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02x07 - One Bad Day

Posted: 05/11/22 06:30
by bunniefuu
This is an interview
being conducted

at the request of
the Office of the Inspector General...

and will form part of the official inquiry
into recent events.

Are you happy to proceed?

Did you understand the question,
Special Agent Madani?

I heard you fine.

Let's just get this over with.

I'm sure we've all got things
we'd rather be doing, huh?

Interview suspended at... 11:23.

I'm sure you could use a refresher, yeah?

I just wanna make sure
we're on the same page before we go on.

A Homeland agent's poor taste
in sexual partners

caused the m*rder of several DHS agents
and almost cost her own life.

That the tale you want me to spin?

The one that leaves Rawlins
a decorated hero

and Ahmad Zubair just some guy
in an unmarked grave?

It's also the one that
allows you to keep your job

and Frank Castle his liberty.

And you still feel like shit,

because all you did
was try to do the right thing,

bring the right people to justice.

I think you're pretty special, Madani.

I mean, you're lying here in a bed
with a b*llet hole in your head,

and you're still not thinking of yourself.

That's as rare as rocking horse shit.

And we need people like you
in the system, or we're lost.

No one's asking you to like the lie.

Just to understand it.

People have a right to the truth.
Whatever else, there's that.

I am not gonna pretend
that this isn't gonna sting,

but this is the least worst option
for all of us.


Call her back in.

Was your relationship
with Billy Russo sexual in nature?


Where did you and Billy Russo
first engage in intercourse?

In my apartment.

Do you believe Billy Russo
engaged in this relationship

to manipulate you
and gain access to your investigation?


Did he succeed at that aim?


When did you first become aware
of Billy Russo's criminal activity?

When he pointed a g*n at my head
and threatened to k*ll me.

You didn't ever consider him
a suspect before that time?

No. We wouldn't all be sitting here
if I had, would we?

Should you have?


For the tape.


Once you discovered his criminal actions,
you endeavored to apprehend him?




For the record...

Sam Stein warned me
against trusting Russo.

I ignored his warnings...

and it got him k*lled.

I've never been shot.

I've never even pulled my g*n
on anyone in anger.

So I can't even pretend to imagine
how you...

But I have made decisions,

and I've sent men and women into
situations where they've lost their lives.

And I have to deal with that.

And, now, so do you.

Now, you wanna call her back,
tell her everything?

Castle, Zubair, Rawlins... Go ahead.

I'd survive.

The CIA would certainly survive.
Even Rafi.

I don't know about justice,
but the truth would be out there.

You and Castle
would have to bear the brunt of that.

So it's your call.

Gut check, Madani.

Are you good with all of this?

- Are you good with all of this?
- Are you good with that?

So, are you good with that?

- Are you good with that?
- It's that easy for you, huh?

Easy's got nothing to do with it.

But it does, right? You...

You decide someone deserves to be gone,
and, bang, they're gone.

No second thoughts, no qualms,
no conscience.

And then on you go,
happy and safe on your...

I guess at least borderline psychopathic,
merry way.

Listen, Madani, you're right.

I can do it.

I could k*ll him and just walk away.

But that doesn't mean it's easy.

I can live with it, yeah.
I can live with anything.

There's no peace up here.

There's no happy medium
that I'm looking for.

But w*r...

w*r is not easy.


"w*r"? Listen to yourself!

This isn't some foreign country
with guys you never met sh**ting at you.

- This is home. It's different.
- Is that right?

It has to be different.

Yeah, tell that to my wife and kids!


you went into that hospital,

you sat with him
every day and every night.

What did you want?
Why were you there? Just be honest.

You thought about it, didn't you?

You were tempted to just put him down.


Why are we meeting like this?

Why don't you have Curtis
in some interview room

with a bunch of your lackeys around you?
It's because you know it.

You realize this only ends
with Billy dead.

That's why I'm here, right?
To convince you that that's okay.

- It's okay to want that.
- No.



All right.

- How about you?
- Oh, I wanna go home.

I want this over with.

You want him dead, Curt?

How else does this end?

You know where he is?

I know a guy who does.

Then go home.

Just get me the address
and stay out of the way.

Look, I owe you both.
That's why I'm gonna get this done.

Question is, is that gonna be enough?

'Cause maybe this is something
you need to do for yourselves.

- More?
- Mmm-hmm.

Did I hurt you?

I thought that was kind of the point.

You live with pain long enough,
you start to...

miss it when it's gone.

And then, well, you discover
the pain-pleasure connection.

It's better than pills, right?

I would say so.


Everybody does, in the end.


Everybody, huh?

No one special.

I scare them off.


What happened?

I took a fall when I was nine...

and spent two years
getting put back together.



Well, they're part of you now.

That's all I need to know.

Where are you going?


I slept great last night.

No dreams, no... skulls.

No fear.

- That's good. We're making progress.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I feel good today.


But not because of any therapy.

Because of you.

You. Us. This... this, here.

But also, because of what's out there.

My... My guys.

You think you're safe, but you're not.

Well, I don't give a shit about safe.
I never did.

You wanna know... Do you wanna know
why I think I was scared?

Because I was locked in a room
with no way out. I am not a...

I'm not a house pet, Krista.

And, look, I... I know...
I know what it is that I lost.

I had everything that I ever wanted.

Money, power, purpose, my own...
my own company. Apparently.

And, somehow,
I managed to throw that all away.

I don't know what's worse.

Losing it...

or not even remembering
what it felt like to have it.

But I want some of it back.

And I can't...

You've done so much for me already,
and I shouldn't be here anymore.

You're leaving?! Now?!

That's what you think I am?

You think I'm gonna let myself
be used by you?

I am not to blame. I know that.

Nobody is blaming you for anything.

People left behind always get the blame.

Looking for this?

The last woman to point a g*n at me
got a b*llet in the head.

- Or so you tell me.
- You don't get to decide.

- I am trying to protect you here.
- I will not be the reason you die.

And I won't be the reason
that you ruin your life.

Don't go.

You're sure this is everyone?

I got a print for everyone

who so much as thumbed a mug
at the coffee shop that morning.

The cup's got a print,
but nothing comes back. I mean...

that's your guy.

I just don't know who your guy is.

I mean, that's him.
I just don't have a way to tell...

Yeah, I get it.

Look, run them through NSA, CIA, DOD, too.

Duh. Because it never entered my head
to do that?

I've run them through all the databases,
domestic and foreign.

Even tried a few ID tools
that don't officially exist.

Not a single hit on your guy.

Which sucks,
because I really wanted to impress you.

It's a big deal for us, you being the SAC.

It totally kicks ass.

Man's a ghost.

How is that even possible?

Ah, come on. If he's not in the system,

then someone
must have manipulated the system.

It's all computers.

Hack into the right place,

change a few details,
move things around...

Poof! Gone.

Or I make his prints match your face.
Think about that.

I mean, identity is a construct,
really, right?

No one disappears forever. Trust me.

You can hide your identity, but you...
you can't hide who you are.

We all think you're badass, boss.

The way you run this place,
pretty cool shit.

I mean, whoever that dude is,
I'd be scared if I was him.

You've got some serious filter issues,
you know that?

Totally. My mom tells me that,
like, all the time at home.

How old are you?

Thirty. Pretty sure she wants
me out the house.

You first.

It's like that, huh?


Did you think it was gonna be easy?
With Billy sleeping on his couch?

Yeah, it would've been nice.

Any other ideas?

Jimbo said they were all drinking
at some bar.

- We could check that out.
- Okay.

- Your boy's a tweaker, huh?
- Looks like it.

I wish I was surprised.

Get down now! Nobody move!

Get down! Get down!

God damn it!

And we're screwed.

Shit-for-brains here
is gonna mess it up, Billy.

Who you calling shit-for-brains, assh*le?

Easy, easy, both of you.
This is why we train, all right?

Get all the mistakes out now.

- "And like that, he was gone."
- All right.

I'm backup, anyway.
I'm never gonna be in the place.

So what's the point?

The point is, we all know
each other's jobs and positions,

so whatever happens, we're ready for it.

Yo, yo! How we doing?

We're getting there. All good with you?

Yeah. Schedule's same as always.
9:00 a.m. tomorrow, 300 grand.

That chicken's gonna be ripe for plucking.

Planning on wearing that uniform?

Yeah, Billy, I'm that dumb.

You took a risk just wearing it here.

I took a risk offering this job up
to all you jabronis.

Wasn't for me, you'd be hitting
some grocery store for chump change.

Let's go again.
Bobby, you joining us?

I can't let you jarheads have all the fun.

Okay, you take the waiting area.

Mike, you spell in with me. Geno,
you're our customer at the counter.

Waiting area? That's bullshit. I'm coming
in with you tomorrow. What's the point?

The point is, we all know
each other's jobs and positions.

Everybody, get down!
I wanna see some hands!

Get down! Get down!

Shit, Billy.

What are you doing?

Bobby's smart.

Keeping us on our toes.

There could be a bunch of vets in there
waiting to cash their checks.

Anyone could decide to play hero.
Ain't that right?

So we gotta get control fast,
then we gotta keep it.

You all right?

You hit like a marine.

Yeah, I do.

All right, guys.
Let's go over this one more time.

Okay, we got two cars.
One here, Todd. One here, Mike.

Jake, Bobby and I, we come out,
split up between the two cars.

We take off, we meet up again
at the rendezvous point.

- What's here?
- Me and José.


- Backup.
- That's right.

Anything comes down on us,
you two clear it out of our way.

You good?

Well, all right, then.
Let's all get some sleep.

Cold as shit in here.

I'm gonna go back to my place
for the night.


Better if we all stay together
till after the job.

Operational security.

From now on, we all stay close
until after this thing gets done.

Just like old times, huh, Curt?


Sitting around, picking daisies,
because of shit intel.

Kiss my ass, Frank.

You are the most impatient assh*le I know.

How many times... How many times
I had to hear this same bullshit,

only for the target to turn up
three days in?

Three days in, Frank.
You got a concentration problem, bro.

Nah, I got a bored-out-of-my-ass problem
is what I got.

You just hate standing still.

That's why
you're always looking for a fight.

An excuse to keep moving.

Standing still, more or less,
that's how life works, Frank.

In the real world, at least.

Most people are just looking for a place
to be happy to stand still in.

Someone to do it with.

Yeah, I had that. It's gone.

So you deny yourself another shot at it?

Yeah, I took a shot.

I did.

Took my foot off the gas
a whole five minutes, you know.

Minding my own business.

Even met a woman.

Yeah. She was a good one, Curt.


I wasn't looking for it, you know.
I didn't... I didn't see it coming.

Yeah, there she was.


I went to help the kid, you know.

All hell broke loose, and she got shot.

And now I've got some billionaire assh*le
trying to k*ll me.

That's because you k*lled his people.

What was I supposed to do, Curt?
They were gonna k*ll the girl.

No, no, no, no.
You're going after them now.

- That's different.
- Look, I'm not gonna spend my life

looking over my shoulder, all right?
That ain't me. That ain't you, either.

You gonna follow her?


If Jake is scoring meth on the streets,
I think I know where he's getting it from.

- Hey, good morning.
- Good morning.

Thanks for coming.

Ever walk down the street,
minding your business,

and a complete stranger
says something like,

"Smile," or "Come on,
it's not all that bad"?

Uh, no, not that I remember.

Surprising. Well, that guy over there
just did that to me.

I mean...

my face offended a perfect stranger
I don't give a shit about.

Now, if he had said that about you,

I might know where he's coming from.

Hey, hey, hey...
Russo's escape is unfortunate.

And I can't imagine
how you feel right now.

There were times in the early days

I thought about having someone
place a pillow on his face

just to be done with the whole thing.

But you didn't.

CIA doesn't operate on home soil.

Besides, I needed somebody
to hang it all on.

Who better than a guy in a coma

that nobody ever thought
he'd come out of?

Yeah, well, I guess
Billy didn't get the memo.

That's the thing about guys like Russo.
And Castle.

Useful until they develop
minds of their own.

Castle's back in town, too.

Did you have a hand in this?

Hell of a chutzpah, Dinah.

Can you control him?

As long as my aims match his.

Rafi know?

So, Castle kills Russo,
and your problems are solved, right?

So what the hell am I doing here,
Dinah, huh?

What? Do you wanna ask my permission?

Advice. Perspective. A gut check.

Stay out of it. Let Castle and Russo
finish off their little psychodrama.

Maybe they'll k*ll each other this time
if we're lucky.

So the CIA does operate on home soil, huh?
Just let somebody else pull the trigger.

Don't you call me down here
and then pull this holier-than-thou crap.



When my grandmother died,
my mother was so devastated.

I remember the first time she didn't cry,
maybe six months later.

That day she announced
she was no longer looking to feel normal,

because normal no longer existed.

She had to find a new normal.
I'll never forget that.

But my grandmother was gone.

Our shit, it's all still here.

So it's been a year,
and I am still trying.

It's a dirty job we do.
Not everyone can do it.

Maybe I'm one of those people.

I think you know exactly who you are.

And I think that, sometimes,
the least worst choice is to do nothing.

Hey, Jake.

Hey, Curtis. What are you doing here?

- I'm with him.
- Huh?

Hey, Jake...

I bet you want
some of this shit right now, huh?

You got the wrong guy, assh*le.


I get it.

You were in the army,
took your SERE course,

ain't gonna say shit.

The bad news is I took it, too.
It ain't gonna work. Not today.

You've got one thing going for you, Jake.

And that is, as of now, all you are

is a guy who was having a few beers
with his friends.

So let's just keep it that way, okay?

I need you to help me find Billy Russo.


Billy Russo.

Jake, I hear his face is all...

It's all scarred up these days.

You know, what's...

What's crazy about that is...

see, I'm the guy who put 'em there.

- I don't know him.
- No?


Be smart, Jake.

Why should I listen to you?

I can't believe you done me like this.

I know who you are.

That means you know how this goes,
one way or the other.

Cut me loose. Let's see what happens then.

Look at you.

You're strong, Jake.

You're proud. You're a soldier.

You're not gonna give up your brother.
I get that.

I get it.

Kiss my ass.


Right now, you're guilty
of harboring a fugitive.

Billy commits any more crimes,
then you're an accessory.

Oh, shit. I remember you.

That why you were at group?
Looking for Billy?

You can't let this happen.

You know I got rights.

I was never here.

You a bitch for the feds now?

Jake, why don't you
just tell us where he is?

Why don't you shut your mouth
and try that shit with me untied?

Look at you, huh? All right.

You wanna play, huh, Jake?
You wanna play games, huh?

Do it.

Come get it, Jake. Come on, come get it.

That's it.

Feel it?


Where is he, Jake?

This is your last chance.

You got a permanent reminder,
you got that?

Whatever comes next, Jake, is on you.
It's on you. You understand me?

So, are you good with that?

You think you can do this?
Is that what you think?

How's it feel?


One more time. Where is he?

Where is he, Jake?

Kiss my ass.

Where is he?

I said stop!

I need to talk to you outside. Now.

Why are you doing this, Curtis?

We just need Billy, Jake.
And I know you know where he is.

- You're out of control.
- Oh, Christ, don't start with me.

Madani, you ain't got
the stomach for this.

Just walk away.

Go back to your cozy little life.

Just pretend
that this shit doesn't happen.

You'll see Billy's picture in the paper
when I end it.

And then what does that make me?

If we keep doing this, then we're
no better than Billy and Rawlins were.

You know, Frank and I
have been friends with Billy

since about the time
you were sprouting your first chin hairs.

We didn't just train with Billy.

We served with him.

Covert operations.

Blood doesn't make brothers
closer than that.

Right up until the point
where Billy m*rder*d Frank's whole family

and shot me for getting in his way.

If he did that with us, what do you think
he's gonna do with you when he's done?

And the only person worse than him
is gonna be back in here any minute.

Then why are you here?

'Cause I'm the guy dumb enough
to get in between them.

Please, don't do the same.

Are you boys having fun?

- Just having a little heart-to-heart.
- Yeah?

All right, Jake.

Come here.

Where do you think
we should put this next?

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay.

They're hitting
the ReadyQuick check-cashing spot.

This morning. Bunch of us.

Right after the truck
makes the Friday drop,

we're gonna rob the place.

Last night, we all stayed
in that empty warehouse on 12th.

I snuck out to score.

Wait. I can't let you do this.

I'm not asking for permission.

Frank, I felt bad. I did, okay?
Everything that was done to you...

So I swallowed a mountain of shit,
because I felt like I owed you.

But I owe myself, too.

I took an oath.

I'm calling Mahoney.
Let him take Billy down.

You need to get out of New York
before they come looking for you.

You do what you need to do, Madani.

Why did you choose a blue luchador mask?

Latex allergy, assh*le.

Where the hell is he?

You can't trust a meth head.

I think our friend Jake
just became a fine example

of why we always build redundancies
into our plans.

José, you're now driving me.
Mike, you're off the bench.

Geno, you're now flying solo
as backup, all right?

What about him? He can ride with me.

No. He stays right where we've got him.

Just so we're clear, Jake's not getting
a g*dd*mn cent out of this, all right?

We will deal with Jake after. Let's move!


Take care of that.

Thank you, guys. See you next week.

Thanks, guys.


Get your hands up!
I wanna see hands!

Everybody, stay cool. Nice and cool.

That's it. Move!

You, move away from the counter.

Move back!

That's it.

Everybody stay ice cool...
and nobody dies today.

You, manager. Come here.

Now, what is your name?


Lillian, I'm gonna
need you to move

towards whatever button you gotta push...

to open that door over there.
You understand me?


But I'm not going to do it.

You're not...

You're not gonna do it?

You're not gonna do it.

I am telling you to!

That door won't open.

Lillian, why are you doing this?

It's on a timer.

There's not one person
in this entire place

who believes that that door is on a timer.

So trust me when I tell you
that today is not the day to do this.

So give some thought
to why you wanna see tomorrow...

and open the damn door.

This is a family business.

My daddy fought a world w*r,
built this place from nothing.

He'd turn over in his grave if he thought

I would let you all just walk in here
and take whatever you want.


Does everybody know what this is?

Yes, that's right! It's a grenade.
An M67 fragmentation grenade.

You wouldn't believe how many
the US Army is missing.

Lillian, please, just open the door.

- I won't.
- It's all insured, anyway!

That's not the point.

Lillian... you're making me
kind of nervous.

Your behavior, it's... it's erratic,
it's... it's irrational.

Like you could do anything
at any time without reason.

Anybody else getting the same vibe
off of Lillian, or is it just me?

She a crazy old bitch.

Well, I don't have time
for crazy, Lillian.

So I'm gonna give you
till the count of three,

and then I'm going to shove this

through that little slot on the counter
right in front of you.

And then you will all
really be on a timer.

It won't fit, dumbass.
It's designed that way.

So I'll just take my chances.

You clowns are not gonna rob my joint,

so just take your little sorry asses
all up outta here.

- Hey! What...
- You're gonna get us all k*lled.

Get in there! Right now!

- What are you... doing?
- What? What?

Get on the wall! Now! Hurry up!

All right, everybody, put your
hands together for me just like this.

Stay calm.

Nice and calm.

Nice and easy.

Hurry up, boys!


We're done!

Thank you all
for your cooperation.

Lillian, you're a crazy old bird,
but I think I like you.

Now, if it weren't for this guy,
you would all be dead.

So the next time you see him,
do the right thing.

Make him employee of the month
or something.

No! Wait! No! No!

You're coming with us.

I don't know, man.

Taking him in the warehouse,
that's one thing,

but on the street?

We gotta slow down.

No, no, no, no, no. We know where he is.
It's time, let's get this done.

I still don't like it.

Pull the car over. Pull it over.

That's it.

What are you doing? God damn it, Curtis.

Look, you got too much to lose, all right?
You said it yourself.

What if there's a run-and-g*n, huh?
What are you gonna do with that leg?

You know I'm right.

Get the hell out of my car, Frank.

- Hey, I'm gonna be right here.
- Okay.

They see you coming, you know
you're not gonna have a shot, right?

It's not gonna be me they see coming.

Just take care of the kid.
Something happens, you take her to Madani,

you tell her that I said
to tell her everything.

Just do that for me.



- Look at this.
- Russo!

You're late, you son of a bitch!

Get out of here, Jake. Right now!


You should have stayed in your hole, Bill.

Billy, let's go!

Come on!

Let's go! Let's go!

We have to go! Now!

Take him down!

Billy, we have to go! Now!

Come on! Come on!