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02x10 - The Dark Hearts of Men

Posted: 05/11/22 06:33
by bunniefuu
You nervous, Bill?

Come on, these guys ain't shit.
Ain't nothin', Bill. Ain't nothin'.

- Pain is only temporary, right?
- That's right.

Go get 'em, devil dog. Go get 'em.

- Russo! Russo! Russo!
- Come on, Bill!

Russo! Russo! Russo!

Russo! Russo!

Russo! Russo! Russo! Russo! Russo!

You're nothing, bitch ass.

Get up, pretty boy.

Castle! Castle!
Castle! Castle!

Castle! Castle!

Is that your nose,
or did a bus park on your face?

I love you, man.

Marine salvage, huh? She said that?

- Yeah.
- That kid's a trip.

That's some deep shit that she's in.

The both of you.

The bounty on your head, that's no joke.

Five mil?

A man can do a lot with that.

Hey, don't get yourself
any ideas, Curt.

I know you want to replace
that shitbag car of yours.

Ain't gonna be no bounty
if there's nobody alive to pay it.

- 'Cause that's what you do.
- Yeah, you bet your ass it is.

You got something
you wanna say about that, Curt?

Nah, it's all been said.

And here we are...

in the rain.

You know them both well.

Yeah, I got a real insight.

Maybe if you did, you'd be drinking, too.

I might have some wine.

If you're staying.


I've got nowhere else to go anyway.

We can sit in here.

It's a little less therapeutic
and more friendly.

Is that what we are now, friends?

We can be.

No offense,
but it looks like you need one.

Does "friends" come
with a confidentiality clause?

You can write me a check
if it makes you feel better, Dinah.

- Red?
- Yeah.

I feel like I'm just doing things.

And for what? None of it changes the fact
that two of my partners have been k*lled.

I owe it to them to put Billy in prison,

and I feel like I can't move on
until I do,

but I'm never any closer to it.

Look, forgive the clinical language,

but that feeling is what we call
a death equivalent.

People who survive a near-fatal injury

often feel like they're living
a waking death

and nothing matters
and they have no power.

It's totally normal.

Okay, so what do I do about it?

You talk about it.


What I should've done
is sh**t Billy when I had the chance.

Or let Castle do it.

He was there that night?


The three of us.

Maybe we still are.

Get it out, Dinah. Talk to me.

Frank Castle, Billy Russo,
whatever you wanna share.

Let it out before it kills you.

You can't start to understand
Billy until you understand Frank.

When Frank smashed Billy
into that mirror...

he was looking at himself.

I never wanted you involved
in this shit, Curtis.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

I'd probably be dead or locked up
if you didn't jump in, though.


no one I'd rather be on this roof with
than you.

Maybe except Billy?

Back in the days?

How good was he in a firefight, huh?

But now we know why.

'Cause he's stone-cold crazy.

Yeah. The truth is...

even if I had known it, you know...

I probably wouldn't have given a shit.

When you think about half those assholes
from back then, you know...

I wouldn't piss on them
if they were on fire in the real world.

But over there,
I'd take a b*llet for 'em in a heartbeat.

I miss that.

I never saw anything about Bill, you know?

I should have. I should've seen it.
I should've...

You should have what?
Stopped Billy from being Billy?

Come on, Frank.

Maybe I could've helped him.

When have you ever known
for Billy Russo to ask for help?

When have I ever asked for help?

I'm the same.

But here you are, on this roof with me.

You're the only one
that's different, Curtis.

All that time we spent
training to k*ll people,

you were trained to put 'em back together.

You know, help 'em, heal 'em.

Me and Bill, not so much.

Hey, hey, cut it out.

Stop that. You're nothing alike.

He was lying the whole time.

And maybe he didn't know it himself,

but he was something else,
something empty.

That right there,
that's the difference, Frank.

You give a shit about people.

He doesn't.

You know, I remember...

I remember k*lling
every one of 'em, Curtis.

You know, just...

They're dead.

Sometimes, I think that's all I got.

Just me and the ghosts.

Blessed are the merciful...

for they shall obtain mercy.

That's nice.

You have no mercy coming.

I wasn't talking about me.

Make it dirty, boys.

Hey, man, listen...

I didn't know
it was gonna go down like that.

You think Billy can still be helped.

But there's no logic in that.

Humans don't work by logic.

We think we do, and we want to,
but in the end we...

We're just ruled by instinct and emotion,
and we justify it to ourselves afterwards.

- Even you?
- Even me.

You know, men think
they're tougher than us?

And too many of us believe it,
but it's bullshit.

They're just way better
at forgiving themselves than we are.

They pulled you into their w*r.

But that doesn't mean
you have to participate...

or choose sides.

I'm sorry if this is blunt, but how
is Castle any different from Billy?

If we're not judged by the things we do,
then how are we judged?

Castle's family was gunned down
right in front of him,

and he couldn't do anything about it.

The only way to make sense of that is
to stop it from happening to someone else.

What happened to Castle
doesn't give him the right

- to choose who lives and who dies.
- No, it doesn't.

You have to tally up
the good someone's done

compared to the bad they've done,
and you see where they come out.

He's m*rder*d a lot of people.
He wants to m*rder Billy Russo.

- Never anyone innocent.
- Who decides who's innocent?

I've seen him risk his life
without a second thought

to save women or kids.


What? He's exempt because
of some archaic idea of chivalry?

No, he is exempt because if Frank
ever did the things Billy has done,

he would feel like he was burning in hell.

Slow it down. Slow down.
I paid for an hour.

You wanted molly. I called my guy.
I called my guy who delivers.

You're not my guy.

What the hell, man?

Who the shit are you...

Hi, Linda, it's Curtis.

Yeah, I know. I know.

Hey, look, I think I'm on the mend,
but I'm still not feeling great.


Look, I'm telling you,
whatever this is, nobody wants it.

Yeah. Yeah.

Look, uh... Look...
Yeah, I appreciate that. Look, I...

And I'll call you
whenever I'm feeling up to it.

Thank you.

Yeah, yeah, I appreciate it.

Hey. Bravo.
You even did the voice and everything.

- Shit.
- She fall for that shit?

- I just keep shoveling lies.
- Atta boy.

- I told her I had some stomach thing?
- Yup.

The rampant shits.

Nice. Nice.

Yeah. Here.

You know, this is the real world.

I'd like... I'd like it to be there
when this is all done.

You know, most people
don't have a Frank Castle.

They just pay their premiums
and trust the system.

You're hilarious.

- Are we set?
- Yeah.

Any back doors?

Yeah, there's a tunnel.

That's out by the parking lot there.

Every rat's got a rat run.

- You ever heard of the Hashashin?
- The Hasha-who?

The Hashashin,
the original cult of assassins.


During the Crusades, there was this dude
who organized a bunch of fighters.

He used their desire to defend
the Holy Land for his own vendettas.

He'd send them
on su1c1de missions and shit.

He made them feel special,

fed them the finest foods,
girls, dr*gs, all of that.

And the only way they can get it
is doing exactly what he told 'em.

And that's what Billy's doing.

These guys just want to be
a part of something,

and Billy's giving that to 'em.

Now here you come, trying to go in there
and take it all away.

They're not gonna like that.

- They're not gonna like it, Frank.
- They're gonna have to get over it.

- Man, they're just...
- 'bout 15 guys in there.

What? Fifteen guys who are doing
just what Billy tells 'em.

- Nothing else.
- In the end, he's gonna be alone.

That's the thing with Bill.

He's always alone.

Look, I don't understand brotherhood.

Do you know what brotherhood is?

It's a defense against your weakness.

It's surrounding yourself
with people as pathetic as you are.

It's just a way
to avoid staring your own...

your own sins in the face.

Brotherhood is a hall of mirrors...

looking back at you,
reflecting your own self back at you.

But there comes a time...

you gotta smash the mirror...

and look inside
and decide, "Who am I?

What kind of man am I?"

You gotta understand your own true nature.

And you gotta use it.

You gotta understand,
really understand, what is...

that you have to change.

Who among us can look at themselves
without shame?

Get out.

What's that, honey?

Get out. Go. Get out.

Get out. Go. Get out of here.

Get out.

Party tonight!


This goes as usual.

They all get shit-faced by midnight.

The girls leave by 2:00 a.m.

They never stay.

Let's just hope he shows up.

Oh, he'll show up.

Every good commander
needs his men to see him,

kiss the ring.

Or they'll get ideas of their own.

I'm gonna get into position.

You let me know as soon as those women
are out of here, yeah?

Billy shows up, you make the call.
We get this done.


You sure you're all right with this, Curt?

If anything happens to you...

I don't know if I'll be
able to forgive myself.

Yeah, come on.

Yeah, you don't owe me anything.

Come on.

Don't get yourself k*lled.

I'll do my best.

I love you, John.

I love you.


My name isn't John.

I'm sorry?

It's Robert.

I wasn't a good man, Rebecca.

It feels wrong not telling you.

I don't wanna keep nothin' from my wife...

if you would have me.

And the man you were before,
do you still feel like that man?


But you're scared
he's still there?

I'm scared he always will be.

I hurt people because they were different.

I hurt people for money.

For revenge.

Every manner of sin, I've done it.
Every one.

I've k*lled men, Rebecca.

And I did all those things because...

there was something inside of me
that wouldn't stop

until the whole world was blood.

I was so lost.

But now I've been found.

And you are loved.

Finish this.

Come home to me.

Did you always want to work
with people like Billy?

When I was a kid, eight maybe,
I found an injured bird in our yard.

It had probably flown
into one of our windows.

So I took it inside, and my father said,
"That one is a lost cause."

And that broke my heart.

How could anyone give up
on a living thing? So...

I put it in a shoebox,
and I brought it to bed with me.

I gave it water out of an eyedropper,
and I talked to it all night.

And that bird flew away a week later.

Given enough care and love,

even the most lost cause can thrive.

I know it's hard for you to believe that
Billy was worth saving, but I believe it.

You think Billy was a victim
of his shitty childhood?

Children don't get to choose.

And the world is a cruel place.

Because men are cruel.

Billy wanted money and a corner office,

and he took out anyone who was
in his way. It's as simple as that.

You see people when they're broken,
when they're in need of help.

But if you could see the world
from where I'm standing,

you wouldn't think he was worth saving.

Trust me, okay?

They almost never are.

Can I ask you a question about Billy?


Say I do it right...

Bring him to court. Put him in jail.

I'd want to see it in his eyes that
he knows I survived it all and he didn't.

Is he even capable of understanding that?

I think the question is...

will that be enough for you?

What's an acceptable outcome
for this story?

You need to answer this question honestly,
or you will never find any peace.

After today...

I want him dead.

But how does that
make you any different

from someone like Billy? Or Frank?

These men for who k*lling
is the answer to everything.

Why will you find comfort in it
any more than them?


I got a PID
on Billy. He just joined the party.

You still good?

What could go wrong?

You boys happy?

- I said, "Is everybody happy?"
- Yes!

- Hells yeah.
- Like a pig in shit.


You should be.

We're kings.

We own this city.

And all I gave you was each other.

This. Us.

Eight of us started this.

Four of us left:

Todd, Philip, José and me.

Now, Bobby...

He was a Judas.
He wanted more than everybody else.

Thought that he was better than us.

And I k*lled him for it.

Now there's another man
that thinks that he's better than us.

He k*lled another three of our brothers.

The Punisher.

A man just like us once.

My brother!

And then he gave me...



Because he thinks
that he is better than me,

that he has the right to judge me,
to judge you, to k*ll you.

But he's not a cop.

He's not a judge.

He don't care about no friendship,
no flag and no cause except his own.

- Screw him!
- He's gonna get his.

Now, in the spirit of what we have here,

I'm not gonna lie to you.

My beef with this man... is personal.

And none of you needs
to have any part of that.

But he's out there right now.

I know him.

And he is arrogant enough to think

that he could come in here after me
like a cat-five hurricane.

And he will k*ll any of you
that stands between me and him.

Let him try that shit.

That's what Valhalla means.

You built this. We got you.

That's right.

See, I don't want it to be about just me.

It has to be about any of us, all of us.

He is just a man alone, but we...

we got something more.

Easy words.

But are we to die
for what we're building here? Hmm?

It would be easy to k*ll him.

But I want more than that.

I have more than that
planned for this man.

I need him to understand!

But I need you.

I need all of you with me...

to deliver it.

- There. Take 'em home.
- Okay.

- The others?
- Right where you wanted 'em.

- Hey, what's the plan here, Billy?
- Don't worry about it.

Do you know anyone who is really happy?

Isn't that what keeps you in business?

It's not in our natures.

Take the prettiest girl,
and she'll say she's too short. Or...

the best-looking guy,
and he'll say he's too skinny.

A genius worries about his physique.
A priest questions his faith.

A soldier doubts his courage.

I think if there is a hell,
that's what it would be...

an eternity spent facing our own failings.

"We are each our own devil,
and we make this world our hell."

And so you force yourself to do a job
that is incompatible with your feelings.

Billy Russo chases power

because he fears
that he is worthless and unlovable.

Frank Castle,

he does terrible things,
but he still wants to believe he is good.

So what's yours?

What's your hell?

I believe, despite all evidence
to the contrary, that...

one day I will free one of you from yours.

Oh, hell.


How does it feel, Frank?

You think I wouldn't know you were coming?

Where are you, Bill?

I am you, Frank!

Where are you?!

Where are you?

Look at you.

What a mess.

You should have stayed in your hole.

You want to end this, Frank?

This pain is only temporary.

Break him.

Break him and then finish him.

Move! Move! Move!


Back off!

I don't wanna have to k*ll you guys!

This doesn't have to happen!

We're all the same!

Next time, I'm sh**ting to k*ll.

Get your asses out of here!

Enough. Enough, man.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Just stay with me. I got you, all right?
Come on.

Don't let me die.

I'm doing my best, buddy, okay?
You got a name?

- Philip.
- Philip, look at me. Keep your eyes on me.

Take him down!


Stay with me now.
Stay with me now. All right?

Keep breathing. Keep breathing.
Keep breathing.

Damn it.

Thanks for the drink.

Anytime. I mean it.

- Bye.
- Bye.

I know how to break Castle.


Tell me.

Take away
the one thing he has left.

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait!

The idea that he is
somehow better than you.

No, no, no, no, no...

That he's good.


No, no, no! No! No! No!

Police! Get down!

Get down, or I will sh**t you down!

Drop the g*n! Drop it now!

Down, or I will sh**t you down!

Drop that g*n! Drop it now!

I will sh**t you! Down on your knees, now!

Drop that g*n! Drop it now!
Down on your knees, now!