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01x05 - Kiss the Ring

Posted: 05/12/22 10:44
by bunniefuu
BIAGGI: This picture is an as*ault

on Italian Americans everywhere.

If I have my way, you won't
make this movie at all.

LAPIDUS: "The Godfather"
is becoming a problem.

BLUHDORN: We wanna give you some help.


One more thing. Pacino.

- Give him another shot.
- No Pacino.

How many f*cking times
do I have to tell you?

RUDDY: I got a script
the size of an encyclopedia,

a director in love with
the shortest unknown actor

on the f*cking planet,

and Biaggi's making waves.

Am I forgetting anything?


I'm pretty sure that covers it.

COLOMBO: Joe Gallo's actions
led to our last w*r.

If Gallo comes gunning for Colombo,

you get caught with a stray b*llet.

THOMPSON: What do you got
in mind for him?

I'm gonna light his whole
f*cking world on fire.

It's you and me now.
Your enemies are my enemies.

Please, I don't want no trouble.

PUZO: The Marlon Brando's house.

Ever since your letter,
I keep thinking about the Don.

Pacino and Brando in the same frame.

I'm working on it.

Side with Francis. Pacino's the guy.

BLUHDORN: Evans gave you your shot.

If I say yes, he's gonna be pissed.

You stabbed me in the back.
I don't like Pacino!

FRANCOISE: I want to be with you.

All of you or none of you.

ANDREA: This is the life
that we've chosen.

We can only be around other
people who understand that.

You got the part, kid.

I'm doing "The g*ng That
Couldn't sh**t Straight."

I signed a contract.


TY: ♪ All right ♪

♪ If to shed a tear ♪

♪ Would bring a smile to your face ♪

♪ Then a tear I would shed, baby ♪

♪ Just every day ♪

What are you doing? Come on.

- I like this song.
- No.

You're sending the wrong message, kid.

What f*cking message?


Here we go.

That's good, no?

Whatever, old man, I like this too.

Ah, f*ck you with the "old man."

DION: ♪ With my two fists of
iron and I'm going nowhere ♪

Would you look at this jamoke?

CAESAR: The f*ck?

f*ck that.

[HORN HONKS] Come on!

What the f*ck is he doin'?

Hey, buddy, you gotta move
this f*ckin' car

before I move it for you.


Let him go.

JAMAR: What do you think's in the truck?

Don't matter.

DION: ♪ Oh, yeah, I'm the type of guy ♪

♪ That likes to roam around ♪

♪ I'm never in one place ♪

♪ I roam from town to town ♪

♪ And when I find myself
a-fallin' for some girl ♪

♪ I hop right into that car of mine ♪

♪ Drive around the world ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm a... ♪




What the f*ck are you doing here?

Oh, my God, you smell like a sick dog.

What the f*ck?

I just got off a plane.

I need your help.

Boy, did you come to the wrong place.

You told me to do whatever
it takes to get my movie made.

You said to color outside the lines.

I never told you to f*ck me over.

That was never my intention, Bob.

Yeah, and Yoko Ono never intended

to break up The Beatles.

I don't give a f*ck
about your intentions.

It was for the movie.

It was for the good of the movie.

Keep saying that to yourself.



Pacino can't do the film.

He signed on to another project.

Problem solved then.

I need you to get him out of it.


You have got to be f*cking kidding me.

Come on, Bob.
You've never even given him a shot.

He's got something special.

We need him.

What you need is a f*cking shower.


Now, Paramount is just
one asset among dozens

in the Gulf and Western portfolio.

Now, by God's grace,

we have a record-breaking hit
called "Love Story,"

but I won't pretend that we knew

it was gonna hit like this.

And that is actually my point.

Making movies has become
too unpredictable.

Hollywood was founded by men
who understood

that the bottom line of making movies

is to make money.

But gentlemen, that system is broken.

The men with their hands
on the wheel now,

they are, quite frankly,
bullshit artists

who like to think of themselves
as the talent.

They know exactly what to say to us

to get our money,

but they can give a damn
about making it back

because they are not businessmen.

Now that we have finally
had some success,

we can get a much better price

if we offload Paramount now
and cash out.

So that's why we're here today.

We are here to seek the board's approval

to begin the exploration process because

we have already
had four suitors interested.

Charlie, anything to add?

Some of you think that

I have a sentimental attachment
to Paramount.

I have a sentimental attachment
to many things,

which is why when I sell them,

I sell them for a lot of money.

COPPOLA: Tessio, he's gotta be older.

He... he's like the oldest guy
in the whole family.

ANDREA: So what you're saying
is you want Clemenza to be

two or three years younger?

Yeah, that'd be good.
You got anybody in mind?

- Hello.
- Hi.

Where's Ruddy?

He's on his way back from LA.

His flight lands later tonight.

[SIGHS] Why's he in LA?

Doesn't he realize that the producer

is supposed to be here
for pre-production?

We have a sit-down
with Tavoularis and Gordy.

Did you tell him?

I was waiting until Ruddy got back.

Tell me what? What is wrong?

Pacino signed a contract
for another movie.

[SIGHS] ANDREA: Come on, Francis.

Jimmy Caan's screen test
was good and you know it.

We just set him for Sonny.

And now you want me
to just make him Michael?

Francis, you know this shit
happens all the time.

Andrea, this isn't musical chairs.

Caan is not even Italian. Okay.

You're making a movie
with Marlon Brando.

And don't worry,
we'll find another Michael.

EVANS: Will he just look at Pacino?

Roll it back, would you?


How many times do we have to
watch "Panic in Needle Park"?

There's a scene in
"The Godfather" script,

Michael tells his brother-in-law

he's not gonna k*ll him
but we know he's lying.

It's a shocking scene.

But it's gotta be played in the subtext.

Pacino doesn't have to say a word

and I can't take my eyes off him.

"An ice-blue, terrifying film

about people you love."

f*ckin' Ruddy.

- Hi.
- Hey, Bettye.

Ooh, you smell nice.

Fancy hotel, fancy soap.

Gotta love the Waldorf.

How'd it go with Evans? What did he say?

He said, "Do whatever it takes

to get your movie made, Ruddy.
I support you."

So not well, I take it.

Have you...

Have you seen this?

It's Carmine.

RUDDY: f*ck.

I liked that guy.

Al, this is really scary.

We're gonna be okay.

You got any good news for me?

Well, your buddy Jack Ballard

is waiting for you in your office.


You and I are gonna
need to have a little chat

about what exactly
constitutes good news.

Just the man I want to see.

Jack, what are you doing here?

BALLARD: Anything you need,
Mr. Producer.

Have you met our editor?
Aram Avakian, Al Ruddy.

Aram, I thought you weren't
getting in until tomorrow.

Uh, Jack called me.

He wanted to get acquainted
a day earlier.

- Oh, did he?
- Mm.

- Glad to be aboard.
- Glad to have you.

Jack, did you see "The Miracle Worker"?

- Nah, missed it.
- Aram cut it.

It's beautiful work.

Mm, thank you.

Al's gonna need a miracle
to bring us in on budget.

Aram, tell you what.

We'll have a drink,
take each other's temperature,

- and solve the world's problems.
- Sounds good to me.

Where and when? Count me in.

RUDDY: For the second round, Jack.

I like to meet the team on my own first.

Oh, sorry. I wasn't sure about that

since you missed the meeting
with your production designer

and cinematographer this morning.


Looking forward to that drink.


Question: why is Jim Aubrey
seated at my regular my booth?

I'm so sorry, Mr. Evans.

Mr. Aubrey got here early.

He insisted on sitting
at his usual table.

Aubrey runs MGM. I run Paramount.

MGM just had an auction to sell off

props and costumes to pay the mortgage.

Come on.

How long has he been here?

- About six minutes.
- Son of a bitch.

You couldn't stall him for
six minutes until I got here?

[SIGHS] Coffee.


Terry, looking good. You lost weight?

TERRY: Hi, Bob. How are you?


- ANABELLE: Hi, Bob.
- Hi, dear.

Nice to see you. Catch up later.

- Jim, I'm so sorry I'm late.
- You're still early.

Well, I grew up under the rule
that if you're ten minutes early,

you're still late. [CHUCKLES]

Hell of a job you're doing at MGM.

It's all anyone can talk about.

Last year, we were in the red.

This year we're seeing
nothing but black.

- How 'bout you?
- Well, we haven't started

selling our props
and furniture just yet.

Nothing's too precious, huh?

Not even Dorothy's Ruby Red slippers?

Thank you.

So we got a small piece
of business between us.

Let's make sure we're on the same page.

This is about swapping actors.

It's Pacino and De Niro.

Two guys starting out their careers,

getting paid scale plus ten. Come on.

You're treating them like
we're trading an outfielder

- for a shortstop.
- Why not?

It's for the good of both movies.

Each wants the other's part. Simple.

You know, you make fun
of the MGM yard sale,

but I hear that Paramount's
getting spun off.

The whole show.

Gulf and Western is getting tired
and they want out.



If you didn't know,
I just did you a favor

and that's on top of the favor
you're here to ask me for.

I think I've done both of us a favor.

AUBREY: You want this more than I do.

I don't see such a difference

between Pacino and De Niro.

De Niro does "The g*ng
That Couldn't sh**t Straight."

Pacino does "The Godfather."
Everybody wins.

Pass. What else?

You have a couple of
Harold Robbins' books I want.

Can't do it.

Then we don't have a deal.

One book.

One book, my choice.


That had to hurt.

You sure this is really worth it?

You know, I'm a production
designer, not a magician.

Dean, what's the problem?

Well, having permits to build sets

where I'm supposed to
build them would be nice.

- We have permits.
- They got pulled.

Some congressmen is f*cking with us.

Look, this should have been
handled a long time ago.

Take it easy, okay?
It's a misunderstanding.

Bettye, call that kid
in the film office I talked to.

- Kevin something.
- Yeah.

He'll sort this out.

Hi, I have Al Ruddy
on the line for Kevin, please.

Since when?

Okay. Thank you.

Kevin's been fired.

Because he gave us the permits.

LENNY: We need to take Gallo out now.

No. No, not yet.

I gotta talk to Carlo
and the rest of the Commission

to get the okay to rip
this m*therf*cker's face off.

All right, in the meantime,

hit the streets, make your collections.

Everybody pays today.

I want % kickback to Carmine's widow.

FBI. Nobody move!

Keep your hands where we can see 'em.

Well, this is nice.

Family reunion. You bring presents?

RICHMAN: We got warrants.
You know the drill.

COLOMBO: Okay, okay.

Tear this place up.

What's this? Go f*ck yourself.


RICHMAN: Teach your people some respect.

I need that.

Congressman Biaggi sends his best.



- Hello?
- Listen to me.

You're still a putz,

but I got Pacino.

He's in the picture.

Oh, Bob, thank you.
I can't tell you how much...

They can't breathe. Huh?

The leaves. Look, they're turning brown.


GORDY: See? Caravaggio has the
light coming in from the top

and stopping on the edges.

I know. I love it. It's beautiful.

I love the shadows.

It doesn't give the actors much leeway

- to move around though.
- That's right.

Well, they have to have freedom to move.

Well, they have to hit their marks.

They need to be free to move
so we're gonna test it.

[SCOFFS] Sure. Yeah, if you want.

It's not an insult, Gordy,
to work all this out

before we get on the set
with people.

You wanna test? We'll test. It's fine.

- It's fine.
- Good. Great.

See it as an opportunity to show off.

What? Is that what you think
that I'm doing here?


Are Mom and Dad fighting again?


Can you give us a minute
because we're working...

Yeah, sure. I just came by

because I had a little piece of news,

a very small piece of news to deliver...

COPPOLA: Ruddy, what?

And I wanted to do it in person.

COPPOLA: No. You got Pacino?

You got him!

Are you kidding?

You did it? How did you do it?

There's a certain shade of yellow

and we're not making
this movie without it.


Do I want to know how this happened?

Nothing my mother
would be embarrassed by.


What's with the suit?
You... you never wear a suit.

I gotta see a guy about a thing.


PERSON: Oh, my God.


CAESAR: Thank you for coming.
So good to see you.

- Hey.
- Sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

He was like a brother to me.

It's a f*cking shame.



I'm sorry about Carmine.


They made it so he couldn't
even have an open coffin.

That way, the people
that... that love him

can't say goodbye the right way.

It's just not done.

You did the right thing by coming here.

I appreciate that.

Well, there's an old saying.

"Nobody should be invited to a funeral

and everyone should come."

Carmine would've liked that.

He had a great sense of humor.

He was a funny m*therf*cker.

Come on.

How's the movie going?

Actually, Biaggi's making
more problems for us.

He pulled all the permits
from the film office.

I'm taking care of it.

I got my own issues with that f*ck.

I'm sorry to bother you
on a day like this.

It is what it is.


BIAGGI: How's your son?

COLOMBO: He's good. He's really good.

He... he's thinking about politics.


Yeah, he's a smart kid.

He's smarter than me.

He's lookin' for
a less complicated life.

Well, what I do is hardly uncomplicated.

But I wish you and your family
only the best.

Is that your way
of apologizing for the raid?

The raid?

Think twice about
lying to me, Congressman.

The League is now over , strong,

and as we both know,
you have a campaign comin' up.

I got plenty of friends

who wouldn't mind taking a shot
at your seat,

and with the full backing
of every member in the League,

plus their big, fat Italian families.


There's been a misunderstanding
between us.

Oh. Maybe.

If I may,

I want a clean slate.

I'm listening.

We're both proud Italian Americans

who want what's best for our people.

So what can I do
to heal this rift between us

so we can, you know, help each other?

Stronger together, is that
the tune you're singing now?

Good, good.

Get the feds off my f*cking back.

Consider it done.

And one more thing.

Film noir set in the ' s
about city politics.

Bob Towne wrote it.

It's called "Chinatown."

I read it over the weekend,
actually, in one sitting.

Is this the one with
the winning combination

of incest and water rights?

BART: That's it.

I'll take a look at it.

- Bob?
- Hmm?

Something going on?

When I was negotiating for Pacino,

Aubrey told me

that he heard that Paramount
was being spun off.

You heard anything about that?

No. Nothing. Not since months ago.

I thought Bluhdorn said
he'd keep you in the know.


He told me "Love Story" had to deliver.

It just passed $ million.
I'd say that qualifies.

Aubrey's just trying
to get under your skin.


Ugh, it's too exposed. It's too open.

It needs to be protected.

Well, maybe we can build a wall.

RUDDY: How much?

Ballard's up my ass
about the budget, guys.

Um, it's... it's... it's cheap.

You know, it's Styrofoam.

We just paint it to look like stone.

How tall is that wall? Eight feet?

Well, it's going to cast
a shadow in the late morning.

TAVOULARIS: You can light that out.

Maybe, if I get the lighting
package I asked for.

COPPOLA: The... the shadows,
they help tell the story.

If that's the intention.

What the f*ck is this?

A kitchen that costs $ , ?
Is this a joke?

They gotta cook.

We're not opening up
a restaurant, Francis.

They can pretend.

All department heads
in the conference room now.

No gangster film,

since the beginning of recorded history,

ever needed a working kitchen.

It's not just about the cooking.

This is the scene

where Clemenza is talking to Michael

and he tells him that the families

have to go to w*r every ten years or so.

And while he's telling them that,

they just happen to be making
tomato sauce,

and that's why the scene
is so important.

I love this scene.
You never see anything like it

- in a gangster film.
- COPPOLA: It's essential.

You have to see them
making the tomato sauce.

It humanizes them.

Remember, it makes them relatable?

If you want it so badly,
you can pay for it.

Francis, is that a propane
line with special effects?

It's practical gas.

- Propane's fine.
- No.

Propane does not burn
like practical gas.

- It does now.

BETTYE: Sorry to interrupt.

I just got off the phone
with the film commission.

We've got our permits back.

Why was that ever in doubt?

You guys meeting about this budget?

Oh, God.

- Yeah, we're making some cuts.
- Good.

Then my timing is perfect.

Anna, where are we at with costumes?

- Over budget.
- We know, Jack.

That's why we're talking it
through, buddy.

ANNA: There's just nothing
quality in inventory

from the ' s,

so we're gonna have to do a build

on most of the major players.

That's at least two suits
per player per scene.

And an additional grand
we don't have.

ANNA: Well, more because
we still have to dress

everyone at the wedding.

BALLARD: What if it's a small,
intimate affair,

maybe only family?


It can't be a small affair.

She's the daughter of the Don.

ANDREA: There are a lot
of speaking parts.

Maybe you can combine some of them.

Oh, I forgot.

We're doing
an off-off-Broadway play now.

Okay, look, everybody just relax.

We are still making the movie
that we all set out to make.

Well, we're also still
about $ million over budget

so unless you know something,
I don't know, Mr. Producer,

I suggest you grab your scissors

and start making cuts everywhere.

Where there's a will, there's a way.


Hey, Al. Got a sec?


ANDREA: So we've got a problem.

Look, Andrea, I just want to say I think

you're doing an incredible job
casting this movie.

And it's obvious to me that Paramount,

they knew what they were doing
when they hired you.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome. It's true.

And, uh, listen,

about the other night.

We both had a lot
to drink and I'm not...

I'm not saying I was drunk.

Obviously, I knew what I was doing,

but, you know, we're working together.

And for me personally, I just
got out of a relationship,

so, you know,
it's probably best if we just...

Al, stop.

[CHUCKLES] That's not the problem
I was talking about.


We still don't have an actor
to play Luca Brasi.

It's the last big role we need to cast.

Don't worry about it.
We'll find somebody.

Just so we're clear, I'm a grown woman.

We both know what it was
and what it wasn't.


You know how we said

that we can make
this picture for million?

Well, unless half the crew
works for free,

we're never gonna get there.
You gotta call Bob.

No, that's a check I can't cash.

I used it all up on Pacino.

What... so what? You just quit?

That's not fair.

What does fair have to do with anything?


What's this?

A script.

It's called "Chinatown."

Any good?

A lot of talk about water in the future.

You think it would be dull,
but it's oddly compelling.

Anything for me in it?


Can we talk about something
that's important to me?

Yeah. What?

"The Getaway."

We passed on it.

Well, Warner Brothers didn't
and they're making it.

Steve McQueen just signed on

and there's a part that I really want.

McQueen is in prison,
helps a crook plan a heist.

The crook betrays Steve,

and they take off across Texas
with the money,

running from the law and the criminals.

A strong woman, quick thinker.

Walter Hill wrote it,
Peckinpah is directing,

and... and they want me.

It's not good enough for you, Al,

and I really don't have time
for this right now.

I'm going to do it.

Starts sh**ting next week.

Do you want my opinion or my blessing?

I want you to support
my opinion with your blessing.

How about I tell your agent
I'm not gonna work with him

if they let you do this. How about that?

And destroy your marriage.


Ali, come on. Come back.

- Hey.
- What?

Look, I don't wanna fight,

but I'm under a lot of pressure
right now.

Thanks to you,
"Love Story" was a huge hit,

but if "The Godfather"
doesn't follow, I'm f*cked.

I can't give Bluhdorn
a reason to sell, okay?

Bob still hasn't returned
any of my calls.

Sheila says he's still pissed.

He needs time to cool off.

She said you should just
go to Bluhdorn yourself.

Remind me never to cross
the assistant pool.

It's more dangerous in the mafia.

You have no idea.

You made any headway with the budget?

Not unless you got a couple
extra million lying around.

Do you want me to take a look at it?

The budget? Yeah, sure.
Knock yourself out.

You gonna take Sheila's advice?

[SIGHS] Yeah.


How is he today?


Mr. Bluhdorn will see you now.

[WHISPERS] We're going in.

You want more money.

RUDDY: Charlie, come on.

We just came by
to see how your day was going.

Ah, it's all bullshit.

This being polite is a waste
of at least an hour every day.

How are you?

How's your kids? How's your wife?

Well, what do you say?

She's got a suspicious mole.
Who gives a shit?

You're being polite. That's your tell.

You want more money

and you agreed to do this film for . .

It can't be done for . .

BLUHDORN: Low budget specialist, my ass.

RUDDY: Look, Charlie, I got all
the actors to work for scale,

including Marlon Brando.

I'm getting tax breaks from the city.

It's just still not enough money.

Have you spoken to Evans?

He's not returning my calls.

Oh, and who's fault is that?

I warned you.

You made this bed
you're sleeping in, Ruddy.

I'm gonna make you an offer.

Take it or leave it.

Ruddy, you and Coppola
can get million,

but you both have to put up your fees

against any overages.

We'll have to talk about that.

We'll take it.

He spoke. We're done.

Get the f*ck out of my office.

RUDDY: We could've gotten to . .

He said take it or leave it.

Let it go, Al.

The Corleones are expecting us
for dinner.


We're in here. Yeah, here we go.

Very nice.

Hello. How you doing, Bob, Morgana?

- Talia.
- Oh, look at you.


John. How are you, sir?

Jimmy, come here.

Look who's decided to show up, huh?

I guess you're the boss.
You're the boss.

How are ya? Good.

- What's going on, buddy?
- Hey, boss.

Diane, Al, beautiful.

CAAN: Hey, look, it's Carlo.

The douchebag has arrived.


Here you go, Marlon.

- Thank you.
- Thank you for being here.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies and gentlemen,

may I have your attention, please?


Oh, I want to thank you all
for coming out tonight.

This is very exciting.

You all look wonderful.

And I just thought it would be
really nice

to have the Corleone family
come together

for a real Italian dinner, huh?

Before we all start sh**ting
in a couple days.

That's it. Just enjoy yourself.

Sit wherever you want and let's eat.



Here you go.

I'm not the head of this family.

Right. I should help.

Oh, no, no, no, no. She's got it.

Stay here with me.

No, no. Your mother first. Always.

Are you gonna sit down or what?

- You get any eggplant?
- No.

Well, you gotta try some.

You want me to get you some?

I... it's just I was gonna
get some anyway, you know?

So I... I thought I...
I can get you some.

I appreciate having
the whole family together

for my birthday.

Many things happen in life.

Celebrations, tragedies, births, deaths.

But through it all,

what's right here is what's important.


May you live forever.

- Ah, salud.
- ALL: Salud!


- You make this?
- Mm.

Mom's recipe.

CAAN: Christ, it's the best
thing I ever put in my mouth.

- Mm-hmm.
- CAAN: Hey, stuggatz,

you know how lucky you are? [CHUCKLES]

I think she's the lucky one.

CAZALE: You don't know
what you're in for.

You're gonna need both hands
to deal with that one, right?


I only need one hand
to enforce my rules.


CAAN: What did you just say?

Did you just thr*aten her?


Everybody needs a smack once in a while.

Hey, hey.

Come on.

That's enough.

Who's this jamoke think he is?

Has this man laid a hand on you?

No, Pop. No, no.

It... it... it was my fault.

I didn't do nothing.

You know what the name "Corleone" means?

"Heart of a lion."

So if I were you,
I wouldn't bring any attention

to the fact that
I'm the slowest in the herd.


If I offended you, I'm sorry, godfather.

What do you have to be sorry for?

You said you never hit her.

I'm just happy to be in your family.

Kiss the ring.



Kiss the f*cking ring,
you f*cking idiot.

Kiss it.

- CAAN: Kiss it.
- CAZALE: Kiss it.

ALL: Kiss it, kiss it, kiss it.

Hey, kiss it.

ALL: Kiss it, kiss it.

[LAUGHS] Kiss it.

ALL: Kiss it, kiss it!


BRANDO: Everybody mangia.

CAAN: Can you believe this guy, huh?

You know what I'm thinking?

This is gonna be a great film.


And they need a stove.

You had to bring that up, didn't you?

Can't I just have one good moment

without it being taken away
from me on this project?

[LAUGHS] I'm sorry.

You're right. You're absolutely right.

But food is so important to this family.

Well, this family is gonna
have to get by with one burner.


BETTYE: Hey! Al.

I heard last night went well.

Your friend Gianni didn't think so.

What a schmegege.

So I've been going through the budget.



And there seem to be

three men with
very Italian-sounding names.

They don't belong to any department.

They're on payroll,

but I can't find them on the crew list.


One of them is Caesar.

Caesar, I just saw him at the wake.

He didn't mention anything.
Who hired him?

Probably one of the unions.

That's not weirdest part.

All three of these guys,

they have the same
social security number.


I don't know why you find that funny.

Gulf and Western
is a publicly-traded company.

If they find out
we have mobsters on payroll,

it's over for all of us.

Look, get me Caesar. I'll talk to him.


What's this about?

You could have finished lunch.

That's not how I like to do things.

Never make the boss wait.

Right. Let me ask you something.

What exactly do you do here?

I am a production assistant.

And who do you assist?

The production.

And what does production do?

Like, if there's a problem
with the unions,

I assist the unions to not be a problem.

Moving right along.

These guys down here, what do they do?

Those are my guys. They're, um...

production assistant's assistants.

Listen, you guys can't all

have the same social security number.

Al, you know who you gotta
talk to about that.

You need anything else, boss?

'Cause, um, I gotta take a dump.

Good luck with that.

- How you doing?
- Hi.

Al, there are two FBI agents
waiting for you.


Thanks so much for seeing us
on short notice.

I'm Agent Zabel. This is Agent Richman.

What can I do for you boys?

What exactly do you do here, Mr. Ruddy?

I'm the producer.

You mind telling us

why you were at
Carmine Vispiciano's wake?

He was a friend. Where's this going?

Well, I guess we were just wondering

how a man with top security clearance

with the Rand Corporation

is now in bed with the mafia.

Well, fellas,

you know how they say that
truth is stranger than fiction?

I see nothing, nothing!


Exactly. That's pretty good.

So why did you walk away
from "Hogan's Heroes"?

TV's too limiting.

You can't tell real stories on TV.

It's fake.

And Marlon Brando doesn't do TV.

Al, you seem like a nice guy.

Let me give you some advice.

These guys are a lot more dangerous

- than they first appear.
- Look, honestly,

I'm just trying to make my movie

and that's where the association ends.

So I gave one of them a job,
hence the badge.

It's safer for him here
than working out there.

Not safer for you.

And we'd feel a lot better
if we can keep a closer eye on you.

If you let us put a wire on you,
we can protect you.

I appreciate it, guys, but
I'll take my chances on my own.

Yeah, she's gonna do "The Getaway" next.

Well, Peckinpah is a great director.

We just figured it was the
best move after "Love Story"

so she doesn't get typecast
as the shiksa goddess.

No, no, I... I've never worked
with McQueen.

What do you know about him, Cary?


Look, I gotta go, Cary.

Thank you so much for the info
and I'll speak soon.

All right, bye.

It's Lapidus.


How they hanging?

Guess what I'm calling about.

EVANS: Another sock sale
at Brooks Brothers?

You were right about "Love Story."

Well, thank you, Barry.

Maybe I do know what I'm doing.

You have made the board very happy.

Gulf and Western's stock price is up.

Nice work, Bobby.



Peter, I just had
a wacko call from Lapidus.

Aubrey wasn't bluffing.

They're trying to sell Paramount.


Tastes like fish bait.

But is too small to slip on a hook.


That's impossible.

It's $ caviar from the Caspian Sea.

I don't care if it was $ ,
and came out of God's ass.

If I'm eating eggs,
I want 'em cracked, fried,

and covered in cheese.


I'm glad you could make
some time for me.

I know Ruddy keeps you very busy.


Well, anything for a free drink.


So tell me,

what does Bettye want?

I'm not sure what you mean.

What do you want for yourself?

What do you want to do with your life?

[SCOFFS] What is this?

Are you trying to be
my mentor now or something?

Do you enjoy
working as Ruddy's secretary,

pouring coffee, answering phones?

Ah, is that what you think I do?

Well, that's what all secretaries do.

That's what they're supposed to do.

I'm not all secretaries.

No, you're not.


Come work for me.

Ah, for once, she has nothing to say.

- I work for Ruddy.
- He works for me

so technically you already work for me.

With all due respect, Charlie,

I love where I am.

They say movies are magic,

but they don't care about magic.

They care about money.

And so do I.

You're selling Paramount.

I never said that.

I like you, Bettye.

Think about it.

RUDDY: Who else knows?

I assume the word is already out.

RUDDY: Did he say anything
about the movie?

Not exactly.

You speak Charlie.
What did he say exactly?

He offered me a job.

EVANS: I'll tell you
what they're doing, Peter.

They are using my success against me.

Yeah. Nothing's set in stone.

They fought me tooth and nail.

They told me not to make "Love Story."

I put my balls on the line.

I knew people wanted a romance.

I knew that Ali was a star.

I knew people would
fall in love with her.

I f*cking delivered
the biggest movie ever. Ever.

And now they're taking my baby away,

selling her off for spare parts?

I don't think so. f*ck that.

What the f*ck?



What are you doing here?

We've got to work order to
map out the cemetery expansion.

Get the f*ck off my lot.

Excuse me?

I said get the f*ck off my lot!

Hey, hey, hey.

This is exactly what I said
was gonna happen.

COLOMBO: I heard you were
asking Caesar a lot of questions.

No, no, Joe,

- I was just curious about...
- COLOMBO: Hey, look, Al,

I don't like to talk business
over the phone.

Come by the League office.

We can talk about whatever you want.

RUDDY: Joe, I'm a little busy right now.

Great, I'll see you in an hour.


I gotta go see him. Hold down the fort.

In the middle of all this?

He called for me. I gotta go.

You sound like a gangster.

Be back in an hour.

If you're not, I'm gonna send
for your special agents.

I'm sure they'll be around.

Big day tomorrow. You ready?

Yeah, I'm just going over
the scene, like,

a million times in my head.

Is the weather gonna be bad?

RUDDY: Clear skies, degrees.

Perfect weather.

I just can't believe that it's actually

beginning tomorrow. I know.

You made it happen.


We made it happen.

It's a miracle.

Everything that we've been through.

They said that
this was not going to succeed.

They did.

And now it's up to me
to make sure that it does.

And it will.

And you're gonna
make it happen, Francis.

It's gonna be great.

Hey. Good to see you, Al.

Come on. He's inside waiting for you.

COLOMBO: And it's because
of courageous men

like Congressman Biaggi,

who's willing to fight
for Italian Americans,

that we're able to make
any progress with civil rights.

That's why the League wholeheartedly

throws its support

behind the Congressman
for his re-election.

[APPLAUSE] Yes. Thank you, thank you.

Oh, oh, oh.

I'd also like to announce that

after intense negotiations
with Gulf and Western,

the League has decided to allow them

to make the movie, "The Godfather."

That's right.

And I... and I should say

that it's all because of this
man right there, Al Ruddy.

Al, come up here. Come up here.
He's the film's producer.

It's because of him that we were able
to come to this agreement.

It was his brilliant idea
that Gulf and Western

donate the proceeds from the premiere

to the League's hospital fund.

We can't thank you enough, Al.

This is the man solely responsible

for the alliance
between the Italian League,

Gulf and Western,
and Paramount Pictures.

You're one of us.

Hey, come on, come up here.

Come on, take a picture.

REPORTER: How long have you
been working with Mr. Colombo?

Come up. Come on.

REPORTER: And what are the details
of this financial relationship?

COLOMBO: Take a picture. Take a picture.

REPORTER: How does Paramount
Pictures feel about this, Mr. Ruddy?

REPORTER: Is it true that the
movie is still about the mafia?

REPORTER: How does Gulf and Western feel

about being in business
with Joe Colombo?

You're in bed with the mafia
for the whole world to see.

I did what I had to do.

- AL: They don't get it.
- So make them get it.

AL: You try to say no to Joe Colombo,

let me know how that works out for you.

We cannot have another w*r.

JOE: You should have stayed in prison.

It was safer for you there.


ROBERT: We know people want...


Where's Ruddy? Ruddy?


CHARLES: It wasn't personal,
it was business.

Just business, huh?

Unfortunate things
present opportunities.

Sometimes it is personal.