12x21 - A Cabin in the Kelp/The Hankering

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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12x21 - A Cabin in the Kelp/The Hankering

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

♪ Ohh... ♪

♪ Who lives in a pineapple
under the sea? ♪

SpongeBob SquarePants!

♪ Absorbent and yellow
and porous is he ♪

SpongeBob SquarePants!

♪ If nautical nonsense
be something you wish ♪

SpongeBob SquarePants!

♪ Then drop on the deck
and flop like a fish ♪

- SpongeBob SquarePants!
- Ready?

SpongeBob SquarePants!

SpongeBob SquarePants!

SpongeBob SquarePants!




Season 12 Episode 21

Episode Part 1 of 2:
Title: "A Cabin in the Kelp"

We are going

to have so much fun!

A weekend in a cabin
in the woods

with the Gal Pals!

Gal pals!


- Ohh.
- Oh, a krabby patty.

- Perfect.
- Ugh.

The engine needed


Congratulations, Mrs. Puff!

Your boat and trailer
just got hitched!

Hmm, I wonder what's keeping
our newest Gal Pal?

This is gonna be so funny.

The Gal Pals will obviously
try to prank the newbie,

but this newbie
is gonna prank them right back.


Who likes eggs?

Not now, SpongeBob.

Wait until you're around
the campfire.

And you're supposed
to act scary, not lame.

Oh, scary.
Got it!

Wait until the fire
then make with the scary.

Keep working on it.

Here comes
our newest member!

Gal Pals!

Here, let me get your bag.


Nice and cozy.

♪ We're Gal Pals ♪

♪ And, yes, we shall
conquer the world one day ♪

♪ We're no sea bunnies,
we're smart and funny ♪

♪ And we demand equal pay ♪

♪ We'll shout "Gal Pals"
right into your ear canal ♪

♪ And bang it on a drum ♪

♪ We're sweet and nice,
but take our advice ♪

♪ Cross us and you'll be chum ♪

Ooh, this is gonna be
so much fun!

We're gonna have
a real adventure

with our newbie,
aren't we, ladies?




Where am I?


All right, I'll just sit tight
and wait to hear from Pearl.

I've got the trailer,

so there's plenty of food
and blankets.


Now what am I gonna

Hey, a peanut!

A lucky peanut!

Mm, I'm not gonna go hungry
out here.

I'm gonna survive!

Wait a minute,
I can't eat this peanut.

You're my lucky peanut.

I've got a lucky peanut!

Here we are.

Uh-oh, looks like
we lost something.

Oh, no, my backpack!

This is the worst thing
that could ever happen!

Aww, there, there, sweetie.

It's just a backpack.
We can buy you a new one.

It's not like losing
a friend.

She must be psychic.

Aww, heck,
we'll just have to rough it!

All right, gals,
let's not just hang here

like mama's washing!

Time to gussy up the place!


Good thing we have
a Texas tornado

among the Gal Pals.

Who knew you could
use a jellyfish as a recharger?

Oh, yeah.

Yep, nature always provides.

Hey, where's the newbie?


Oh, please, SpongeBob,
be all right.

I'm Sponge-zan
of the brine apes!


Oh, my lucky peanut's ringing.





Oh, thank Neptune
you're still alive.

Don't worry, Pearl,
I'm still gonna do the prank.

I just have to find
your cabin.

Are there any landmarks
I can head to?

Um, well,
there are a lot of trees.

Trees, perfect!

I'll just follow the trees.

Are you sure you didn't ring,
too, lucky peanut?

Hello, hello?
Ugh, bad reception.

No peanut bars.


Follow the trees!

Follow the trees,
follow the trees,

follow the trees,
follow the trees,

follow the trees,
follow the trees...

Oh, this kelp cocoa
is delicious.

Yeah, my sensors indicate
an agreeable flavor.

Okay, Gal Pals,

it's time to initiate
our newest member.

You are now a Gal Pal.

That's it?
Just this necklace?

No swats or parading around
in my PJs?

No trying to scare me
with urban legends?

- Why would we do that?
- Yeah, we like you.

We haven't had
a fourth member

since that incident
with Flibberty Gibbet.



Who's "Slippery Giveth"?

Oh, Flibberty Gibbet.

She was the fourth member
of our group.

We had a fight with her
years ago

right here at this very cabin

one dark and stormy night.

We don't even remember
what the fight was about.

It sure was a humdinger
of an argument!

She went bananas

and vowed to destroy

any and all Gal Pals.

Then she just ran off
into these woods!

Some say
she's still out there,

all hot-headed
and waiting to get her revenge.

That's her pendant
you're wearing.

"Flibberty Gibbit"?

Why did you give me that?

Why did you take me here?

Thanks, gals, you got me.

But I knew
you were gonna prank me.

Sure you did.

You should have seen your face.

We got you good!

Mm, Gal Pals.

What was that?

'Kay, you can stop
trying to scare me.

I know Flipperty Giblets
is a prank.

Flibberty Gibbet
is partly true.

She was a Gal Pal.

We did have a fight with her.

And she did run off
into these woods.

Wait, that was all the parts!

Quick, let's hide
in the cabin!

Wait, it... it's okay.
It's only SpongeBob.

I asked him to make noise
and prank you.

All right, SpongeBob,
you can come out!

I'm canceling the prank!

There's another tree.

And another tree.

Wow, following the trees
really works.

Tree, tree, tree, tree.

So, SpongeBob thinks
he can prank us, huh?

We'll prank him right back.

We can rig up the cabin
with trap doors,

flying ghosts,
and a thousand cadavers

in a zombie ballroom!

Ooh, what am I saying?

Let's scale it down a smidge.

Yeah, let's hide
behind this tree

and scream
when he shows up.

You coming, Pearl?

Well, I'm certainly not
staying by myself

here in the dark.

Shh, he's coming.

Wait for it.


Flibberty Gibbet!

It's her!

Oh, s-she looks like she's been
in the woods too long!

I have a plan.

We'll run out the back door
and into Puff's boat.

Count of three.

One, two, three!

Let's go!




- No, no!
- SpongeBob!

- Don't go in!
- Oh, hello.

Gal Pals,
we have to save SpongeBob!

Gal Pals.


Ooh, another pinecone
on a stick!

I love it.


I'm gonna get one of these
for each of the Gal Pals.


It's only a cabin-to-cabin
country sales lady.

Not Flibberty Gibbet at all.

Did someone say my name?

- Hi, gals!
- Flibberty Gibbet!

I... I just wanted to say
all's forgiven!

Hey, wait!

You'll need my lucky peanut!

Gal Pals!
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