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02x03 - Trouble the Water

Posted: 05/11/22 06:27
by bunniefuu
In the Book of Judges,
chapter 16,

Samson fell by the lust of his eyes,

and so the Philistines
gouged his eyes out.

We reap what we sow.

In Numbers 32, it says,
"Be sure your sin will find you out."

Somewhere, sometime,
every little sin and every big sin

will find you out.

"For it is time," the scripture says,
"to seek the Lord,

that he may come
and rain righteousness upon you."

Because, unless you are clothed
in the righteousness of God,

you will never enter Heaven.

The inspiration for this wonderful song
comes from John 5:4.

"For an angel went down into the pool,
and troubled the water;

whosoever then first stepped in

was made whole
of whatsoever disease he had."


We have among us today
two of our great patrons,

Anderson and Eliza Schultz, who are
certainly leaving their mark for God,

and to whom this church, this town,

and, indeed,
this entire state owe gratitude.

Thank you, Reverend. A wonderful sermon.

I'm moved to share with the congregation,
if I may.


The scripture says
we're to love our neighbor as ourselves.

There was a time, not long ago,
when this town had become a neighborhood

without becoming a brotherhood.

But together...

we found the truth.

If we serve faithfully...

we will reap rewards.


Thank you very much.

We need our angel back in the choir.

It isn't quite the same
without our Rebecca's voice.

How's she feeling this morning?

The new treatment
is taking some getting used to.

Well, the side effects
can be very uncomfortable,

but Dr. Scully has high hopes.

It's a potentially
groundbreaking technique.

Very positive results
coming out of Germany.

We're both in your debt.

I have become recently aware of a...
serious matter,

one that threatens
everything that we hold dear.

It's going to need
a special kind of attention.

I welcome any opportunity
to prove my faith.

I'll send someone along
with the details.

In the meantime, just know that,
as in the Book of Daniel,

one of ours has been thrown to the lions.

Rebecca and the boys will be
well looked after while you're gone.

How long will you be gone?

Did I wake you?

I'm so sorry.

Can I get you something? Some water?

I need you.

Where are you going this time?

Jesus said, "When you give alms,

do not let your left hand know
what your right is doing,

so that your alms may be given in secret."

I'll only be gone a couple of days.

I love you.

God damn it.

That piss...

gonna mix with the shit
that's about to rain down.

How's the leg?

Next time, I'll hit more than your hand.


You two married?

Sure sound married.

And, anyhow,
I went down to this seminar.

"Weak Eye Theory," it was called.

All about how everyone's
got one eye bigger than the other

and how you gain advantage

by looking your suspect
exclusively in their weak eye.

They don't even know it's happening,

but it's throwing them off.


Hey, you think you could get me a Coke?

- You got a dollar?
- Seriously?

I'm not about to spend
my own money on a suspect.

I'm not a suspect, I'm the victim.
Ask your boss.

How about this?

I will change your life for a dollar.

- Change my life?
- Mmm-hmm.

See above the door over there?

Now, where I come from,
you hang it the other way.

See, you guys got it
all pointed down like that,

and all the luck
just runs out of it, because...

- gravity, right?
- Uh...

Trust me. It's worth a buck.
Come on.

- I can get you a water.
- Ugh.

Please, Deputy Ogden,
I need caffeine and sugar.

I have been up all night,
taken prisoner, tied down, shot at,

almost k*lled, arrested...

We're not all highly trained like you are.

And, you know, I mean,
when Child Services comes

I should be able to tell them
that Larkville County at least

cares about the nutritional needs
of its child victims, right?

- All that I have is a five.
- Thank you.

Hey, have they told you
what's going on here?

Like, what did I get dragged into?

When does it stop, Rachel?

Or is it...

Susan? No. Peggy?

Or maybe Stephanie?

Your prints came back.

The same prints, but under more aliases
than Carter has pills.

And no one seems to know
which is the real you.

So I ain't buying this Pollyanna routine.

Just tell us
what really happened out there.

I did. I'm the victim here.

Okay. Fine.

I intended on treating you as a minor,
but since you won't be straight with me,

I'll take the average age
of all your aliases and call you 18.

- I'm 16.
- Throw her in the women's cell

- with that hard-ass she came in with.
- No, no, no! You can't do that.

Look, just please don't do that.

Just give me one good reason.


she's trying to k*ll me.

What about the guy?


- He saved me.
- Saved you?

What was all that crap
about him tying you to a bed?

He did that, too.

It's true.

I mean, both things are true.

Look, I'm serious. Sheriff, really...

they're both crazy,
and I just happened to get in the way.

Watch her.

Ms. Marlena Olin.

Last known address, Detroit.

What bounced from your prints
almost broke our Internet.

Former military.
Former security contractor.

As were those four corpses at the motel.


If it looks like a duck
and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

Makes sense.

But you, Castiglione, you make no sense.

No known address.
IAFIS came back with nothing.

You’re a choirboy, apparently.

But look at you.

Look at what you did.

Went through her little crew
like they were nothing.

Weirder still, no record of you
in the military database.

If I had to guess,

I'd say you were a jarhead.

Well, I hope you both
enjoy our sandwiches,

because nobody's going anywhere
until I get the truth.

Good speech, Sheriff.

You know, little departments like yours
don't handle homicides.

They bring in the state police.

But you haven't made that call.

Election year?

Racking up votes by playing the hero?

You let me out now,

I'll tell my people not to permanently
erase your name from the ballot.

Trouble's coming, Sheriff.

Why is that, exactly?

The people who paid her,
they're gonna want this cleaned up.

They're gonna want it done quickly.

Delayed gratification's good.

It built the middle class.

You're averaging
less than two hours.

Yeah? Well, what can I say?

Hell of a nightlife up in here.

First, you can say
what you're doing with the pills.

The prescription's meant
to help you sleep.

I take 'em.

- You do?
- I take 'em, and then I flush 'em.


I don't need your help sleeping.

I was trained to sleep anywhere.

You were also trained
on how to avoid sleep.

Why don't you want to sleep, Billy?

Are you afraid to sleep
because of the nightmares?

Our treatment plan for you is simple.

Successfully exposing yourself
to the nightmares

is the only way to control the nightmare.

Do you mind if I take a look?

Knock yourself out.

Trying to fully recall a nightmare
is like pulling on a spiderweb.

If you yank hard on it,
you're going to break it.

But we're gently pulling
on that spiderweb.

And once we've pulled it all out,

you can leave
nightmare helplessness behind,

and you can start to gain
a mastery over it.

That's the point of this journal.

What you write down
doesn't have to make sense.

None of this shit makes any sense!
Why won't you help me?

Billy, calm down.

I know what we're talking about is scary.

What the hell do you know? You think
you got it all figured out, don't you?

With your g*dd*mn
finger painting

and your "Dear Diary" bullshit!

You're agitated because you need sleep.



Dr. Dumont, hi.

Attention, security.
Initiate lockdown.

North wing, fourth floor.

- We're on our way right now.
- Let's go. Let's go.

Why didn't you scream?
Why didn't you say something?

I don't want you to get hurt.

Billy, you're not ready
to be on your own. Okay?

You can trust me.

It's not too late to put this right.

We can do that, you and I.

There's no putting this right.



Were you really
just wrong place, wrong time?


I guess that's shitty luck
for both of us, huh?

So, why?


I've been asking myself the same thing.

There's no stopping it now.

It's gonna have to play out.

One way or the other.

Sheriff! Sheriff, these guys
are here about an extradition.

Nobody told me.

Sorry to bother you, Sheriff.

The paperwork's en route. Fax is
probably coming through as we speak.

Bottom line, I'm here to take
two prisoners off your hands.

We're talking about a white male,
white female?

- Correct.
- Yeah.

What's their story, anyway?

- 'Cause they ain't talking.
- Yeah, I bet they aren't.

We've got 'em on a multiple homicide.
Drug deal gone wrong.

The guy's got heavy connections,
and word is he uses the kid as a mule.

Hang on.
You're talking about a female juvenile?

That's right.

- She's still in your custody, I hope?
- Yeah...

Thing is,
we barely had time to process the girl.

Let us save you the trouble.

Not till they've been arraigned.

When's that? Later tonight?

This Thursday.

Thursday? What kinda town is this?

The kind that does arraignments
on Thursday.

I suggest you take that time
to get your paperwork.

Come back Thursday,
maybe the judge will figure something out.

Yeah, that's not gonna work for us.

Well, at least you can let us see 'em,
ask a few questions,

see what they got in their property.

Potential evidence.

What's that sign over at the diner,
behind the register?

"Management reserves the right
to refuse service."

That's it. We need to get one.


Lieutenant, you don't look so good.

- He don't look good, does he, Dobbs?
- No, sir, he, uh... he don't.

You better get home, see your doctor.

Did you take an oath, Sheriff?

- Excuse me?
- An oath.

Did you take an oath
when you came into office?

I did.

Before God. I'm not about to break it.

I respect that.

I, too, made a promise before God.

No need for anyone to get hurt
if they don't have to.

I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name.

Hosea 8, verse 7...

"He that sows the wind
shall reap the whirlwind."


What the hell?

You guys need to do something right now.

Murphy, get the staties on the phone.

Phone's out, Sheriff.

No. Seriously?

I'mma k*ll Sprint.


What's going on?

Waiting's over.

Guess so.

Dobbs, get back to your desk.
Keep trying the radio.

- Think it's them?
- Them who?

- What are we talking about?
- We turned away a couple assh*le city cops

who didn't have
their extradition paperwork.

You're running out of time
to tell us what the hell's going on.

Please just let me go before they come.

- You need to start talking.
- Who's coming? What is this, Sheriff?

We don't know what this is.

But you're holding a r*fle?


Dr. Dumont, I... I'm so sorry.

Are you okay? Have you seen a medic?
Do you need anything?

I'm not hurt.

Then why have they got you
sitting here like this?

I haven't made my statement.
I'm waiting for a detective or something.

Unless that's you?

- No. This... this isn't my case.
- But you're here anyway.

You know, all the months I've been
coming here, pushing for the truth...

waiting for Billy to slip up,
waiting for him to show what he really is,

I hope now you understand.

You think Billy was planning this?

You don't?

There was an activation
of Billy's fear network

in response to emotional
and cognitive triggers.

Responses to that kind of activation
include escape, avoidance.

It's primal. It's involuntary.

You don't know him like I do.

I've been treating him for months.

Everything I saw

was a confused and frightened individual
acting on impulse.

You think I'm so bad at what I do
that I can't tell the difference?

Is there anything he said under your care,

any... clue at all
that might indicate his whereabouts?

So I can, uh... bring him in... safely.

Last time you brought him in,
you almost k*lled him,

destroyed his face.

I don't recall you being there.

Are you trying to ban me from this place?

I banned you, Agent Madani.

I got sick of asking nicely.

Because your visits could impact
any case we bring against Mr. Russo.

I am just doing my job.

You don't have a job here,
Agent Madani.

The jurisdictions are clear.
Russo is NYPD territory.

Your agency agreed to that.

Right around when they
handed us the paperwork

on a crime scene they trampled all over,

like they were doing us a favor,
throwing us a bone.

But here's why I think they did that.

Because of your personal connection
to Mr. Russo.

Do I need to get you escorted
off my crime scene, Agent Madani?

I'd prefer to spare us both
the embarrassment.

I'm sorry. Forgive us.

I'm Sergeant Mahoney.
I'm here to take your statement.

The good doctor thinks Russo
is a lost soul cast adrift in the world.

Maybe you two deserve each other.

Please have a seat.

Respiratory care tech
needed in 302.

Respiratory care tech needed in 302.

Castiglione, let's go!

Handing us over so soon? I thought
you'd show a little more sack than that.

You're not going anywhere.
I need you to start talking.

Face the wall. Hands over your head.

Sheriff, if he's going home,
can I have his sandwich?

You're crazy. You want your arm stuck?


They're gonna have to amputate
to get you outta there.

- Ye of little faith.
- Impressive.

Stealing from a vending machine
inside of a police station.

Well, give me back my five, then.

Mmm. You know, it's... it's gone.

I put it in the machine
just before the power went out.


What do you think is going on right now?

I think the phones aren't ringing.

That feedback from the radio
tells me there's a jammer out there.

I think you're sitting
alone in the dark, Sheriff.

You got wolves all around you.

And I think you know it.

The question is,
what are you going to do about it?

It might help if I knew
what I was dealing with.


Two days ago, I was...

I was at a bar outside Detroit.
I was having a beer.

That woman and her team, they showed up.

They went after the kid hard.

I stepped in.

All in all, 13 bad guys,
they got put down.

See, in the process,
they shot a friend of mine,

and that pissed me off.

I figured the kid
had something they wanted

and that they'd try again,
so I took her. I split.

They tracked me to that motel,
and you got the full meat wagon.

Thirteen? Trained K*llers?

I guess not so much.


- I'm not really the citizen's arrest type.
- Why get involved?

A man's got a right to defend himself
and defend those who can't.

You laid up for them in that motel.
You could've run. You didn't.

If you run, you can't see
what's coming up behind you.

That's premeditation.

What do they want from you?

Why did you tie her up?

She's ungrateful.
Kids today, they got no manners.

You wanted her for bait.

Sheriff, when these people come,
they come in numbers and they come hard.

I've seen it twice already.

You need to give 'em what they want.

You and the girl?

Hand you over just like that?

And the woman. They'll want her, too.

Sheriff, I think
we should consider what he's saying.

All we need
is for one of us to go get help.

If I take the Charger,
I'll be back with the cavalry

before these jokers
even realize it's happening.

Don't do it, Sheriff.

- You're not in charge here.
- Neither are you.


is the Charger gassed up?

Yeah. Yeah, I, uh, filled it this morning.

- Good. Give Ogden the keys.
- Ogden?

- That's too much car for Ogden, Sheriff.
- Just give him the keys.

Ogden, all you need to do is get clear
of whatever's jamming the radio.

Call the staties, okay?

You're making a mistake, Sheriff.

You can count on me.

Let's go.

- Shit.
- What the hell?

It's too much car.

Ogden! You okay?

I'm hit!

Cover us.

Let's get out of here.

Okay, come on. Okay.

Stay low, okay? You're okay.
Come on. Stay low.

Stay low. Stay low. Stay low. Stay low.


I see him. Say the word.

Hold your fire. Get him inside.

Shut the door!

Gut shot.

I give him two to three hours.

He'll survive,
but only if he gets to a hospital.

He's got a wife and a child.

He's protecting godless people,

undeserving of your honor.

Do the right thing. Give us what
we came for, and we'll leave quietly.

You have my word.

From one God-fearing man to another.

Get inside. Go. Go.

Stay low!
All of you, keep away from the windows.

What the hell is going on,

Oh, God.

- Dobbs, get some vests.
- What can I do to help?

- What can I do to help?
- Hold this hard!

Okay, just...
just hang in there, okay?

That's great. No triple XLs.

- Murphy, get a vest on.
- This is crazy, sir.

All respect, but what are we doing?
A bunch of country cops?

We're not equipped.

Dobbs, give them vests, too. Them, too!

If Ogden dies because of you assholes,
you'll need one of those.

No offense, ma'am,
you're not really my problem right now.

Dobbs, take over for Murphy.
Murphy, you're with me.

Sheriff, if Ogden bleeds out,
that's on us.

- I'm not gonna let that happen.
- What if we just send one out?

The guy. Hell, he wants to go.

Think about who we're protecting here.

Are we gonna look after
a couple strangers,

or are we gonna look after our own?

I'm gonna go get him some water.


just set me loose.

Set me loose, Sheriff.

You're gonna make a citizen's arrest? Huh?

You're gonna save the day one-handed?

You got a pretty high opinion of yourself.

You set the rules, I'll follow 'em.
I give you my word.

You might be military,
but these people of yours,

they're amateurs, and you know it.

- You need all the help you can get.
- Help?

You're the cause of all this,
you murdering bastard.

You ever put a round in someone?

You ever fire your w*apon
in the field, even?

That's what I thought.

You better tell 'em to let you out now.

My people could take
this whole building down.

Old Testament shit.

You've seen the Internet.

They could bust in here
using flamethrowers on men in cages.


Sweet boneless Jesus.
I shouldn't even be in here.

My own g*dd*mn brother locked me up
for being drunk in public.

Yo, Ken, get your ass in here
and talk to me!



Return fire!

Who the hell
are these guys, Sheriff?

There's an army of them
out there!

God damn it! Dobbs!

- Return fire! Two o'clock!
- I'll cover the right.

Sheriff! God damn it! It's a diversion!

You need to cover the back.
Cover the back door!

That back door is industrialized steel!

Damn it, Ogden!

Come on!

- Come on!
- Step back! Shit!


Shit, shit, shit!

- Cover your eyes!
- Move it! Let's go!

You've gotta be kidding me!


It's okay. It's okay. Easy.

What are you doing?

He's loose!

Give me that.

- Got it. Go! Go! Go!
- Move! Move! Move!

- Come on!
- Go!

Take cover!

You know I can't let you run.

Your w*apon's empty, Sheriff.

Sheriff, if you need someone to run,
I'm your man.

- Drop your w*apon!
- Murphy. Put that g*n down.

We're trusting him?

He had a chance to rabbit, and he didn't.
We're trusting him.

Little Junior, what happened?

Take a wild guess, Bruce.

You look like you got shot! Shit!
I told you this wasn't the job for you.

Sheriff, they got expl*sives.

They can tear this whole place down.
She told me as much.

How many you think are out there?

- Too many.
- We don't owe these people anything.

Dobbs, what about you?

Think we should turn these prisoners over?

Ogden needs a doctor.

No, you can't do that.

I'd never be able to live with myself
if I knew these people died because of me.

How the hell can any of you
live with yourselves?

I took the same oath as all of you...

...and I intend to keep it.

Well, give me a scattergun, 'cause
I'm seeing triple and can't aim for shit.

Come on.

You doing okay?

We can't just sit here.

They're gonna k*ll us.

You can k*ll every last one. I don't care.

But let me be the one
to put a b*llet in Castiglione.

Give me a team to hit from this side,
while another team works the back.

There's only four of them left,
plus the kid.

I'll finish the job,
be out of the country by dawn.

I got passports, plenty of places to go.

Show me again.

Back door,
this corridor leads to the bull...

"Our God is a consuming fire."

"For the children of this life
shall be cast into darkness."

"Dust thou art,
and unto dust shalt thou return."

"For this world is not your home."

You need to lay down,
put pressure on that wound.

Hey, you keep standing up like that,
you're gonna bleed out.

You want to die tonight, kid? Hmm?

Is that what you want?

No, sir.


You did good.

What you did was as brave
as anyone I ever saw.

But now it's time...

you sit there.

You sit back.

Go on.

That's it.

Now it's your turn to stand up, Bruce.

Anybody who wants to k*ll you
is gonna have to come through me.

Hey, Sheriff, can I get
a badge or something?

I think one of those vests
might be more like it.

He doesn't have much longer.

I'm all ears.

You know, whoever's out there...

they've gone too far.

Next step, they come in here,
they burn us all out.

And they don't stop till we're dead.

Let me go.

You're in no shape for that.

You got any black tape?

Help! Help! Help me!

Yeah, assholes, how do you like that?

You ever, like, see that Western
where the guy comes to town...

turns out he's, like, the devil
or death or something?

Hell, who gives a shit?

Long as he's on our side.

Homeland Security! Drop your weapons!

Do not move! Stay where you are!

That's quite an entrance, Madani.

- You look like shit, Castle.
- Yeah, it's been a rough couple days.

You changed your mind, huh?

Someone changed it for me.

Billy Russo broke out of the hospital.

You're gonna be okay. Hold on.

Man, I'm hungry.

Are you hungry?

Is that weird?

Hey, um... Listen, I just...
I wanted to say thank you.

I mean, I know you were just doing
your job and everything, but...

I gotta say, it was really amazing,

putting your life before a bunch of people
you barely know. So...

thank you.

So, your name really Rachel?

Good luck, Ogden.

Sheriff, Mr. Castiglione here

is part of a very sensitive
Homeland Security investigation.

Is that right?

I would like it if he was never here.


Marine, you saved my ass
more than once tonight...

and the lives
of everyone in that building.

That's a fact.

So there's a scenario
where she doesn't take you

and you still weren't here.

Yeah, I appreciate it.

My van's trashed. I could use a ride.

Well, as far as we're concerned,
Pete Castiglione was never here.


Sheriff, look, there's...
there's one more thing.

I gotta take the girl.

- Unfinished business?
- That's right.


She comes, or I don't.


I kept the g*ns. I don't want any more
bodies on my conscience. No offense.

- None taken.
- Think you might want these, too?

Thank you, Sheriff.

I don't want to know.

Where are we going?

New York.