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02x01 - Roadhouse Blues

Posted: 05/11/22 06:26
by bunniefuu
Look out!

Damn it.

Turn off the engine! Get out of the car!

Now what?

One more when you have a chance.
Thank you.

That's for you.

- Sure you don't want to run a tab?
- No, no.

Just one beer at a time. Thank you.

Excuse me.

Hey, Ringo.

Curse of a youthful complexion, I guess.

- What will it be?
- Sprite with lemon and ice.

What are you looking at?

- Sorry.
- What are you looking at, rough road?

- "Rough road"?
- As in, "40 Miles of," "face like."

- What?
- Hey, look, you're staring at me, kid.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

- Anything else?
- No.




Rough road.

That was kinda funny, though.

You liked that, huh?

I'll be right with you.

Hey, let me get a pint.
And one for you, too.

- Thanks, man. I'll grab it later.
- Have it with me now.

- I don't drink when I'm working, man.
- Come on. I know how this works.

You don't have a drink with me
and just keep my seven bucks.

I don't wanna give you this money.
I want you to have a drink with me.

- Yeah, why's that?
- I think you're a good-looking woman.

'Cause I'm wondering
how far those tattoos go.

'Cause I'd like to lick 'em.

And I think, maybe,
you might like that, too.

You never know. But I gotta work. And, uh,
plenty of ladies in here with tattoos.

Come on. At least give me your number
and your name. I'm Johnny.

Johnny, you're gonna
have to let go of my arm now.

Hey, hey, lady's trying to work.

How's she gonna pour drinks
with you holding onto her arm? Let go.

Thank you. You all right?

Yeah. He's just a drunk.

I must be if I thought
you were worth my time...


That's classy.

I'm sorry, did you say something?


You just made my night.


You like that? Get out of here.

What are you doing? Don't do...

You got two choices:

you can walk out
or I will carry your ass out... like him.

Hey, Ringo. He's good, man.
He was helping me out. Can you...

- You good here?
- Just get rid of him, will ya?

Get your ass up.

Dealing with assholes like that
all the time.

- You shouldn't have to.
- Yeah, well...

I could trouble you for another beer?

- Yeah.
- Thanks.

Didn't need saving.

Maybe I just don't like assholes.

- That's for you. Thank you.
- No. It's on me.

No, that's okay.
You don't have to do that.

It's on me.

Thank you.

Got a name?


- Pete.
- Pete.


Thank you for the beer, Beth.

- Nice to meet you, Pete.
- Yeah.

I give them up...

they will k*ll me.

Said the bleeding man tied to a chair.

I know you came from New York.
Who sent you?

Be smart.


Who is that?


Doesn't matter. I work...

worked for Fiona.

Ah. Yes, yes.
I expected her yesterday. Where is she?

She's dead.

Someone k*lled them all.
I'm the only one left.

- Do you have what I paid for?
- Did you hear me?

Someone knows.

Whatever... Whatever this is,
they k*lled them all for it.

Except you.

Bring the photographs to me,
I will keep you safe.


Look, whatever this is, I want out of it.

I get the money, you get the photos,
and we're done.

Tell me where you are.


- Why are you in Michigan?
- I ran.

Last place anyone would ever look for me.

Last place I'd ever look for anything.

It's very noisy there.
Very hard to hear you.

Meet me here tomorrow night.

Or else I'm in the wind,
and you'll never hear from me again.

Lola's Roadhouse.

Come alone. I'll find you.

Do you believe in providence, Sergei?

I don't even know what that is.

I didn't know about this girl.

I had missed her.

But then she's brought back to me.
And that is providence.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

You're real luck.

Oh, it is not luck.

Look, I did good for you.

- You promised...
- you'd let me go.

That is not true.

I promised to give you peace.

I don't even know what...

So what brings you here?

I'm just, uh, staying over at the motel.

I heard the music,
and it just sounded good, so here I am.

To Michigan?

Uh... Just passing through.

Where to?

Next place I'll be passing through.

- Hmm, I see. A travelin' man, huh?
- Yeah.

- Just a regular Sal Paradise.
- Uh...

Able to pick up and take off
whenever you like, huh?

Yeah. Pretty much.

You got the "man of mystery"
thing down. I give you that.

So you come in here and defend my honor
and then just vanish into the night?

Nah. You didn't need saving.

All right, Beth, it's been a pleasure.

- You leaving tomorrow?
- Yeah. Bright and early.

- You want to maybe grab another drink?
- No. I think I'm good.

With me?

- Forget I...
- Yeah, I'd like that.

This is me.


You gotta do me a favor, okay?
You promise me you're not an assh*le.


Isn't that the kind of thing
an assh*le would do?

Look, my bed's right there.

You know, we can call this a night,
no hard feelings. I could just...

Get in.


You play, huh?

Yeah, you know...

Played in high school.

Bands, moved around, you know.
Never quite got the breaks.

The usual shit.

- Thank you. Uh...
- Mmm-hmm.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Anyway, somehow I, uh...

always ended up dating the drummer,
which everyone knows is, uh...

the worst thing you can do.

It's okay.

- You gonna sit down?
- Sure.

When you find yourself getting older

and all you've got is a couple of guitars,
a bag of clothes, and...

you realize something's gotta change.

Sometimes things make
that decision for you. Right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You have a, uh... You got a little boy?

- Yes, I do.
- Yeah.

Rex. He's, um...

He's eight.

My mom has him when I work at the bar.

Does that bother you?

Why would it?

Just a little too much real life
for a traveling man, maybe.


Anyway, he's the, uh,
best thing that's ever happened to me.

And it's just the two of us.
Always has been.

His dad's not in the picture,
if you're wondering.

Which is, um... the best option.

- And what about you?
- What about me?

No one waiting at home
with the porch light on?

I wouldn't be here if there was.

Well, that could be a line,
but I believe you.

Something about you...

I don't make a habit of this.
I just wanted...

I don't make a habit of this either, so...



- We're really good at this, huh?
- Mmm.


I mean, you should be...

- Should I see the other guy?
- Nah.

Rough road.

Yeah, you're not kidding.

What happened?

Marine corps.

You know,
I couldn't help noticing that ring.

Yeah, I had a wife.



They're dead.

God. I'm sorry.

Was it an accident?

No, they were taken from me.

Can't even imagine.

How long ago?

You mind my asking?

You know...

there are times
where it feels like yesterday.

You know?

Sometimes it feels
like a million years ago.

All that moving around,
it must get lonely, huh?

I had this friend,

said that we're all lonely.

And all life is, is just trying not to be.

I'd say that's...

spot on.

It was a woman who told you that,
wasn't it?

- Yeah, it was.
- Yeah.

I'm not lonely right now.


Yeah, I ain't lonely either.

I'm glad you came
to the bar tonight, Pete.

Hey, that's when you get to say,
"Yeah, me too."


My name, it's...

it's not Pete, it's Frank.


Okay, so I'm confused.

Look, I did some shit that could...
embarrass some people.

They're powerful people,
so I get to be Pete.

They get to not be embarrassed.

You some kind of criminal
in law trouble or...


"No"? That's all I'm gonna get?


Why'd you tell me?

I want this to be honest.

Yeah, well...

So some of the shit you did,
does it explain all those scars?

Some of 'em.

I guess you didn't have
to tell me any of that.

I didn't, but...

Look, my past, just...
it's my past. You know?

The only thing that matters here
is that my shit, my issues,

they won't come to your front door,
you know. And that's...

That's... That's a promise.

God damn.
I should throw you out right now.

But somehow I don't feel like I need to.

Stupid, maybe.

I've only known you, what?
What, a couple of hours?

All right.


- Suits you better, you know?
- Yeah.

I mean, shit, it could be Eugene.

- You imagine?
- No.

I've always hated that name. Eugene.

Hello, Frank.

Guess you gotta take the good
when it comes, huh?


Yeah, I guess you do.

You're gonna learn about pain.

You're gonna learn about loss.

It's okay. Your mom's upstairs.

I'm just, uh... I'm a friend.

My name's Pete. You must be Rex, right?


Hi, baby. I didn't know you were home.
How come you didn't come get me?

Grandma gave me the key.
She told me not to wake you.

- Right.
- Who is he? Why is he here?

He is a friend of mine,
and he needed a place to stay.

So I said he could
stay with us last night. Okay?

I get it, Rex. It's your house.

I'm just some strange man. For all
you know, I could be a Rangers fan, huh?

Are you?

- I am.
- Your team sucks.

Yes, they do, Rex.

Grandma said she was bringing
you home at 10:00. What happened?

Ms. Thomas fell over again.

Grandma said
she needed to go help her out.

She didn't give me breakfast, either.

Said she assumed
you at least had some food in the house.

Look, um... this is not how I saw
this morning going. I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry
about sneaking off like that.

Mom, there's no Fruit Loops or OJ.

Yeah, I know, baby. I was gonna go
to the market. I just haven't, um...

had a second.

Do you... Maybe you should...

- Okay. I'll take off.
- Mom, I'm hungry.

Hey, Rex, is there any place
around here that's special?

Someplace you like, you know?

- Maybe...
- No, you don't have to...

Maybe the three of us. Maybe we go.
It's my treat, no problem.

I appreciate what you're doing,
you don't have to do that.

- What am I doing? It's breakfast.
- Donatello's! I want pancakes.

I like pancakes. I do.
I really like pancakes.

- What do you say?
- Come on, Mom.

- Come on, Mom.
- Last chance to escape.

I don't want a chance to escape.
I want pancakes.

- Put your jacket on.
- Yes!

Pass me a little bit
of that syrup. Yeah?

Can you spare some?
Ah, man. Thank you, bud.

- So how many nights a week you work there?
- Just the weekends. I teach.

Teach? What do you teach?

- Guitar, piano.
- Yeah?

Yeah. But the bar
keeps the lights on, so...

I get it.

Yeah. Keeps this kid
in hockey shirts, right?

- I get to hear the music.
- Wow.

Okay, you know what? I think that's good.
What do you think?

- Get you some pancakes for that syrup.
- So good.

- Oh, yeah?
- You should stay over more often.

I appreciate that, buddy.


Grandma never brings me here.
And Mom, only special occasions.

Well, you know...

Wait, you two aren't, like,
getting married or something?

- No. We are, uh...
- I think...

I think we're just friends.

That's right.

Did you two have sex last night?

- Okay.
- Oh, boy.

Mom, I'm nearly nine. We know this stuff.

Is that so?

You have heard of the Internet?
Paulie's brother showed us some...

Know what? I think you and I
are gonna talk about this later.

It was kinda gross,
so I went outside to play hockey.

He does listen to me occasionally.

- Hockey player, Rex?
- Yes, I am.

Yeah, he'd, uh, play all day if he could.

Yeah, my son was the same.

You have a son?


- Where is he?
- You know what, baby? He doesn't...

I just... I don't get to see him
the way I want to, Rex.

Yeah, I don't see my dad, either.
Haven't seen him since I was a little kid.

Well, you know...
wherever he is, I'm sure he misses you.

He doesn't really know me.
Do you miss yours?

I miss him every day.

Guess I'll try to say goodbye to you
like an adult this time, huh?

- I appreciate that.
- Yeah.

He's a good kid.

Yeah. Knows a little too much, I think.

He'd rather play hockey.
I think you're safe.

For now, yeah.

Look, if I'm ever back this way,
maybe we could...

- You've got my number.
- Yeah, I do.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

Take care.

You know,
the band's playing again tonight.

Just sayin'.

Listen, you, uh... you take care, okay?



Hey, miss, that room wasn't occupied.




You all right?

Are you following me?

Why would I be following you?

Hey? You okay?


What the hell?

[horn honking

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Well, I wasn't expecting to see you again.

You know...

It's a real good band.

- Is that what it is?
- Yeah.


- So how far did you get?
- About two hours down the road.

Two hours.

Well, I guess that I should be
real insulted or real flattered, huh?

It just took some time, you know,

for it to really sink in
just how good that music was.

Felt like it'd be a shame to miss out.

Well, all right.

- One beer at a time?
- Yeah.

Thank you.



- You all right?
- Yeah.

- Yeah. Are you sure?
- Yeah. It's nothing.

Yo, Beth, can I get a beer?

- No causing any trouble.
- All right.

- Sorry.
- Hey, what's the hurry?

- Come dance with me.
- Sorry. Stop, stop. Get off me!

No, no, no.

Hi, ladies, I'm sorry,
someone just got real sick in there.

I'd use the men's room.

- Excuse me.
- Can I help you?

My friend...

I think she might be a little bit sick.
So I'm just gonna go check on her.

I think she went home, buddy.

- She went home?
- Yeah. I think you should, too.

Yeah, I was... She...
Nah, I'm-I'm... I'm pretty sure.

I think you have the wrong person here.

You wish we did.

Get back.

- Eddie?
- You all right, kid?

No sh*ts.

Nobody mentioned a guy with her.


You're so far over your head,
you can't even see the light.

Is that right?

Who are you?

Why are they coming after you?

No. I'm outta here.

You stay where you are.

- Who are they?
- I don't know. I don't know.

I came in here,
and they asked me if I wanted to party,

and then I said no,
and they just, like, freaked out on me.

I don't know.
Chicks can be rough.


There's more of 'em out there.

And what? You... You're just some
Good Samaritan who couldn't stand by?

I'm just an assh*le who couldn't
stay out of trouble, that's all.

I'm gonna ask you one more time, kid.

You tell me who they are.

No? Okay.

No, wait, wait, wait!

If there's more people out there,
people like this...

I mean, you didn't just come in here
to leave me for them. Did you?

You can help me.

Can't you?

You're like them.

Better, even.


Thank you all very much! See ya next time.

Let's go.

- Just... do exactly what I say.
- Okay.


It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay. Go this way.

Stay with me.


Excuse me.

- Go, go, go.
- Wait, wait, wait. What? What? What?

- Go! Go now!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey! What's your problem, man?

Come on.

Hey, Ringo, you wanna deal
with these assholes?

Get your ass up.

No! No! No! Help me!

Get off of her!


Come on.

No, no, no!


No. No. No.

Hey, hey, hey...

I got you.

Get me a rag! Get me a g*dd*mn rag!

I got you. Okay. Okay. I'm right here.

I'm gonna get you out of here.
I'm gonna get you out of here.

We're being followed.

Look out!

Now what?

No, please. Please just let me go. Please.

Honestly, I don't know
why these people are after me.

Shut up.
Find the closest hospital. Find it now.

- Okay, yeah...
- Let's go!

Okay. Up three blocks,
then left at the light.

Hey, Beth? Beth, can you hear me?


I know it hurts,
but you're gonna be all right.

- You need to know that.
- Rex. He's alone.

Where's the turn?

- I don't see any g*dd*mn turn!
- It's here! Left here!

Shit. You all right, man?

- Get your hands off me.
- Take it easy.

- You're bleeding...
- I got a woman in the back.

You help her! Hurry, let's go!

- Come on!
- All right.

This is a g*nsh*t wound.
What happened here?

We have to call the cops.
Take it easy.

- No, I'm okay.
- I got you. Don't worry.

I've gotta get home to my kid.

- Gonna take care of you.
- Let me go!

- God damn.
- Grab her legs.


I'm sorry. I am so g*dd*mn sorry.

I gotta get home to Rex.

- I'll call him. He's gonna be okay.
- Please.

- Hey, you can't leave the scene, man.
- Go!

- Stay here! Let's go.
- Take care of her, hear?

You take care of her!

- Go!
- Let's go!

Now what?

This is not what I signed up for.

Find the girl. And whoever she's with.

And you'll tell me where they are,
and you'll keep your people away.

This has gotten too big.
Look at this mess.

Call it a turf w*r.

It happens.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

You can go now.

It was outside the window.

The girl must have dropped it
when she was trying to get out.

Laptop is in there. It's what you wanted?

Show me.

You didn't say she'd have help.

He was good.

As good as I've seen.

This is someone's dog, let off the leash.

A man this good
won't be that hard to find.

There'll be people who know him...

who care for him...

or who fear him.

And they'll tell me how to find him.

Sweet dreams, assh*le.

Thank you.

Will there be more of them?

I hope so.