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04x20 - Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Past!

Posted: 05/14/22 06:47
by bunniefuu
Any word of Metron?

Not today, no.

Orion, could we talk?


I've been thinking
we got off to a poor start.

I know I reacted badly
to the Ruction Cell incident.

But Vykin thinks very highly of you,

and I trust Vykin.

So I'd like a chance to start over.

I would like that as well.

[Ma'alefa'ak] I have what we need.

[theme music playing]

Metron visited his
Infinity-Vault two days ago,

depositing something
called a "Ruction Cell."

How did you learn this?

[chuckles] The details were all on the
surface of the Earther Rocket's mind.

She approached me in my guise as Orion,

hoping to make peace with the New God,

despite the fact that
she thoroughly distrusts him.

She believes she's simply
making the best of a bad situation,

having to negotiate
with the Son of Darkseid.

Darkseid's son has allied
himself with the New Genesians?

How does the Lord of Apokolips
tolerate such disloyalty.

Here. This tracer is attuned
to the Kaizer-Thrall.

- Two days ago, you said?
- Yes, that's the when.

I will show you the where.

Bugs know not of any Ruction Cell.

[Mountain Foragers] Ruction
cell? What is a ruction cell?

Can Bugs eat Ruction cell?

[Orion] There's no point
in feigning ignorance.

We know one of this Hive's
Foragers stole our property.

[All-Widow] But do not all
Foragers look alike to New Gods?

Now, we'll find out
what this thing can do.

Kaizer-Thrall, lock onto
the tracer's signal...

[beeping, thrumming]

[Dinah] Hmm, right on time.

Yeah, well, didn't have much choice.

Black Lightning's policy requiring
annual mental health check-ins

for members of the League, Team and
Outsiders basically forced me into this.

And you resent that?

Nah, it makes sense. For
all of us. Heh, me especially.

Why you especially?

Been a bad boy, right?

A total jerk at M'gann's intervention.

I've given it
a lot of thought since then,

and the truth is
I needed that reality check.

And I need this, too,

'cause I'm ready
to rejoin the Outsiders.

Huh, that's great.

So I just need to check off some boxes

to get you cleared for active duty.

[breathes deeply]

How are you sleeping?

It was a little rough at first,

but I'm doing fine now.

- Well, that's good.
- [pen scratches]

Now, what's this
about quitting Space Trek?

Just prioritizing. I... I just don't
wanna be an actor when I grow up.

Totally reasonable.

And your relationships?


I've got some apologizing to do.

But I've got some great friends.

I think they'll let me off the hook.

And how are you handling Conner's death?

Still grieving.

But coping.

I'm honestly feeling much better.

- All good.
- Yep. All good.

[Rocket grunts in exasperation]
This is getting us nowhere.

After this morning, I was
hoping we could do better.

I don't know what about this
morning would make you think that.

And frankly, I wonder why
you are not more co-operative.

The Justice League hasn't given any
serious consideration of our request.

You mean your request
to hand over Cyborg and Halo?

Of course.

Both are hybrids of New God technology

that must not be left in the
hands of you primitive humans.

Again, that's a non-starter.

Perhaps just Halo then.

As she embodies a portion of
Darksied's Anti-Life Equation,

you must see it is in her best interest

to be safeguarded here by the New Gods.

Halo will be safeguarded by her family.

A family who loves her.

[sighs] Rocket, see reason...

- The New Gods withdraw the request.
- We do?

We do.

- Sorry, sorry. Hate to interrupt...
- Somehow I doubt that.

But I just had to see my old
friends, Rocket and Forager.

- It's good to see you...
- Forager is most pleased to see...

C'mere! [grunts]

[chuckles] Bear, this is Flash.

Greetings, new friend, Flash.

Nice to meet you, but I'll
pass on the bear-hug, uh, Bear.

[laughs] As you wish.

I, um... [clears throat]

Oh, Raquel.

I wanted to offer
my condolences for Superboy.

I loved that kid.

I really did.

Thank you, Bear.

- We all mourn Conner Kent.
- You said it.

Forager misses Conner Kent greatly.

I heard of Kon-El's death
from Hal Jordan.

It saddens me deeply

that one of the few remaining
genetic Kryptonians has passed.

Particularly a Son of El.

Green Lantern Tomar-Re knew the El Hive?

Krypton was in my Space-Sector.

And I was good friends with both
the El brothers, Jor-El and Zor-El.

My single greatest regret
was failing to save Krypton

[sighs] and the House of El.

This way, son.

But stay close.

It doesn't pay to wander in the Zone.

Is your mind any clearer?

Do you remember where you are?

- No.
- All right.

Then let's spell it all out.

The Phantom Zone
is a huge void of nothing.

We have nothing here.

Nothing but each other.

It helps to stay together.

That's how you keep
the Zone-Sickness at bay.

Not to mention the Devourers.

I see you ran into one of those already.

And, by Rao,

there are worse things
than Devourers here.

[Superman grunts]

That's why there's safety in numbers.

Come on, my boy. One more jump.

[both grunt]

I'm back, and I've brought company.

Let us set a good example for our guest.

[all groaning]

That journey was unpleasant.

Locked on the tracer's signal.

[Ma'alefa'ak] That must be the place.

There's Metron.

[Ma'alefa'ak] Shelving the Ruction Cell.

[Lor-Zod] We don't need it anymore.

We're now in synch with this time.

All we have to do is find
the Phantom Zone Projector.

Oh, that's all we have to do.

Metron's Vault is immense.
Searching will take days. Maybe weeks.

Then we'd better get started.

[indistinct clicking]

So, how are things with Perdita?

Are you two reconciling?

No, I... I mean, yeah.
We hit a rough patch.

All my fault, really. But I can fix it.

Call her. Tell her I'm sorry.

Give us a chance to start over.

- Would you like to call her now?
- No! I-I mean...

I'd want some privacy, right?

Some of our make-up calls
get pretty hot.


So, tell me about the sleeping pills.


Nothing to tell now.

I'm not using anymore.

Don't need 'em anymore.

So, you wouldn't mind taking
a drug test as a formality?

Well, see, I only just stopped taking
them. Might still be in my system.

If they're still in your system,

do you really feel ready
to return to the Outsiders?

Look, I know the drill.

I'm managing my symptoms.

- For the short-term or the long?
- What's the difference?

Short-term solutions,
like pills and distancing,

only postpone dealing with your issues.

So, what's your long-term solution?

To get back with the Outsiders.

Why? You took yourself off
mission-rotation months ago, didn't you?

That was my choice. Not yours.

So, you don't really want to go back.

You just don't want someone
else taking it away from you.

Yes! No! I... It doesn't matter.

You can't take away the Outsiders.

I made that squad.

It's my squad!

I can't lose them.

The way you lost Conner?

Hey, Conner's hanging with Wally now.

I'm sure they're doing great.

So, this isn't only about Conner?

But Conner was like
a brother to you, wasn't he?

And his death
truly rocked you, didn't it?

Look, I get it. I've accepted it.

I know I'm the reason
Conner died. It's all my fault.

What cannot be saved cannot be saved.

We should return
to the business at hand.

One minute, Orion.
I wanna talk to friend Forager.

- [grunts]
- So!

I've heard you're spending time

with a Mountain Hive Forager, huh,

huh? [chuckles]

Yes. In fact, Forager must decide

whether to return
to Forager's Earth Hive

and Forager's Earth friends

or stay on New Genesis with Forager.

[Rocket] What?

You've known her for two days.

Yes. Forager admits Forager
has wasted considerable time.

Speaking of wasted time...

Understand, Raquel, that Bugs
practice accelerated courtships

relative to humans or New Gods.

Too true.

[sighs] Dreamer and I
seem to have been courting forever.

See, I don't get that.

I knew Joan was the one
the moment I laid eyes on her.

I made my move fast.

And that was before I became the Flash.

I suppose short-lived species like
Bugs and humans must move fast.

Look, kid, I may not be a New God,

but I'm not exactly "short-lived."

I turned yesterday.

A hundred and two?
[stifles chuckle] Impressive.

Why? How old are you?

Well, not very old.

Just a couple decades over , .

Sixteen thousand... years?

- Well, Earth years.
- [ring beeps]

[automated voice]
Bio-waste recycling initiated.

- [ring beeps]
- Whoops! Thought I had that on mute.

- Uh, did he just...
- [Kilowog] Sorry.

It's no less appalling than
the rest of this conversation.

Birthdays, love affairs.
All trivial, of no import.

Please, rise. All of you.

This way.

We're slow-playing this one, my love.

Superboy, allow me to introduce
my life-mate, Ursa Zod.

Welcome, um, Superboy, is it?

And who is this?

I've never seen anyone of this species.

I don't know her name or species.

I call her Ghosty.

Where did she come from?

I found her when I woke up here.

And she's been unconscious ever since?


Odd, I've never known anyone
to be unconscious in the Zone.

All we are is consciousness.

And it's curious you don't know her.

Look at her burns and yours.

You two must be connected.

Of course, condition
doesn't change here.

We don't age,
we don't die, we don't heal.

So if she was sent here unconscious,

she may never wake up.

Still, we can care for her.

That's what family does.


Could it be?

[Ma'alefa'ak] What is it?

Probably nothing.

[chittering, clicking]

[all groaning in pain]

[Lor-Zod] We have to move.


[grunts] Taking us out of synch.

[Mantis groans]

What is this red cloud?

I believe it is a baby Sun-Eater.

Absorbs all heat and energy.

Probably placed in the vault
as security.

[Ma'alefa'ak] It only has
a rudimentary consciousness.

I could stun it with a
brain blast, but briefly.

Well, I can't punch a cloud.

And my heat vision would only
feed it the solar energy it craves.

There's nothing solid for
the Kaizer-Thrall to latch onto,

and Mantis sure as Rao
can't do anything.

- [growls in frustration]
- [Lor-Zod] But this changes nothing.

We must continue our search
for the Projector.

[Ma'alefa'ak scoffs]

While dodging this creature.

You think you're responsible
for Conner's death?

- I know I am.
- Okay.

- Let's examine that.
- Review my 'Trauma Narrative?'

So, you know the drill. I wasn't
there, you were. Take me through it.

Tell me how you k*lled Conner.

I knew he was weakened.

Low oxygen. Solar cells not charged.

And I left him there alone
to deal with the b*mb.

But it was the Kryptonite
that k*lled him,

- did you know about that?
- No.

But if I make him leave,

he never gets hit with the Kryptonite.

But if he's not there, what
happens to all the Martians?

Nothing if I disarm the b*mb first!

Did you know how to do that?

Could you have taken it into
the lava to destroy the virus?

And M'gann?

She let Conner stay with the b*mb, too.

Is she to blame for his death?

What? No! She loved Conner!

And you didn't?

Conner's not the first
loved one you've lost.

Last year, you and I
talked about losing Brion...

- Brion's not dead.
- No, but we've lost him.

Do you feel responsible for that, too?

I was his squad leader.
I should've seen the signs.

You mentioned Wally earlier.

Are you to blame for his death, too?

I could've gone with Miss
Martian to the North Pole.

- And Rita?
- I should've been with her

on that last Doom Patrol mission.

- And your mother?
- I should've stopped Queen Bee!

Gar, you were eight years old.

The combined might of the
Team and the Justice League

still hasn't stopped Queen Bee.

How is an eight-year-old child

- supposed to do that?
- [cries]

[voice breaking]
I could've done something.


What could you have done
differently to save any of them?

I don't know.
I just needed to be better.

They needed me to be better.

Don't you see?

Even when we do everything right,

bad things still sometimes happen.

There are some things
we have the power to control,

but the hardest thing to admit,

especially for people
in our line of work

is that sometimes, we're...


[grunts] But I don't wanna be...

I should've...

They shouldn't have...

I should have stopped it all, somehow.

- How?
- I don't know.

I don't know.


I need help.

Admitting that...

It's a start, Gar.

A real start.

[grunts exasperatedly]
I've lost all track of time.

Ma'alefa'ak, Lor-Zod and Mantis
have been here one full rotation.

Wonderful. And we've only had to
dodge the Sun-Eater three times.

Just keep looking.

I know the Projector is here.

[boomtube explodes]

There's our answer.

The master of this place.

[Razer screams in pain]

What is this?

I will have those rings!



[screams in pain]

- Hello, Metron.
- [Metron continues to groan in pain]

Please understand.

We will keep you
in this condition indefinitely

unless you bring us to Krypton's
Phantom Zone Projector.


Come with me, Superboy.

I'll give you a tour
of our little kingdom.

And don't worry.
I'll watch over your "Ghosty."


Non and Faora
are guiding in that asteroid

using nothing but sheer willpower.

That's how things work in the Zone.

Touching anything, moving
anything, even simple communication

whether our lips move or not

is all about willing it so.

That's how we survive here.

Our superior will.

♪ Think, is the Word of Zod ♪

♪ Work is the Word of Zod ♪

- ♪ Will ♪
- ♪ Is the Word of Zod ♪

♪ Heed, heed the Words of Zod ♪

- ♪ Live ♪
- ♪ For the House of Zod ♪

- ♪ Push ♪
- ♪ For the House of Zod ♪

- ♪ Brace ♪
- ♪ For the House of Zod ♪

♪ Build, build the House of Zod ♪

♪ Guard for the House of Zod ♪

♪ Fight for the House of Zod ♪

♪ Win for the House of Zod ♪

♪ Save, save the House of Zod ♪

♪ Guard for the House of Zod ♪

♪ Fight for the House of Zod ♪

♪ Win for the House of Zod ♪

♪ Save, save the House of Zod ♪

[Dru-Zod] You can stay here, my boy.

Stay and be a part
of what the House of Zod builds.

Or you can continue on alone
into the Phantom Zone.

The choice is yours.

[Metron screams]

This doesn't have to continue, New God.

All I want is the Projector.

[Ma'alefa'ak] Are you certain
he'll talk? He's immortal.

- He could wait you out.
- Then read him.

- Get me the location.
- [Ma'alefa'ak] I've been trying.

But even under t*rture
he shields his mind.

Then make yourself useful and
keep an eye out for the Sun-Eater.

[Ma'alefa'ak] As you wish, Kryptonian.

[Metron grunts]

I relent.

I will give you...
[grunts] what you've asked for.


The Seal of Krypton marks your prize.

Open it, Metron. Slowly.

[grunts, groans]

Kryptonite. Not the prize
you sought, perhaps.

But the prize you've earned.

- [Ma'alefa'ak] You were warned, Metron.
- [snaps fingers]

What are the warnings of mortals

- to a New God?
- [Ma'alefa'ak and Mantis groan in pain]

You don't get to decide what's of imp...

- [boomtube explodes]
- [all grunt]

Come with me if you want
the entire galaxy to survive.

[all groaning in pain]

Brain blast... [grunts] the Sun-Eater.

[Ma'alefa'ak] Can't focus. [faints]

[Mantis groans]

[Mantis grunts]

Mantis remembers how.

Yes, one day earlier.

Mantis sure as Rao
can do what Mantis must.

If this is where Metron
stored Kryptonite,


Mantis has found the prize!

Mantis has found
the Phantom Zone Projector!

[Forager] But soft, what light
through yonder window breaks?

The light is the East,
and Forager is the Sun!

Arise fair Sun
and k*ll the envious Moons,

Moons already sick and pale with grief

that Forager, the Moons' maid,

art far more fair than the Moons.

Be not the Moons' maid,
since the Moons are envious.

The Moons' vestal livery
is but sick and green,

And none but fools do wear the Moons'

and the fools' vestal livery.

Cast the Moons' and
the fools' vestal livery off.

Forager is Forager's lady.
Oh, Forager is Forager's love!

Oh, that Forager knew Forager was!

[Mountain Forager sighs deeply]

Forager speaks, yet Forager
says nothing. What of that nothing?

Forager's eye discourses;

Forager will answer Forager's eye.

Forager is too bold.

'Tis not to Forager, Forager speaks.

Two of the fairest stars
in all the heaven,

Having some business,
do entreat Forager's eyes

To twinkle in Forager's eye's spheres

till the stars return.