president

for crimes committed
while he was vice president?

I say, yes. Let's debate.

Let's debate this miscreant
all day and all night.

Madam Speaker.
Parliamentary inquiry.

The gentleman from Georgia

may state the nature
of his parliamentary inquiry.

Do the rules
of the House not require

the president be formally invited
in order to attend?

Madam Speaker, if I may...

The Speaker recognizes the gentleman
from South Carolina.

The president is wearing
his congressional pin today

and is thereby welcome
to any and all proceedings.

Madam Speaker!
Madam Speaker!

Rules of the House state

that former members are not allowed
on the floor

when they have interest
in the matter under debate.

Madam Speaker,

the president has no interest or opinion
on the matter being debated today.

The House suspend.
The House will suspend.

Madam Speaker, I still do have the floor,
and I find it hard to believe

the president wouldn't have an opinion
on the matter being discussed.

If the good gentleman from Florida
would yield a portion of his time,

I assure him it will satisfy his query.

I yield three minutes to the leader.

And I yield my time to the former
congressman from South Carolina

and the President of the United States.

Point of order!
Parliamentary inquiry!

Parliamentary inquiry!

Parliamentary inquiry!

Mr. President. This is beyond the norm.

I don't care.

I don't care.

And I also do not care
about your investigative committees.

No, that is not what I care about today.

The House will cease.

That is not what I care about today.

I am on my way to the funeral
of an American patriot.

A good man, a husband...

a father...
who was beheaded on American soil.

And this chamber chooses to debate me?

- The House will suspend.
- I asked to speak

to a full session of this chamber
and my requests were denied.

-Madam Speaker!
-Mr. President, you must yield the floor.

I will not yield, Madam Speaker.

Because I cannot wait.

One of the murderers...

One of the murderers
who k*lled Mr. Jim Miller...

is still out there.

At large.

How much more proof do you people need?

I demand that every member of this House
take a stand.

Like FDR before, and Wilson before him.

I demand that this Congress

declare a formal declaration of w*r
against ICO, both here and abroad.

Motion to adjourn.

- Second!
- The House will adjourn.

- The president will cease.
- I will not cease!

I will never cease.

I demand that this Congress
declare a state of w*r

has existed and does exist between ICO
and the United States of America.

And I demand that every member
of this House stay in this chamber

for as long as it takes,
until you bring my request to a vote.

Or you will all go down in history
as cowards!


The sergeant at arms will
remove the president.

Madam Speaker, I repeat. I demand a vote.

I will not yield.

I will not yield.

I will not yield.

Alleged t*rror1st Zachary Hawthorne
was k*lled by the FBI,

but Joshua Masterson is still at large.

While the Miller family mourns, the hunt
for the missing t*rror1st continues

and tensions are running high.

The president may be asking for w*r,

but it seems w*r's already been declared
on him.

My fans.

FBI is looking into a multiple sh**ting
in Chattanooga.

-Reports have it g*ng related.

A private plane went down
in West Virginia. Mechanical failure.

A series of homes were set on fire
in Georgia,

most likely arson.

Uh... convenience store in North Carolina
exploded at about 4:00 in the morning.

-Where's the store?
-Uh, suburb outside of Raleigh.

The cause is still under investigation.

-I'll make an appearance.
-Yes, ma'am.

Just put it on the schedule
so the media has time to mobilize.

Yes, ma'am.

I take it the president has declared w*r
on Joshua Masterson.

He never should've
kicked me off that call.

But this morning isn't about politics.

That's right.

We need to show some compassion
for the living.

And respect for the dead.

The family's agreed to a moment.

No press, no speeches,
but we should be able to pull something.

-Mr. President.

Do they not realize
what we've done for them already?

I pointed that out, sir, but...

the daughter's medicated
and very fragile at the moment.

All right.

Mrs. Miller.

-I'm so very sorry.
-Thank you.

And I promise you,

I will not stop until everyone responsible
for this terrible tragedy

is brought to justice.

And I swear to you,
as God is my witness...

no one will ever harm you
or your family ever again.

The nation mourns with you
and your daughter, Mrs. Miller.

-Thank you. If you don't mind...
-Of course.

Mr. President.

I'll be right along.

It's a busy day for you today, sir.

It's a sad, sad day.

It's a shame
things didn't turn out differently.

Yes. Well, some things are bigger
than the two of us, Will.

I don't want him here!

Calm down, Melissa. Please.

It's his fault. He's dead.

-Daddy's dead. He k*lled him.

Give me a minute.

-Did you take your medicine?
-Yes. Okay? Yes.


You do. You think about what
you would say on a day like today.

If a day like today were to happen.

But you let it pass...

because you know you have
so much more left ahead of you.

So much to do together.

You think...
You think 40 minutes...

If we were late 40 minutes...

Or two, or one...

Or if we went somewhere else to eat...

But to dwell in the past,
to live in what-ifs...

That wasn't my husband.

That wasn't us...


Okay. Come on.

I need to...

I wanted to say about my father...

He was so strong... so brave.

My father was taking us to...

My father...

-Come on, baby. It's okay.
-My father...

You k*lled my father.
You're the reason he d*ed.


It's all right, Melissa. We understand.

I hope you die
and she becomes president.

What did the girl say to you?

She said she hopes I die
and that you become the president.

Mr. Macallan, this is
Deputy Director Michaels from the NSA.

I'm literally in your office.
I believe we had a meeting.

There's been raids as far up
as New York and down to the panhandle.

As of now,

Green's focusing in on the border
between Virginia and North Carolina.

Seth has a statement ready
for this afternoon.

No. The best statement is no statement.

Besides, I want Claire to be the voice
on this until we're ready.

Yes, sir.

-Quite a crowd out there.
-Well, we better bring Birch in first.

Yes, sir.

Congressman Birch.


Well, that was a little bit of history
this morning, wasn't it?

-It certainly was.
-I couldn't see it any other way.

No disagreement from here.

Well, you know how the Republicans are.

Anything but a decision.

They mistake complaint for leadership.

Well, instead of a committee
to investigate you,

you got one to discuss your declaration.

All the way to election day.

Even if there's only
a handful of Republicans

with the grit and spit to put up a fight,

we can control the conversation.

Get them talking about anything
but that g*dd*mn article.

All right.
Now, who from our side

-do we need to massage?

The declaration caught him off guard.
Had to keep him out of it.

It's his constituents
that actually fight the damn thing.

Well, let's call in the honorable
gentleman from Missouri.

- Oh, he's a bourbon man, isn't he?
- Yes, he is.

- A stunt. Yes, I'm calling it a stunt.
- Charlie, if I may...

Tom, please, what are you implying?

This request for a declaration of w*r
is yet another distraction.

And I've never been prouder
of the president than I am today.

I'm not denying what happened
to the Millers. It was a tragedy.

No, but you are.
Because denying it is the tragedy.

This is a pattern.

Your husband's administration,
Mrs. Underwood,

-continues to operate in the shadows.

I understand you believe
in the importance of your article.

And I agreed to come here today
and talk with you about it.

But we're fighting
to keep this country safe.

Mrs. Underwood, the White House has
yet to release one piece of information

about the attempted capture
of those domestic t*rrorists.

ICO t*rrorists, yes.

Reports from a few hours ago
are saying North Carolina or Virginia.

But that's all we have.

Well, we are circling in,
we're getting closer.

I will tell you,

our intelligence community,
they are the real heroes.

Charlie, if we could get back to my point,
my sources confirmed--


Heather Dunbar,
no friend of mine or my husband's,

looked into these charges,
and cleared the president.

Cleared? Please.

The White House has not had
a single press briefing

since the Herald ran my article.

You keep saying the White House
isn't speaking about this.

I am sitting right here talking to you.

Not Remy Danton or Jackie Sharp.

Or Lucas Goodwin, either.

- What?
- Excuse me. Lucas Goodwin, meaning?

I'm saying, me. I'm here.

And I don't know how many more times
we have to go over this.

You know, a Tom Hammerschmidt
article used to be

the first thing I would look for
when I opened the Washington Herald.

The Underwoods
are no longer campaigning.

They can call it what they want.

Well, if you think about
the last few days, what's in the air...

It might not be such a bad idea for us
to take it one handshake at a time.

Or call it for what it is.

"Home and abroad."

The president is essentially
asking for permission

-to fight a w*r on our soil.
-We can't push back too hard.

We can't afford to look soft on terror.

We can't look
the other way, either.

You of all people
know where this kind of talk leads.

and the United States of America.

Make sure the committee dealing
with the declaration of w*r

never gets to a vote.

We're not against w*r, we're against his.

And I want you to reach out to the Speaker

and find out who she's putting
on that committee.

We need to get back
to the president's crimes.

That's the story. It's the only story.

Anything else?

I have my script.

I will not yield!

I will not...


I want to know what he says
and when he says it.

Our general isn't used to taking orders.

Will, one more thing.

-Your wife.

Okay, I know we opened up this campaign
on Pollyhop,

but it might be time to close it down...
or at least be more careful.

Well, what did they find out?

The home of the mother of the t*rror1st,
you know, the one they're looking for,

was vandalized last night.

Garage set on fire. Broken windows.

And, uh, Hannah...

well... she posted.

She was defending the mother online.

-This afternoon.

The timing is not good on this.

-I can show you.
-Not now.

Thank you.

Governor Conway and I are honored
to be here

with the Miller family
and their closest friends.

I know the VFW was a big part
of Jim's life here in Knoxville.

With the help of Homeland and our hotline,

we think that Masterson has crossed
into the southwest corner of Virginia.

Scott or Washington.

- And?
- And...

Assistant Director Green?

We're relying on aerial support,
sightings and local law enforcement.

But we're fairly confident

we can have him pinned down
in the next 24 hours.

The president wants us to be
absolutely sure.

We can't have him getting away again.
Careers are at stake.

Everyone around this table is fully aware
of the gravity of the situation.

Good. The president will be happy
to hear that.

What kind of kiss do you want?

- Eskimo.
- In...

and out.

I'll be right back.

-You're angry.
-I am.

I was asked a question
and I answered.

That's the least of it.

Okay, well, I don't want
to talk about it right now.

Are you trying to lose this election?
Are you?

Oh, Will, stop it.

This woman that you're defending...
Her son just cut someone's head off.

And he's still out there somewhere.

-Do you understand what this looks like?
-Stop it.

Do you want to know
why our son can't sleep?

He's eight years old, and he can't sleep.

Because he's having nightmares.

Because he thinks there's a big black dog
running around the hotel.


He closes his eyes,
and he can hear it growling.

He's scared, Will.

I said what I said
because that woman is a victim.

We all are.

And it has to stop.

I want you to win.

Get yourself a drink. I'll be right back.

That's the mother.
And this is Hannah's response.

She's not a criminal and should not
be punished for the sins of her son.

We all, I know, reject the rhetoric

and actions of these damaged,
troubled young men.

What I mean is,
this is a time for reflection,

not aggression...

So she's not condoning it,
but it is sympathetic.

Plays into the idea
that Joshua and Zachary

were just a pair of troubled kids
looking for a cause,

no different than some school sh**t.

The post has been shared
over 100,000 times.

I want to talk with her.

-The mother.

We've been very careful
about where you appear.

-LeAnn, will you excuse us for a moment?
-Of course.

We need to dial up the terror.

And the mother can help us with that.

But that also means
we have to locate Masterson.


Tom is waiting for me.

Well, you go on.


I shouldn't have cried at the funeral.

-No, it played beautifully.
-Not for me.

Come with me.

Come on. Just tell him you'll be late.

-Mr. President.
-It's all right, Officer.


May I have your scope?

Scope on your g*n.
I promise I'll give it back.

Thank you. Come here.

Now, if you just hold the scope
a little a ways from your face...

and look down, straight down,
across the lawn... right to the gate.

-You see them?

Those people want a voice.
Some for, some against.

And they're looking back across the lawn,
toward this house and these windows...

and they're thinking,

"I wonder what the president
and the First Lady are doing tonight.

And will they be able to protect us?"

I should have been there.


When you got sh*t. I wish I was there.

Maybe I could've...

protected you.

You see, all those people want...

is someone to keep them
from what they're afraid to know.

And what are the president and First Lady
doing tonight, Francis?

Well, I believe Thomas is waiting for you.

Thank you, sir.

I'll see you in the morning.

Do you have a smoke?

Thank you.

I've been looking for you.

I got hungry.

So I went down to the main kitchen.

That's a lovely group of people
you have down there.

If there's anything you need,
it can be brought up.

I didn't know what I needed
until I was eating it.

I heard the president's declaration.

Very compelling.

What did you really think?

It was almost like the real thing.

The NSA has good people.
Very good.

-Too good.
-Not as good as you.

Good enough to find my algorithms.

That doesn't mean they knew
what we were using them for.

No, no.

One second, they send me home,
and then the next,

they tell me, "Come back!"

-They'll been watching me. This is a trap.
-Or the only way out.

God damn it.

-You want out?
-Don't you?


we have done some illegal things here.

There are other campaigns.

-If you can get into the NSA...
-That's not possible.

...into their system, you can fix this.

-You're not listening to me.
-I am.

I know the Underwoods.

The only way
that we are gonna survive this...

is if they win.

You can help them win.

I know you can.

I got on the paper
right around the time you left.

Did you start in Style?

Metro desk.

But then I did this piece,
a street fashion,

kids on the street thing.

I'm surprised you asked for me.

Some people are being moved around
and off the team.

The Masterson story.
"w*r, what is it good for?"

Were you ever interested
in investigative journalism?

If you ask me, if it's not investigating,
it's not journalism.

Word around here is
you can get anybody to talk to you.

After 8:00, with a drink in their hands...


She's the one they say you called a...

you know.

I'm sorry. I'm a little nervous.

You're sort of a legend and...
articles on the president?

It'd be an honor to work with you
in any capacity.

To be part of this.

Did you find him? Did you?

It'll only be another moment.

Because I've done all I can.

Everything you told me to. You know that.

They know that, don't they?

Mrs. Underwood.

I was hoping
to speak to Ms. Masterson.

Just the two of us.

Is there a problem?

It is a bit extreme.

Expanding the no-fly list to this extent.

The restrictions on visas alone is
unprecedented. How do we justify?

The White House counsel's
been all through that.

It's there in black and white.

We're virtually closing down our borders

-without any hard evidence to back it up.
-It's coming.

A lot of innocent people
are trying to get into this country.

They could be hurt by this.

A change in policy this big,
I want it done right.

I want you to let the world know

that if they want to continue
coming to this country for our hospitals,

our colleges, our golf courses
and God knows what else...

they're going to have to deliver more than
my head on the end of a burning stick.

Now look, Cathy, I know you have
well-earned relationships out there.


I'm not holding back, Francis.
I have reached out.

Then I need you to reach further.
I want actionable intelligence.

I want to know where ICO is,
or at the very least,

that everyone's out there looking.

Are we clear?

We're clear.

Thank you, Cathy.
I know you won't let me down.

He's dead.

-Is that why you're here?
-We're still looking for him--

Because if he's dead, I want to see him.
To touch him.

I'm trying to help...

-Ms. Masterson, please.
-...but he hasn't contacted me.

- I wish he would.
- I understand. Calm down.

He's not a monster like they all say.

- I lost him somewhere.
- But he's not...

But still, monsters do exist, don't they?

I want my lawyer.

What for?

I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that.

I don't know why I say anything anymore.

I wanted to see you...
to ask you a simple question.

Didn't you know
what was going on in your home?

-Excuse me?
-You knew...

even before he went to Pakistan.

-I mean, you raised him.

No. He had some problems. He got lost.

-But no, nothing like this.
-But you saw what he did, didn't you?

-Would you like to see it?

We can show it to you, if you like.

No. Please don't.

What he did to that family, to that man...

What sort of person would do such a thing?

He's my son.

Oh, God.

I know. It's awful, isn't it?

Thank you.

When you leave today,

there will be some reporters,
some cameramen out there.

But you don't need to say very much.

You just need to ask Josh
to turn himself in.

There are so many hardworking mothers
and fathers out there.

This could've happened to any of them.

We are close to capturing
your son, Ms. Masterson,

and I will do my best to have you see him.

I want to go.

No one's keeping you.

But who did she put in?
Who did the Speaker put on the committee?

Mostly lifers, with secure seats.

We're two weeks out.
It's hard to say no to w*r.

You and I have some things in common.

-We both dislike the president.
-No. I'm still a Democrat.

Who leans to the right.

Alex, you do actually lean
a little to the right.

Look, he's the commander in chief.

He's got all the authority he needs
to fight them where they are.

Well, there's one here.
Out there, right now, as we speak.

Well, I'm a big fan
of American law enforcement.

They'll find him soon enough.

We can't just let Francis Underwood
turn us into a nation

that's always looking over their shoulder.

If you can get yourself
onto that committee,

I got a feeling the Chair will give you
all the time you need.

My driver will take you back to your car.
But, Congressman...

this is your chance.

And I think you know it.

Thank you so much for coming out here.
Thank you so much for coming out.

Great to see you. Thanks for coming out.

Just go away!

You have no idea
what is happening in your own homes.

Have you any idea where he is,
Mrs. Masterson?

Josh, please...

please, please turn yourself in.

This has all got to stop. No, no.

...this after ten years with Treasury,
he was waiting for it.


Mrs. Underwood!

Mrs. Underwood!

Does the administration believe
that the expl*si*n was connected

-with Joshua Masterson somehow?
-We're not sure yet.

Uh, there is strong evidence to suggest.

The owner of the establishment
was foreign-born.

Any connection to ICO overseas?

I think our Deputy Director Clark here
is better equipped to answer that.

We're looking into it.
In the meantime, we've set up a hotline.

-If anyone in the community has any--
-And if the Republican candidate

and the rest of his party
refuse to acknowledge

the seriousness of the thr*at
made here at home...

know that we will.

The FBI is currently gathering
a list of words and images.

If they appear on your children's
or your coworkers' devices, please--

w*r whore!

- Move!
- Car!

It was just paint.
She's all right.

And what else? Spit it out, Doug.
It won't taste so bad.

Sir, I know you disagree with me on this.

But Director Green and his team
have a location

for the takedown and they're ready to act.

And they're positive
it's the right location?



We can coordinate
out of the Situation Room.

Oh, no. I'm gonna meet him in person.

Sir, I strongly advise against that.

Duly noted, but I'll be on-site.

Yes, sir.

It's amazing how ready people are
to be afraid.

History would prove them right.

You're lucky this is coming off
with water.

Could've been worse.

Some found its way behind your ear.

-Should I be afraid?
-Don't be smart.

I should, shouldn't I?

I stole something from you.


What it is, doesn't matter.

I just wanted something that was yours.

Well, put it back.


The NSA marked their zero-day exploits
as waterfalls.

What can they get us into?

We can backdoor
into some very popular social media.

I can insert anything your imagination
can think of into those sites.

Underwoods or otherwise.

...reports coming in
from a variety of sources

stating that local police enforcement
and FBI agents

are currently on the ground.

We're receiving reports
that there's a great deal

of police activity on the Virginia border.

We cannot confirm at this time,

but we believe this is connected
to the manhunt

for domestic t*rror1st Joshua Masterson.

The capture of Joshua Masterson
may be close at hand.

The FBI is still not commenting,
but if you look at this aerial view,

you can see heavily-armed men
making their way through this wooded area.

Sir, he's not here.

All we have are some loose
domestic connections.

A perverse idolization of ICO overseas.

He refuses to confirm
any wide-ranging homegrown network.

Our interrogators are confident
the asset is no longer valuable.

And risk to reward no longer tenable.

Sir, we have reached a breaking point.

Did you think I didn't already have him?

That I would have left him
out there somewhere?

And I thought you knew me.



Do you want to live?

Tell us what we want.

Tell us what we want to hear.

You're no martyr, are you?

Look at you.

No, you're not a martyr.

No one will remember what you've done,
either here on Earth or in your heaven.

So why did you pick the Millers?


What did you see?

Was it the girl?

Did you see her first?

What did you see?

Or did she see you first?

Yeah, that's it, isn't it?
She saw you.

She looked right through you, didn't she?

I don't need to see this person anymore.

- Get rid of the asset.
- Sir.

He's an animal,
but he's still an American citizen.

We are at w*r.
And he is an enemy combatant.

And he lost whatever rights
he might have had as an American

when he cut that poor man's head off.

So don't give me
your pride or your position.

Because none of this would have happened

if you'd done what you were told
in the first place.

I'll take care of it.

Yes, you will,
and you will do so willingly.

And I want you to get
some good, usable footage...

of his k*lling.

And then destroy everything else.

We will be releasing footage
of Joshua Masterson's k*lling.

The administration
and the intelligence community

were hoping to take him alive.

But I would like to commend

Assistant Director of Counterterrorism,
Nathan Green.

And of course all of the work

that Secretary Durant has done
behind the scenes on all of this.

The information the investigation
has gathered so far

points to Joshua Masterson
and Zachary Hawthorne

having strong connections to ICO abroad
and ICO's growing network domestically.

And so I would like to say this
to ICO directly.

You will not infect the mind
of one more of our young people,

because I will not stop until I find you.

And I say that
for the grieving Miller family,

whom I hope will find some sleep tonight.

I also urge Congress

to accelerate the process and vote
on my request for a declaration of w*r.

- Mr. President?
- I will not be answering questions.

Seth will take it from here.

It's hard to see,
but I think that was the killshot.

Now, please remember,
these reports are unconfirmed

and we're waiting on a statement
from the White House.

-What we can report is a great deal...
-Why are you watching this?

...this wooded area.
And sh*ts being fired, both by and--


This is Francis Underwood.

It's him.

The committee is looking
for Remy Danton and Jackie Sharp.

What do either of them have to do
with ICO or the w*r?

The talk up on the Hill is
they're going to invite you

and the rest of your staff to testify.

They're gonna use
the Declaration of w*r to investigate.

That's right.

They're gonna use the committee
Frank asked for to investigate him.

-That's right, Doug.


It's difficult to underst--

Well, perhaps if you could
just calm down for a moment.

Please stop it.

I thought this news
would bring you some relief.

The president called Mrs. Miller.

I promised you and your daughter
that I would--

Leave her alone.

Well, perhaps we should speak when
you're feeling a little more up to it.

I don't want to hear you. Or from you.

-What you did to my family...

Leave us out of it.
And do not use my husband's name.

Listen, Mrs.--

She hung up.

Let's go for a walk.

Mr. President!

Tell them what they need to know.

Mr. President!


Mr. President. Thank you, thank you.


You have nothing to be afraid of.

You have nothing to be afraid of.

You have nothing to be afraid of.